Otherwise whonix_build will have no access to sources (which are bind-mounted from outside of chroot).
311 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
311 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source external scripts
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. ${SCRIPTSDIR}/vars.sh
. ./umount_kill.sh >/dev/null
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configurations
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ "${VERBOSE}" -ge 2 -o "${DEBUG}" == "1" ]; then
set -x
set -e
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XXX: Create a snapshot - Only for DEBUGGING!
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Only execute if SNAPSHOT is set
if [ "${SNAPSHOT}" == "1" ]; then
splitPath "${IMG}" path_parts
if ! [ -f "${PREPARED_IMG}" ] && ! [ -f "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_prepared" ]; then
umount_kill "${INSTALLDIR}" || :
warn "Copying ${IMG} to ${PREPARED_IMG}"
cp -f "${IMG}" "${PREPARED_IMG}"
mount -o loop "${IMG}" "${INSTALLDIR}" || exit 1
for fs in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do mount -B $fs "${INSTALLDIR}/$fs"; done
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# chroot Whonix build script
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
read -r -d '' WHONIX_BUILD_SCRIPT <<'EOF' || true
# Pre Fixups
sudo mkdir -p /boot/grub2
sudo touch /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
sudo mkdir -p /boot/grub
sudo touch /boot/grub/grub.cfg
sudo mkdir --parents --mode=g+rw "/tmp/uwt"
# Whonix seems to re-install sysvinit even though there is a hold
# on the package. Things seem to work anyway. BUT hopfully the
# hold on grub* don't get removed
sudo apt-mark hold sysvinit
sudo apt-mark hold grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub-common grub2-common
# Whonix expects haveged to be started
sudo /etc/init.d/haveged start
# Whonix does not always fix permissions after writing as sudo, especially
# when running whonixsetup so /var/lib/whonix/done_once is not readable by
# user, so set defualt umask for sudo
#sudo su -c 'echo "Defaults umask = 0002" >> /etc/sudoers'
#sudo su -c 'echo "Defaults umask_override" >> /etc/sudoers'
# Whonix installation
pushd ~/Whonix
sudo ~/Whonix/whonix_build \
--build $1 \
--64bit-linux \
--current-sources \
--enable-whonix-apt-repository \
--whonix-apt-repository-distribution $2 \
--install-to-root \
--skip-verifiable \
--minimal-report \
--skip-sanity-tests || { exit 1; }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cleanup function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function cleanup() {
error "Whonix error; umounting ${INSTALLDIR} to prevent further writes"
umount_kill "${INSTALLDIR}" || :
exit 1
trap cleanup ERR
trap cleanup EXIT
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mount devices, etc required for Whonix installation
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ! [ -f "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_prepared" ]; then
info "Preparing Whonix system"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize Whonix submodules
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pushd "${WHONIX_DIR}"
git add Makefile || true
git commit Makefile -m 'Added Makefile' || true
su $(logname) -c "git submodule update --init --recursive";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fake grub installation since Whonix has depends on grub-pc
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p "${INSTALLDIR}/boot/grub"
cp "${INSTALLDIR}/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/"* "${INSTALLDIR}/boot/grub"
rm -f "${INSTALLDIR}/usr/sbin/update-grub"
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/update-grub
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sed search and replace. return 0 if replace happened, otherwise 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
search_replace() {
local search="$1"
local replace="$2"
local file="$3"
sed -i.bak '/'"$search"'/,${s//'"$replace"'/;b};$q1' "$file"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Whonix system config dependancies
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Qubes needs a user named 'user'
debug "Whonix Add user"
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" id -u 'user' >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
# UID needs match host user to have access to Whonix sources
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" groupadd -f user
[ -n "$SUDO_UID" ] && USER_OPTS="-u $SUDO_UID"
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" useradd -g user $USER_OPTS -G dialout,cdrom,floppy,sudo,audio,dip,video,plugdev -m -s /bin/bash user
if [ `chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" id -u user` != 1000 ]; then
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" useradd -g user -u 1000 -M -s /bin/bash user-placeholder
# Install Whonix build scripts
echo "${WHONIX_BUILD_SCRIPT}" > "${INSTALLDIR}/home/user/whonix_build.sh"
chmod 0755 "${INSTALLDIR}/home/user/whonix_build.sh"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy over any extra files
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
copyTree "files"
touch "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_prepared"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Install Whonix
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ -f "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_prepared" ] && ! [ -f "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_installed" ]; then
info "Installing Whonix system"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Install Whonix code base
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ! [ -d "${INSTALLDIR}/home/user/Whonix" ]; then
debug "Installing Whonix build environment..."
