/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Bitdefender * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include typedef uint64_t QWORD, *PQWORD; // Main disasm header file. #include "bdshemu\bdshemu.h" #include "bddisasm.h" #define PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 #define PAGE_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000 typedef struct _DISASM_OPTIONS { uint8_t *Buffer; // The buffer containing the instructions. size_t Size; // Buffer size. size_t Offset; // Offset inside the buffer. size_t Rip; // Virtual RIP. char *Target; // If in search mode, this indicates the instruction to be searched for. BOOLEAN Highlight; // Highlight instruction components, if true. BOOLEAN ExtendedInfo; // Display extended instruction info, if true. BOOLEAN Stats; // Display disassembly stats (clocks / instruction, instructions / second), if true. BOOLEAN Search; // Search for the Target instruction in the provided buffer. BOOLEAN Print; // Print instruction disassembly, if true. uint8_t Mode; // Mode - 16, 32 or 64 bit mode. uint8_t Ring; // Ring - 0, 1, 2 or 3. uint8_t Vendor; // Preffered vendor. uint8_t Feature; // Used features. char *FileName; // Input file, if any. size_t ShemuRegs[NDR_R15 + 1]; BOOLEAN UseShemuRegs; } DISASM_OPTIONS, *PDISASM_OPTIONS; char *gSpaces[16] = { "", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", }; // // nd_vsnprintf // int nd_vsnprintf_s( char *buffer, size_t sizeOfBuffer, size_t count, const char *format, va_list argptr ) { return _vsnprintf_s(buffer, sizeOfBuffer, count, format, argptr); } void* nd_memset(void *s, int c, size_t n) { return memset(s, c, n); } // // set_to_string // const char* set_to_string( __in ND_INS_SET Set ) { switch (Set) { case ND_SET_3DNOW: return "3DNOW"; case ND_SET_ADX: return "ADX"; case ND_SET_AES: return "AES"; case ND_SET_AMD: return "AMD"; case ND_SET_AMXBF16: return "AMX-BF16"; case ND_SET_AMXINT8: return "AMX-INT8"; case ND_SET_AMXTILE: return "AMX-TILE"; case ND_SET_AVX: return "AVX"; case ND_SET_AVX2: return "AVX2"; case ND_SET_AVX2GATHER: return "AVX2GATHER"; case ND_SET_AVX5124FMAPS: return "AVX5124FMAPS"; case ND_SET_AVX5124VNNIW: return "AVX5124VNNIW"; case ND_SET_AVX512BF16: return "AVX512BF16"; case ND_SET_AVX512BITALG: return "AVX512BITALG"; case ND_SET_AVX512BW: return "AVX512BW"; case ND_SET_AVX512CD: return "AVX512CD"; case ND_SET_AVX512DQ: return "AVX512DQ"; case ND_SET_AVX512ER: return "AVX512ER"; case ND_SET_AVX512F: return "AVX512F"; case ND_SET_AVX512IFMA: return "AVX512IFMA"; case ND_SET_AVX512PF: return "AVX512PF"; case ND_SET_AVX512VBMI: return "AVX512VBMI"; case ND_SET_AVX512VBMI2: return "AVX512VBMI2"; case ND_SET_AVX512VNNI: return "AVX512VNNI"; case ND_SET_AVX512VP2INTERSECT: return "AVX512VP2INTERSECT"; case ND_SET_AVX512VPOPCNTDQ: return "AVX512VPOPCNTDQ"; case ND_SET_AVXVNNI: return "AVXVNNI"; case ND_SET_BMI1: return "BMI1"; case ND_SET_BMI2: return "BMI2"; case ND_SET_CET_SS: return "CET_SS"; case ND_SET_CET_IBT: return "CET_IBT"; case ND_SET_CLDEMOTE: return "CLDEMOTE"; case ND_SET_CLFSH: return "CLFSH"; case ND_SET_CLFSHOPT: return "CLFSHOPT"; case ND_SET_CLWB: return "CLWB"; case ND_SET_CLZERO: return "CLZERO"; case ND_SET_CMPXCHG16B: return "CMPXCHG16B"; case ND_SET_CYRIX: return "CYRIX"; case ND_SET_CYRIX_SMM: return "CYRIX_SMM"; case ND_SET_ENQCMD: return "ENQCMD"; case ND_SET_F16C: return "F16C"; case ND_SET_FMA: return "FMA"; case ND_SET_FMA4: return "FMA4"; case ND_SET_FXSAVE: return "FXSAVE"; case ND_SET_GFNI: return "GFNI"; case ND_SET_HRESET: return "HRESET"; case ND_SET_I186: return "I186"; case ND_SET_I286PROT: return "I286PROT"; case ND_SET_I286REAL: return "I286REAL"; case ND_SET_I386: return "I386"; case ND_SET_I486: return "I486"; case ND_SET_I486REAL: return "I486REAL"; case ND_SET_I64: return "I64"; case ND_SET_I86: return "I86"; case ND_SET_INVPCID: return "INVPCID"; case ND_SET_INVLPGB: return "INVLPGB"; case ND_SET_KL: return "KL"; case ND_SET_LONGMODE: return "LONGMODE"; case ND_SET_LWP: return "LWP"; case ND_SET_LZCNT: return "LZCNT"; case ND_SET_MCOMMIT: return "MCOMMIT"; case ND_SET_MMX: return "MMX"; case ND_SET_MOVBE: return "MOVBE"; case ND_SET_MOVDIR64B: return "MOVDIR64B"; case ND_SET_MOVDIRI: return "MOVDIRI"; case ND_SET_MPX: return "MPX"; case ND_SET_MWAITT: return "MWAITT"; case ND_SET_PAUSE: return "PAUSE"; case ND_SET_PCLMULQDQ: return "PCLMULQDQ"; case ND_SET_PCOMMIT: return "PCOMMIT"; case ND_SET_PCONFIG: return "PCONFIG"; case ND_SET_PENTIUMREAL: return "PENTIUMREAL"; case ND_SET_PKU: return "PKU"; case ND_SET_POPCNT: return "POPCNT"; case ND_SET_PPRO: return "PPRO"; case ND_SET_PREFETCH_NOP: return "PREFETCH_NOP"; case ND_SET_PTWRITE: return "PTWRITE"; case ND_SET_RDPID: return "RDPID"; case ND_SET_RDPMC: return "RDPMC"; case ND_SET_RDPRU: return "RDPRU"; case ND_SET_RDRAND: return "RDRAND"; case ND_SET_RDSEED: return "RDSEED"; case ND_SET_RDTSCP: return "RDTSCP"; case ND_SET_RDWRFSGS: return "RDWRFSGS"; case ND_SET_SCC: return "SCC"; case ND_SET_SERIALIZE: return "SERIALIZE"; case ND_SET_SGX: return "SGX"; case ND_SET_SHA: return "SHA"; case ND_SET_SMAP: return "SMAP"; case ND_SET_SMX: return "SMX"; case ND_SET_SNP: return "SNP"; case ND_SET_SSE: return "SSE"; case ND_SET_SSE2: return "SSE2"; case ND_SET_SSE3: return "SSE3"; case ND_SET_SSE4: return "SSE4"; case ND_SET_SSE42: return "SSE42"; case ND_SET_SSE4A: return "SSE4A"; case ND_SET_SSSE3: return "SSSE3"; case ND_SET_SVM: return "SVM"; case ND_SET_TBM: return "TBM"; case ND_SET_TDX: return "TDX"; case ND_SET_TSX: return "TSX"; case ND_SET_TSXLDTRK: return "TSXLDTRK"; case ND_SET_UD: return "UD"; case ND_SET_UINTR: return "UINTR"; case ND_SET_UNKNOWN: return "UNKNOWN"; case ND_SET_VAES: return "VAES"; case ND_SET_VPCLMULQDQ: return "VPCLMULQDQ"; case ND_SET_VTX: return "VTX"; case ND_SET_WAITPKG: return "WAITPKG"; case ND_SET_WBNOINVD: return "WBNOINVD"; case ND_SET_X87: return "X87"; case ND_SET_XOP: return "XOP"; case ND_SET_XSAVE: return "XSAVE"; case ND_SET_XSAVEC: return "XSAVEC"; case