419 lines
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419 lines
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# pylint: disable=bad-preconf-access
# Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
# Red Hat, Inc.
# Red Hat Author(s): Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com>
import os
import sys
import argparse
import time
import rpm
import rpmUtils
import yum
from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError
from pyanaconda.iutil import xprogressive_delay, eintr_retry_call
YUM_PLUGINS = ["fastestmirror", "langpacks"]
def setup_parser():
""" Setup argparse with supported arguments
:rtype: ArgumentParser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="anaconda-yum")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--arch", required=True, help="Arch to install")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="Path to yum config file", default="/tmp/anaconda-yum.conf")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--tsfile", required=True, help="Path to yum transaction file")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--rpmlog", help="Path to rpm script logfile", default="/tmp/rpm-script.log")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--release", required=True, help="Release version")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--installroot", help="Path to top directory of installroot", default="/mnt/sysimage")
parser.add_argument("-T", "--test", action="store_true", help="Test transaction, don't actually install")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Extra debugging output")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--macro", action="append", metavar=('NAME', 'VALUE'), nargs=2, help="Macros to add to the rpm transaction")
return parser
def run_yum_transaction(release, arch, yum_conf, install_root, ts_file, script_log,
testing=False, debug=False, macros=None):
""" Execute a yum transaction loaded from a transaction file
:param release: The release version to use
:type release: string
:param arch: The arch to install
:type arch: string
:param yum_conf: Path to yum config file to use
:type yum_conf: string
:param install_root: Path to install root
:type install_root: string
:param ts_file: Path to yum transaction file to load and execute
:type ts_file: string
:param script_log: Path to file to store rpm script logs in
:type script_log: string
:param testing: True sets RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST (default is false)
:type testing: bool
:param debug: True set verbosity to "debug"
:type debug: bool
:param macros: Macros to define in the rpm transaction
:type macros: list
:returns: Nothing
This is used to run the yum transaction in a separate process, preventing
problems with threads and rpm chrooting during the install.
from yum.Errors import PackageSackError, RepoError, YumBaseError, YumRPMTransError
# remove some environmental variables that can cause problems with package scripts
# pylint: disable=environment-modify
for k in env_remove:
if k in os.environ:
# Initialize the rpm macros
if macros:
for macro in macros:
rpm.addMacro(macro[0], macro[1])
# Setup the basics, point to the config file and install_root
yb = yum.YumBase()
yb.use_txmbr_in_callback = True
# Set some configuration parameters that don't get set through a config
# file. yum will know what to do with these.
# Enable all types of yum plugins. We're somewhat careful about what
# plugins we put in the environment.
yb.preconf.plugin_types = yum.plugins.ALL_TYPES
yb.preconf.enabled_plugins = YUM_PLUGINS
yb.preconf.fn = yum_conf
yb.preconf.root = install_root
yb.preconf.releasever = release
if debug:
yb.preconf.debuglevel = 10
yb.preconf.errorlevel = 10
yb.preconf.rpmverbosity = "debug"
# Setup yum cache dir outside the installroot
if yb.conf.cachedir.startswith(yb.conf.installroot):
root = yb.conf.installroot
yb.conf.cachedir = yb.conf.cachedir[len(root):]
# Load the transaction file and execute it
if rpmUtils and rpmUtils.arch.isMultiLibArch():
print("INFO: populate transaction set")
xdelay = xprogressive_delay()
for retry_count in range(0, MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES+1):
# retry count == 0 -> first attempt
# retry count > 0 -> retry
if retry_count:
# retry after waiting a bit
print("PROGRESS_INSTALL: error populating transaction, retrying (%d/%d)"
% (retry_count, MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES))
# uses dsCallback.transactionPopulation
except RepoError as e:
# else = no break called = no successful attempt
print("ERROR: error populating transaction after %d retries: %s"
% (retry_count, e))
# we don't need to print "QUIT:" there, the finally clause
# of the toplevel try-block will do that for us
print("INFO: check transaction set")
print("INFO: order transaction set")
# Write scriptlet output to a file to be logged later
logfile = eintr_retry_call(os.open, script_log, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT)
yb.ts.ts.scriptFd = logfile
# create the install callback
rpmcb = RPMCallback(yb, arch, logfile, debug)
if testing:
print("INFO: running transaction")
except PackageSackError as e:
print("ERROR: PackageSackError: %s" % e)
except YumRPMTransError as e:
print("ERROR: YumRPMTransError: %s" % e)
for error in e.errors:
print("ERROR: %s" % error[0])
except YumBaseError as e:
print("ERROR: YumBaseError: %s" % e)
for error in e.errors:
print("ERROR: %s" % error)
print("INFO: transaction complete")
eintr_retry_call(os.close, logfile)
except YumBaseError as e:
print("ERROR: transaction error: %s" % e)
class RPMCallback(object):
""" Custom RPMTransaction Callback class. You need one of these to actually
make a transaction work.
