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* Copyright (c) 2021 Bitdefender
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! Operand types and details.
extern crate bddisasm_sys as ffi;
use std::fmt;
/// Describes an address operand.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct OpAddr {
/// The ID of the base segment selector.
/// `ES` = 0, `CS` = 1, `SS` = 2, `DS` = 3, `FS` = 4, `GS` = 5.
pub base_seg: u16,
/// Offset inside the segment.
pub offset: u64,
impl From<ffi::ND_OPDESC_ADDRESS> for OpAddr {
fn from(op: ffi::ND_OPDESC_ADDRESS) -> OpAddr {
OpAddr {
base_seg: op.BaseSeg,
offset: op.Offset,
impl OpAddr {
pub(crate) fn new(base_seg: u16, offset: u64) -> Self {
Self { base_seg, offset }
/// The type of a register.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum OpRegType {
/// The register is a 8/16/32/64 bit general purpose register.
/// The register is a segment register.
/// The register is a 80-bit FPU register.
/// The register is a 64-bit MMX register.
/// The register is a 128/256/512 bit SSE vector register.
/// The register is a control register.
/// The register is a debug register.
/// The register is a test register.
/// The register is a bound register.
/// The register is a mask register.
/// The register is a tile register.
/// The register is a model specific register.
/// The register is a extended control register.
/// The register is a system register.
/// The register is a x87 status/control register.
/// The register is the MXCSR register.
/// The register is the PKRU register.
/// The register is the SSP (Shadow Stack Pointer) register.
/// The register is the FLAGS register.
/// The register is the instruction pointer register.
/// The register is the User Interrupt Flag.
impl From<ffi::ND_OPDESC_REGISTER> for OpRegType {
fn from(op: ffi::ND_OPDESC_REGISTER) -> OpRegType {
match op.Type {
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_NOT_PRESENT => panic!("Unexpected ND_REG_NOT_PRESENT"),
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_GPR => OpRegType::Gpr,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_SEG => OpRegType::Seg,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_FPU => OpRegType::Fpu,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_MMX => OpRegType::Mmx,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_SSE => OpRegType::Sse,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_CR => OpRegType::Cr,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_DR => OpRegType::Dr,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_TR => OpRegType::Tr,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_BND => OpRegType::Bnd,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_MSK => OpRegType::Msk,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_TILE => OpRegType::Tile,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_MSR => OpRegType::Msr,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_XCR => OpRegType::Xcr,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_SYS => OpRegType::Sys,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_X87 => OpRegType::X87,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_MXCSR => OpRegType::Mxcsr,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_PKRU => OpRegType::Pkru,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_SSP => OpRegType::Ssp,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_FLG => OpRegType::Flg,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_RIP => OpRegType::Rip,
ffi::_ND_REG_TYPE::ND_REG_UIF => OpRegType::Uif,
impl fmt::Display for OpRegType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Gpr => write!(f, "GPR"),
Self::Seg => write!(f, "Segment"),
Self::Fpu => write!(f, "FPU"),
Self::Mmx => write!(f, "MMX"),
Self::Sse => write!(f, "SSE"),
Self::Cr => write!(f, "CR"),
Self::Dr => write!(f, "DR"),
Self::Tr => write!(f, "TR"),
Self::Bnd => write!(f, "BND"),
Self::Msk => write!(f, "MSK"),
Self::Tile => write!(f, "Tile"),
Self::Msr => write!(f, "MSR"),
Self::Xcr => write!(f, "XCR"),
Self::Sys => write!(f, "Sys"),
Self::X87 => write!(f, "X87"),
Self::Mxcsr => write!(f, "MXCSR"),
Self::Pkru => write!(f, "PKRU"),
Self::Ssp => write!(f, "SSP"),
Self::Flg => write!(f, "Flg"),
Self::Rip => write!(f, "RIP"),
Self::Uif => write!(f, "UIF"),
/// Describes a register operand.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct OpReg {
/// The type of the register.
pub kind: OpRegType,
/// Indicates the register size, in bytes.
