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Ed Eykholt 2014-08-02 09:33:15 -07:00
parent f553fdc4ab
commit 482ca6354e

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Bitcoin is structured as a peer-to-peer network architecture on top of the Inter
Bitcoin's P2P network architecture is much more than a topology choice. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital cash system by design, and the network architecture is both a reflection and a foundation of that core characteristic. De-centralization of control is a core design principle and that can only be achieved and maintained by a flat, de-centralized P2P consensus network.
The term "bitcoin network" refers to the collection of nodes running the bitcoin P2P protocol. In addition to the bitcoin P2P protocol, there are other protocols such as Stratum, that are used for mining and lightweight or mobile wallets. These additional protocols are provided by gateway routing servers that access the bitcoin network using the bitcoin P2P protocol and then extend that network to nodes running other protocols. For example, Stratum servers connect Stratum mining nodes via the Stratum protocol to the main bitcoin network and bridge the Stratum protocol to the bitcoin P2P protocol. We use the term "extended bitcoin network" to refer to the overall network that includes the bitcoin P2P protocol, pool mining protocols, the Stratum protocol and any other related protocols connecting the components of the bitcoin system.
The term "bitcoin network" refers to the collection of nodes running the bitcoin P2P protocol. In addition to the bitcoin P2P protocol, there are other protocols such as Stratum, which are used for mining and lightweight or mobile wallets. These additional protocols are provided by gateway routing servers that access the bitcoin network using the bitcoin P2P protocol and then extend that network to nodes running other protocols. For example, Stratum servers connect Stratum mining nodes via the Stratum protocol to the main bitcoin network and bridge the Stratum protocol to the bitcoin P2P protocol. We use the term "extended bitcoin network" to refer to the overall network that includes the bitcoin P2P protocol, pool mining protocols, the Stratum protocol and any other related protocols connecting the components of the bitcoin system.
=== Nodes Types and Roles
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ image::images/BitcoinNodeTypes.png["BitcoinNodeTypes"]
The main bitcoin network, running the bitcoin P2P protocol, consists of between 7,000 to 10,000 nodes running various versions of the bitcoin reference client (Bitcoin Core) and a few hundred nodes running various other implementations of the bitcoin P2P protocol, such as BitcoinJ, Libbitcoin and btcd. A small percentage of the nodes on the bitcoin P2P network are also mining nodes, competing in the mining process, validating transactions and creating new blocks. Various large companies interface with the bitcoin network by running full-node clients based on the Bitcoin Core client, with full copies of the blockchain and a network node, but without mining or wallet functions. These nodes act as network edge routers, allowing various other services (exchanges, wallets, block explorers, merchant payment processing) to be built on top.
The extended bitcoin network includes the network running the bitcoin P2P protocol, described above, as well as nodes running specialized protocols. Attached to the main bitcoin P2P network are a number of pool servers and protocol gateways that connect nodes running other protocols. These other protocol nodes are mostly pool mining nodes (see <<mining>>) and lightweight wallet clients, which do not carry a full copy of the blockchain.
The extended bitcoin network includes the network running the bitcoin P2P protocol, described above, as well as nodes running specialized protocols. Attached to the main bitcoin P2P network are a number of pool servers and protocol gateways that connect nodes running other protocols. These other protocol nodes are mostly pool mining nodes (see <<mining>>) as well as lightweight wallet clients, which do not carry a full copy of the blockchain.
The diagram below shows the extended bitcoin network with the various types of nodes, gateway servers, edge routers and wallet clients and the various protocols they use to connect to each other.
@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ $ bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo
To override the automatic management of peers and to specify a list of IP addresses, users can provide the option +-connect=<IPAddress>+ and specify one or more IP addresses. If this option is used, the node will only connect to the selected IP addresses, instead of discovering and maintaining the peer connections automatically.
If there is no traffic on a connection, nodes will periodically send a message to maintain the connection. If a node has not communicated on a connection for more than 90 minutes it is assumed to be disconnected and a new peer will be sought. Thus the network dynamically adjusts to transient nodes, network problems, and can organically grow and shrink as needed without any central control.