ND_SET_XSAVES: return "XSAVES"; default: return "???"; } } // // category_to_string // const char* category_to_string( __in ND_INS_CATEGORY Category ) { switch (Category) { case ND_CAT_3DNOW: return "3DNOW"; case ND_CAT_AES: return "AES"; case ND_CAT_AESKL: return "AESKL"; case ND_CAT_ARITH: return "ARITH"; case ND_CAT_AMX: return "AMX"; case ND_CAT_AVX: return "AVX"; case ND_CAT_AVX2: return "AVX2"; case ND_CAT_AVX2GATHER: return "AVX2GATHER"; case ND_CAT_AVX512: return "AVX512"; case ND_CAT_AVX512BF16: return "AVX512BF16"; case ND_CAT_AVX512VBMI: return "AVX512VBMI"; case ND_CAT_AVX512VP2INTERSECT: return "AVX512VP2INTERSECT"; case ND_CAT_AVXVNNI: return "AVXVNNI"; case ND_CAT_BITBYTE: return "BITBYTE"; case ND_CAT_BLEND: return "BLEND"; case ND_CAT_BMI1: return "BMI1"; case ND_CAT_BMI2: return "BMI2"; case ND_CAT_BROADCAST: return "BROADCAST"; case ND_CAT_CALL: return "CALL"; case ND_CAT_CET: return "CET"; case ND_CAT_CLDEMOTE: return "CLDEMOTE"; case ND_CAT_CMOV: return "CMOV"; case ND_CAT_COMPRESS: return "COMPRESS"; case ND_CAT_COND_BR: return "COND_BR"; case ND_CAT_CONFLICT: return "CONFLICT"; case ND_CAT_CONVERT: return "CONVERT"; case ND_CAT_DATAXFER: return "DATAXFER"; case ND_CAT_DECIMAL: return "DECIMAL"; case ND_CAT_ENQCMD: return "ENQCMD"; case ND_CAT_EXPAND: return "EXPAND"; case ND_CAT_FLAGOP: return "FLAGOP"; case ND_CAT_FMA4: return "FMA4"; case ND_CAT_GATHER: return "GATHER"; case ND_CAT_GFNI: return "GFNI"; case ND_CAT_HRESET: return "HRESET"; case ND_CAT_I386: return "I386"; case ND_CAT_IFMA: return "IFMA"; case ND_CAT_INTERRUPT: return "INTERRUPT"; case ND_CAT_IO: return "IO"; case ND_CAT_IOSTRINGOP: return "IOSTRINGOP"; case ND_CAT_KL: return "KL"; case ND_CAT_KMASK: return "KMASK"; case ND_CAT_KNL: return "KNL"; case ND_CAT_LOGIC: return "LOGIC"; case ND_CAT_LOGICAL: return "LOGICAL"; case ND_CAT_LOGICAL_FP: return "LOGICAL_FP"; case ND_CAT_LWP: return "LWP"; case ND_CAT_LZCNT: return "LZCNT"; case ND_CAT_MISC: return "MISC"; case ND_CAT_MMX: return "MMX"; case ND_CAT_MOVDIR64B: return "MOVDIR64B"; case ND_CAT_MOVDIRI: return "MOVDIRI"; case ND_CAT_MPX: return "MPX"; case ND_CAT_NOP: return "NOP"; case ND_CAT_PADLOCK: return "PADLOCK"; case ND_CAT_PCLMULQDQ: return "PCLMULQDQ"; case ND_CAT_PCONFIG: return "PCONFIG"; case ND_CAT_POP: return "POP"; case ND_CAT_PREFETCH: return "PREFETCH"; case ND_CAT_PTWRITE: return "PTWRITE"; case ND_CAT_PUSH: return "PUSH"; case ND_CAT_RDPID: return "RDPID"; case ND_CAT_RDRAND: return "RDRAND"; case ND_CAT_RDSEED: return "RDSEED"; case ND_CAT_RDWRFSGS: return "RDWRFSGS"; case ND_CAT_RET: return "RET"; case ND_CAT_ROTATE: return "ROTATE"; case ND_CAT_SCATTER: return "SCATTER"; case ND_CAT_SEGOP: return "SEGOP"; case ND_CAT_SEMAPHORE: return "SEMAPHORE"; case ND_CAT_SGX: return "SGX"; case ND_CAT_SHA: return "SHA"; case ND_CAT_SHIFT: return "SHIFT"; case ND_CAT_SMAP: return "SMAP"; case ND_CAT_SSE: return "SSE"; case ND_CAT_SSE2: return "SSE2"; case ND_CAT_STRINGOP: return "STRINGOP"; case ND_CAT_STTNI: return "STTNI"; case ND_CAT_SYSCALL: return "SYSCALL"; case ND_CAT_SYSRET: return "SYSRET"; case ND_CAT_SYSTEM: return "SYSTEM"; case ND_CAT_TDX: return "TDX"; case ND_CAT_UD: return "UD"; case ND_CAT_UINTR: return "UINTR"; case ND_CAT_UNCOND_BR: return "UNCOND_BR"; case ND_CAT_UNKNOWN: return "UNKNOWN"; case ND_CAT_VAES: return "VAES"; case ND_CAT_VFMA: return "VFMA"; case ND_CAT_VFMAPS: return "VFMAPS"; case ND_CAT_VNNI: return "VNNI"; case ND_CAT_VNNIW: return "VNNIW"; case ND_CAT_VPCLMULQDQ: return "VPCLMULQDQ"; case ND_CAT_VPOPCNT: return "VPOPCNT"; case ND_CAT_VTX: return "VTX"; case ND_CAT_WAITPKG: return "WAITPKG"; case ND_CAT_WBNOINVD: return "WBNOINVD"; case ND_CAT_WIDENOP: return "WIDENOP"; case ND_CAT_WIDE_KL: return "WIDE_KL"; case ND_CAT_X87_ALU: return "X87_ALU"; case ND_CAT_XOP: return "XOP"; case ND_CAT_XSAVE: return "XSAVE"; default: return "???"; } } // // optype_to_string // const char* optype_to_string( __in ND_OPERAND_TYPE OpType ) { switch (OpType) { case ND_OP_REG: return "Register"; case ND_OP_IMM: return "Immediate"; case ND_OP_CONST: return "Constant"; case ND_OP_MEM: return "Memory"; case ND_OP_ADDR: return "Address"; case ND_OP_OFFS: return "Offset"; case ND_OP_BANK: return "Bank"; default: return "???"; } } // // regtype_to_string // const char* regtype_to_string( __in ND_REG_TYPE RegType ) { switch (RegType) { case ND_REG_GPR: return "General Purpose"; case ND_REG_SEG: return "Segment"; case ND_REG_FPU: return "FP"; case ND_REG_MMX: return "MMX"; case ND_REG_SSE: return "Vector"; case ND_REG_BND: return "Bound"; case ND_REG_MSK: return "Mask"; case ND_REG_TILE: return "Tile"; case ND_REG_SYS: return "System"; case ND_REG_MSR: return "Model Specific"; case ND_REG_XCR: return "Extended Control"; case ND_REG_CR: return "Control"; case ND_REG_DR: return "Debug"; case ND_REG_TR: return "Test"; case ND_REG_MXCSR: return "MXCSR"; case ND_REG_PKRU: return "PKRU"; case ND_REG_SSP: return "SSP"; case ND_REG_FLG: return "Flags"; case ND_REG_RIP: return "IP"; case ND_REG_UIF: return "UIF"; default: return "???"; } } // // encoding_to_string // const char* encoding_to_string( __in ND_OPERAND_ENCODING Encoding ) { switch (Encoding) { case ND_OPE_R: return "R"; case ND_OPE_M: return "M"; case ND_OPE_V: return "V"; case ND_OPE_O: return "O"; case ND_OPE_I: return "I"; case ND_OPE_D: return "D"; case ND_OPE_C: return "C"; case ND_OPE_1: return "1"; case ND_OPE_A: return "A"; case ND_OPE_L: return "L"; case ND_OPE_E: return "E"; case ND_OPE_S: return "S"; default: return ""; } } // // tuple_to_string // const char *tuple_to_string( __in ND_TUPLE Tuple ) { switch (Tuple) { case ND_TUPLE_FV: return "Full"; case ND_TUPLE_HV: return "Half"; case ND_TUPLE_FVM: return "Full Mem"; case ND_TUPLE_HVM: return "Half Mem"; case ND_TUPLE_QVM: return "Quarter Mem"; case ND_TUPLE_OVM: return "Eigth Mem"; case ND_TUPLE_T1S: return "Tuple 1 Scalar"; case ND_TUPLE_T1F: return "Tuple 1 Fixes"; case ND_TUPLE_T2: return "Tuple 2"; case ND_TUPLE_T4: return "Tuple 4"; case