===================================================================== These are my original notes for steps to intergrate Whonix into Qubes ===================================================================== Read README.whonix qubes-builder package for build instructions None of the notes below apply at this point but I am saving them until whonix intergration is complete since there still may be some valid steps I will need to intergrate ubuntu as well ===================================================================== # Build depends sudo yum install rpmdevtools rpm-build createrepo rpm-sign # Additional for debian template sudo yum install debootstrap dpkg-dev # Build # https://qubes-os.org/wiki/BuildingArchlinuxTemplate # --------------------------------------------------- clean all clean all rpms sudo umount chroot-wheezy/proc sudo rm -r chroot-wheezy cd qubes-src/linus-template-builder sudo umount mnt sudo rm prepared_images/... make get-sources make vmm-xen-vm make core-vchan-xen-vm make linux-utils-vm make core-agent-linux-vm make gui-common-vm make gui-agent-linux-vm make linux-template-builder # builder.conf # ------------ GIT_SUBDIR=marmarek COMPONENTS:=$(filter-out desktop-linux-kde desktop-linux-xfce,$(COMPONENTS)) DISTS_VM=wheezy NO_SIGN="1" DEBUG="1" VERBOSE=2 # Changed (XXX: Marks the spot!) # ------------------------------ # Makefile.debian # - wheezy repo dir does not get created... # prepare-chroot-debian # - chroot /dev/null should be 0666 # Wheezy needs a keyring # ---------------------- # Create in keys_debian # Get from https://ftp-master.debian.org/keys.html gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring=wheezy-debian-archive-keyring.gpg --import wheezy-archive-key-7.0.asc # move from /user/home/.gnupgp to keys_debian # Wheezy Hacks # ------------ # Need 2.0 pulse audio drivers # *add to source list* cd qubes-src git clone --branch v2.0 git://anongit.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio cp -prf pulseaudio/src/pulsecore gui-agent-linux/pulse/pulsecore-2.0 cd .. # Add to... # module-vchan-sink-symdef.h #elif PA_CHECK_VERSION(2,0,0) bool pa__load_once(void); # Add to.. # Makefile # Build errors - template # ----------------------- make[1]: *** [update-repo] Error 32 make: *** [linux-template-builder] Error 1 mount: mount(2) failed: No such file or directory - remove all mounts and try again. Some mounts may need to be tried multiple times $ sudo umount chroot-wheezy/proc/ $ sudo umount chroot-wheezy/proc/ umount: chroot-wheezy/proc/: not mounted $ sudo umount chroot-wheezy/tmp/qubes-apt-repo/ $ sudo umount chroot-wheezy/tmp/qubes-apt-repo/ umount: chroot-wheezy/tmp/qubes-apt-repo/: not mounted $ sudo umount chroot-wheezy/tmp/qubes-deb/ $ sudo umount chroot-wheezy/tmp/qubes-deb/ $ sudo umount chroot-wheezy/tmp/qubes-deb/ umount: chroot-wheezy/tmp/qubes-deb/: not mounted