Edited ch05.asciidoc with Atlas code editor

nadams 7 years ago
parent 60c06853c3
commit 1ae19de662

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ If you are implementing a bitcoin wallet, it should be built as a HD wallet, wit
((("wallets", "using bitcoin wallets")))In <<user-stories>> we introduced Gabriel, an enterprising young teenager in Rio de Janeiro, who is running a simple web store that sells bitcoin-branded t-shirts, coffee mugs, and stickers.
((("Trezor bitcoin hardware wallet", seealso="wallets")))((("wallets", "types of", "hardware wallets")))Gabriel uses a Trezor bitcoin hardware wallet (<<a_trezor_device>>) to securely manage his bitcoin. The Trezor is a simple USB device with two buttons that stores keys (in the form of an HD wallet) and signs transactions. Trezor wallets implement all the industry standards discussed in this chapter, so Gabriel is not reliant on any proprietary technology or single vendor solution.
((("wallets", "types of", "hardware wallets")))Gabriel uses a Trezor bitcoin hardware wallet (<<a_trezor_device>>) to securely manage his bitcoin. The Trezor is a simple USB device with two buttons that stores keys (in the form of an HD wallet) and signs transactions. Trezor wallets implement all the industry standards discussed in this chapter, so Gabriel is not reliant on any proprietary technology or single vendor solution.
.A Trezor device: a bitcoin HD wallet in hardware
