reimplement tint algorithm with numpy for reasonable performance

The old algorithm was so slow it would take seconds to tint all images
for a VM.
qubesuser 7 years ago
parent 86e9231ac9
commit 843ac6c477

@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ Toolkit for secure transfer and conversion of images between Qubes VMs.'''
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import colorsys
import math
import os
import re
@ -36,6 +34,7 @@ import sys
import unittest
import PIL.Image
import numpy
# those are for "zOMG UlTRa HD! WalLLpapPer 8K!!1!" to work seamlessly;
# 8192 * 5120 * 4 B = 160 MiB, so DoS by memory exhaustion is unlikely
@ -94,27 +93,59 @@ get_from_stream(), get_from_vm(), get_xdg_icon_from_vm(), get_through_dvm()'''
def tint(self, colour):
'''Return new tinted image'''
r, g, b = hex_to_float(colour)
h, _, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
result = BytesIO()
# duplicate the whole loop for performance reasons
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
for i in range(0, self._size[0] * self._size[1] * 4, 4):
r, g, b, a = tuple(ord(c) / 255. for c in self._rgba[i:i+4])
_, l, _ = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
result.write(b''.join(chr(int(i * 255)) for i in [r, g, b, a]))
tr, tg, tb = hex_to_int(colour)
tM = max(tr, tg, tb)
tm = min(tr, tg, tb)
tl2 = tM + tm
# (trn/tdn, tgn/tdn, tbn/tdn) is the tint color with lightness set to 0.5
if tl2 == 0 or tl2 == 510: # avoid division by 0
tdn = 2
trn = 1
tgn = 1
tbn = 1
elif tl2 <= 255:
tdn = tl2
trn = tr
tgn = tg
tbn = tb
for i in range(0, self._size[0] * self._size[1] * 4, 4):
r, g, b, a = tuple(c / 255. for c in self._rgba[i:i + 4])
_, l, _ = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
result.write(bytes(int(i * 255) for i in [r, g, b, a]))
return self.__class__(rgba=result.getvalue(), size=self._size)
tdn = 510 - tl2
trn = tdn - (255 - tr)
tgn = tdn - (255 - tg)
tbn = tdn - (255 - tb)
# (trni/tdn, tgni/tdn, tbni/tdn) is the inverted tint color with lightness set to 0.5
trni = tdn - trn
tgni = tdn - tgn
tbni = tdn - tbn
tdn255 = tdn * 255
# use a 1D image representation since we only process a single pixel at a time
pixels = self._size[0] * self._size[1]
x = numpy.fromstring(self._rgba, 'B').reshape(pixels, 4)
r = x[:, 0]
g = x[:, 1]
b = x[:, 2]
a = x[:, 3]
M = numpy.maximum(numpy.maximum(r, g), b)
m = numpy.minimum(numpy.minimum(r, g), b)
# l2 is the lightness of the pixel in the original image in 0-510 range
l2 = M.astype('u4') + m.astype('u4')
l2i = 510 - l2
l2low = l2 <= 255
# change lightness of tint color to lightness of image pixel
# if l2 is low, just multiply tint color with 0.5 lightness by pixel lightness
# else, invert tint color, multiply by inverted pixel lightness, then invert again
rt = ([l2low, True], [l2 * trn, tdn255 - l2i * trni]) // tdn).astype('B')
gt = ([l2low, True], [l2 * tgn, tdn255 - l2i * tgni]) // tdn).astype('B')
bt = ([l2low, True], [l2 * tbn, tdn255 - l2i * tbni]) // tdn).astype('B')
xt = numpy.column_stack((rt, gt, bt, a))
return self.__class__(rgba=xt.tobytes(), size=self._size)
def load_from_file(cls, filename):
@ -235,19 +266,16 @@ expects header+RGBA on stdin. This method is invoked from qvm-imgconverter-clien
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def hex_to_float(colour, channels=3, depth=8):
'''Convert hex colour definition to tuple of floats.'''
if depth % 4 != 0:
raise NotImplementedError('depths not divisible by 4 are unsupported')
def hex_to_int(colour, channels=3, depth=1):
'''Convert hex colour definition to tuple of ints.'''
length = channels * depth // 4
step = depth // 4
length = channels * depth * 2
step = depth * 2
# get rid of '#' or '0x' in front of hex values
colour = colour[-length:]
return tuple(int(colour[i:i+step], 0x10) / float(2**depth - 1) for i in range(0, length, step))
return tuple(int(colour[i:i+step], 0x10) for i in range(0, length, step))
def tint(src, dst, colour):
'''Tint image to reflect vm label.
