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13 lines
501 B

# Note, this script log will not be copied to the installed system.
%post --nochroot
mkdir -p $ANA_INSTALL_PATH/var/log/anaconda
for log in anaconda.log syslog X.log program.log packaging.log storage.log ifcfg.log yum.log dnf.log dnf.rpm.log; do
[ -e /tmp/$log ] && cp /tmp/$log $ANA_INSTALL_PATH/var/log/anaconda/
cp /tmp/ks-script*.log $ANA_INSTALL_PATH/var/log/anaconda/
journalctl -b > $ANA_INSTALL_PATH/var/log/anaconda/journal.log
chmod 0600 $ANA_INSTALL_PATH/var/log/anaconda/*