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" su user -c 'mkdir /home/user/Whonix'
if [ -d "${INSTALLDIR}/home/user/Whonix" ]; then
debug "Building Whonix..."
mount --bind "../Whonix" "${INSTALLDIR}/home/user/Whonix"
if [ "${TEMPLATE_FLAVOR}" == "whonix-gateway" ]; then
elif [ "${TEMPLATE_FLAVOR}" == "whonix-workstation" ]; then
error "Incorrent Whonix type \"${TEMPLATE_FLAVOR}\" selected. Not building Whonix modules"
error "You need to set TEMPLATE_FLAVOR environment variable to either"
error "whonix-gateway OR whonix-workstation"
exit 1
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" su user -c "cd ~; ./whonix_build.sh ${BUILD_TYPE} ${DIST}" || { exit 1; }
touch "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_installed"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Whonix Post Installation Configurations
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ -f "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_installed" ] && ! [ -f "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_post" ]; then
info "Post Configuring Whonix System"
# Don't need Whonix interfaces; restore original
pushd "${INSTALLDIR}/etc/network"
rm -f interfaces;
ln -s interfaces.backup interfaces;
# Qubes installation will need a normal resolv.conf; will be restored back
# in 04_qubes_install_post.sh within the wheezy+whonix-* directories
pushd "${INSTALLDIR}/etc"
rm -f resolv.conf;
cp -p resolv.conf.backup resolv.conf;
# Remove link to hosts file and copy original back
# Will get set back to Whonix hosts file when the
# /usr/lib/whonix/setup-ip is run on startup
pushd "${INSTALLDIR}/etc"
rm -f hosts;
cp -p hosts.anondist-orig hosts;
# Enable Tor
#if [ "${TEMPLATE_FLAVOR}" == "whonix-gateway" ]; then
# sed -i 's/#DisableNetwork 0/DisableNetwork 0/g' "${INSTALLDIR}/etc/tor/torrc"
# Restore default user UID to have the same in all builds regardless of build host
if [ -n "`chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" id -u user-placeholder`" ]; then
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" userdel user-placeholder
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" usermod -u 1000 user
# Enable aliases in .bashrc
sed -i "s/^# export/export/g" "${INSTALLDIR}/root/.bashrc"
sed -i "s/^# eval/eval/g" "${INSTALLDIR}/root/.bashrc"
sed -i "s/^# alias/alias/g" "${INSTALLDIR}/root/.bashrc"
sed -i "s/^#force_color_prompt/force_color_prompt/g" "${INSTALLDIR}/home/user/.bashrc"
sed -i "s/#alias/alias/g" "${INSTALLDIR}/home/user/.bashrc"
sed -i "s/alias l='ls -CF'/alias l='ls -l'/g" "${INSTALLDIR}/home/user/.bashrc"
# Fake that initializer was already run
mkdir -p "${INSTALLDIR}/root/.whonix"
touch "${INSTALLDIR}/root/.whonix/first_run_initializer.done"
# Prevent whonixcheck error
echo 'WHONIXCHECK_NO_EXIT_ON_UNSUPPORTED_VIRTUALIZER="1"' >> "${INSTALLDIR}/etc/whonix.d/30_whonixcheck_default"
# Use gdialog as an alternative for dialog
mv -f "${INSTALLDIR}/usr/bin/dialog" "${INSTALLDIR}/usr/bin/dialog.dist"
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" update-alternatives --force --install /usr/bin/dialog dialog /usr/bin/gdialog 999
# Disable unwanted applications
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" update-rc.d network-manager disable || :
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" update-rc.d spice-vdagent disable || :
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" update-rc.d swap-file-creator disable || :
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" update-rc.d whonix-initializer disable || :
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" service apt-cacher-ng stop || :
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" update-rc.d apt-cacher-ng disable || :
# Tor will be re-enabled upon initial configuration
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" update-rc.d tor disable || :
chroot "${INSTALLDIR}" update-rc.d sdwdate disable || :
# Remove apt-cacher-ng
chroot ${INSTALLDIR} apt-get.anondist-orig -y --force-yes remove --purge apt-cacher-ng
# Remove original sources.list
rm -f "${INSTALLDIR}/etc/apt/sources.list"
chroot ${INSTALLDIR} apt-get.anondist-orig update
touch "${INSTALLDIR}/tmp/.whonix_post"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Execute any template flavor or sub flavor scripts
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
buildStep "99_custom_configuration.sh"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bring back original apt-get for installation of Qubues
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pushd "${INSTALLDIR}/usr/bin"
rm -f apt-get;
cp -p apt-get.anondist-orig apt-get;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure the temporary policy-rc.d to prevent apt from starting services
# on package installation is still active; Whonix may have reset it
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cat > "${INSTALLDIR}/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d" <<EOF
return 101 # Action forbidden by policy
chmod 755 "${INSTALLDIR}/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Leave cleanup to calling function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
trap - ERR EXIT