/// This may not be equal to the [`Operand::size`] field, as a smaller amount of data may be processed from a
/// register (especially if we have a SSE register or a mask register).
pub size: u32,
// TODO: create an enum for each register, instead of using an ID.
/// The register index/ID.
/// Registers are numbered as they are in the Intel documentation. Examples:
/// - `AL` = `AX` = `EAX` = `RAX` = 0
/// - `R15B` = `R15W` = `R15D` = `R15` = 15
/// - `XMM0` = 0
/// - `ZMM31` = 31
/// - `ES` = 0
/// - `CS` = 1
/// # Remarks
/// If [kind](OpReg::kind) is [OpRegType::Gpr](OpRegType::Gpr), the high and low part of 16-bit registers will have
/// the same index (for example, `AH` and `AL`). To differentiate between them use [is_high8](OpReg::is_high8).
pub index: usize,
/// The number of registers accessed, starting with [id](OpReg::index).
pub count: u32,
/// `true` if this is the high part of a 16-bit GPR: `AH`, `CH`, `DH`, or `BH`.
pub is_high8: bool,
/// `true` if this is a block register addressing.
pub is_block: bool,
impl From<ffi::ND_OPDESC_REGISTER> for OpReg {
fn from(op: ffi::ND_OPDESC_REGISTER) -> OpReg {
let kind = OpRegType::from(op);
let is_high8 = op.IsHigh8();
let index = match kind {
OpRegType::Gpr => {
if is_high8 {
// See `ShemuGetGprValue` in `bdshemu.c`.
op.Reg - 4
} else {
_ => op.Reg,
} as usize;
OpReg {
size: op.Size,
count: op.Count,
is_block: op.IsBlock(),
/// Holds extra information for instruction that use VSIB addressing.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct Vsib {
/// VSIB element size.
pub vsib_element_size: u8,
/// Number of elements scattered/gathered/prefetched.
pub vsib_element_count: u8,
/// Shadow stack access types.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum ShadowStackAccess {
/// Explicit memory operand accessed as shadow stack.
/// Shadow Stack Pointer (`SSP`) used as base for addressing using conventional load/store.
/// Shadow Stack Pointer (`SSP`) used as base for addressing using `push`/`pop`.
/// Privilege 0 `SSP` (`IA32_PL0_SSP`) used (`SETSSBSY`).
impl From<ffi::ND_SHSTK_ACCESS> for ShadowStackAccess {
fn from(acc: ffi::ND_SHSTK_ACCESS) -> ShadowStackAccess {
match acc {
ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_NONE => ShadowStackAccess::None,
ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_EXPLICIT => ShadowStackAccess::Explicit,
ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_SSP_LD_ST => ShadowStackAccess::SspLdSt,
ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_SSP_PUSH_POP => ShadowStackAccess::SspPushPop,
ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_PL0_SSP => ShadowStackAccess::Pl0Ssp,
// NOTE: when updating this take care to also update the `From<u8>` implementation!
// TODO: any way of keeping these in sync automagically?
impl From<u8> for ShadowStackAccess {
fn from(acc: u8) -> ShadowStackAccess {
if acc == ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_NONE as u8 {
} else if acc == ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_EXPLICIT as u8 {
} else if acc == ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_SSP_LD_ST as u8 {
} else if acc == ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_SSP_PUSH_POP as u8 {
} else if acc == ffi::_ND_SHSTK_ACCESS::ND_SHSTK_PL0_SSP as u8 {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected shadow stack access type: {}", acc)
/// Describes a memory operand.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct OpMem {
/// `true` if the memory operand is a broadcast operand.
pub has_broadcast: bool,
/// `true` if this is a rip-relative addressing. Base, Index, Scale are all ignored.
pub is_rip_rel: bool,
/// `true` if this is a stack op.
/// # Note
/// Explicit stack accesses are not included (eg: `mov eax, [rsp]`).
pub is_stack: bool,
/// `true` for `[RSI]` and `[RDI]` operands inside string operations.
pub is_string: bool,
/// `true` if direct addressing (`MOV [...], EAX, 0xA3`).
pub is_direct: bool,
/// `true` if this is a bit base. Used for `BT*` instructions.
