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@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ When spending bitcoins, the current bitcoin owner presents her public key and a
.Private key, public key, and bitcoin address
.Why use asymmetric cryptography (public/private keys)?
Why is asymmetric cryptography used in bitcoin? It's not used to "encrypt" (make secret) the transactions. Rather, the useful property of asymmetric cryptography is the ability to generate _digital signatures_. A private key can be applied to the digital fingerprint of a transaction to produce a numerical signature. This signature can only be produced by someone with knowledge of the private key. However, anyone with access to the public key and the transaction fingerprint can use them to _verify_ the signature. This useful property of asymmetric cryptography makes it possible for anyone to verify every signature on every transaction, while ensuring that only the owners of private keys can produce valid signatures.
==== Private Keys
@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ The following is a randomly generated private key (k) shown in hexadecimal forma
The size of bitcoin's private key space, 2^256^ is an unfathomably large number. It is approximately 10^77^ in decimal. The visible universe is estimated to contain 10^80^ atoms.
The size of bitcoin's private key space, 2^256^ is an unfathomably large number. It is approximately 10^77^ in decimal. For comparison, the visible universe is estimated to contain 10^80^ atoms.
To generate a new key with the Bitcoin Core client (see <<ch03_bitcoin_client>>), use the((("getnewaddress command (bitcoin-cli)"))) +getnewaddress+ command. For security reasons it displays the public key only, not the private key. ((("dumpprivkey command (bitcoin-cli)")))((("private keys","exposing with bitcoind")))To ask bitcoind to expose the private key, use the +dumpprivkey+ command. The +dumpprivkey+ command shows the private key in a Base58 checksum-encoded format called the _Wallet Import Format_ (WIF), which we will examine in more detail in <<priv_formats>>. Here's an example of generating and displaying a private key using these two commands:
@ -102,6 +107,10 @@ $ bx seed | bx ec-new | bx ec-to-wif
((("keys","public")))((("public keys","generating")))The public key is calculated from the private key using elliptic curve multiplication, which is irreversible: latexmath:[\(K = k * G\)] where _k_ is the private key, _G_ is a constant point called the _generator point_ and _K_ is the resulting public key. The reverse operation, known as "finding the discrete logarithm"—calculating _k_ if you know __K__—is as difficult as trying all possible values of +k+, i.e., a brute-force search. Before we demonstrate how to generate a public key from a private key, let's look at elliptic curve cryptography in a bit more detail.
Elliptic curve multiplication is a type of function which cryptographers call a "trap door" function: it is easy to do in one direction (multiplication) and impossible to do in the reverse direction (division). The owner of the private key can easily create the public key and then share it with the world knowing that no one can reverse the function and calculate the private key from the public key. This mathematical trick becomes the basis for unforgeable and secure digital signatures that prove ownership of bitcoin funds.
==== Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
@ -192,7 +201,7 @@ where k is the private key, G is the generator point, and K is the resulting pub
A private key can be converted into a public key, but a public key cannot be converted back into a private key because the math only works one way.
A private key can be converted into a public key, but a public key cannot be converted back into a private key because the math only works one way.
Implementing the((("elliptic curve multiplication"))) elliptic curve multiplication, we take the private key k generated previously and multiply it with the generator point G to find the public key K:
@ -212,7 +221,7 @@ x = F028892BAD7ED57D2FB57BF33081D5CFCF6F9ED3D3D7F159C2E2FFF579DC341A
y = 07CF33DA18BD734C600B96A72BBC4749D5141C90EC8AC328AE52DDFE2E505BDB
To visualize multiplication of a point with an integer, we will use the simpler elliptic curve over the real numbers—remember, the math is the same. Our goal is to find the multiple kG of the generator point G. That is the same as adding G to itself, k times in a row. In elliptic curves, adding a point to itself is the equivalent of drawing a tangent line on the point and finding where it intersects the curve again, then reflecting that point on the x-axis.
