Marek Marczykowski-Górecki efd762ec06 Add workaround for bug in qvm-sync-appmenus
qvm-sync-appmenus did not regenerated appmenus for the template itself,
only dependent VMs. Do it manually here. When used with fixed
qvm-sync-appmenus this will regenerate the appmenus twice, which should
be harmless.

This commit should be reverted when new qvm-sync-appmenus got released
and appropriate Require line added here.
2015-03-11 07:26:29 +01:00

160 lines
5.3 KiB

# This SPEC is for bulding RPM packages that contain complete Qubes Template files
# This includes the VM's root image, patched with all qubes rpms, etc
%{!?version: %define version %(cat version)}
%{!?rel: %define rel %(cat build_timestamp_%{template_name})}
Name: qubes-template-%{template_name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{rel}
Summary: Qubes template for %{template_name}
License: GPL
URL: http://www.qubes-os.org
Source: .
Requires: qubes-core-dom0 >= 1.4.1
Requires: kernel-qubes-vm
Requires: xdg-utils
Requires(post): tar
Requires(post): qubes-core-dom0
Requires(post): qubes-core-dom0-linux
Provides: qubes-template
Obsoletes: %{name} > %{version}-%{release}
%define _builddir %(pwd)
%define _rpmdir %(pwd)/rpm
%define dest_dir /var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/%{template_name}
%define _binaries_in_noarch_packages_terminate_build 0
Qubes template for %{template_name}
pushd qubeized_images/%{template_name}
rm -f root.img.part.*
tar --sparse --dereference -cf - root.img | split -d -b 1G - root.img.part.
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}
for i in qubeized_images/%{template_name}/root.img.part.* ; do mv $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/ ; done
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/root.img # we will create the real file in %post
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/private.img # we will create the real file in %post
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/volatile.img # we will create the real file in %post
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/clean-volatile.img.tar # we will create the real file in %post
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/apps.templates
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/apps.tempicons
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/apps
cp appmenus/whitelisted-appmenus.list appmenus/vm-whitelisted-appmenus.list $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/
cp appmenus/netvm-whitelisted-appmenus.list $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dest_dir}/icon.png
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/
if [ "$1" -gt 1 ] ; then
# upgrading already installed template...
echo "--> Removing previous menu shortcuts..."
xdg-desktop-menu uninstall --mode system %{dest_dir}/apps/*.directory %{dest_dir}/apps/*.desktop
echo "--> Processing the root.img... (this might take a while)"
cat %{dest_dir}/root.img.part.* | tar --sparse -xf - -C %{dest_dir}
rm -f %{dest_dir}/root.img.part.*
chown root.qubes %{dest_dir}/root.img
chmod 0660 %{dest_dir}/root.img
echo "--> Processing the volatile.img..."
/usr/lib/qubes/prepare-volatile-img.sh %{dest_dir}/volatile.img $[ `stat -c '%s' %{dest_dir}/root.img` / 1024 / 1024 ] || exit 1
chown root.qubes %{dest_dir}/volatile.img
chmod 0660 %{dest_dir}/volatile.img
tar --sparse -cf %{dest_dir}/clean-volatile.img.tar -C %{dest_dir} volatile.img
chown root.qubes %{dest_dir}/clean-volatile.img.tar
chmod 0660 %{dest_dir}/clean-volatile.img.tar
if [ "$1" = 1 ] ; then
# installing for the first time
echo "--> Creating private.img..."
truncate -s 2G %{dest_dir}/private.img
mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -q -F %{dest_dir}/private.img
chown root.qubes %{dest_dir}/private.img
chmod 0660 %{dest_dir}/private.img
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/
echo "--> Instaling menu shortcuts..."
ln -sf /usr/share/qubes/icons/template.png %{dest_dir}/icon.png
if [ "$1" = 1 ] ; then
# installing for the first time
qvm-add-template --rpm %{template_name}
# If running inside of chroot (means - from anaconda), force offline mode
if [ "`stat -c %d:%i /`" != "`stat -c %d:%i /proc/1/root/.`" ]; then
qvm-template-commit --offline-mode %{template_name}
qvm-template-commit %{template_name}
qvm-start --no-guid %{template_name}
qvm-sync-appmenus --force-root %{template_name}
qvm-shutdown --wait %{template_name}
chgrp -R qubes %{dest_dir}
chmod g+rwX -R %{dest_dir}
/usr/libexec/qubes-appmenus/create-apps-for-appvm.sh %{dest_dir}/apps.templates %{template_name} vm-templates
exit 0
if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
# no more packages left
# First remove DispVM template (even if not exists...)
qvm-remove --force-root -q %{template_name}-dvm
if ! qvm-remove --force-root -q --just-db %{template_name}; then
exit 1
rm -f %{dest_dir}/root-cow.img
rm -f %{dest_dir}/root-cow.img.old
rm -f %{dest_dir}/firewall.xml
rm -f %{dest_dir}/%{template_name}.conf
rm -f %{dest_dir}/updates.stat
# we need to have it here, because rpm -U <template>
# apparently executes %preun of the old package *after* %post of the new packages...
echo "--> Removing menu shortcuts..."
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/
xdg-desktop-menu uninstall --mode system %{dest_dir}/apps/*.directory %{dest_dir}/apps/*.desktop
rm -rf %{dest_dir}/apps %{dest_dir}/apps.templates
%attr(2770,root,qubes) %dir %{dest_dir}
%ghost %{dest_dir}/root.img
%ghost %{dest_dir}/volatile.img
%ghost %{dest_dir}/private.img
%attr (775,root,qubes) %dir %{dest_dir}/apps
%attr (775,root,qubes) %dir %{dest_dir}/apps.templates
%attr (775,root,qubes) %dir %{dest_dir}/apps.tempicons
%attr (664,root,qubes) %{dest_dir}/whitelisted-appmenus.list
%attr (664,root,qubes) %{dest_dir}/vm-whitelisted-appmenus.list
%attr (664,root,qubes) %{dest_dir}/netvm-whitelisted-appmenus.list