If there is no traffic on a connection, nodes will periodically send a message to maintain the connection. If a node has not communicated on a connection for more than 90 minutes it is assumed to be disconnected and a new peer will be sought. Thus, the network dynamically adjusts to transient nodes, network problems, and can organically grow and shrink as needed without any central control.
=== Full Nodes
Full nodes are nodes that maintain a full blockchain, with all transactions. More accurately they probably should be called "full blockchain nodes". In the early years of bitcoin, all nodes were full nodes and currently the Bitcoin Core client is a full blockchain node. In the last two years however, new forms of bitcoin clients have been introduced, which do not maintain a full blockchain but run as lightweight clients. These are examined in more detail in the next section.
Full nodes are nodes that maintain a full blockchain, with all transactions. More accurately they probably should be called "full blockchain nodes". In the early years of bitcoin, all nodes were full nodes and currently the Bitcoin Core client is a full blockchain node. In the last two years, however, new forms of bitcoin clients have been introduced that do not maintain a full blockchain but run as lightweight clients. These are examined in more detail in the next section.
Full blockchain nodes maintain a complete and up-to-date copy of the bitcoin blockchain, with all the transactions, which they independently build and verify, starting with the very first block (genesis block) and up to the latest known block in the network. A full blockchain node can independently and authoritatively verify any transaction, without recourse or reliance on any other node or source of information. The full blockchain node relies on the network to receive updates about new blocks of transactions, which it then verifies and incorporates into its local copy of the blockchain.
Full blockchain nodes maintain a complete and up-to-date copy of the bitcoin blockchain, with all the transactions, which they independently build and verify, starting with the very first block (genesis block) and building up to the latest known block in the network. A full blockchain node can independently and authoritatively verify any transaction, without recourse or reliance on any other node or source of information. The full blockchain node relies on the network to receive updates about new blocks of transactions, which it then verifies and incorporates into its local copy of the blockchain.
Running a full blockchain node gives you the pure bitcoin experience: independent verification of all transactions without the need to rely on, or trust, any other systems. It's easy to tell if you're running a full node because it requires several gigabytes of persistent storage (disk space) to store the full blockchain. If you need a lot of disk and it takes 2-3 days to "sync" to the network you are running a full node. That is the price of complete independence and freedom from central authority.
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ The first thing a full node will do once it connects to peers is try to construc
The process of "syncing" the blockchain starts with the +version+ message, as that contains +BestHeight+, a node's current blockchain height (number of blocks). A node will see the +version+ messages from its peers, know how many blocks they each have and be able to compare to how many blocks it has in its own blockchain. Peered nodes will exchange a +getblocks+ message that contains the hash (fingerprint) of the top block on their local blockchain. One of the peers will be able to identify the received hash as belonging to a block that is not at the top, but rather belongs to an older block, thus deducing that its own local blockchain is longer than its peer's.
The peer that has the longer blockchain has more blocks that the other node and can identify which blocks the other node needs to "catch up". It will identify the first 500 blocks to share and transmit their hashes using an +inv+ (inventory) message. The node missing these blocks will then retrieve them, by issuing a series of +getdata+ messages requesting the full block data and identifying the requested blocks using the hashes from the +inv+ message.
The peer that has the longer blockchain has more blocks than the other node and can identify which blocks the other node needs in order to "catch up". It will identify the first 500 blocks to share and transmit their hashes using an +inv+ (inventory) message. The node missing these blocks will then retrieve them, by issuing a series of +getdata+ messages requesting the full block data and identifying the requested blocks using the hashes from the +inv+ message.
Let's assume for example that a node only has the genesis block. It will then receive an +inv+ message from its peers containing the hashes of the next 500 blocks in the chain. It will start requesting blocks from all its connected peers, spreading the load and ensuring that it doesn't overwhelm any peer with requests. The node keeps track of how many blocks are "in transit" per peer connection, meaning blocks that it has requested but not received, checking that it does not exceed a limit (MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER). This way, if it needs a lot of blocks, it will only request new ones as previous requests are fulfilled, allowing the peers to control the pace of updates and not overwhelming the network. As each block is received, it is added to the blockchain as we will see in the next chapter <<blockchain>>. The local blockchain is gradually built up, more blocks are requested and received and the process continues until the node catches up to the rest of the network.
