Apply: git diff --full-index --binary anaconda-23.19.10-1..anaconda-25.20.9-1 And resolve conflicts. QubesOS/qubes-issues#2574
1217 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
1217 lines
46 KiB
Executable File
# anaconda: The Red Hat Linux Installation program
# Copyright (C) 1999-2013
# Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This toplevel file is a little messy at the moment... (2001-06-22)
# ...still messy (2013-07-12)
import os
import site
coverage = None
proc_cmdline = open("/proc/cmdline", "r").read()
proc_cmdline = proc_cmdline.split()
if ("inst.debug=1" in proc_cmdline) or ("inst.debug" in proc_cmdline):
import coverage
pyanaconda_dir = "pyanaconda"
for sitepkg in site.getsitepackages():
possible_dir = os.path.join(sitepkg, "pyanaconda")
if os.path.isdir(possible_dir):
pyanaconda_dir = possible_dir
cov = coverage.coverage(data_file="/mnt/sysimage/root/anaconda.coverage",
source=["/usr/sbin/anaconda", pyanaconda_dir]
import atexit, sys, time, signal
import pid
def exitHandler(rebootData, storage):
# Clear the list of watched PIDs.
# stop and save coverage here b/c later the file system may be unavailable
if coverage is not None:
if os.path.isdir('/mnt/sysimage/root'):
if flags.usevnc:
if "nokill" in flags.cmdline:
print("anaconda halting due to nokill flag.")
print("The system will be rebooted when you press Ctrl-Alt-Delete.")
while True:
if anaconda.dbus_inhibit_id:
from pyanaconda.screensaver import uninhibit_screensaver
uninhibit_screensaver(anaconda.dbus_session_connection, anaconda.dbus_inhibit_id)
anaconda.dbus_inhibit_id = None
# Unsetup the payload, which most usefully unmounts live images
if anaconda.payload:
if image_count or flags.dirInstall:
devicetree = anaconda.storage.devicetree
for imageName in devicetree.disk_images:
dev = devicetree.get_device_by_name(imageName)
for loop in dev.parents:
loop.controllable = True
# Clean up the PID file
if pidfile:
if not flags.imageInstall and not flags.livecdInstall \
and not flags.dirInstall:
from pykickstart.constants import KS_SHUTDOWN, KS_WAIT
if flags.eject or rebootData.eject:
for cdrom in (d for d in storage.devices if d.type == "cdrom"):
if iutil.get_mount_paths(cdrom.path):
if flags.kexec:
iutil.execWithRedirect("systemctl", ["--no-wall", "kexec"])
while True:
elif rebootData.action == KS_SHUTDOWN:
iutil.execWithRedirect("systemctl", ["--no-wall", "poweroff"])
elif rebootData.action == KS_WAIT:
iutil.execWithRedirect("systemctl", ["--no-wall", "halt"])
else: # reboot action is KS_REBOOT or None
iutil.execWithRedirect("systemctl", ["--no-wall", "reboot"])
def startSpiceVDAgent():
status = iutil.execWithRedirect("spice-vdagent", [])
if status:
log.info("spice-vdagent exited with status %d", status)
log.info("Started spice-vdagent.")
def startX11():
import subprocess
# Start Xorg and wait for it become ready
iutil.startX(["Xorg", "-br", "-logfile", "/tmp/X.log",
":%s" % constants.X_DISPLAY_NUMBER, "vt6", "-s", "1440", "-ac",
"-nolisten", "tcp", "-dpi", "96",
"-noreset"], output_redirect=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# function to handle X startup special issues for anaconda
def doStartupX11Actions():
"""Start window manager"""