ND_TUPLE_T8: return "Tuple 8"; case ND_TUPLE_M128: return "Mem 128"; case ND_TUPLE_DUP: return "MOVDDUP"; case ND_TUPLE_T1S8: return "Tuple 1 scalar, 8 bit"; case ND_TUPLE_T1S16: return "Tuple 1 scalar, 16 bit"; case ND_TUPLE_T1_4X: return "Tuple 4 x 32 bit"; default: return "None"; } } // // exception_to_string // const char *exception_evex_to_string( __in ND_EX_TYPE_EVEX ExClass ) { switch (ExClass) { case ND_EXT_E1: return "E1"; case ND_EXT_E1NF: return "E1NF"; case ND_EXT_E2: return "E2"; case ND_EXT_E3: return "E3"; case ND_EXT_E3NF: return "E3NF"; case ND_EXT_E4: return "E4"; case ND_EXT_E4nb: return "E4.nb"; case ND_EXT_E4NF: return "E4NF"; case ND_EXT_E4NFnb: return "E4NF.nb"; case ND_EXT_E5: return "E5"; case ND_EXT_E5NF: return "E5NF"; case ND_EXT_E6: return "E6"; case ND_EXT_E6NF: return "E6NF"; case ND_EXT_E7NM: return "E7NM"; case ND_EXT_E9: return "E9"; case ND_EXT_E9NF: return "E9NF"; case ND_EXT_E10: return "E10"; case ND_EXT_E10NF: return "E10NF"; case ND_EXT_E11: return "E11"; case ND_EXT_E12: return "E12"; case ND_EXT_E12NP: return "E12NP"; default: return "None"; } } // // hex_to_bin // BYTE hex_to_bin( __in char HexByte ) { if ((HexByte >= '0') && (HexByte <= '9')) { return HexByte - '0'; } else if ((HexByte >= 'A') && (HexByte <= 'F')) { return HexByte - 'A' + 10; } else if ((HexByte >= 'a') && (HexByte <= 'f')) { return HexByte - 'a' + 10; } return 0; } // // str_strip // Copies the InputString in OutputString, while eliminating the characters specified in Tokens // VOID str_strip( __in char* InString, __in DWORD LenInString, __in char* Tokens, __in DWORD LenTokString, __out char* OutString, __in DWORD CapOutString // capacity of out string including null character ) { DWORD lenInStr, lenOutStr, lenTokStr; DWORD itInStr, itTokStr; lenTokStr = 0; lenOutStr = 0; if ((NULL == InString) || (NULL == Tokens) || (NULL == OutString)) { return; } lenInStr = (DWORD)strnlen_s(InString, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); lenTokStr = (DWORD)strnlen_s(Tokens, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); lenInStr = (lenInStr > LenInString) ? LenInString : lenInStr; lenTokStr = (lenTokStr > LenTokString) ? LenTokString : lenTokStr; if ((0 == lenInStr) || (0 == lenTokStr)) { return; } for (itInStr = 0; itInStr < lenInStr; itInStr++) { BOOLEAN found = FALSE; for (itTokStr = 0; itTokStr < lenTokStr; itTokStr++) { if (InString[itInStr] == Tokens[itTokStr]) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { // not enough space, bail out if (lenOutStr >= CapOutString - 1) { return; } OutString[lenOutStr] = InString[itInStr]; lenOutStr++; } } } // // regstr_to_idx // INT32 regstr_to_idx( __in const char* Reg ) { static const char* reg64[] = { "rax", "rcx", "rdx", "rbx", "rsp", "rbp", "rsi", "rdi", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15" }; for (INT32 i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(reg64); i++) { if (!_stricmp(Reg, reg64[i])) { return i; } } return -1; } // // match_gpr // BOOLEAN match_gpr( __in const char* Arg, __in DWORD* Index ) { if (Arg[0] == '-') { INT32 idx = regstr_to_idx(Arg + 1); // this will be the name of the register or the NULL terminator if (idx >= 0) { *Index = idx; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // // print_instruction // void print_instruction( __in SIZE_T Rip, __in PINSTRUX Instrux, __in PDISASM_OPTIONS Options ) { char instruxText[ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE]; DWORD k = 0, idx = 0, i = 0; printf("%p ", (void*)(Rip)); if (Options->Highlight) { // Display prefixes. SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); for (idx = 0; idx < Instrux->PrefLength; idx++, k++) { printf("%02x", Instrux->InstructionBytes[k]); } SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED); // Display opcodes. SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); for (idx = 0; idx < (DWORD)(ND_IS_3DNOW(Instrux) ? Instrux->OpLength - 1 : Instrux->OpLength); idx++, k++) { printf("%02x", Instrux->InstructionBytes[k]); } SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED); // Display modrm and sib. SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); for (idx = 0; idx < (DWORD)(Instrux->HasModRm + Instrux->HasSib); idx++, k++) { printf("%02x", Instrux->InstructionBytes[k]); } SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED); // Display displacement. SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); for (idx = 0; idx < (DWORD)(Instrux->DispLength); idx++, k++) { printf("%02x", Instrux->InstructionBytes[k]); } SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED); // Display relative offset/moffset/immediates. SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); for (idx = 0; idx < (DWORD)(Instrux->Imm1Length + Instrux->Imm2Length + Instrux->RelOffsLength + Instrux->MoffsetLength + Instrux->HasSseImm + Instrux->AddrLength); idx++, k++) { printf("%02x", Instrux->InstructionBytes[k]); } SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED); if (ND_IS_3DNOW(Instrux)) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); for (; k < Instrux->Length; k++) { printf("%02x", Instrux->InstructionBytes[k]); } SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED); } } for (; k < Instrux->Length; k++) { printf("%02x", Instrux->InstructionBytes[k]); } printf("%s", gSpaces[16 - Instrux->Length]); NdToText(Instrux, Rip, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE, instruxText); printf("%s\n", instruxText); if (Options->ExtendedInfo) { const BYTE opsize[3] = { 2, 4, 8 }; const BYTE adsize[3] = { 2, 4, 8 }; const BYTE veclen[3] = { 16, 32, 64 }; printf(" DSIZE: %2d, ASIZE: %2d, VLEN: ", opsize[Instrux->EfOpMode] * 8, adsize[Instrux->AddrMode] * 8); if (ND_HAS_VECTOR(Instrux)) { printf("%2d\n", veclen[Instrux->VecMode] * 8); } else { printf("-\n"); } printf(" ISA Set: %s, Ins cat: %s, CET tracked: %s\n", set_to_string(Instrux->IsaSet), category_to_string(Instrux->Category), Instrux->IsCetTracked ? "yes" : "no"); if (0 != Instrux->CpuidFlag.Flag) { char *regs[4] = { "eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebx" }; printf(" CPUID leaf: 0x%08x", Instrux->CpuidFlag.Leaf); if (Instrux->CpuidFlag.SubLeaf != ND_CFF_NO_SUBLEAF) { printf(", sub-leaf: 0x%08x", Instrux->CpuidFlag.SubLeaf); } printf(", reg: %s, bit: %u\n", regs[Instrux->CpuidFlag.Reg], Instrux->CpuidFlag.Bit); } if (Instrux->HasEvex) { printf(" EVEX Tuple Type: %s\n", tuple_to_string(Instrux->TupleType)); } if (Instrux->ExceptionClass != ND_EXC_None) { printf(" Exception class: %s, ", Instrux->ExceptionClass == ND_EXC_SSE_AVX ? "SSE/VEX" : Instrux->ExceptionClass == ND_EXC_EVEX ? "EVEX" : Instrux->ExceptionClass == ND_EXC_OPMASK ? "Opmask" : Instrux->ExceptionClass == ND_EXC_AMX ? "AMX" : "???"); switch (Instrux->ExceptionClass) { case ND_EXC_SSE_AVX: printf("exception type: %d\n", Instrux->ExceptionType); break; case ND_EXC_EVEX: printf("exception type: %s\n", exception_evex_to_string(Instrux->ExceptionType)); break; case ND_EXC_OPMASK: printf("exception type: K%d\n", Instrux->ExceptionType + 19); break; case ND_EXC_AMX: printf("exception type: AMX-E%d\n", Instrux->ExceptionType); break; default: printf("exception type: ???\n"); break; } } if (Instrux->FlagsAccess.RegAccess != 0) { DWORD fidx, all; BOOLEAN individual = FALSE; char *flags[22] = { "CF", NULL, "PF", NULL, "AF", NULL, "ZF", "SF", "TF", "IF", "DF", "OF", "IOPL",NULL, "NT", NULL, "RF", "VM", "AC", "VIF", "VIP", "ID" }; all = Instrux->FlagsAccess.Tested.Raw | Instrux->FlagsAccess.Modified.Raw | Instrux->FlagsAccess.Set.Raw | Instrux->FlagsAccess.Cleared.Raw | Instrux->FlagsAccess.Undefined.Raw; printf(" FLAGS access\n "); for (fidx = 0; fidx < 21; fidx++) { if (flags[fidx] != NULL) { if (0 == (all & (1ULL << fidx))) { continue; } individual = TRUE; printf("%s: ", flags[fidx]); if (Instrux->FlagsAccess.Tested.Raw & (1ULL << fidx)) { printf("t"); } if (Instrux->FlagsAccess.Modified.Raw & (1ULL << fidx)) { printf("m"); } if (Instrux->FlagsAccess.Set.Raw & (1ULL << fidx)) { printf("1"); } if (Instrux->FlagsAccess.Cleared.Raw & (1ULL << fidx)) { printf("0"); } if (Instrux->FlagsAccess.Undefined.Raw & (1ULL << fidx)) { printf("u"); } printf(", "); } } if (!individual) { printf("Entire register"); } printf("\n"); } if (Instrux->IsaSet == ND_SET_X87) { #define FPU_FLG_ACC_TO_STR(x) ((x) == ND_FPU_FLAG_UNDEFINED ? "u" : \ (x) == ND_FPU_FLAG_MODIFIED ? "m" : (x) == ND_FPU_FLAG_SET_0 ? "0" : "1") printf(" FPU flags access\n C0: %s, C1: %s, C2: %s, C3: %s, \n", FPU_FLG_ACC_TO_STR(Instrux->FpuFlagsAccess.C0), FPU_FLG_ACC_TO_STR(Instrux->FpuFlagsAccess.C1), FPU_FLG_ACC_TO_STR(Instrux->FpuFlagsAccess.C2), FPU_FLG_ACC_TO_STR(Instrux->FpuFlagsAccess.C3)); } printf(" Valid modes\n" " R0: %s, R1: %s, R2: %s, R3: %s\n" " Real: %s, V8086: %s, Prot: %s, Compat: %s, Long: %s\n" " SMM on: %s, SMM off: %s, SGX on: %s, SGX off: %s, TSX on: %s, TSX off: %s\n" " VMXRoot: %s, VMXNonRoot: %s, VMXRoot SEAM: %s, VMXNonRoot SEAM: %s, VMX off: %s\n", Instrux->ValidModes.Ring0 ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Ring1 ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Ring2 ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Ring3 ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Real ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.V8086 ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Protected ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Compat ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Long ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Smm ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.SmmOff ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Sgx ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.SgxOff ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.Tsx ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.TsxOff ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.VmxRoot ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.VmxNonRoot ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.VmxRootSeam ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.VmxNonRootSeam ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidModes.VmxOff ? "yes" : "no" ); printf(" Valid prefixes\n" " REP: %s, REPcc: %s, LOCK: %s\n" " HLE: %s, XACQUIRE only: %s, XRELEASE only: %s\n" " BND: %s, BHINT: %s, DNT: %s\n", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.Rep ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.RepCond ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.Lock ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.Hle ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.Xacquire ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.Xrelease ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.Bnd ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.Bhint ? "yes" : "no", Instrux->ValidPrefixes.Dnt ? "yes" : "no" ); for (i = 0; i < Instrux->OperandsCount; i++) { printf(" Operand: %u, Acc: %s, Type: %10s, Size: %2d, RawSize: %2d, Encoding: %s", i, Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == ND_ACCESS_READ ? "R-" : Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == ND_ACCESS_WRITE ? "-W" : Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == (ND_ACCESS_READ|ND_ACCESS_WRITE) ? "RW" : Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == ND_ACCESS_COND_READ ? "CR" : Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == ND_ACCESS_COND_WRITE ? "CW" : Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == (ND_ACCESS_COND_READ|ND_ACCESS_COND_WRITE) ? "CRCW" : Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == (ND_ACCESS_READ | ND_ACCESS_COND_WRITE) ? "RCW" : Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == (ND_ACCESS_COND_READ|ND_ACCESS_WRITE) ? "CRW" : Instrux->Operands[i].Access.Access == ND_ACCESS_PREFETCH ? "P" : "--", optype_to_string(Instrux->Operands[i].Type), (int)Instrux->Operands[i].Size, (int)Instrux->Operands[i].RawSize, encoding_to_string(Instrux->Operands[i].Encoding) ); if (ND_OP_MEM == Instrux->Operands[i].Type) { printf(", "); if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsRipRel) { printf("RIP