# # Copyright (c) 2024 Bitdefender # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # from core import util PASSED = "PASSED" FAILED = "FAILED" RUN = "RUN" TOTAL = "TOTAL" class Summary(object): def __init__(self): self._data = {PASSED: 0, FAILED: 0, RUN: 0, TOTAL: 0} def passed(self) -> type(None): """ Increment for each test failed. """ self._data[PASSED] += 1 def failed(self) -> type(None): """ Increment for each test failed. """ self._data[FAILED] += 1 def total(self) -> type(None): """ Increment for each test. """ self._data[TOTAL] += 1 def run(self) -> type(None): """ Increment for each test run. """ self._data[RUN] += 1 def show(self) -> type(None): """ Show the summary of the results after running the tests. """ util.pr_debug("[*] %s%s%s" % ("=" * 25, " SUMMARY ", "=" * 25)) util.pr_debug("[*] TOTAL : %d" % (self._data[TOTAL])) util.pr_debug("[*] RUN : %d" % (self._data[RUN])) util.pr_info("[*] PASSED : %d" % (self._data[PASSED])) util.pr_error("[*] FAILED : %d" % (self._data[FAILED])) util.pr_debug("[*] %s" % ("=" * (50 + len(" SUMMARY "))))