/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Bitdefender * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #ifndef DISASMTOOL_H #define DISASMTOOL_H #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #define _In_ #define _Inout_ #define _Out_ #define _Success_(x) typedef char CHAR, *PCHAR; typedef unsigned char BYTE, *PBYTE; typedef int32_t INT32; typedef uint32_t DWORD; #define UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(P) (void)(P) #define ARRAYSIZE(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof((A)[0])) #endif // !WIN32 typedef enum _DISASM_COMMAND { commandNone = 0, commandDecode, commandShemu, } DISASM_COMMAND; typedef enum _INPUT_MODE { inputNone = 0, inputFile, inputHex } INPUT_MODE; typedef struct _DISASM_OPTIONS { DISASM_COMMAND Command; // Command. uint8_t *Buffer; // The buffer containing the instructions. size_t Size; // Buffer size. size_t Offset; // Offset inside the buffer. size_t Rip; // Virtual RIP. bool Highlight; // Highlight instruction components, if true. bool ExtendedInfo; // Display extended instruction info, if true. bool BitFields; // Display the various bitfields inside the instruction, if true. bool Skip16; // Automatically jump over 16 bytes after each instruction. bool Skip1; // Automatically jump over one single byte after each instruction. bool Stats; // Display disassembly stats (clocks / instruction, instructions / second), if true. bool Print; // Print instruction disassembly, if true. uint8_t Mode; // Mode - 16, 32 or 64-bit mode. uint8_t Ring; // Ring - 0, 1, 2 or 3. uint8_t Vendor; // Preffered vendor. uint8_t Feature; // Used features. char *FileName; // Input file, if any. size_t ShemuRegs[ND_MAX_GPR_REGS]; bool UseShemuRegs; // If truue, the registers in ShemuRegs will be used for shemu input. bool BypassSelfWrites; // If true, shemu emulation will ignore self-modifications made by the shellcode. // Internal. INPUT_MODE InputMode; } DISASM_OPTIONS, *PDISASM_OPTIONS; #define PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 #define PAGE_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000 #endif // DISASMTOOL_H