/// The bitbase stored in the second operand must be added to the linear address.
pub is_bitbase: bool,
/// `true` if the memory operand is address generation and no memory access is made.
pub is_ag: bool,
/// `true` MIB addressing is used (MPX instructions).
pub is_mib: bool,
/// `true` the addressing uses sibmem (AMX instructions).
pub is_sib_mem: bool,
/// Base segment used to address the memory.
pub seg: Option<u8>,
/// Base register.
pub base: Option<u8>,
/// Base register size, in bytes. Max 8 bytes.
pub base_size: Option<u32>,
/// Index register. Can be a vector reg (ZMM0-ZMM31).
pub index: Option<u8>,
/// Index register size, in bytes. Max 8 bytes.
pub index_size: Option<u32>,
/// The `index` register selects a vector register.
pub vsib: Option<Vsib>,
/// Scale: 1, 2, 4 or 8. Always present if `index` is present.
pub scale: Option<u8>,
/// Sign extended displacement.
pub disp: Option<u64>,
/// Displacement size. Max 4 bytes.
pub disp_size: Option<u8>,
/// Compressed displacement size - 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
pub comp_disp_size: Option<u8>,
/// Shadow stack access type.
/// Will be `None` if the shadow stack is not accessed.
pub shadow_stack_access: Option<ShadowStackAccess>,
impl From<ffi::ND_OPDESC_MEMORY> for OpMem {
fn from(op: ffi::ND_OPDESC_MEMORY) -> OpMem {
let seg = if op.HasSeg() { Some(op.Seg) } else { None };
let (base, base_size) = if op.HasBase() {
(Some(op.Base), Some(op.BaseSize))
} else {
(None, None)
let (index, index_size, scale) = if op.HasIndex() {
(Some(op.Index), Some(op.IndexSize), Some(op.Scale))
} else {
(None, None, None)
let (disp, disp_size) = if op.HasDisp() {
(Some(op.Disp), Some(op.DispSize))
} else {
(None, None)
let comp_disp_size = if op.HasCompDisp() {
} else {
let (vsib, index_size) = if op.IsVsib() {
Some(Vsib {
vsib_element_size: op.Vsib.ElemSize,
vsib_element_count: op.Vsib.ElemCount,
Some(op.Vsib.IndexSize as u32),
} else {
(None, index_size)
let shadow_stack_access = if op.IsShadowStack() {
} else {
OpMem {
has_broadcast: op.HasBroadcast(),
is_rip_rel: op.IsRipRel(),
is_stack: op.IsStack(),
is_string: op.IsString(),
is_direct: op.IsDirect(),
is_bitbase: op.IsBitbase(),
is_ag: op.IsAG(),
is_mib: op.IsMib(),
is_sib_mem: op.IsSibMem(),
/// Extended operand information, based on the actual type of the operand.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum OpInfo {
/// The operand is a register.
/// The operand is located in memory.
/// The operand is an immediate.
/// The operand is a relative offset.
/// The operand is an absolute address, in the form `seg:offset`.
/// The operand is an implicit constant.
/// An entire bank/set of registers are being accessed. Used in `PUSHA`/`POPA`/`XSAVE`/`LOADALL`.
impl From<ffi::ND_OPERAND> for OpInfo {
fn from(op: ffi::ND_OPERAND) -> OpInfo {
match op.Type {
OpInfo::Reg(OpReg::from(unsafe { op.Info.Register }))
ffi::_ND_OPERAND_TYPE::ND_OP_MEM => OpInfo::Mem(OpMem::from(unsafe { op.Info.Memory })),
ffi::_ND_OPERAND_TYPE::ND_OP_IMM => OpInfo::Imm(unsafe { op.Info.Immediate }.Imm),
OpInfo::Offs(unsafe { op.Info.RelativeOffset }.Rel)
OpInfo::Addr(OpAddr::from(unsafe { op.Info.Address }))
ffi::_ND_OPERAND_TYPE::ND_OP_CONST => OpInfo::Const(unsafe { op.Info.Constant }.Const),
ffi::_ND_OPERAND_TYPE::ND_OP_BANK => OpInfo::Bank,
impl fmt::Display for OpInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::None => write!(f, "None"),
Self::Reg(_) => write!(f, "register"),
Self::Mem(_) => write!(f, "memory"),
Self::Imm(_) => write!(f, "immediate"),
Self::Offs(_) => write!(f, "relative offset"),
Self::Addr(_) => write!(f, "absolute address"),
Self::Const(_) => write!(f, "implicit constant"),
Self::Bank => write!(f, "register bank"),
/// Operand size.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum OpSize {
/// The inner value contains the operand size in bytes.