To visualize multiplication of a point with an integer, we will use the simpler elliptic curve over the real numbers — remember, the math is the same. Our goal is to find the multiple kG of the generator point G. That is the same as adding G to itself, k times in a row. In elliptic curves, adding a point to itself is the equivalent of drawing a tangent line on the point and finding where it intersects the curve again, then reflecting that point on the x-axis.
<<ecc_illustrated>> shows the process for deriving G, 2G, 4G, as a geometric operation on the curve.
@ -341,13 +350,14 @@ Address: 1PRTTaJesdNovgne6Ehcdu1fpEdX7913CK
===== Private key formats
((("private keys","format")))((("Bitcoin Explorer","modifying private key formats with")))The private key can be represented in a number of different formats, all of which correspond to the same 256-bit number. <<table_4-2>> shows three common formats used to represent private keys.
((("private keys","format")))((("Bitcoin Explorer","modifying private key formats with")))The private key can be represented in a number of different formats, all of which correspond to the same 256-bit number. <<table_4-2>> shows three common formats used to represent private keys. Different formats are used in different circumstances. Hexadecimal and raw binary formats are used internally in software and rarely shown to users. Wallet Import Format is used for import/export of keys between wallets and often used in QR code (barcode) representations of private keys.
.Private key representations (encoding formats)
| Raw | None | 32 bytes
| Hex | None | 64 hexadecimal digits
| WIF | 5 | Base58Check encoding: Base58 with version prefix of 128 and 32-bit checksum
| WIF-compressed | K or L | As above, with added suffix 0x01 before encoding
@ -365,7 +375,7 @@ Address: 1PRTTaJesdNovgne6Ehcdu1fpEdX7913CK
| WIF-compressed | KxFC1jmwwCoACiCAWZ3eXa96mBM6tb3TYzGmf6YwgdGWZgawvrtJ
All of these representations are different ways of showing the same number, the same private key. They look different, but any one format can easily be converted to any other format.
All of these representations are different ways of showing the same number, the same private key. They look different, but any one format can easily be converted to any other format. Note that the "raw binary" is not shown above as any encoding for display here would, by definition, not be raw binary data.
We use the((("Bitcoin Explorer","wif-to-ec command")))((("wif-to-ec command (bx)"))) +wif-to-ec+ command from Bitcoin Explorer (see <<libbitcoin>>) to show that both WIF keys represent the same private key:
@ -472,11 +482,7 @@ K = 03F028892BAD7ED57D2FB57BF33081D5CFCF6F9ED3D3D7F159C2E2FFF579DC341A
===== Compressed private keys
((("compressed private keys")))((("private keys","compressed")))Ironically, the term "compressed private key" is misleading, because when a private key is exported as WIF-compressed it is actually one byte _longer_ than an "uncompressed" private key. That is because it has the added 01 suffix, which signifies it comes from a newer wallet and should only be used to produce compressed public keys. Private keys are not compressed and cannot be compressed. The term "compressed private key" really means "private key from which compressed public keys should be derived," whereas "uncompressed private key" really means "private key from which uncompressed public keys should be derived." You should only refer to the export format as "WIF-compressed" or "WIF" and not refer to the private key as "compressed" to avoid further confusion.
Remember, these formats are _not_ used interchangeably. In a newer wallet that implements compressed public keys, the private keys will only ever be exported as WIF-compressed (with a K or L prefix). If the wallet is an older implementation and does not use compressed public keys, the private keys will only ever be exported as WIF (with a 5 prefix). The goal here is to signal to the wallet importing these private keys whether it must search the blockchain for compressed or uncompressed public keys and addresses.
If a bitcoin wallet is able to implement compressed public keys, it will use those in all transactions. The private keys in the wallet will be used to derive the public key points on the curve, which will be compressed. The compressed public keys will be used to produce bitcoin addresses and those will be used in transactions. When exporting private keys from a new wallet that implements compressed public keys, the Wallet Import Format is modified, with the addition of a one-byte suffix +01+ to the private key. The resulting Base58Check-encoded private key is called a "Compressed WIF" and starts with the letter K or L, instead of starting with "5" as is the case with WIF-encoded (non-compressed) keys from older wallets.