If you subclass it, make sure you preserve the behavior of
inst_open_file and inst_close_file, or nothing will actually happen.
callback_map = dict((rpm.__dict__[k], k[12:].lower())
for k in rpm.__dict__
if k.startswith('RPMCALLBACK_'))
def callback(self, what, amount, total, key, data):
""" Handle calling appropriate method, if it exists.
if what not in self.callback_map:
print("DEBUG: Ignoring unknown callback number %i", what)
name = self.callback_map[what]
func = getattr(self, name, None)
if callable(func):
return func(amount, total, key, data)
def __init__(self, yb, arch, log, debug=False):
""" :param yb: YumBase object
:type yb: YumBase
:param log: file-descriptor of script logfile
:type log: int
:param statusQ: status communication back to other process
:type statusQ: Queue
self.yb = yb # yum.YumBase
self.base_arch = arch
self.install_log = log # fd of logfile for yum script logs
self.debug = debug
self.package_file = None # file instance (package file management)
self.total_actions = 0
self.completed_actions = None # will be set to 0 when starting tx
def _get_txmbr(self, key):
""" Return a (name, TransactionMember) tuple from cb key. """
if hasattr(key, "po"):
# New-style callback, key is a TransactionMember
txmbr = key
name = key.name
# cleanup/remove error
name = key
txmbr = None
return (name, txmbr)
def trans_start(self, amount, total, key, data):
""" Start of the install transaction
Reset the actions counter and save the total to be completed.
if amount == 6:
self.total_actions = total
self.completed_actions = 0
def inst_open_file(self, amount, total, key, data):
""" Open a file for installation
:returns: open file descriptor
:rtype: int
txmbr = self._get_txmbr(key)[1]
if self.debug:
print("DEBUG: txmbr = %s" % txmbr)
# If self.completed_actions is still None, that means this package
# is being opened to retrieve a %pretrans script. Don't log that
# we're installing the package unless trans_start() has been called.
if self.completed_actions is not None:
self.completed_actions += 1
msg_format = "%s (%d/%d)"
progress_package = txmbr.name
if txmbr.arch not in ["noarch", self.base_arch]:
progress_package = "%s.%s" % (txmbr.name, txmbr.arch)
progress_msg = msg_format % (progress_package,
log_msg = msg_format % (txmbr.po,
eintr_retry_call(os.write, self.install_log, log_msg+"\n")
print("PROGRESS_INSTALL: %s" % progress_msg)
repo = self.yb.repos.getRepo(txmbr.po.repoid)
except yum.Errors.RepoError as e:
print("ERROR: getRepo failed: %s" % e)
raise Exception("rpmcallback getRepo failed")
self.package_file = None
retry_message = ""
error_message = ""
exception_message = ""
xdelay = xprogressive_delay()
for retry_count in range(0, MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES+1):
# retry count == 0 -> first attempt
# retry count > 0 -> retry
if retry_count and retry_message:
time.sleep(next(xdelay)) # wait a bit before retry
print("PROGRESS_INSTALL: %s (%d/%d)" % (retry_message, retry_count, MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES))
# checkfunc gets passed to yum's use of URLGrabber which
# then calls it with the file being fetched. verifyPkg
# makes sure the checksum matches the one in the metadata.
# From the URLGrab documents:
# checkfunc=(function, ('arg1', 2), {'kwarg': 3})
# results in a callback like:
# function(obj, 'arg1', 2, kwarg=3)
# obj.filename = '/tmp/stuff'
# obj.url = 'http://foo.com/stuff'
checkfunc = (self.yb.verifyPkg, (txmbr.po, 1), {})
if self.debug:
print("DEBUG: getPackage %s" % txmbr.name)
package_path = repo.getPackage(txmbr.po, checkfunc=checkfunc)
except URLGrabError as e:
if retry_count < MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES:
retry_message = "rpmcallback failed (URLGrabError), retrying"
# run out of retries
error_message = "rpmcallback failed (URLGrabError) after %d retries: %s" % \
(retry_count, e)
exception_message = "rpmcallback failed"
except (yum.Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError, IOError) as e:
# for some reason, this is the exception you will get if
# the package file you want to download vanishes, not URLGrabError
if retry_count < MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES:
retry_message = "retrying download of %s" % txmbr.po
# remove any unfinished downloads of this package
if os.path.exists(txmbr.po.localPkg()):
# run out of retries
error_message = "getPackage error after %d retries: %s" % \
(retry_count, e)
exception_message = "getPackage failed"
except yum.Errors.RepoError as e:
if retry_count < MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES:
retry_message = "RepoError, retrying: %s" % e
# run out of retries
error_message = "RepoError after %d retries: %s" % \
(retry_count, e)
exception_message = "too many (%d) consecutive repo errors" % \
else: # report what went wrong & abort installation
print("ERROR: %s" % error_message)
raise Exception(exception_message)
# if we got this far, there should be a package available
self.package_file = open(package_path)
if self.debug:
print("DEBUG: opening package %s" % self.package_file.name)
return self.package_file.fileno()
def inst_close_file(self, amount, total, key, data):
""" close and remove the file
Update the count of installed packages
package_path = self.package_file.name
self.package_file = None
if package_path.startswith(self.yb.conf.cachedir):
except OSError as e:
print("WARN: unable to remove file %s" % e.strerror)
# rpm doesn't tell us when it's started post-trans stuff which can
# take a very long time. So when it closes the last package, just
# display the message.
if self.completed_actions == self.total_actions:
elif self.completed_actions is not None and self.total_actions is not None:
pct = 100 * (self.completed_actions / float(self.total_actions))
print("PERCENT: %f" % pct)
def cpio_error(self, amount, total, key, data):
name = self._get_txmbr(key)[0]
print("ERROR: cpio error with package %s" % name)
raise Exception("cpio error")
def unpack_error(self, amount, total, key, data):
name = self._get_txmbr(key)[0]
print("ERROR: unpack error with package %s" % name)
raise Exception("unpack error")
def script_error(self, amount, total, key, data):
name = self._get_txmbr(key)[0]
# Script errors store whether or not they're fatal in "total".
if total:
print("ERROR: script error with package %s" % name)
raise Exception("script error")
if __name__ == "__main__":
arg_parser = setup_parser()
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
# force output to be flushed
sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)
run_yum_transaction(args.release, args.arch, args.config, args.installroot,
args.tsfile, args.rpmlog, args.test, args.debug, args.macro)
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: unexpected error: %s" % e)