{ description = "A Nix Flake for an xfce-based system with YubiKey setup"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11"; drduhConfig.url = "github:drduh/config"; drduhConfig.flake = false; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, drduhConfig, }: let mkSystem = system: nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { inherit system; modules = [ "${nixpkgs}/nixos/modules/profiles/all-hardware.nix" "${nixpkgs}/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix" ( { lib, pkgs, config, ... }: let gpgAgentConf = pkgs.runCommand "gpg-agent.conf" {} '' sed '/pinentry-program/d' ${drduhConfig}/gpg-agent.conf > $out echo "pinentry-program ${pkgs.pinentry.curses}/bin/pinentry" >> $out ''; viewYubikeyGuide = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "view-yubikey-guide" '' viewer="$(type -P xdg-open || true)" if [ -z "$viewer" ]; then viewer="${pkgs.glow}/bin/glow -p" fi exec $viewer "${self}/README.md" ''; shortcut = pkgs.makeDesktopItem { name = "yubikey-guide"; icon = "${pkgs.yubikey-manager-qt}/share/ykman-gui/icons/ykman.png"; desktopName = "drduh's YubiKey Guide"; genericName = "Guide to using YubiKey for GPG and SSH"; comment = "Open the guide in a reader program"; categories = ["Documentation"]; exec = "${viewYubikeyGuide}/bin/view-yubikey-guide"; }; yubikeyGuide = pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "yubikey-guide"; paths = [viewYubikeyGuide shortcut]; }; in { isoImage = { isoName = "yubikeyLive.iso"; # As of writing, zstd-based iso is 1542M, takes ~2mins to # compress. If you prefer a smaller image and are happy to # wait, delete the line below, it will default to a # slower-but-smaller xz (1375M in 8mins as of writing). squashfsCompression = "zstd"; appendToMenuLabel = " YubiKey Live ${self.lastModifiedDate}"; makeEfiBootable = true; # EFI booting makeUsbBootable = true; # USB booting }; swapDevices = []; boot = { tmp.cleanOnBoot = true; kernel.sysctl = {"kernel.unprivileged_bpf_disabled" = 1;}; }; services = { pcscd.enable = true; udev.packages = [pkgs.yubikey-personalization]; # Automatically log in at the virtual consoles. getty.autologinUser = "nixos"; # Comment out to run in a console for a smaller iso and less RAM. xserver = { enable = true; desktopManager.xfce.enable = true; displayManager = { lightdm.enable = true; autoLogin = { enable = true; user = "nixos"; }; }; }; }; programs = { ssh.startAgent = false; gnupg.agent = { enable = true; enableSSHSupport = true; }; }; # Use less privileged nixos user users.users = { nixos = { isNormalUser = true; extraGroups = ["wheel" "video"]; initialHashedPassword = ""; }; root.initialHashedPassword = ""; }; security = { pam.services.lightdm.text = '' auth sufficient pam_succeed_if.so user ingroup wheel ''; sudo = { enable = true; wheelNeedsPassword = false; }; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # Tools for backing up keys paperkey pgpdump parted cryptsetup # Yubico's official tools yubikey-manager yubikey-manager-qt yubikey-personalization yubikey-personalization-gui yubico-piv-tool yubioath-flutter # Testing ent haskellPackages.hopenpgp-tools # Password generation tools diceware pwgen # Might be useful beyond the scope of the guide cfssl pcsctools tmux htop # This guide itself (run `view-yubikey-guide` on the terminal # to open it in a non-graphical environment). yubikeyGuide ]; # Disable networking so the system is air-gapped # Comment all of these lines out if you'll need internet access boot.initrd.network.enable = false; networking = { resolvconf.enable = false; dhcpcd.enable = false; dhcpcd.allowInterfaces = []; interfaces = {}; firewall.enable = true; useDHCP = false; useNetworkd = false; wireless.enable = false; networkmanager.enable = lib.mkForce false; }; # Unset history so it's never stored Set GNUPGHOME to an # ephemeral location and configure GPG with the guide's environment.interactiveShellInit = '' unset HISTFILE export GNUPGHOME="/run/user/$(id -u)/gnupg" if [ ! -d "$GNUPGHOME" ]; then echo "Creating \$GNUPGHOME…" install --verbose -m=0700 --directory="$GNUPGHOME" fi [ ! -f "$GNUPGHOME/gpg.conf" ] && cp --verbose "${drduhConfig}/gpg.conf" "$GNUPGHOME/gpg.conf" [ ! -f "$GNUPGHOME/gpg-agent.conf" ] && cp --verbose ${gpgAgentConf} "$GNUPGHOME/gpg-agent.conf" echo "\$GNUPGHOME is \"$GNUPGHOME\"" ''; # Copy the contents of contrib to the home directory, add a # shortcut to the guide on the desktop, and link to the whole # repo in the documents folder. system.activationScripts.yubikeyGuide = let homeDir = "/home/nixos/"; desktopDir = homeDir + "Desktop/"; documentsDir = homeDir + "Documents/"; in '' mkdir -p ${desktopDir} ${documentsDir} chown nixos ${homeDir} ${desktopDir} ${documentsDir} cp -R ${self}/contrib/* ${homeDir} ln -sf ${yubikeyGuide}/share/applications/yubikey-guide.desktop ${desktopDir} ln -sfT ${self} ${documentsDir}/YubiKey-Guide ''; system.stateVersion = "23.11"; } ) ]; }; in { nixosConfigurations.yubikeyLive.x86_64-linux = mkSystem "x86_64-linux"; nixosConfigurations.yubikeyLive.aarch64-linux = mkSystem "aarch64-linux"; formatter.x86_64-linux = (import nixpkgs {system = "x86_64-linux";}).alejandra; formatter.aarch64-linux = (import nixpkgs {system = "aarch64-linux";}).alejandra; }; }