# When metacity actually connects to the X server is unknowable, but
# fortunately it doesn't matter. metacity does not need to be the first
# connection to Xorg, and if anaconda starts up before metacity, metacity
# will just take over and maximize the window and make everything right,
# fingers crossed.
# Add XDG_DATA_DIRS to the environment to pull in our overridden schema
# files.
datadir = os.environ.get('ANACONDA_DATADIR', '/usr/share/anaconda')
if 'XDG_DATA_DIRS' in os.environ:
xdg_data_dirs = datadir + '/window-manager:' + os.environ['XDG_DATA_DIRS']
xdg_data_dirs = datadir + '/window-manager:/usr/share'
childproc = iutil.startProgram(["metacity", "--display", ":1", "--sm-disable"],
env_add={'XDG_DATA_DIRS': xdg_data_dirs})
iutil.watchProcess(childproc, "metacity")
def set_x_resolution(runres):
if runres and opts.display_mode == 'g' and not flags.usevnc:
log.info("Setting the screen resolution to: %s.", runres)
["-d", ":1", "-s", runres])
except RuntimeError:
log.error("The X resolution not set")
["-d", ":1", "-q"])
def doExtraX11Actions(runres):
"""Perform X11 actions not related to startup"""
# Load the system-wide Xresources
["-nocpp", "-merge", "/etc/X11/Xresources"])
def setupPythonUpdates():
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
import gi.overrides
for p in os.environ["ANACONDA_WIDGETS_OVERRIDES"].split(":"):
gi.overrides.__path__.insert(0, os.path.abspath(p))
# Temporary hack for F18 alpha to symlink updates and product directories
# into tmpfs. To be removed after beta in order to directly use content
# from /run/install/ -- JLK
for dirname in ("updates", "product"):
if os.path.exists("/run/install/%s" % dirname):
if os.path.islink("/tmp/%s" % dirname):
# Assume updates have already been setup
os.symlink("/run/install/%s" % dirname,
"/tmp/%s" % dirname)
if not os.path.exists("/tmp/updates"):
for pkg in os.listdir("/tmp/updates"):
d = "/tmp/updates/%s" % pkg
if not os.path.isdir(d):
# See if the package exists in /usr/lib{64,}/python/?.?/site-packages.
# If it does, we can set it up as an update. If not, the pkg is
# likely a completely new directory and should not be looked at.
dest = "%s/%s" % (get_python_lib(), pkg)
if not os.access(dest, os.R_OK):
dest = "%s/%s" % (get_python_lib(1), pkg)
if not os.access(dest, os.R_OK):
# Symlink over everything that's in the python libdir but not in
# the updates directory.
symlink_updates(dest, d)
gi.overrides.__path__.insert(0, "/run/install/updates")
import glob
import shutil
for rule in glob.glob("/tmp/updates/*.rules"):
target = "/etc/udev/rules.d/" + rule.split('/')[-1]
shutil.copyfile(rule, target)
def symlink_updates(dest_dir, update_dir):
contents = os.listdir(update_dir)
for f in os.listdir(dest_dir):
dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, f)
update_path = os.path.join(update_dir, f)
if f in contents:
# recurse into directories, there might be files missing in updates
if os.path.isdir(dest_path) and os.path.isdir(update_path):
symlink_updates(dest_path, update_path)
if f.endswith(".pyc") or f.endswith(".pyo"):
os.symlink(dest_path, update_path)
def getAnacondaVersionString():
# we are importing the startup module directly so that it can be replaced
# by updates image, if it was replaced before the updates image can be
# loaded, it could not be easily replaced
from pyanaconda import startup_utils
return startup_utils.get_anaconda_version_string()
def parseArguments(argv=None, boot_cmdline=None):
from pyanaconda.anaconda_argparse import getArgumentParser
ap = getArgumentParser(getAnacondaVersionString(), boot_cmdline)
namespace = ap.parse_args(argv, boot_cmdline=boot_cmdline)
return (namespace, ap.deprecated_bootargs)
def setupPythonPath():
# First add our updates path
sys.path.insert(0, '/tmp/updates/')
from pyanaconda.constants import ADDON_PATHS
# append ADDON_PATHS dirs at the end
def setupEnvironment():
# This method is run before any threads are started, so this is the one
# point where it's ok to modify the environment.
# pylint: disable=environment-modify
# Silly GNOME stuff
if 'HOME' in os.environ and not "XAUTHORITY" in os.environ:
os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.Xauthority'
os.environ['HOME'] = '/tmp'
os.environ['LC_NUMERIC'] = 'C'
os.environ["GCONF_GLOBAL_LOCKS"] = "1"
# In theory, this gets rid of our LVM file descriptor warnings
os.environ["LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS"] = "1"
# make sure we have /sbin and /usr/sbin in our path
os.environ["PATH"] += ":/sbin:/usr/sbin"
# we can't let the LD_PRELOAD hang around because it will leak into
# rpm %post and the like. ick :/
if "LD_PRELOAD" in os.environ:
del os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"]
# Go ahead and set $DISPLAY whether we're going to use X or not
if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ:
flags.preexisting_x11 = True
os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":%s" % constants.X_DISPLAY_NUMBER
def setupLoggingFromOpts(options):
if (options.debug or options.updateSrc) and not options.loglevel:
# debugging means debug logging if an explicit level hasn't been st
options.loglevel = "debug"
if options.loglevel and options.loglevel in anaconda_log.logLevelMap:
log.info("Switching logging level to %s", options.loglevel)
level = anaconda_log.logLevelMap[options.loglevel]
anaconda_log.logger.loglevel = level
anaconda_log.setHandlersLevel(log, level)
storage_log = logging.getLogger("storage")
anaconda_log.setHandlersLevel(storage_log, level)
packaging_log = logging.getLogger("packaging")
anaconda_log.setHandlersLevel(packaging_log, level)
if can_touch_runtime_system("syslog setup"):
if options.syslog:
if options.remotelog:
host, port = options.remotelog.split(":", 1)
port = int(port)
anaconda_log.logger.setup_remotelog(host, port)
except ValueError:
log.error("Could not setup remotelog with %s", options.remotelog)
def gtk_warning(title, reason):
import gi
gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk
dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(type=Gtk.MessageType.ERROR,
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
def check_memory(anaconda, options, display_mode=None):
from pyanaconda import isys
reason_strict = _("%(product_name)s requires %(needed_ram)s MB of memory to "
"install, but you only have %(total_ram)s MB on this machine.\n")
reason_graphical = _("The %(product_name)s graphical installer requires %(needed_ram)s "
"MB of memory, but you only have %(total_ram)s MB\n.")