relative: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsAG) { printf("Address Generator: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsBitbase) { printf("Bitbase Addressing: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsMib) { printf("MIB Addressing: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsVsib) { printf("VSIB Addressing: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsSibMem) { printf("Sibmem Addressing: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsStack) { printf("Stack: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsString) { printf("String: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsShadowStack) { printf("Shadow stack: %d, ", Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.ShStkType); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.HasCompDisp) { printf("Compressed displacement: yes, "); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.HasBroadcast) { printf("Broadcast: yes, "); } printf("\n "); if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.HasSeg) { printf("Segment: %d, ", Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.Seg); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.HasBase) { printf("Base: %d, ", Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.Base); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.HasIndex) { printf("Index: %d * %d, ", Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.Index, Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.Scale); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.HasDisp) { printf("Displacement: 0x%016llx, ", (unsigned long long)Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.Disp); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.IsVsib) { printf("\n "); printf("VSIB index size: %d, VSIB element size: %d, VSIB element count: %d", Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.Vsib.IndexSize, Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.Vsib.ElemSize, Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Memory.Vsib.ElemCount); } } if (ND_OP_REG == Instrux->Operands[i].Type) { printf(", RegType: %16s, RegSize: %2u, ", regtype_to_string(Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Register.Type), Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Register.Size); if (Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Register.Type == ND_REG_MSR) { printf("RegId: 0x%08x, RegCount: %u\n", Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Register.Reg, Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Register.Count); } else { printf("RegId: %u, RegCount: %u\n", Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Register.Reg, Instrux->Operands[i].Info.Register.Count); } } else { printf("\n"); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Decorator.HasBroadcast) { printf(" Decorator: Broadcast %d bytes element %d times\n", Instrux->Operands[i].Decorator.Broadcast.Size, Instrux->Operands[i].Decorator.Broadcast.Count); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Decorator.HasMask) { printf(" Decorator: Mask k%d\n", Instrux->Operands[i].Decorator.Mask.Msk); } if (Instrux->Operands[i].Decorator.HasZero) { printf(" Decorator: Zero (no merging)\n"); } } printf("\n"); } } // // handle_search // void handle_search( __in PDISASM_OPTIONS Options ) { NDSTATUS status; INSTRUX instrux; ND_CONTEXT ctx; SIZE_T rip = 0, i; char text[ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE], target[ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE]; char *token1, *token2, *ctx1, *ctx2; BOOLEAN match; NdInitContext(&ctx); ctx.DefCode = Options->Mode; ctx.DefData = Options->Mode; ctx.DefStack = Options->Mode; ctx.VendMode = Options->Vendor; ctx.FeatMode = Options->Feature; // Disassemble rip = 0; while (rip < Options->Size) { status = NdDecodeWithContext(&instrux, Options->Buffer + rip, Options->Size - rip, &ctx); if (!ND_SUCCESS(status)) { goto _continue; } NdToText(&instrux, rip, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE, text); // Copy the target. memcpy(target, Options->Target, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE; i++) { if (target[i] == ',') { target[i] = ' '; } if (text[i] == ',') { text[i] = ' '; } } _strlwr_s(target, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); _strlwr_s(text, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); // Try to match. token1 = strtok_s(target, " ", &ctx1); token2 = strtok_s(text, " ", &ctx2); match = TRUE; while (token1 && token2) { if (0 == strcmp(token1, "*")) { goto _continue_match; } if (strlen(token1) != strlen(token2)) { match = FALSE; break; } for (i = 0; i < strlen(token1); i++) { if ((token1[i] != '?') && (token1[i] != token2[i])) { match = FALSE; break; } } if (!match) { break; } _continue_match: token1 = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &ctx1); token2 = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &ctx2); } // Unfinished token - leave. if (token1 || token2) { goto _continue; } if (match) { SIZE_T rip2 = rip, count = 0; print_instruction(rip, &instrux, Options); rip2 += instrux.Length; instrux.DefCode = Options->Mode; instrux.DefData = Options->Mode; instrux.DefStack = Options->Mode; instrux.VendMode = Options->Vendor; instrux.FeatMode = Options->Feature; while (rip2 < Options->Size && count++ < 8) { status = NdDecodeWithContext(&instrux, Options->Buffer + rip2, Options->Size - rip2, &ctx); if (!ND_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("%p ERROR\n", (void*)rip2); rip2++; } else { print_instruction(rip2, &instrux, Options); rip2 += instrux.Length; } } printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } _continue: rip++; } } // // handle_disasm // void handle_disasm( __in PDISASM_OPTIONS Options ) { INSTRUX instrux; ND_CONTEXT ctx = { 0 }; unsigned long long icount = 0, istart, iend, start, end, itotal = 0; SIZE_T rip, fsize = Options->Size; PBYTE buffer = Options->Buffer; start = clock(); NdInitContext(&ctx); ctx.DefCode = Options->Mode; ctx.DefData = Options->Mode; ctx.DefStack = Options->Mode; ctx.VendMode = Options->Vendor; ctx.FeatMode = Options->Feature; // Disassemble rip = Options->Offset; while (rip < Options->Size) { NDSTATUS status; icount++; istart = __rdtsc(); status = NdDecodeWithContext(&instrux, buffer + rip, fsize - rip, &ctx); iend = __rdtsc(); itotal += iend - istart; if (!ND_SUCCESS(status)) { if (Options->Print) { printf("%p ", (void*)(rip + Options->Rip)); printf("%02x", buffer[rip]); printf("%s", gSpaces[16 - 1]); printf("db 0x%02x (0x%08x)\n", buffer[rip], status); } rip++; } else { if (Options->Print) { print_instruction(rip + Options->Rip, &instrux, Options); } rip += instrux.Length; } } end = clock(); if (Options->Stats) { printf("Disassembled %llu instructions in %llums, %4.4f instructions/second, %4.6f clocks/instruction\n", icount, end - start, icount / (double)(end - start) * 1000, itotal / (double)icount); } } // // set_shemuctx_file // void set_shemuctx_file( __in const char *FileName, __in DISASM_OPTIONS *Options ) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD fileSize; BOOL readFileSuccess; PCHAR fileBuf = NULL; DWORD bytesRead; PCHAR lineStart, lineToken, ctx, lineBufCtx; char lineBuf[ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; INT32 regIdx; QWORD regVal; // pre-init hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; fileSize = 0; regIdx = 0; regVal = 0; ctx = lineBufCtx = NULL; if ((NULL == FileName) || (NULL == Options)) { goto cleanup_and_exit; } hFile = CreateFileA(FileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { goto cleanup_and_exit; } fileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == fileSize) { goto cleanup_and_exit; } fileBuf = (PCHAR)VirtualAlloc(NULL, fileSize + 3ull, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (NULL == fileBuf) { goto cleanup_and_exit; } readFileSuccess = ReadFile(hFile, fileBuf, fileSize, &bytesRead, NULL); if (!readFileSuccess) { printf("ReadFile failed: GLA: %x\n", GetLastError()); goto cleanup_and_exit; } lineStart = strtok_s(fileBuf, "\r\n", &ctx); while (lineStart) { char regStr[ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; char valStr[ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; BOOLEAN isRip = FALSE; if (0 == strnlen_s(lineStart, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE)) { goto next_line; } strcpy_s(lineBuf, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE, lineStart); lineToken = strtok_s(lineBuf, ":", &lineBufCtx); if (NULL == lineToken) { goto next_line; } str_strip(lineToken, (DWORD)strnlen_s(lineToken, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE), " ,\"", (DWORD)strnlen_s(" ,\"", ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE), regStr, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); // first element is the register regIdx = regstr_to_idx(regStr); if (regIdx < 0 || regIdx >= ARRAYSIZE(Options->ShemuRegs)) { if (!_stricmp(regStr, "rip")) { isRip = TRUE; } else { printf("Corrupt line: %s\n", lineStart); goto next_line; } } // second element is the value lineToken = strtok_s(NULL, ":", &lineBufCtx); if ((NULL == lineToken)) { printf("Corrupt line: %s\n", lineStart); goto next_line; } str_strip(lineToken, (DWORD)strnlen_s(lineToken, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE), " ,\"", (DWORD)strnlen_s(" ,\"", ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE), valStr, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); regVal = strtoull(valStr, NULL, 0); if (!isRip) { Options->ShemuRegs[regIdx] = (size_t)regVal; } else { Options->Rip = (size_t)regVal; } next_line: lineStart = strtok_s(NULL, "\r\n", &ctx); memset(lineBuf, 0, ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); } cleanup_and_exit: if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { CloseHandle(hFile); } if (NULL != fileBuf) { VirtualFree(fileBuf, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } } void ShemuLog(PCHAR data) { printf("%s", data); } bool ShemuAccessMem(PSHEMU_CONTEXT Ctx, uint64_t Gla, size_t Size, uint8_t *Buffer, bool Store) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Ctx); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Gla); if (!Store) { // On loads, always return 0. memset(Buffer, 0, Size); } else { // On stores, do nothing. } return true; } // // handle_shemu // void handle_shemu( PDISASM_OPTIONS Options ) { SHEMU_CONTEXT ctx; SHEMU_STATUS shstatus; char *fileName; HANDLE hFile; DWORD outSize; SIZE_T rip = 0, fsize = Options->Size, offset = 0, decFileNameLength = 0, shellSize; char *fNameDecoded; PBYTE buffer = Options->Buffer; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); rip = Options->Rip; fileName = Options->FileName; if (fileName == NULL) { decFileNameLength = sizeof("hex_string_decoded.bin"); fNameDecoded = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * decFileNameLength); } else { decFileNameLength = strlen(fileName) + sizeof("_decoded.bin"); fNameDecoded = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * decFileNameLength); } if (NULL == fNameDecoded) { printf("Could not allocate file name.\n"); } else { if (fileName == NULL) { sprintf_s(fNameDecoded, decFileNameLength, "hex_string_decoded.bin"); } else { sprintf_s(fNameDecoded, decFileNameLength, "%s_decoded.bin", fileName); } } if (Options->Offset < PAGE_SIZE) { offset = Options->Offset; } // A little extra space, since shellcodes tend to do accesses after their code... shellSize = fsize + 0x100; // Allocate the shellcode, stack, shell bitmap and stack bitmaps. ctx.Shellcode = malloc(shellSize); if (NULL == ctx.Shellcode) { printf("Memory error: couldn't allocated %zu bytes!\n", fsize); free(fNameDecoded); return; } #define STACK_SIZE 0x2000 ctx.Stack = malloc(STACK_SIZE); if (NULL == ctx.Stack) { printf("Memory error: couldn't allocated %zu bytes!\n", fsize); free(fNameDecoded); return; } ctx.Intbuf = malloc(shellSize + STACK_SIZE); if (NULL == ctx.Intbuf) { printf("Memory error: couldn't allocated %zu bytes!