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ifndef DIST
$(error "You must set DIST variable, e.g. DIST=fc14")
#TODO: build template name somehow smarter
TEMPLATE_NAME := $${DIST/fc/fedora-}-x64
VERSION := $(shell cat version)
TIMESTAMP := $(shell date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M)
@echo "make rpms -- generate template rpm"
@echo "make update-repo-installer -- copy newly generated rpm to installer repo"
@echo "make clean -- copy newly generated rpm to installer repo"
@echo $(TIMESTAMP) > build_timestamp
@echo "Building template: $(TEMPLATE_NAME)"
sudo -E ./prepare_image prepared_images/$(TEMPLATE_NAME).img && \
sudo -E ./qubeize_image prepared_images/$(TEMPLATE_NAME).img $(TEMPLATE_NAME) && \
./build_template_rpm $(TEMPLATE_NAME) || exit 1; \
ln -f rpm/noarch/qubes-template-$(TEMPLATE_NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(shell cat build_timestamp)*.noarch.rpm ../installer/yum/qubes-dom0/rpm
rm -rf yum_repo_qubes/*
mkdir -p yum_repo_qubes/$(DIST)/rpm yum_repo_qubes/$(DIST)/repodata
sudo rm -fr qubeized_images/root.img.*
sudo rm -fr qubeized_images/$(TEMPLATE_NAME)*
sudo rm -fr rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/*
sudo rm -fr rpmbuild/tmp/*
# We're not removing any images from prepared_images/ intentionally
# because the user might want to keep using the same image for a long time
# and they are not dependent on any of the Qubes packages