reboot_extra = _('\n'
'Press [Enter] to reboot your system.\n')
livecd_title = _("Not enough RAM")
livecd_extra = _(" Try the text mode installer by running:\n\n"
"'/usr/bin/liveinst -T'\n\n from a root "
nolivecd_extra = _(" Starting text mode.")
if options.rescue:
if not display_mode:
display_mode = anaconda.displayMode
reason = reason_strict
total_ram = int(isys.total_memory() / 1024)
needed_ram = int(isys.MIN_RAM)
graphical_ram = int(isys.MIN_GUI_RAM)
# count the squashfs.img in if it is kept in RAM
if not iutil.persistent_root_image():
needed_ram += isys.SQUASHFS_EXTRA_RAM
graphical_ram += isys.SQUASHFS_EXTRA_RAM
log.info("check_memory(): total:%s, needed:%s, graphical:%s",
total_ram, needed_ram, graphical_ram)
if not options.memcheck:
reason_args = {"product_name": product.productName,
"needed_ram": needed_ram,
"total_ram": total_ram}
if needed_ram > total_ram:
if options.liveinst:
# pylint: disable=logging-not-lazy
stdoutLog.warning(reason % reason_args)
gtk_warning(livecd_title, reason % reason_args)
reason += reboot_extra
print(reason % reason_args)
print(_("The installation cannot continue and the system will be rebooted"))
print(_("Press ENTER to continue"))
# override display mode if machine cannot nicely run X
if display_mode not in ('t', 'c', 's') and not flags.usevnc:
needed_ram = graphical_ram
reason_args["needed_ram"] = graphical_ram
reason = reason_graphical
if needed_ram > total_ram:
if options.liveinst:
reason += livecd_extra
# pylint: disable=logging-not-lazy
stdoutLog.warning(reason % reason_args)
title = livecd_title
gtk_warning(title, reason % reason_args)
reason += nolivecd_extra
# pylint: disable=logging-not-lazy
stdoutLog.warning(reason % reason_args)
anaconda.displayMode = 't'
def startDebugger(signum, frame):
# pylint: disable=import-error
import epdb
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
def setupDisplay(anaconda, options, addons=None):
from pyanaconda.ui.tui.simpleline import App
from pyanaconda.ui.tui.spokes.askvnc import AskVNCSpoke
from pykickstart.constants import DISPLAY_MODE_TEXT
from pyanaconda.nm import nm_is_connected, nm_is_connecting
from blivet import arch
graphical_failed = 0
vncS = vnc.VncServer() # The vnc Server object.
vncS.anaconda = anaconda
anaconda.displayMode = options.display_mode
anaconda.isHeadless = arch.is_s390()
if options.vnc:
flags.usevnc = True
anaconda.displayMode = 'g'
vncS.password = options.vncpassword
# Only consider vncconnect when vnc is a param
if options.vncconnect:
cargs = options.vncconnect.split(":")
vncS.vncconnecthost = cargs[0]
if len(cargs) > 1 and len(cargs[1]) > 0:
if len(cargs[1]) > 0:
vncS.vncconnectport = cargs[1]
if options.xdriver:
anaconda.xdriver = options.xdriver
if flags.rescue_mode:
if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
flags.usevnc = True
anaconda.displayMode = 'g'
if vncS.password == "":
vncS.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password
if vncS.vncconnecthost == "":
vncS.vncconnecthost = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.host
if vncS.vncconnectport == "":
vncS.vncconnectport = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.port
if anaconda.displayMode == "g":
import pkgutil
import pyanaconda.ui
mods = (tup[1] for tup in pkgutil.iter_modules(pyanaconda.ui.__path__, "pyanaconda.ui."))
