mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 22:16:06 +00:00
Updated the 'argparse' header.
This commit is contained in:
@ -596,17 +596,17 @@ static bool _validate_and_fix_args(options& opts)
static size_t _get_hex_opt(ArgumentParser &parser, const std::string &field)
static size_t _get_hex_opt(argparse::ArgumentParser &parser, const std::string &field)
return std::strtoul(parser.get<std::string>(field).c_str(), nullptr, 0);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
auto opts = options{};
auto parser = ArgumentParser(argv[0]);
auto parser = argparse::ArgumentParser(argv[0], "Disassembler tool for Linux");
parser.add_argument("-i", "--interactive", "Interactive mode", false);
parser.add_argument("-c", "--comm", "Comm mode", false);
@ -624,16 +624,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
parser.add_argument("--json", "Output to json", false);
parser.add_argument("--extended", "Extended instruction info", false);
try {
parser.parse(argc, argv);
} catch (const ArgumentParser::ArgumentNotFound& ex) {
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
auto err = parser.parse(argc, argv);
if (err) {
std::cout << err << std::endl;
return -1;
if (parser.exists("help")) {
return 0;
opts.bits = parser.get<uint64_t>("bits");
opts.interactive = parser.get<bool>("interactive");
opts.comm = parser.get<bool>("comm");
opts.interactive = parser.exists("interactive");
opts.comm = parser.exists("comm");
opts.offset = _get_hex_opt(parser, "offset");
opts.size = _get_hex_opt(parser, "size");
opts.count = _get_hex_opt(parser, "count");
@ -641,17 +647,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
opts.in_file = parser.get<std::string>("file");
opts.hex_string = parser.get<std::string>("hex");
opts.hex_file = parser.get<std::string>("hexfile");
opts.no_color = parser.get<bool>("no-color");
opts.dump_stats = parser.get<bool>("stats");
opts.verbose = parser.get<bool>("verbose");
opts.json_output = parser.get<bool>("json");
opts.extended = parser.get<bool>("extended");
opts.no_color = parser.exists("no-color");
opts.dump_stats = parser.exists("stats");
opts.verbose = parser.exists("verbose");
opts.json_output = parser.exists("json");
opts.extended = parser.exists("extended");
if (opts.verbose) {
std::cout << "interactive: " << opts.interactive << std::endl;
std::cout << "comm: " << opts.comm << std::endl;
std::cout << "rip: " << opts.rip << std::endl;
std::cout << "bits: " << opts.bits << std::endl;
std::cout << "bits: " << static_cast<uint16_t>(opts.bits) << std::endl;
std::cout << "offset: " << opts.offset << std::endl;
std::cout << "size: " << opts.offset << std::endl;
std::cout << "count: " << opts.count << std::endl;
@ -660,7 +666,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout << "stats: " << opts.dump_stats << std::endl;
std::cout << "hex: " << opts.hex_string << std::endl;
std::cout << "json: " << opts.json_output << std::endl;
std::cout << "extended: " << opts.extended << std::endl;
std::cout << "extended: " << opts.extended << std::endl;
if (!_validate_and_fix_args(opts)) {
@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
* argparse.h is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* argparse.h is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with argparse.h. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* License: Apache 2.0 with LLVM Exception or GPL v3
* Author: Jesse Laning
@ -23,6 +13,7 @@
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
@ -30,247 +21,546 @@
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace argparse {
namespace detail {
static inline bool _not_space(int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }
static inline void _ltrim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), f));
static inline void _rtrim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), f).base(), s.end());
static inline void _trim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
_ltrim(s, f);
_rtrim(s, f);
static inline std::string _ltrim_copy(std::string s,
bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
_ltrim(s, f);
return s;
static inline std::string _rtrim_copy(std::string s,
bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
_rtrim(s, f);
return s;
static inline std::string _trim_copy(std::string s,
bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
_trim(s, f);
return s;