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ As an analogy, a full node is like a tourist in a strange city, equipped with a
Simple Payment Verification verifies transactions by reference to their _depth_ in the blockchain instead of their _height_. Whereas a full-blockchain node will construct a fully verified chain of thousands of blocks and transactions reaching down the blockchain (back in time) all the way to the genesis block, an SPV node will verify the chain of all blocks and link that chain to the transaction of interest.
For example, when examining a transaction in block 300,000, a full node links all 300,000 blocks down to the genesis block and builds a full database of UTXO, establishing the validity of the transaction by confirming that the UTXO remains unspent. An SPV node cannot validate whether the UTXO is unspent. Instead, the SPV node will establish a link between the transaction and the block that contains it, using a Merkle Path (see <<merkle_trees>>). Then, the SPV node waits until is sees the six blocks 300,001 through 300,006 piled on top of the block containing the transaction and verifies it by establishing its depth under blocks 300,006 to 300,001. The fact that other nodes on the network accepted block 300,000 and then did the necessary work to produce 6 more blocks on top of it is proof, by proxy, that the transaction was not a double-spend.
For example, when examining a transaction in block 300,000, a full node links all 300,000 blocks down to the genesis block and builds a full database of UTXO, establishing the validity of the transaction by confirming that the UTXO remains unspent. An SPV node cannot validate whether the UTXO is unspent. Instead, the SPV node will establish a link between the transaction and the block that contains it, using a Merkle Path (see <<merkle_trees>>). Then, the SPV node waits until it sees the six blocks 300,001 through 300,006 piled on top of the block containing the transaction and verifies it by establishing its depth under blocks 300,006 to 300,001. The fact that other nodes on the network accepted block 300,000 and then did the necessary work to produce 6 more blocks on top of it is proof, by proxy, that the transaction was not a double-spend.
An SPV node cannot be persuaded that a transaction exists in a block, when it does not in fact exist. The SPV node establishes the existence of a transaction in a block by requesting a merkle path proof and by validating the proof-of-work in the chain of blocks. However, a transaction's existence can be "hidden" from an SPV node. An SPV node can definitely prove that a transaction exists but cannot verify that a transaction, such as a double-spend of the same UTXO, doesn't exist because it doesn't have a record of all transactions. This type of attack can be used as a Denial-of-Service attack or as a double-spending attack against SPV nodes. To defend against this, an SPV node needs to connect randomly to several nodes, to increase the probability that it is in contact with at least one honest node. SPV nodes are therefore vulnerable to network partitioning attacks or Sybil attacks, where they are connected to fake nodes or fake networks and do not have access to honest nodes or the real bitcoin network.
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Here's an example of adding a pattern "A" to the simple bloom filter shown above
.Adding a pattern "A" to our simple bloom filter
Adding a second pattern is as simple as repeating this process. The pattern is hashed by each hash function in turn and the result is recorded by setting the bits to +1+. Note that as a bloom filter is filled with more patterns, a hash function result may coincide with a bit that is already set to +1+ in which case the bit is not changed. In essence, as more patterns record on overlapping bits, the bloom filter starts to become saturated with more bits set to +1+ and the accuracy of the filter decreases. This is why the filter is a probabilistic data structure - it gets less accurate as more patterns are added. The accuracy depends on the number of patterns added versus the size of the bit array (N) and number of hash functions (M). A larger bit array and more hash functions can record more patterns with higher accuracy. A smaller bit array or fewer hash functions will record fewer patterns and produce less accuracy.
Adding a second pattern is as simple as repeating this process. The pattern is hashed by each hash function in turn and the result is recorded by setting the bits to +1+. Note that as a bloom filter is filled with more patterns, a hash function result may coincide with a bit that is already set to +1+ in which case the bit is not changed. In essence, as more patterns record on overlapping bits, the bloom filter starts to become saturated with more bits set to +1+ and the accuracy of the filter decreases. This is why the filter is a probabilistic data structure -- it gets less accurate as more patterns are added. The accuracy depends on the number of patterns added versus the size of the bit array (N) and number of hash functions (M). A larger bit array and more hash functions can record more patterns with higher accuracy. A smaller bit array or fewer hash functions will record fewer patterns and produce less accuracy.