if "pyanaconda.ui.gui" not in mods:
stdoutLog.warning("Graphical user interface not available, falling back to text mode")
anaconda.displayMode = "t"
flags.usevnc = False
flags.vncquestion = False
# disable VNC over text question when not enough memory is available
if blivet.util.total_memory() < isys.MIN_GUI_RAM:
stdoutLog.warning("Not asking for VNC because current memory (%d) < MIN_GUI_RAM (%d)", blivet.util.total_memory(), isys.MIN_GUI_RAM)
flags.vncquestion = False
# disable VNC question if text mode is requested and this is a ks install
if anaconda.displayMode == 't' and flags.automatedInstall:
stdoutLog.warning("Not asking for VNC because of an automated install")
flags.vncquestion = False
# disable VNC question if we were explicitly asked for text in kickstart
if anaconda.ksdata.displaymode.displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_TEXT:
stdoutLog.warning("Not asking for VNC because text mode was explicitly asked for in kickstart")
flags.vncquestion = False
# disable VNC question if we don't have network
if not nm_is_connecting() and not nm_is_connected():
stdoutLog.warning("Not asking for VNC because we don't have a network")
flags.vncquestion = False
# disable VNC question if we don't have Xvnc
if not os.access('/usr/bin/Xvnc', os.X_OK):
stdoutLog.warning("Not asking for VNC because we don't have Xvnc")
flags.vncquestion = False
# Should we try to start Xorg?
want_x = anaconda.displayMode == 'g' and \
not (flags.preexisting_x11 or flags.usevnc)
# X on a headless (e.g. s390) system? Nonsense!
if want_x and anaconda.isHeadless:
stdoutLog.warning(_("DISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode."))
anaconda.displayMode = 't'
graphical_failed = 1
want_x = False
# Is Xorg is actually available?
if want_x and not os.access("/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK):
stdoutLog.warning(_("Graphical installation is not available. "
"Starting text mode."))
anaconda.displayMode = 't'
want_x = False
if anaconda.displayMode == 't' and flags.vncquestion:
#we prefer vnc over text mode, so ask about that
message = _("Text mode provides a limited set of installation "
"options. It does not offer custom partitioning for "
"full control over the disk layout. Would you like "
"to use VNC mode instead?")
app = App("VNC Question")
spoke = AskVNCSpoke(app, anaconda.ksdata, message=message)
if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
anaconda.displayMode = 'g'
flags.usevnc = True
vncS.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password
# user has explicitly specified text mode
flags.vncquestion = False
log.info("Display mode = %s", anaconda.displayMode)
check_memory(anaconda, options)
# check_memory may have changed the display mode
want_x = want_x and (anaconda.displayMode == "g")
if want_x:
except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e:
log.warning("X startup failed: %s", e)
stdoutLog.warning("X startup failed, falling back to text mode")
anaconda.displayMode = 't'
graphical_failed = 1
if not graphical_failed:
if anaconda.displayMode == 't' and graphical_failed and \
flags.vncquestion and not anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
app = App("VNC Question")
spoke = AskVNCSpoke(app, anaconda.ksdata)
if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
anaconda.displayMode = 'g'
flags.usevnc = True
vncS.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password
# if they want us to use VNC do that now
if anaconda.displayMode == 'g' and flags.usevnc:
# with X running we can initialize the UI interface
# report if starting the GUI failed
anaconda.gui_startup_failed = bool(graphical_failed)
def prompt_for_ssh():
# Do some work here to get the ip addr / hostname to pass
# to the user.
import socket
ip = network.getFirstRealIP()
if not ip:
stdoutLog.error("No IP addresses found, cannot continue installation.")
ipstr = ip
hinfo = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipstr)
except socket.herror as e:
stdoutLog.debug("Exception caught trying to get host name of %s: %s", ipstr, e)
name = network.getHostname()
if len(hinfo) == 3:
name = hinfo[0]
if ip.find(':') != -1:
ipstr = "[%s]" % (ip,)
if (name is not None) and (not name.startswith('localhost')) and (ipstr is not None):
connxinfo = "%s (%s)" % (socket.getfqdn(name=name), ipstr,)
elif ipstr is not None:
connxinfo = "%s" % (ipstr,)
connxinfo = None
if connxinfo:
stdoutLog.info(_("Please ssh install@%s to begin the install."), connxinfo)
stdoutLog.info(_("Please ssh install@HOSTNAME to continue installation."))
def cleanPStore():
"""remove files stored in nonvolatile ram created by the pstore subsystem"""
# files in pstore are linux (not distribution) specific, but we want to
# make sure the entirity of them are removed so as to ensure that there
# is sufficient free space on the flash part. On some machines this will
# take effect immediately, which is the best case. Unfortunately on some,
# an intervening reboot is needed."""
iutil.dir_tree_map("/sys/fs/pstore", os.unlink, files=True, dirs=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# check if the CLI help is requested and return it at once,
# without importing random stuff and spamming stdout
if ("--help" in sys.argv) or ("-h" in sys.argv) or ("--version" in sys.argv):
# we skip the full logging initialisation, but we need to do at least
# this much (redirect any log messages to stdout) to get rid of the
# harmless but annoying "no handlers found" message on stdout
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
print("Starting installer, one moment...")
