Edited ch10_network.adoc with Atlas code editor

claylock 7 months ago
parent 9bebeb9d60
commit 0f79a6232b

@ -742,12 +742,15 @@ the connection. On the peer, bloom filters are checked against each
incoming transaction. The full node checks several parts of the
transaction against the bloom filter, looking for a match including:
* The transaction ID
* The data components from the scripts of each of the transaction outputs (every key and hash in the script)
<li>The transaction ID</li>
<li>The data components from the scripts of each of the transaction outputs (every key and hash in the script)</li>
<li class="less_space pagebreak-before">Each of the transaction inputs</li>
<li>Each of the input signature data components (or witness scripts)</li>
[role="less_space pagebreak-before"]
* Each of the transaction inputs
* Each of the input signature data components (or witness scripts)
By checking against all these components, bloom filters can be used to
match public key hashes, scripts, +OP_RETURN+ values, public keys in