((("compressed private keys")))((("private keys","compressed")))Ironically, the term "compressed private key" is a misnomer, because when a private key is exported as WIF-compressed it is actually one byte _longer_ than an "uncompressed" private key. That is because the private key has an added one-byte suffix (shown as 01 in hex below), which signifies that the private key is from a newer wallet and should only be used to produce compressed public keys. Private keys are not themselves compressed and cannot be compressed. The term "compressed private key" really means "private key from which only compressed public keys should be derived," whereas "uncompressed private key" really means "private key from which only uncompressed public keys should be derived." You should only refer to the export format as "WIF-compressed" or "WIF" and not refer to the private key itself as "compressed" to avoid further confusion
<<table_4-4>> shows the same key, encoded in WIF and WIF-compressed formats.
@ -487,10 +493,16 @@ If a bitcoin wallet is able to implement compressed public keys, it will use tho
|Format | Private Key
| Hex | 1E99423A4ED27608A15A2616A2B0E9E52CED330AC530EDCC32C8FFC6A526AEDD
| WIF | 5J3mBbAH58CpQ3Y5RNJpUKPE62SQ5tfcvU2JpbnkeyhfsYB1Jcn
| Hex-compressed | 1E99423A4ED27608A15A2616A2B0E9E52CED330AC530EDCC32C8FFC6A526AEDD_01_
| Hex-compressed | 1E99423A4ED27608A15A2616A2B0E9E52CED330AC530EDCC32C8FFC6A526AEDD01
| WIF-compressed | KxFC1jmwwCoACiCAWZ3eXa96mBM6tb3TYzGmf6YwgdGWZgawvrtJ
Notice that the Hex-compressed private key format has 1 extra byte at the end (01 in hex). While the Base58 encoding version-prefix is the same (0x80) for both WIF and WIF-compressed format, the addition of one byte on the end of the number causes the first character of the Base58 encoding to change from a 5 to either a K or L. Think of this as the Base58 equivalent of the decimal encoding difference between the number 100 and the number 99. While 100 is one digit longer than 99, it also has a prefix of 1 instead of a prefix of 9. As the length changes, it affects the prefix. In Base58, the prefix 5 changes to a K or L as the length of the number increases by one byte.
Remember, these formats are _not_ used interchangeably. In a newer wallet that implements compressed public keys, the private keys will only ever be exported as WIF-compressed (with a K or L prefix). If the wallet is an older implementation and does not use compressed public keys, the private keys will only ever be exported as WIF (with a 5 prefix). The goal here is to signal to the wallet importing these private keys whether it must search the blockchain for compressed or uncompressed public keys and addresses.
If a bitcoin wallet is able to implement compressed public keys, it will use those in all transactions. The private keys in the wallet will be used to derive the public key points on the curve, which will be compressed. The compressed public keys will be used to produce bitcoin addresses and those will be used in transactions. When exporting private keys from a new wallet that implements compressed public keys, the Wallet Import Format is modified, with the addition of a one-byte suffix +01+ to the private key. The resulting Base58Check-encoded private key is called a "Compressed WIF" and starts with the letter K or L, instead of starting with "5" as is the case with WIF-encoded (non-compressed) keys from older wallets.
@ -594,20 +606,20 @@ Bitcoin wallets contain keys, not coins. Each user has a wallet containing keys.
((("nondeterministic wallets")))((("random wallets")))((("Type-0 nondeterministic wallet")))((("wallets","nondeterministic")))((("wallets","random")))In the first bitcoin clients, wallets were simply collections of randomly generated private keys. This type of wallet is called a _Type-0 nondeterministic wallet_. For example, the((("Just a Bunch Of Keys (JBOK) wallets"))) Bitcoin Core client pregenerates 100 random private keys when first started and generates more keys as needed, using each key only once. This type of wallet is nicknamed "Just a Bunch Of Keys," or JBOK, and such wallets are being replaced with deterministic wallets because they are cumbersome to manage, back up, and import. ((("backups","of random wallets")))((("random wallets","backing up")))The disadvantage of random keys is that if you generate many of them you must keep copies of all of them, meaning that the wallet must be backed up frequently. Each key must be backed up, or the funds it controls are irrevocably lost if the wallet becomes inaccessible. This conflicts directly with the principle of avoiding address re-use, by using each bitcoin address for only one transaction. Address re-use reduces privacy by associating multiple transactions and addresses with each other. A Type-0 nondeterministic wallet is a poor choice of wallet, especially if you want to avoid address re-use because that means managing many keys, which creates the need for frequent backups. Although the Bitcoin Core client includes a Type-0 wallet, using this wallet is discouraged by developers of Bitcoin Core. <<Type0_wallet>> shows a nondeterministic wallet, containing a loose collection of random keys.