# Allow a file to be loaded as early as possible
# pylint: disable=import-error,unused-import
import updates_disk_hook
except ImportError:
# this handles setting up updates for pypackages to minimize the set needed
# init threading before Gtk can do anything and before we start using threads
# initThreading initializes the threadMgr instance, import it afterwards
from pyanaconda.threads import initThreading, AnacondaThread
from pyanaconda.threads import threadMgr
from pyanaconda.i18n import _
from pyanaconda import constants
from pyanaconda.addons import collect_addon_paths
from pyanaconda import geoloc
from pyanaconda import iutil
# do this early so we can set flags before initializing logging
from pyanaconda.flags import flags, can_touch_runtime_system
(opts, depr) = parseArguments(boot_cmdline=flags.cmdline)
if opts.images:
flags.imageInstall = True
elif opts.dirinstall:
flags.dirInstall = True
# Set up logging as early as possible.
import logging
from pyanaconda import anaconda_log
from pyanaconda import network
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout")
if os.geteuid() != 0:
stdoutLog.error("anaconda must be run as root.")
# check if input kickstart should be saved
if flags.nosave_input_ks:
log.warning("Input kickstart will not be saved to the installed system due to the nosave option.")
# check if logs should be saved
if flags.nosave_logs:
log.warning("Installation logs will not be saved to the installed system due to the nosave option.")
# see if we're on s390x and if we've got an ssh connection
uname = os.uname()
if uname[4] == 's390x':
if 'TMUX' not in os.environ and 'ks' not in flags.cmdline and not flags.imageInstall:
log.info("%s %s", sys.argv[0], getAnacondaVersionString())
if os.path.exists("/tmp/updates"):
log.info("Using updates in /tmp/updates/ from %s", opts.updateSrc)
# TODO: uncomment this when we're sure that we're doing the right thing
# with flags.cmdline *everywhere* it appears...
#for arg in depr:
# stdoutLog.warn("Boot argument '%s' is deprecated. "
# "In the future, use 'inst.%s'.", arg, arg)
# pull this in to get product name and versioning
from pyanaconda import product
from pyanaconda import isys
if (opts.images or opts.dirinstall) and opts.liveinst:
stdoutLog.error("--liveinst cannot be used with --images or --dirinstall")
if opts.images and opts.dirinstall:
stdoutLog.error("--images and --dirinstall cannot be used at the same time")
elif opts.dirinstall:
root_path = opts.dirinstall
from pyanaconda import vnc
from pyanaconda import kickstart
from pyanaconda import ntp
from pyanaconda import keyboard
from pyanaconda.iutil import ProxyString, ProxyStringError
verdesc = "%s for %s %s" % (getAnacondaVersionString(),
product.productName, product.productVersion)
logs_note = " * installation log files are stored in /tmp during the installation"
shell_and_tmux_note = " * shell is available on TTY2"
shell_only_note = " * shell is available on TTY2 and in second TMUX pane (ctrl+b, then press 2)"
tmux_only_note = " * shell is available in second TMUX pane (ctrl+b, then press 2)"
text_mode_note = " * if the graphical installation interface fails to start, try again with the\n"\
" inst.text bootoption to start text installation"
separate_attachements_note = " * when reporting a bug add logs from /tmp as separate text/plain attachments"
if product.isFinal:
print("anaconda %s started." % verdesc)
print("anaconda %s (pre-release) started." % verdesc)
# we are past the --version and --help shortcut so we can import Blivet
# now without slowing down anything critical
# pylint: disable=import-error
from blivet import arch
if not opts.images and not opts.dirinstall:
# no fancy stuff like TTYs on a s390...
if not arch.is_s390():
if "TMUX" in os.environ and os.environ.get("TERM") == "screen":
print(shell_only_note) # TMUX is not running
# ...but there is apparently TMUX during the manual installation on s390!
elif not opts.ksfile:
print(tmux_only_note) # but not during kickstart installation
# no need to tell users how to switch to text mode
# if already in text mode
if opts.display_mode == 'g':
from pyanaconda.anaconda import Anaconda
anaconda = Anaconda()
# reset python's default SIGINT handler
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda num, frame: sys.exit(1))
