CH11: remove section about segnet (segwit test network)

Main advantage of describing this historic feature was the idea that it
might be used again, but I think signets have fully replaced the future
David A. Harding 1 year ago
parent b7387220da
commit 670a780367

@ -616,20 +616,10 @@ In early 2017, testnet3 supports all the features of mainnet, including
Segregated Witness (see <<segwit>>). Therefore, testnet3 can also be
used to test Segregated Witness features.((("", startref="testnet09")))
==== Segnet&#x2014;The Segregated Witness Testnet
((("segnet")))In 2016, a special-purpose testnet was launched to aid in
development and testing of Segregated Witness (aka segwit; see
<<segwit>>). This test blockchain is called +segnet+ and can be joined
by running a special version (branch) of Bitcoin Core.
((("segwit (Segregated Witness)")))Since segwit was added to testnet3,
it is no longer necessary to use segnet for testing of segwit features.
In the future it is likely we will see other testnet blockchains that
are specifically designed to test a single feature or major
architectural change, like segnet.
==== Regtest&#x2014;The Local Blockchain