template <typename InputIt>
static inline std::string _join(InputIt begin, InputIt end,
const std::string &separator = " ") {
std::ostringstream ss;
if (begin != end) {
ss << *begin++;
while (begin != end) {
ss << separator;
ss << *begin++;
return ss.str();
static inline bool _is_number(const std::string &arg) {
std::istringstream iss(arg);
float f;
iss >> std::noskipws >> f;
return iss.eof() && !iss.fail();
static inline int _find_equal(const std::string &s) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
// if find graph symbol before equal, end search
// i.e. don't accept --asd)f=0 arguments
// but allow --asd_f and --asd-f arguments
if (std::ispunct(static_cast<int>(s[i]))) {
if (s[i] == '=') {
return static_cast<int>(i);
} else if (s[i] == '_' || s[i] == '-') {
return -1;
return -1;
static inline size_t _find_name_end(const std::string &s) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
if (std::ispunct(static_cast<int>(s[i]))) {
return i;
namespace is_vector_impl {
template <typename T>
struct is_vector : std::false_type {};
template <typename... Args>
struct is_vector<std::vector<Args...>> : std::true_type {};
} // namespace is_vector_impl
// type trait to utilize the implementation type traits as well as decay the
// type
template <typename T>
struct is_vector {
static constexpr bool const value =
is_vector_impl::is_vector<typename std::decay<T>::type>::value;
} // namespace detail
class ArgumentParser {
struct Argument;
class ArgumentNotFound : public std::runtime_error {
class Argument;
class Result {
ArgumentNotFound(ArgumentParser::Argument &arg) noexcept
: std::runtime_error(
("Required argument not found: " + arg._name).c_str()) {}
Result() {}
Result(std::string err) noexcept : _error(true), _what(err) {}
operator bool() const { return _error; }
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Result &dt);
const std::string &what() const { return _what; }
bool _error{false};
std::string _what{};
ArgumentParser(const std::string &desc) : _desc(desc), _help(false) {}
ArgumentParser(const std::string desc, int argc, char *argv[])
: ArgumentParser(desc) {
parse(argc, argv);
class Argument {
enum Position : int { LAST = -1, DONT_CARE = -2 };
enum Count : int { ANY = -1 };
Argument &name(const std::string &name) {
return *this;
Argument &names(std::vector<std::string> names) {
_names.insert(_names.end(), names.begin(), names.end());
return *this;
Argument &description(const std::string &description) {
_desc = description;
return *this;
Argument &required(bool req) {
_required = req;
return *this;
Argument &position(int position) {
if (position != Position::LAST) {
// position + 1 because technically argument zero is the name of the
// executable
_position = position + 1;
} else {
_position = position;
return *this;
Argument &count(int count) {
_count = count;
return *this;
bool found() const { return _found; }
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<detail::is_vector<T>::value, T>::type get() {
T t = T();
typename T::value_type vt;
for (auto &s : _values) {
std::istringstream in(s);
in >> vt;
return t;
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<!detail::is_vector<T>::value, T>::type get() {
std::istringstream in(get<std::string>());
T t = T();
in >> t >> std::ws;
return t;
Argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc,
bool required = false)
: _desc(desc), _required(required) {
Argument() {}
friend class ArgumentParser;
int _position{Position::DONT_CARE};
int _count{Count::ANY};
std::vector<std::string> _names{};
std::string _desc{};
bool _found{false};
bool _required{false};
int _index{-1};
std::vector<std::string> _values{};
ArgumentParser(const std::string &bin, const std::string &desc)
: _bin(bin), _desc(desc) {}
Argument &add_argument() {
_arguments.back()._index = static_cast<int>(_arguments.size()) - 1;
return _arguments.back();
void add_argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &long_name,
const std::string &desc, const bool required = false) {
_arguments.push_back({name, desc, required});
_pairs[name] = long_name;
Argument &add_argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &long_name,
const std::string &desc, const bool required = false) {
_arguments.push_back(Argument(name, desc, required));
_arguments.back()._index = static_cast<int>(_arguments.size()) - 1;
return _arguments.back();