# synchronously-delivered signals such as SIGSEGV and SIGILL cannot be
# handled properly from python, so install signal handlers from the C
# function in isys.
# make sure we have /var/log soon, some programs fail to start without it
# Create a PID file. The exit handler, installed later, will clean it up.
pidfile = pid.PidFile(pidname='anaconda', register_term_signal_handler=False)
except pid.PidFileError as e:
log.error("Unable to create %s, exiting", pidfile.filename)
# If we had a $DISPLAY at start and zenity is available, we may be
# running in a live environment and we can display an error dialog.
# Otherwise just print an error.
if flags.preexisting_x11 and os.access("/usr/bin/zenity", os.X_OK):
# The module-level _() calls are ok here because the language may
# be set from the live environment in this case, and anaconda's
# language setup hasn't happened yet.
# pylint: disable=found-_-in-module-class
["--error", "--title", _("Unable to create PID file"), "--text",
_("Anaconda is unable to create %s because the file" +
" already exists. Anaconda is already running, or a previous instance" +
" of anaconda has crashed.") % pidfile.filename])
print("%s already exists, exiting" % pidfile.filename)
# add our own additional signal handlers
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, startDebugger)
anaconda.opts = opts
# check memory, just the text mode for now:
check_memory(anaconda, opts, 't')
# Now that we've got arguments, do some extra processing.
# Default is to prompt to mount the installed system.
anaconda.rescue_mount = not opts.rescue_nomount
# assign the other anaconda variables from options
anaconda.proxy = opts.proxy
anaconda.updateSrc = opts.updateSrc
anaconda.methodstr = opts.method
anaconda.stage2 = opts.stage2
flags.rescue_mode = opts.rescue
if opts.liveinst:
from pyanaconda.screensaver import inhibit_screensaver
from pyanaconda import safe_dbus
flags.livecdInstall = True
anaconda.dbus_session_connection = safe_dbus.get_new_session_connection()
except safe_dbus.DBusCallError as e:
log.info("Unable to connect to DBus session bus: %s", e)
anaconda.dbus_inhibit_id = inhibit_screensaver(anaconda.dbus_session_connection)
elif "LIVECMD" in os.environ:
log.warning("Running via liveinst, but not setting flags.livecdInstall - this is for testing only")
# set flags
flags.noverifyssl = opts.noverifyssl
flags.armPlatform = opts.armPlatform
flags.extlinux = opts.extlinux
flags.nombr = opts.nombr
flags.mpathFriendlyNames = opts.mpathfriendlynames
flags.debug = opts.debug
flags.askmethod = opts.askmethod
flags.dmraid = opts.dmraid
flags.mpath = opts.mpath
flags.ibft = opts.ibft
flags.selinux = opts.selinux
flags.eject = opts.eject
flags.kexec = opts.kexec
flags.singlelang = opts.singlelang
# Switch to tty1 on exception in case something goes wrong during X start.
# This way if, for example, metacity doesn't start, we switch back to a
# text console with a traceback instead of being left looking at a blank
# screen. python-meh will replace this excepthook with its own handler
# once it gets going.
if can_touch_runtime_system("early exception handler"):
def _earlyExceptionHandler(ty, value, traceback):
return sys.__excepthook__(ty, value, traceback)
sys.excepthook = _earlyExceptionHandler
if can_touch_runtime_system("start audit daemon"):
# auditd will turn into a daemon and exit. Ignore startup errors
iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/auditd", [])
except OSError:
# setup links required for all install types
for i in ("services", "protocols", "nsswitch.conf", "joe", "selinux",
if os.path.exists("/mnt/runtime/etc/" + i):
os.symlink("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i)
except OSError:
log.info("anaconda called with cmdline = %s", sys.argv)
log.info("Default encoding = %s ", sys.getdefaultencoding())
# Collect all addon paths
addon_paths = collect_addon_paths(constants.ADDON_PATHS)
# If we were given a kickstart file on the command line, parse (but do not
# execute) that now. Otherwise, load in defaults from kickstart files
# shipped with the installation media.
ksdata = None
if opts.ksfile and not opts.liveinst:
if not os.path.exists(opts.ksfile):
stdoutLog.error("Kickstart file %s is missing.", opts.ksfile)
flags.automatedInstall = True
flags.eject = False
ksFiles = [opts.ksfile]
elif os.path.exists("/run/install/ks.cfg") and not opts.liveinst:
# this is to handle such cases where a user has pre-loaded a
# ks.cfg onto an OEMDRV labeled device
flags.automatedInstall = True
flags.eject = False
ksFiles = ["/run/install/ks.cfg"]
ksFiles = ["/tmp/updates/interactive-defaults.ks",
for ks in ksFiles:
if not os.path.exists(ks):
log.info("Parsing kickstart: " + ks)
ksdata = kickstart.parseKickstart(ks)
