#!/bin/bash . /usr/lib/whonix/utility_functions if ! [ "${WHONIX}" == "template" ]; then sudo /usr/lib/whonix/bind-dirs.sh fi if [ "${WHONIX}" == "gateway" ]; then if grep "^DisableNetwork 0$" /etc/tor/torrc ;then sudo service sdwdate restart sudo service tor restart else sudo service sdwdate restart sudo service tor stop sudo /usr/bin/whonixsetup fi elif [ "${WHONIX}" == "workstation" ]; then sudo service sdwdate restart if ! [ -f "/var/lib/whonix/do_once/whonixsetup.done" ]; then sudo /usr/bin/whonixsetup fi elif [ "${WHONIX}" == "template" -a "${PROXY_SECURE}" == "0" ]; then # Set secure defaults. sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP sudo iptables -P FORWARD DROP sudo iptables -P OUTPUT DROP # Flush old rules. sudo iptables -F sudo iptables -X sudo iptables -t nat -F sudo iptables -t nat -X sudo iptables -t mangle -F sudo iptables -t mangle -X # Display warning that netvm is not connected to a torvm /usr/lib/whonix/alert update /usr/lib/whonix/messages.yaml fi