\n", fsize); free(fNameDecoded); return; } memset(ctx.Shellcode, 0, shellSize); memset(ctx.Stack, 0, STACK_SIZE); memcpy((BYTE *)ctx.Shellcode, (BYTE *)buffer, fsize); memset(ctx.Intbuf, 0, shellSize + STACK_SIZE); ctx.ShellcodeBase = (rip != 0 ? rip & PAGE_MASK : 0x200000); ctx.ShellcodeSize = (DWORD)shellSize; ctx.StackBase = 0x100000; ctx.StackSize = STACK_SIZE; ctx.Registers.RegRsp = 0x101000; ctx.IntbufSize = (DWORD)shellSize + STACK_SIZE; ctx.Registers.RegFlags = NDR_RFLAG_IF | 2; ctx.Registers.RegRip = ctx.ShellcodeBase + offset; ctx.Segments.Cs.Selector = 0x10; ctx.Segments.Ds.Selector = 0x28; ctx.Segments.Es.Selector = 0x28; ctx.Segments.Ss.Selector = 0x28; ctx.Segments.Fs.Selector = 0x30; ctx.Segments.Fs.Base = 0x7FFF0000; ctx.Segments.Gs.Selector = 0x30; ctx.Segments.Gs.Base = 0x7FFF0000; // Dummy values, to resemble regular CR0/CR4 values. ctx.Registers.RegCr0 = 0x0000000080050031; ctx.Registers.RegCr4 = 0x0000000000170678; ctx.Mode = Options->Mode; ctx.Ring = Options->Ring; ctx.TibBase = Options->Mode == ND_CODE_32 ? ctx.Segments.Fs.Base : ctx.Segments.Gs.Base; ctx.MaxInstructionsCount = 4096; ctx.Flags = 0; ctx.Options = SHEMU_OPT_TRACE_EMULATION; ctx.Log = &ShemuLog; ctx.AccessMemory = &ShemuAccessMem; // Configurable thresholds. ctx.NopThreshold = SHEMU_DEFAULT_NOP_THRESHOLD; ctx.StrThreshold = SHEMU_DEFAULT_STR_THRESHOLD; ctx.MemThreshold = SHEMU_DEFAULT_MEM_THRESHOLD; if (Options->UseShemuRegs) { // Copy the new GPRs memcpy(&ctx.Registers.RegRax, Options->ShemuRegs, sizeof(Options->ShemuRegs)); // Update the stack to point to the new RSP, if one exists if (ctx.Registers.RegRsp != 0) { // Consider the stack base at least with a page before the current RSP. In case of pushes or operations // which decrease the RSP, we will always give SHEMU_ABORT_BRANCH_OUTSIDE otherwise. ctx.StackBase = ctx.Registers.RegRsp - 0x1000; } } shstatus = ShemuEmulate(&ctx); printf("Emulation terminated with status 0x%08x, flags: 0x%llx, %u NOPs\n", shstatus, (unsigned long long)ctx.Flags, ctx.NopCount); if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_NOP_SLED) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_NOP_SLED\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_LOAD_RIP) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_LOAD_RIP\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_WRITE_SELF) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_WRITE_SELF\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_TIB_ACCESS) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_TIB_ACCESS\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_SYSCALL) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_SYSCALL\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_STACK_STR) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_STACK_STR\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_KPCR_ACCESS) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_KPCR_ACCESS\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_SWAPGS) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_SWAPGS\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_SYSCALL_MSR_READ) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_SYSCALL_MSR_READ\n"); } if (ctx.Flags & SHEMU_FLAG_SYSCALL_MSR_WRITE) { printf(" SHEMU_FLAG_SYSCALL_MSR_WRITE\n"); } if (fNameDecoded != NULL) { hFile = CreateFileA(fNameDecoded, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { printf("Could not open the file %s : 0x%08x\n", fNameDecoded, GetLastError()); return; } WriteFile(hFile, (BYTE *)ctx.Shellcode, (DWORD)fsize, &outSize, NULL); if (outSize == 0) { printf("No bytes written to %s!\n", fNameDecoded); } CloseHandle(hFile); free(fNameDecoded); } free(ctx.Shellcode); free(ctx.Stack); free(ctx.Intbuf); } // // _tmain // int main( __in int argc, __in char* argv[] ) { HANDLE hFile, hMapping; DWORD fsize, offset; SIZE_T rip; char text[ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE], *fname, *target, *shemuCtxFname; BYTE mode, print, highlight, fmode, hmode, stats, exi, vend, feat, search, isShemu, isShemuCtxf, isKernel; INT ret, i; BYTE hexbuf[256], *buffer; DISASM_OPTIONS options; // preinit buffer = NULL; memset(text, 0, sizeof(text)); memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); print = 1; highlight = 0; fmode = 0; hmode = 0; stats = 0; exi = 0; offset = 0; search = 0; feat = ND_FEAT_ALL; vend = ND_VEND_ANY; fname = NULL; mode = ND_CODE_16; hFile = NULL; hMapping = NULL; target = NULL; shemuCtxFname = NULL; rip = 0; isShemu = 0; isShemuCtxf = 0; isKernel = 0; if (NULL == argv) { return -1; } if (argc < 3) { uint32_t major, minor, revision; char *date, *time; NdGetVersion(&major, &minor, &revision, &date, &time); printf("Napoca Disassembler version %u.%u.%u, built on %s %s\n", major, minor, revision, date, time); printf("Usage: disasm -f file|-h hex-string -b[16|32|64] [-nv] [-iv] [-hl] [-s] [-c] [-shctxf contextfile] " "[-reg_name reg_val]\n"); printf(" -f file specify input file\n"); printf(" -h hexstring specify hex string with instructions\n"); printf(" -o offset start disasm at specified offset\n"); printf(" -r rip use the provided RIP\n"); printf(" -b[16|32|64] set decoding mode; default is 16\n"); printf(" -v[intel|amd|cyrix|mpx|any] set preferred vendor\n"); printf(" -t[none|all|mpx|cet|cldm] set preferred feature mode; default is all\n"); printf(" -s \"ins\" search for the given instructions\n"); printf(" -nv don't print disassembly\n"); printf(" -iv display statistics\n"); printf(" -exi print extended info about instructions\n"); printf(" -shemu emulate the file/hex-string\n"); printf(" -shctxf contextfile specify file that contains the context for shemu. " "Ignored if shemu is not used. Overrides registers specified in command line\n"); printf(" File format: each row contains the format: [regname]:[regvalue]\n"); printf(" -regname regval specify registers to be set for the shemu context. Ignored if shemu is not used\n"); printf(" Examples of valid command line register naming: \"RegRax\" ; \"rax\" ; \"reg_rax\"\n"); printf(" -k specify kernel mode for shemu emulation. Ignore if shemu is not specified.