# Only load the first defaults file we find.
if not ksdata:
ksdata = kickstart.AnacondaKSHandler(addon_paths["ks"])
# Pick up any changes from interactive-defaults.ks that would
# otherwise be covered by the dracut KS parser.
if ksdata.bootloader.extlinux:
flags.extlinux = True
if ksdata.rescue.rescue:
flags.rescue_mode = True
# reboot with kexec
if ksdata.reboot.kexec:
flags.kexec = True
# Some kickstart commands must be executed immediately, as they affect
# how anaconda operates.
anaconda.ksdata = ksdata
# setup keyboard layout from the command line option and let
# it override from kickstart if/when X is initialized
if opts.keymap:
if not ksdata.keyboard.keyboard:
ksdata.keyboard.keyboard = opts.keymap
if ksdata.keyboard.keyboard:
if can_touch_runtime_system("activate keyboard"):
# at least make sure we have all the values
# Some post-install parts of anaconda are implemented as kickstart
# scripts. Add those to the ksdata now.
# cmdline flags override kickstart settings
if anaconda.proxy:
ksdata.method.proxy = anaconda.proxy
# Setup proxy environmental variables so that pre/post scripts use it
# as well as libreport
proxy = ProxyString(anaconda.proxy)
except ProxyStringError as e:
log.info("Failed to parse proxy \"%s\": %s", anaconda.proxy, e)
# Set environmental variables to be used by pre/post scripts
iutil.setenv("PROXY", proxy.noauth_url)
iutil.setenv("PROXY_USER", proxy.username or "")
iutil.setenv("PROXY_PASSWORD", proxy.password or "")
# Variables used by curl, libreport, etc.
iutil.setenv("http_proxy", proxy.url)
iutil.setenv("ftp_proxy", proxy.url)
iutil.setenv("HTTPS_PROXY", proxy.url)
if flags.noverifyssl:
ksdata.method.noverifyssl = flags.noverifyssl
if opts.multiLib:
# sets dnf's multilib_policy to "all" (as opposed to "best")
ksdata.packages.multiLib = opts.multiLib
# set ksdata.method based on anaconda.method if it isn't already set
if anaconda.methodstr and not ksdata.method.seen:
if anaconda.methodstr.startswith("cdrom"):
ksdata.method.method = "cdrom"
elif anaconda.methodstr.startswith("nfs"):
ksdata.method.method = "nfs"
(nfsOptions, server, path) = iutil.parseNfsUrl(anaconda.methodstr)
ksdata.method.server = server
ksdata.method.dir = path
ksdata.method.opts = nfsOptions
elif anaconda.methodstr.startswith("hd:"):
ksdata.method.method = "harddrive"
url = anaconda.methodstr.split(":", 1)[1]
url_parts = url.split(":")
device = url_parts[0]
path = ""
if len(url_parts) == 2:
path = url_parts[1]
elif len(url_parts) == 3:
fstype = url_parts[1] # XXX not used
path = url_parts[2]
ksdata.method.partition = device
ksdata.method.dir = path
elif anaconda.methodstr.startswith("http") or \
anaconda.methodstr.startswith("ftp") or \
ksdata.method.method = "url"
ksdata.method.url = anaconda.methodstr
# installation source specified by bootoption
# overrides source set from kickstart;
# the kickstart might have specified a mirror list,
# so we need to clear it here if plain url source is provided
# by a bootoption, because having both url & mirror list
# set at once is not supported and breaks dnf in
# unpredictable ways
# FIXME: Is this still needed for dnf?
ksdata.method.mirrorlist = None
elif anaconda.methodstr.startswith("livecd"):
ksdata.method.method = "harddrive"
device = anaconda.methodstr.split(":", 1)[1]
ksdata.method.partition = os.path.normpath(device)
log.error("Unknown method: %s", anaconda.methodstr)
# Override the selinux state from kickstart if set on the command line
if flags.selinux != constants.SELINUX_DEFAULT:
ksdata.selinux.selinux = flags.selinux
from pyanaconda import localization
# Set the language before loading an interface, when it may be too late.
# If the language was set on the command line, copy that to kickstart
if opts.lang:
ksdata.lang.lang = opts.lang
ksdata.lang.seen = True
# Setup the locale environment
if ksdata.lang.seen:
locale_option = ksdata.lang.lang
locale_option = None
localization.setup_locale_environment(locale_option, opts.display_mode != "g")
# Now that LANG is set, do something with it
localization.setup_locale(os.environ["LANG"], ksdata.lang, opts.display_mode != "g")
import blivet
# Initialize the network now, in case the display needs it
from pyanaconda.network import networkInitialize, wait_for_connecting_NM_thread
threadMgr.add(AnacondaThread(name=constants.THREAD_WAIT_FOR_CONNECTING_NM, target=wait_for_connecting_NM_thread, args=(ksdata,)))