Below is an example of adding a second pattern "B" to the simple bloom filter:
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Below is an example of adding a second pattern "B" to the simple bloom filter:
.Adding a second pattern "B" to our simple bloom filter
To test if a pattern is part of a bloom filter, the pattern is hashed by each hash function and the resulting bit pattern is tested against the bit array. If all the bits indexed by the hash functions are set to +1+, then the patten is _probably_ recorded in the bloom filter. Since the bits may be set because of overlap from multiple patterns, the answer is not certain, but is rather probabilistic. In simple terms, a bloom filter positive match is a "Maybe, Yes".
To test if a pattern is part of a bloom filter, the pattern is hashed by each hash function and the resulting bit pattern is tested against the bit array. If all the bits indexed by the hash functions are set to +1+, then the pattern is _probably_ recorded in the bloom filter. Since the bits may be set because of overlap from multiple patterns, the answer is not certain, but is rather probabilistic. In simple terms, a bloom filter positive match is a "Maybe, Yes".
Below is an example of testing the existence of pattern "X" in the simple bloom filter. The corresponding bits are set to +1+, so the pattern is probably a match:
@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ Below is an example of testing the existence of pattern "Y" in the simple bloom
.Testing the existence of pattern "Y" in the bloom filter. The result is a definitive negative match, meaning "Definitely No"
Bitcoin's implementation of bloom filters is described in Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 37 (BIP0037). See <<bip0037>> or visit:
Bitcoin's implementation of bloom filters is described in Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 37 (BIP0037). See <<bip0037>> or visit:
=== Bloom Filters and Inventory Updates
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ The node setting the bloom filter can interactively add patterns to the filter b
=== Transaction Pools
Almost every node on the bitcoin network maintains a temporary list of unconfirmed transactions called the memory pool or transaction pool. Nodes use this pool to keep track of transactions that are known to the network but are not yet included in the blockchain. For example, a node that holds a users wallet will use the transaction pool to track incoming payments to the users wallet that have been received on the network but are not yet confirmed.
Almost every node on the bitcoin network maintains a temporary list of unconfirmed transactions called the memory pool or transaction pool. Nodes use this pool to keep track of transactions that are known to the network but are not yet included in the blockchain. For example, a node that holds a user's wallet will use the transaction pool to track incoming payments to the user's wallet that have been received on the network but are not yet confirmed.
As transactions are received and verified, they are added to the transaction pool and relayed to the neighboring nodes to propagate on the network.
@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ When a transaction is added to the transaction pool, the orphan pool is checked
Both the transaction pool and orphan pool (where implemented) are stored in local memory and are not saved on persistent storage, rather they are dynamically populated from incoming network messages. When a node starts, both pools are empty and are gradually populated with new transactions received on the network.
Some implementations of the bitcoin client also maintain a UTXO database or UTXO pool which is the set of all unspent outputs on the blockchain. While the name "UTXO pool" sounds similar to the transaction pool, it represents a different set of data. Unlike the transaction and orphan pools, the UTXO pool is not initialized empty but instead contains millions of entries of unspent transaction outputs including some dating back to 2009. The UTXO pool may be housed in local memory or as an indexed database table on persistent storage.
Some implementations of the bitcoin client also maintain a UTXO database or UTXO pool, which is the set of all unspent outputs on the blockchain. While the name "UTXO pool" sounds similar to the transaction pool, it represents a different set of data. Unlike the transaction and orphan pools, the UTXO pool is not initialized empty but instead contains millions of entries of unspent transaction outputs including some dating back to 2009. The UTXO pool may be housed in local memory or as an indexed database table on persistent storage.
Whereas the transaction and orphan pools represent a single node's local perspective and may vary significantly from node to node depending upon when the node was started or restarted, the UTXO pool represents the emergent consensus of the network and therefore will vary little between nodes. Furthermore the transaction and orphan pools only contain unconfirmed transactions, while the UTXO pool only contains confirmed outputs.
Whereas the transaction and orphan pools represent a single node's local perspective and may vary significantly from node to node depending upon when the node was started or restarted, the UTXO pool represents the emergent consensus of the network and therefore will vary little between nodes. Furthermore, the transaction and orphan pools only contain unconfirmed transactions, while the UTXO pool only contains confirmed outputs.
=== Alert Messages