==== Deterministic (Seeded) Wallets
((("deterministic wallets")))((("seeded wallets")))((("wallets","deterministic")))((("wallets","seeded")))Deterministic, or "seeded" wallets are wallets that contain private keys that are all derived from a common seed, through the use of a one-way hash function. The seed is a randomly generated number that is combined with other data, such as an index number or "chain code" (see <<hd_wallets>>) to derive the private keys. In a deterministic wallet, the seed is sufficient to recover all the derived keys, and therefore a single backup at creation time is sufficient. The seed is also sufficient for a wallet export or import, allowing for easy migration of all the user's keys between different wallet implementations.
.Type-0 nondeterministic (random) wallet: a collection of randomly generated keys
image::images/msbt_0408.png["non-deterministic wallet"]
==== Deterministic (Seeded) Wallets
((("deterministic wallets")))((("seeded wallets")))((("wallets","deterministic")))((("wallets","seeded")))Deterministic, or "seeded" wallets are wallets that contain private keys that are all derived from a common seed, through the use of a one-way hash function. The seed is a randomly generated number that is combined with other data, such as an index number or "chain code" (see <<hd_wallets>>) to derive the private keys. In a deterministic wallet, the seed is sufficient to recover all the derived keys, and therefore a single backup at creation time is sufficient. The seed is also sufficient for a wallet export or import, allowing for easy migration of all the user's keys between different wallet implementations.
==== Mnemonic Code Words
((("deterministic wallets","mnemonic code words")))((("mnemonic code words")))((("seeded wallets","mnemonic code words")))Mnemonic codes are English word sequences that represent (encode) a random number used as a seed to derive a deterministic wallet. The sequence of words is sufficient to re-create the seed and from there re-create the wallet and all the derived keys. A wallet application that implements deterministic wallets with mnemonic code will show the user a sequence of 12 to 24 words when first creating a wallet. That sequence of words is the wallet backup and can be used to recover and re-create all the keys in the same or any compatible wallet application. Mnemonic code words make it easier for users to back up wallets because they are easy to read and correctly transcribe, as compared to a random sequence of numbers.
Mnemonic codes are defined in((("BIP0039"))) Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39 (see <<bip0039>>), currently in Draft status. Note that BIP0039 is a draft proposal and not a standard. Specifically, there is a different standard, with a different set of words, used by the((("Electrum wallet")))((("mnemonic code words","Electrum wallet and"))) Electrum wallet and predating BIP0039. BIP0039 is used by the((("mnemonic code words","Trezor wallet and")))((("Trezor wallet"))) Trezor wallet and a few other wallets but is incompatible with Electrum's implementation.
Mnemonic codes are defined in((("BIP0039"))) Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39 (see <<bip0039>>), currently in Draft status. Note that BIP0039 is one implementation of a mnemonic code standard. Specifically, there is a different standard, with a different set of words, used by the((("Electrum wallet")))((("mnemonic code words","Electrum wallet and"))) Electrum wallet and predating BIP0039. BIP0039 was introduced by the((("mnemonic code words","Trezor wallet and")))((("Trezor wallet"))) Trezor wallet and is incompatible with Electrum's implementation. However, BIP0039 has now achieved broad industry support across dozens of interoperable implementations and should be considered the de-facto industry standard.
BIP0039 defines the creation of a mnemonic code and seed as a follows:
@ -654,7 +666,6 @@ luggage oxygen faint major edit measure invite love trap field dilemma oblige
==== Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets (BIP0032/BIP0044)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user