# initialize the screen access manager before launching the UI
from pyanaconda import screen_access
# try to open any existing config file
# (might be created by pre-anaconda helper tools, injected during image
# generation, etc.)
# now start the interface
setupDisplay(anaconda, opts, addon_paths)
if anaconda.gui_startup_failed:
# we need to reinitialize the locale if GUI startup failed,
# as we might now be in text mode, which might not be able to display
# the characters from our current locale
log.warning("reinitializing locale due to failed attempt to start the GUI")
localization.setup_locale(os.environ["LANG"], ksdata.lang, anaconda.displayMode != "g")
# we now know in which mode we are going to run so store the information
ksdata.displaymode.displayMode = mode_char_to_const[anaconda.displayMode]
# if we're in text mode, the resulting system should be too
# ...unless the kickstart specified otherwise
if anaconda.displayMode != 'g' and not anaconda.ksdata.xconfig.startX:
anaconda.ksdata.skipx.skipx = True
# Set flag to prompt for missing ks data
if anaconda.displayMode == 'c':
flags.ksprompt = False
from pyanaconda.anaconda_argparse import name_path_pairs
image_count = 0
for (name, path) in name_path_pairs(opts.images):
log.info("naming disk image '%s' '%s'", path, name)
anaconda.storage.config.disk_images[name] = path
image_count += 1
flags.imageInstall = True
except ValueError as e:
stdoutLog.error("error specifying image file: %s", e)
if image_count:
from blivet.osinstall import storage_initialize
from pyanaconda.packaging import payloadMgr
from pyanaconda.timezone import time_initialize
if not flags.dirInstall:
threadMgr.add(AnacondaThread(name=constants.THREAD_STORAGE, target=storage_initialize,
args=(anaconda.storage, ksdata, anaconda.protected)))
if can_touch_runtime_system("initialize time", touch_live=True):
threadMgr.add(AnacondaThread(name=constants.THREAD_TIME_INIT, target=time_initialize,
args=(ksdata.timezone, anaconda.storage, anaconda.bootloader)))
if flags.rescue_mode:
from pyanaconda.ui.tui.simpleline import App
from pyanaconda.rescue import RescueMode
app = App("Rescue Mode")
spoke = RescueMode(app, anaconda.ksdata, anaconda.storage)
# only install interactive exception handler in interactive modes
if ksdata.displaymode.displayMode != DISPLAY_MODE_CMDLINE or flags.debug:
from pyanaconda import exception
anaconda.mehConfig = exception.initExceptionHandling(anaconda)
# add our own additional signal handlers
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda signum, frame:
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, lambda signum, frame: anaconda.dumpState())
atexit.register(exitHandler, ksdata.reboot, anaconda.storage)
from pyanaconda import exception
anaconda.mehConfig = exception.initExceptionHandling(anaconda)
# Fallback to default for interactive or for a kickstart with no installation method.
fallback = not (flags.automatedInstall and ksdata.method.method)
payloadMgr.restartThread(anaconda.storage, ksdata, anaconda.payload, anaconda.instClass,
# check if geolocation should be enabled for this type of installation
use_geolocation = True
if flags.imageInstall or flags.dirInstall or flags.automatedInstall:
use_geolocation = False
# and also check if it was not disabled by boot option
# flags.cmdline.getbool is used as it handles values such as
# 0, no, off and also nogeoloc as False
# and other values or geoloc not being present as True
use_geolocation = flags.cmdline.getbool('geoloc', True)
if use_geolocation:
provider_id = constants.GEOLOC_DEFAULT_PROVIDER
# check if a provider was specified by an option
if opts.geoloc is not None:
parsed_id = geoloc.get_provider_id_from_option(opts.geoloc)
if parsed_id is None:
log.error('geoloc: wrong provider id specified: %s', opts.geoloc)
provider_id = parsed_id
# instantiate the geolocation module and start location data refresh
# setup ntp servers and start NTP daemon if not requested otherwise
if can_touch_runtime_system("start chronyd"):
if anaconda.ksdata.timezone.ntpservers:
pools, servers = ntp.internal_to_pools_and_servers(anaconda.ksdata.timezone.ntpservers)
ntp.save_servers_to_config(pools, servers)
if not anaconda.ksdata.timezone.nontp:
# FIXME: This will need to be made cleaner once this file starts to take
# shape with the new UI code.
# vim:tw=78:ts=4:et:sw=4