Edited ch10_network.adoc with Atlas code editor

clenser 7 months ago
parent 511e5ea6dc
commit 1cb4c71aae

@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ rather than ((("Bitcoin network", "lightweight clients", startref="bitcoin-netwo
=== Bloom Filters
A bloom filter is a probabilistic search filter, a way
A bloom filter((("Bitcoin network", "bloom filters", "operational overview", id="bitcoin-network-bloom-overview")))((("bloom filters", "operational overview", id="bloom-overview"))) is a probabilistic search filter, a way
to describe a desired pattern without specifying it exactly. Bloom
filters offer an efficient way to express a search pattern while
protecting privacy. They are used by lightweight clients to ask their peers for
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ is a certainty. In simple terms, a negative match on a bloom filter is a
<<bloom5>> is an example of testing the existence of pattern "Y" in the
simple bloom filter. One of the corresponding bits is set to +0+, so the
pattern is definitely not a match.
pattern is definitely((("Bitcoin network", "bloom filters", "operational overview", startref="bitcoin-network-bloom-overview")))((("bloom filters", "operational overview", startref="bloom-overview"))) not a match.
.Testing the existence of pattern "Y" in the bloom filter. The result is a definitive negative match, meaning "Definitely Not!"