void add_argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc,
const bool required = false) {
_arguments.push_back({name, desc, required});
Argument &add_argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc,
const bool required = false) {
_arguments.push_back(Argument(name, desc, required));
_arguments.back()._index = static_cast<int>(_arguments.size()) - 1;
return _arguments.back();
bool is_help() { return _help; }
void print_help() {
std::cout << "Usage: " << _bin << " [options]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Options:" << std::endl;
for (auto &a : _arguments) {
std::string name = a._name;
auto i = _pairs.find(name);
if (i != _pairs.end()) name.append(", " + i->second);
void print_help(size_t count = 0, size_t page = 0) {
if (page * count > _arguments.size()) {
if (page == 0) {
std::cout << "Usage: " << _bin;
if (_positional_arguments.empty()) {
std::cout << " [options...]" << std::endl;
} else {
int current = 1;
for (auto &v : _positional_arguments) {
if (v.first != Argument::Position::LAST) {
for (; current < v.first; current++) {
std::cout << " [" << current << "]";
<< " ["
<< detail::_ltrim_copy(
[](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast<int>('-'); })
<< "]";
auto it = _positional_arguments.find(Argument::Position::LAST);
if (it == _positional_arguments.end()) {
std::cout << " [options...]";
} else {
<< " [options...] ["
<< detail::_ltrim_copy(
[](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast<int>('-'); })
<< "]";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Options:" << std::endl;
if (count == 0) {
page = 0;
count = _arguments.size();
for (size_t i = page * count;
i < std::min<size_t>(page * count + count, _arguments.size()); i++) {
Argument &a = _arguments[i];
std::string name = a._names[0];
for (size_t n = 1; n < a._names.size(); ++n) {
name.append(", " + a._names[n]);
std::cout << " " << std::setw(23) << std::left << name << std::setw(23)
<< a._desc + (a._required ? " (Required)" : "") << std::endl;
<< a._desc;
if (a._required) {
std::cout << " (Required)";
std::cout << std::endl;
void parse(int argc, char *argv[]) {
_bin = argv[0];
Result parse(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
Result err;
if (argc > 1) {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> arg_parts;
std::vector<std::string> free_args;
auto push_arg = [&name, &arg_parts, this]() {
if (!name.empty()) {
if (name[0] == '-') {
_add_variable(name, arg_parts);
} else {
for (char c : name) {
_add_variable(std::string(1, c), arg_parts);
// build name map
for (auto &a : _arguments) {
for (auto &n : a._names) {
std::string name = detail::_ltrim_copy(
n, [](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast<int>('-'); });
if (_name_map.find(name) != _name_map.end()) {
return Result("Duplicate of argument name: " + n);
_name_map[name] = a._index;
if (a._position >= 0 || a._position == Argument::Position::LAST) {
_positional_arguments[a._position] = a._index;
if (err) {
return err;
// parse
std::string current_arg;
size_t arg_len;
for (int argv_index = 1; argv_index < argc; ++argv_index) {
current_arg = std::string(argv[argv_index]);
arg_len = current_arg.length();
if (arg_len == 0) {
if (_help_enabled && (current_arg == "-h" || current_arg == "--help")) {
_arguments[static_cast<size_t>(_name_map["help"])]._found = true;
} else if (argv_index == argc - 1 &&
_positional_arguments.find(Argument::Position::LAST) !=
_positional_arguments.end()) {
err = _end_argument();
Result b = err;
err = _add_value(current_arg, Argument::Position::LAST);
if (b) {
return b;
if (err) {
return err;
} else if (arg_len >= 2 &&
!detail::_is_number(current_arg)) { // ignores the case if
// the arg is just a -
// look for -a (short) or --arg (long) args
if (current_arg[0] == '-') {
err = _end_argument();
if (err) {
return err;
// look for --arg (long) args
if (current_arg[1] == '-') {
err = _begin_argument(current_arg.substr(2), true, argv_index);
if (err) {
return err;
} else { // short args
err = _begin_argument(current_arg.substr(1), false, argv_index);
if (err) {
return err;
} else { // argument value
err = _add_value(current_arg, argv_index);
if (err) {
return err;
} else { // argument value
err = _add_value(current_arg, argv_index);
if (err) {
return err;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
