Name: qubes-template-minimal-stub Version: 1.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Placeholder package to minimize installed dependencies Group: Qubes License: GPL URL: Provides: /usr/bin/mimeopen Provides: nautilus-actions Provides: gnome-packagekit-updater Provides: ImageMagick Provides: pycairo Provides: notification-daemon Provides: desktop-notification-daemon Provides: tinyproxy # Those versions needs to be updated to match target Fedora release, when introducing new one, use ifdefs on %fedora Provides: NetworkManager = Provides: pulseaudio = 4.0 Provides: pulseaudio = 5.0 Provides: /usr/bin/pulseaudio %description Placeholder package, which provide ghost dependencies for qubes-core-vm to minimize number of packages installed in the minimal template. Note that each of those dependencies is required for some functionality, so without installing some real package (minimal replacement?) some functionality will be missing. At least those: - graphical updates - be a target of qvm-open-in-vm - be a DisposableVM template - context menu "Send to VM" entry in nautilus - graphical notifications - sending application icons to dom0 (no fancy icons in dom0 menu) - will not work as netvm %prep %build %install %files %changelog