#!/bin/sh CLEANIMG=$1 NAME=$2 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "usage $0 " exit fi if [ x$CLEANIMG = x ]; then echo "Image file not specified!" exit 1 fi if [ x$NAME = x ]; then echo "Name not given!" exit 1 fi ID=$(id -ur) if [ $ID != 0 ] ; then echo "This script should be run as root user." exit 1 fi IMG=qubeized_images/$NAME-root.img echo "--> Copying $CLEANIMG to $IMG..." cp $CLEANIMG $IMG || exit 1 echo "--> Mouting $IMG" mkdir -p mnt mount -o loop,offset=$((63*512)) qubeized_images/$NAME-root.img mnt || exit 1 echo "--> Installing RPMs..." rpm --force --root=$(pwd)/mnt -ihv rpms_to_install_appvm/* echo "--> Copying the Apps Menu shortcuts..." APPSORIG=qubeized_images/$NAME-apps.orig APPSTEMPL=qubeized_images/$NAME-apps.templates mkdir -p $APPSORIG cp -r $(pwd)/mnt/usr/share/applications/* $APPSORIG echo "--> Createing the Apps Menu templates..." ./create_apps_templates.sh $APPSORIG $APPSTEMPL echo "--> Installing 3rd party apps" ./add_3rd_party_software.sh echo "--> Unmounting $IMG" umount mnt echo "Qubeized image stored at: $IMG"