size_t slen = std::strlen(argv[i]);
if (slen == 0) {
} else if (slen >= 2 && argv[i][0] == '-' && !_is_number(argv[i])) {
if (i == argc - 1) {
name = &(argv[i][1]);
if (_help_enabled && exists("help")) {
return Result();
err = _end_argument();
if (err) {
return err;
for (auto &p : _positional_arguments) {
Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast<size_t>(p.second)];
if (a._values.size() > 0 && a._values[0][0] == '-') {
std::string name = detail::_ltrim_copy(a._values[0], [](int c) -> bool {
return c != static_cast<int>('-');
if (_name_map.find(name) != _name_map.end()) {
if (a._position == Argument::Position::LAST) {
return Result(
"Poisitional argument expected at the end, but argument " +
a._values[0] + " found instead");
} else {
name = &(argv[i][1]);
} else if (name.empty()) {
} else {
if (i == argc - 1) {
_add_variable("", free_args);
if (!_help) {
for (auto &a : _arguments) {
if (a._required) {
if (_variables.find(a._name) == _variables.end()) {
throw ArgumentNotFound(a);
return Result("Poisitional argument expected in position " +
std::to_string(a._position) + ", but argument " +
a._values[0] + " found instead");
bool exists(const std::string &name) {
std::string t = _delimit(name);
if (_pairs.find(t) != _pairs.end()) t = _pairs[t];
return _variables.find(t) != _variables.end();
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> getv(const std::string &name) {
std::vector<std::string> argstr = getv<std::string>(name);
std::vector<T> v;
for (auto &s : argstr) {
std::istringstream in(s);
T t;
in >> t;
for (auto &a : _arguments) {
if (a._required && !a._found) {
return Result("Required argument not found: " + a._names[0]);
if (a._position >= 0 && argc >= a._position && !a._found) {
return Result("Argument " + a._names[0] + " expected in position " +
return v;
return Result();
void enable_help() {
add_argument("-h", "--help", "Shows this page", false);
_help_enabled = true;
bool exists(const std::string &name) const {
std::string n = detail::_ltrim_copy(
name, [](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast<int>('-'); });
auto it = _name_map.find(n);
if (it != _name_map.end()) {
return _arguments[static_cast<size_t>(it->second)]._found;
return false;
template <typename T>
T get(const std::string &name) {
std::istringstream in(get<std::string>(name));
T t;
in >> t >> std::ws;
return t;
auto t = _name_map.find(name);
if (t != _name_map.end()) {
return _arguments[static_cast<size_t>(t->second)].get<T>();
return T();
friend class ArgumentNotFound;
struct Argument {
Argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc,
bool required = false)
: _name(name), _desc(desc), _required(required) {}
std::string _name;
std::string _desc;
bool _required;
inline void _add_variable(std::string name,
std::vector<std::string> &arg_parts) {
if (name == "h" || name == "-help") {
_help = true;
Result _begin_argument(const std::string &arg, bool longarg, int position) {
auto it = _positional_arguments.find(position);
if (it != _positional_arguments.end()) {
Result err = _end_argument();
Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast<size_t>(it->second)];
a._values.push_back((longarg ? "--" : "-") + arg);
a._found = true;
return err;
_ltrim(name, [](int c) { return c != (int)'-'; });
name = _delimit(name);
if (_pairs.find(name) != _pairs.end()) name = _pairs[name];
_variables[name] = arg_parts;
static std::string _delimit(const std::string &name) {
return std::string(std::min(name.size(), (size_t)2), '-').append(name);
static std::string _strip(const std::string &name) {
size_t begin = 0;
begin += name.size() > 0 ? name[0] == '-' : 0;
begin += name.size() > 3 ? name[1] == '-' : 0;
return name.substr(begin);
static std::string _upper(const std::string &in) {
std::string out(in);
std::transform(out.begin(), out.end(), out.begin(), ::toupper);
return out;
static std::string _escape(const std::string &in) {
std::string out(in);
if (in.find(' ') != std::string::npos)
out = std::string("\"").append(out).append("\"");
return out;
static bool _not_space(int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }
static inline void _ltrim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), f));
static inline void _rtrim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), f).base(), s.end());
static inline void _trim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