/// The size of a cache line.
/// Unknown size.
impl fmt::Display for OpSize {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Bytes(size) => write!(f, "{} bytes", size),
Self::CacheLine => write!(f, "cache line"),
Self::Unknown => write!(f, "unknown"),
impl From<ffi::ND_OPERAND_SIZE> for OpSize {
fn from(sz: ffi::ND_OPERAND_SIZE) -> OpSize {
match sz {
ffi::ND_SIZE_8BIT => OpSize::Bytes(1),
ffi::ND_SIZE_16BIT => OpSize::Bytes(2),
ffi::ND_SIZE_32BIT => OpSize::Bytes(4),
ffi::ND_SIZE_48BIT => OpSize::Bytes(6),
ffi::ND_SIZE_64BIT => OpSize::Bytes(8),
ffi::ND_SIZE_80BIT => OpSize::Bytes(10),
ffi::ND_SIZE_112BIT => OpSize::Bytes(14),
ffi::ND_SIZE_128BIT => OpSize::Bytes(16),
ffi::ND_SIZE_224BIT => OpSize::Bytes(28),
ffi::ND_SIZE_256BIT => OpSize::Bytes(32),
ffi::ND_SIZE_384BIT => OpSize::Bytes(48),
ffi::ND_SIZE_512BIT => OpSize::Bytes(64),
ffi::ND_SIZE_752BIT => OpSize::Bytes(94),
ffi::ND_SIZE_864BIT => OpSize::Bytes(108),
ffi::ND_SIZE_4096BIT => OpSize::Bytes(512),
ffi::ND_SIZE_1KB => OpSize::Bytes(1024),
ffi::ND_SIZE_CACHE_LINE => OpSize::CacheLine,
ffi::ND_SIZE_UNKNOWN => OpSize::Unknown,
_ => panic!("Unespected operand size: {}", sz),
/// Operand access mode.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct OpAccess {
/// The operand is read.
pub read: bool,
/// The operand is written.
pub write: bool,
/// The operand is read only under some conditions.
pub cond_read: bool,
/// The operand is written only under some conditions.
pub cond_write: bool,
/// The operand is prefetched.
pub prefetch: bool,
impl From<ffi::ND_OPERAND_ACCESS> for OpAccess {
fn from(acc: ffi::ND_OPERAND_ACCESS) -> OpAccess {
let acc = unsafe { acc.__bindgen_anon_1 };
OpAccess {
read: acc.Read() != 0,
write: acc.Write() != 0,
cond_read: acc.CondRead() != 0,
cond_write: acc.CondWrite() != 0,
prefetch: acc.Prefetch() != 0,
/// Broadcast specifier.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct Broadcast {
/// Number of times to broadcast the element.
pub count: u8,
/// Size of one element.
pub size: u8,
/// Decorator information.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct Decorator {
/// If mask is present, holds the ID of the mask register (`K0` - `K7`) used.
pub mask_register: Option<u8>,
/// `true` if zeroing will be made, `false` if merging will be made.
pub has_zero: bool,
/// If broadcasting is being made, holds the broadcast specifier.
pub broadcast: Option<Broadcast>,
impl From<ffi::ND_OPERAND_DECORATOR> for Decorator {
fn from(decorator: ffi::ND_OPERAND_DECORATOR) -> Decorator {
let mask_register = if decorator.HasMask() {
} else {
let broadcast = if decorator.HasBroadcast() {
Some(Broadcast {
count: decorator.Broadcast.Count,
size: decorator.Broadcast.Size,
} else {
Decorator {
has_zero: decorator.HasZero(),
/// Describes an instruction operand.