\n"); printf(" -hl highlight instruction parts:\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf(" light white prefixes\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf(" light green opcodes\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf(" light yellow modrm and sib\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf(" light blue displacement\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf(" light red relative offset, immediate, address\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED); printf("Instrux size: 0x%zx bytes\n", sizeof(INSTRUX)); ret = -1; goto cleanup_and_exit; } i = 1; while (i < argc) { DWORD gprIdx; if (match_gpr(argv[i], &gprIdx)) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { printf("No value given for %s!\n", argv[i]); } else { options.ShemuRegs[gprIdx] = (size_t)strtoull(argv[i + 1], NULL, 0); options.UseShemuRegs = TRUE; i++; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-shctxf") == 0) { if (i + 1 < argc) { isShemuCtxf = 1; options.UseShemuRegs = TRUE; shemuCtxFname = argv[i + 1]; i++; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-shemu") == 0) { isShemu = 1; } else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'f' && argv[i][2] == 0) { if (i + 1 < argc) { fmode = 1; fname = argv[i + 1]; i++; } } else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'h' && argv[i][2] == 0) { if (i + 1 < argc) { hmode = 1; fname = argv[i + 1]; i++; } } else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'o' && argv[i][2] == 0) { if (i + 1 < argc) { sscanf_s(argv[i + 1], "%x", &offset); i++; } } else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'r' && argv[i][2] == 0) { if (i + 1 < argc) { sscanf_s(argv[i + 1], "%zx", &rip); i++; } } else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'k' && argv[i][2] == 0) { isKernel = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-b16")) { mode = ND_CODE_16; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-b32")) { mode = ND_CODE_32; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-b64")) { mode = ND_CODE_64; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-vintel")) { vend = ND_VEND_INTEL; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-vamd")) { vend = ND_VEND_AMD; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-vgeode")) { vend = ND_VEND_GEODE; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-vcyrix")) { vend = ND_VEND_CYRIX; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-vany")) { vend = ND_VEND_ANY; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-tall")) { feat = ND_FEAT_ALL; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-tmpx")) { if (feat == ND_FEAT_ALL) { feat = 0; } feat |= ND_FEAT_MPX; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-tcet")) { if (feat == ND_FEAT_ALL) { feat = 0; } feat |= ND_FEAT_CET; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-tcldm")) { if (feat == ND_FEAT_ALL) { feat = 0; } feat |= ND_FEAT_CLDEMOTE; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-tnone")) { feat = ND_FEAT_NONE; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-nv")) { print = 0; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-hl")) { highlight = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-iv")) { stats = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-exi")) { exi = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) { search = 1; if (i + 1 == argc) { printf("-s requires an argument!\n"); return -1; } target = argv[++i]; if (strlen(target) >= ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE) { printf("Target instruction too long! Max is %d bytes!\n", ND_MIN_BUF_SIZE); return -1; } } else { printf("Unknown option: '%s'\n", argv[i]); } i++; } if (0 == fmode && 0 == hmode) { printf("Expecting -f or -h option!\n"); return -1; } if (fmode) { // Open the file. hFile = CreateFileA(fname, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { printf("Couldn't open file '%s': 0x%08x\n", fname, GetLastError()); ret = -1; goto cleanup_and_exit; } // Create a file mapping. hMapping = CreateFileMappingA(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, "DisasmFile"); if (NULL == hMapping) { printf("Couldn't create file mapping for '%s': 0x%08x\n", argv[1], GetLastError()); ret = -1; goto cleanup_and_exit; } // Map the file. buffer = MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if (NULL == buffer) { printf("Couldn't map the view for '%s': 0x%08x\n", argv[1], GetLastError()); ret = -1; goto cleanup_and_exit; } fsize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); } else { DWORD idx; memset(hexbuf, 0, sizeof(hexbuf)); fsize = (DWORD)strlen(fname); if (fsize > 512) { printf("Max 256-bytes buffer accepted!\n"); return -1; } if (fsize % 2 == 1) { printf("Even-sized hex buffer expected!\n"); return -1; } for (idx = 0; idx < fsize / 2; idx++) { hexbuf[idx] = ((hex_to_bin(fname[idx * 2]) << 4) | (hex_to_bin(fname[idx * 2 + 1]))) & 0xFF; } fname = NULL; fsize /= 2; buffer = hexbuf; } if (offset >= fsize) { printf("The offset exceeds the buffer size!\n"); ret = -1; goto cleanup_and_exit; } options.FileName = fname; options.Buffer = buffer; options.Size = fsize; options.ExtendedInfo = exi; options.Highlight = highlight; options.Mode = mode; options.Ring = isKernel ? 0 : 3; options.Offset = offset; options.Stats = stats; options.Search = search; options.Target = target; options.Print = print; options.Vendor = vend; options.Feature = feat; options.Rip = rip; if (isShemu) { if (isShemuCtxf) { set_shemuctx_file(shemuCtxFname, &options); } handle_shemu(&options); } else if (search) { handle_search(&options); } else { handle_disasm(&options); } // All should be good. ret = 0; cleanup_and_exit: if (fmode) { if (NULL != buffer) { UnmapViewOfFile(buffer); buffer = NULL; } if (NULL != hMapping) { CloseHandle(hMapping); hMapping = NULL; } if ((NULL != hFile) && (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile)) { CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = NULL; } } return ret; }