_ltrim(s, f);
_rtrim(s, f);
static inline std::string _ltrim_copy(std::string s,
bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
_ltrim(s, f);
return s;
static inline std::string _rtrim_copy(std::string s,
bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
_rtrim(s, f);
return s;
static inline std::string _trim_copy(std::string s,
bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) {
_trim(s, f);
return s;
template <typename InputIt>
inline std::string _join(InputIt begin, InputIt end,
const std::string &separator = " ") {
std::ostringstream ss;
if (begin != end) {
ss << *begin++;
if (_current != -1) {
return Result("Current argument left open");
while (begin != end) {
ss << separator;
ss << *begin++;
size_t name_end = detail::_find_name_end(arg);
std::string arg_name = arg.substr(0, name_end);
if (longarg) {
int equal_pos = detail::_find_equal(arg);
auto nmf = _name_map.find(arg_name);
if (nmf == _name_map.end()) {
return Result("Unrecognized command line option '" + arg_name + "'");
_current = nmf->second;
_arguments[static_cast<size_t>(nmf->second)]._found = true;
if (equal_pos == 0 ||
(equal_pos < 0 &&
arg_name.length() < arg.length())) { // malformed argument
return Result("Malformed argument: " + arg);
} else if (equal_pos > 0) {
std::string arg_value = arg.substr(name_end + 1);
_add_value(arg_value, position);
} else {
Result r;
if (arg_name.length() == 1) {
return _begin_argument(arg, true, position);
} else {
for (char &c : arg_name) {
r = _begin_argument(std::string(1, c), true, position);
if (r) {
return r;
r = _end_argument();
if (r) {
return r;
return ss.str();
static inline bool _is_number(const char *arg) {
std::istringstream iss{std::string(arg)};
float f;
iss >> std::noskipws >> f;
return iss.eof() && !iss.fail();
return Result();
std::string _desc;
std::string _bin;
bool _help;
std::vector<Argument> _arguments;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> _variables;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> _pairs;
Result _add_value(const std::string &value, int location) {
if (_current >= 0) {
Result err;
Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast<size_t>(_current)];
if (a._count >= 0 && static_cast<int>(a._values.size()) >= a._count) {
err = _end_argument();
if (err) {
return err;
goto unnamed;
if (a._count >= 0 && static_cast<int>(a._values.size()) >= a._count) {
err = _end_argument();
if (err) {
return err;
return Result();
} else {
auto it = _positional_arguments.find(location);
if (it != _positional_arguments.end()) {
Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast<size_t>(it->second)];
a._found = true;
return Result();
Result _end_argument() {
if (_current >= 0) {
Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast<size_t>(_current)];
_current = -1;
if (static_cast<int>(a._values.size()) < a._count) {
return Result("Too few arguments given for " + a._names[0]);
if (a._count >= 0) {
if (static_cast<int>(a._values.size()) > a._count) {
return Result("Too many arguments given for " + a._names[0]);
return Result();
bool _help_enabled{false};
int _current{-1};
std::string _bin{};
std::string _desc{};
std::vector<Argument> _arguments{};
std::map<int, int> _positional_arguments{};
std::map<std::string, int> _name_map{};
template <>
inline std::string ArgumentParser::get<std::string>(const std::string &name) {
std::string t = _delimit(name);
if (_pairs.find(t) != _pairs.end()) t = _pairs[t];
auto v = _variables.find(t);
if (v != _variables.end()) {
return _join(v->second.begin(), v->second.end());
return "";
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ArgumentParser::Result &r) {
os << r.what();
return os;
template <>
inline bool ArgumentParser::get<bool>(const std::string &name) {
return exists(name);
inline std::string ArgumentParser::Argument::get<std::string>() {
return detail::_join(_values.begin(), _values.end());
template <>
inline std::vector<std::string> ArgumentParser::getv<std::string>(
const std::string &name) {
std::string t = _delimit(name);
if (_pairs.find(t) != _pairs.end()) t = _pairs[t];
auto v = _variables.find(t);
if (v != _variables.end()) {
return v->second;
return std::vector<std::string>();
inline std::vector<std::string>
ArgumentParser::Argument::get<std::vector<std::string>>() {
return _values;
} // namespace argparse
Reference in New Issue
Block a user