/// Each operand type encodes different information. See [`OpInfo`] for details.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use std::error::Error;
/// #
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
/// use bddisasm::decoder::{DecodedInstruction, DecodeMode};
/// use bddisasm::operand::*;
/// // `MOV ah, byte ptr [rcx+rdx*2+0x8]`
/// let code = vec![0x8a, 0x64, 0x51, 0x08];
/// let ins = DecodedInstruction::decode(&code, DecodeMode::Bits64)?;
/// let operands = ins.operands();
/// let dst = operands[0];
/// let src = operands[1];
/// // Get the size of each operand
/// println!("Destination size: {}", dst.size);
/// println!("Source size: {}", src.size);
/// // Get the type of the destination operand
/// match {
/// OpInfo::Reg(reg) => {
/// println!("Register kind: {} Size: {} Index: {}", reg.kind, reg.size, reg.index)
/// },
/// // In this case we know that the destination operand is a register
/// _ => println!("Unexpected operand info type"),
/// }
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct Operand {
/// Extended operand information.
pub info: OpInfo,
// Operand size in bytes.
// This should be used when operating with the operand. It includes sign-extension or zero-extensions.
// # Note
/// It indicates the actual amount of data used for processing. If the operand is a [register](OpInfo::Reg), it
/// MAY NOT indicate the register size. Use the [info](Operand::info) field to get the actual register size in these
/// cases.
pub size: OpSize,
/// Raw size inside the instruction.
/// This will usually be identical to [size](Operand::size), however, some instructions force the actual size of
/// their operands to 64 bit (`PUSH`/`POP` or branches are good examples).
/// Although the raw size of the relative offset or the immediate will be [raw_size](Operand::raw_size), internally,
/// the CPU will use [size](Operand::size) (usually sign-extended).
pub raw_size: OpSize,
/// Access mode.
pub access: OpAccess,
/// `true` if the operand is default. This also applies to implicit operands.
pub is_default: bool,
/// Decorator information.
pub decorator: Decorator,
impl From<ffi::ND_OPERAND> for Operand {
fn from(op: ffi::ND_OPERAND) -> Operand {
Operand {
info: OpInfo::from(op),
size: OpSize::from(op.Size),
raw_size: OpSize::from(op.RawSize),
access: OpAccess::from(op.Access),
is_default: unsafe { op.Flags.__bindgen_anon_1 }.IsDefault() != 0,
decorator: Decorator::from(op.Decorator),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::decoded_instruction::{DecodeMode, DecodedInstruction};
fn ops() {
let code = vec![0x8a, 0x64, 0x51, 0x08];
let ins = DecodedInstruction::decode(&code, DecodeMode::Bits64).unwrap();
let operands = ins.operands();
assert_eq!(operands.len(), 2);
let dest = operands[0];
assert_eq!(dest.size, OpSize::Bytes(1));
assert_eq!(dest.raw_size, OpSize::Bytes(1));
assert_eq!(dest.is_default, false);
if let OpInfo::Reg(dst_reg) = {
assert_eq!(dst_reg.kind, OpRegType::Gpr);
assert_eq!(dst_reg.size, 1);
assert_eq!(dst_reg.index, 0);
assert_eq!(dst_reg.is_high8, true);
} else {
let src = operands[1];
assert_eq!(src.size, OpSize::Bytes(1));
assert_eq!(src.raw_size, OpSize::Bytes(1));
assert_eq!(src.is_default, false);
if let OpInfo::Mem(src_mem) = {
assert_eq!(src_mem.seg, Some(3));
assert_eq!(src_mem.base, Some(1));
assert_eq!(src_mem.base_size, Some(8));
assert_eq!(src_mem.index, Some(2));
assert_eq!(src_mem.index_size, Some(8));
assert_eq!(src_mem.scale, Some(2));
assert_eq!(src_mem.disp, Some(8));
assert_eq!(src_mem.disp_size, Some(1));
} else {