#!/bin/bash # https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck sudo yum install cabal-install # Let cabal update itself, incase your distro is outdated sudo cabal update cabel install cabal-install # Clone shellcheck and build git clone https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck.git cd shellcheck # With cabel installed, cd to source direstory and: sudo cabal install # Add cabal directory to bash path source='export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH' file=~/.bash_profile if ! grep -r -q "$source" "${file}"; then touch $file echo "$source" >> $file fi # You now need to manually source .bash_profile echo "You now need to manually source .bash_profile" echo "source ~/.bash_profile" # Then verify PATH is set correctly echo echo echo "Then verify PATH is set correctly" echo "which shellcheck" echo "~/.cabal/bin/shellcheck" # To run the unit test suite: # # cabal configure --enable-tests # cabal build # cabal test