Use the output of git diff --full-index --binary anaconda-22.20.13-1..anaconda-23.19.10-1 from anaconda's git repository and fix-up merge conflicts.
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# The main file for anaconda TUI interface
# Copyright (C) (2012) Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
# Red Hat, Inc.
# Red Hat Author(s): Martin Sivak <msivak@redhat.com>
from pyanaconda import ui
from pyanaconda.ui.communication import hubQ
from pyanaconda.flags import flags
from pyanaconda.threads import threadMgr
from pyanaconda.ui.tui import simpleline as tui
from pyanaconda.ui.tui.hubs.summary import SummaryHub
from pyanaconda.ui.tui.spokes import StandaloneSpoke
from pyanaconda.ui.tui.tuiobject import YesNoDialog, ErrorDialog
import os
import sys
import site
import queue
import meh.ui.text
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
def exception_msg_handler(event, data):
Handler for the HUB_CODE_EXCEPTION message in the hubQ.
:param event: event data
:type event: (event_type, message_data)
:param data: additional data
:type data: any
# get data from the event data structure
msg_data = event[1]
# msg_data is a list
class TextUserInterface(ui.UserInterface):
"""This is the main class for Text user interface.
.. inheritance-diagram:: TextUserInterface
:parts: 3
ENVIRONMENT = "anaconda"
def __init__(self, storage, payload, instclass,
productTitle=u"Anaconda", isFinal=True,
For detailed description of the arguments see
the parent class.
:param storage: storage backend reference
:type storage: instance of pyanaconda.Storage
:param payload: payload (usually dnf) reference
:type payload: instance of payload handler
:param instclass: install class reference
:type instclass: instance of install class
:param productTitle: the name of the product
:type productTitle: str
:param isFinal: Boolean that marks the release
as final (True) or development
(False) version.
:type isFinal: bool
:param quitMessage: The text to be used in quit
dialog question. It should not
be translated to allow for change
of language.
:type quitMessage: str
ui.UserInterface.__init__(self, storage, payload, instclass)
self._app = None
self._meh_interface = meh.ui.text.TextIntf()
self.productTitle = productTitle
self.isFinal = isFinal
self.quitMessage = quitMessage
basemask = "pyanaconda.ui"
basepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
updatepath = "/tmp/updates/pyanaconda/ui"
sitepackages = [os.path.join(dir, "pyanaconda", "ui")
for dir in site.getsitepackages()]
pathlist = set([updatepath, basepath] + sitepackages)
_categories = []
_spokes = []
_hubs = []
# as list comprehension can't reference class level variables in Python 3 we
# need to use a for cycle (http://bugs.python.org/issue21161)
for path in pathlist:
_categories.append((basemask + ".categories.%s", os.path.join(path, "categories")))
_spokes.append((basemask + ".tui.spokes.%s", os.path.join(path, "tui/spokes")))
_hubs.append((basemask + ".tui.hubs.%s", os.path.join(path, "tui/hubs")))
paths = ui.UserInterface.paths + {
"categories": _categories,
"spokes": _spokes,
"hubs": _hubs,
def tty_num(self):
return 1
def meh_interface(self):
return self._meh_interface
def _list_hubs(self):
"""returns the list of hubs to use"""
return [SummaryHub]
def _is_standalone(self, spoke):
"""checks if the passed spoke is standalone"""
return isinstance(spoke, StandaloneSpoke)
def setup(self, data):
"""Construct all the objects required to implement this interface.
This method must be provided by all subclasses.
self._app = tui.App(self.productTitle, yes_or_no_question=YesNoDialog,
quit_message=self.quitMessage, queue_instance=hubQ.q)
# tell python-meh it should use our raw_input
# register handlers for various messages
self._app.register_event_handler(hubQ.HUB_CODE_EXCEPTION, exception_msg_handler)
self._app.register_event_handler(hubQ.HUB_CODE_SHOW_MESSAGE, self._handle_show_message)
_hubs = self._list_hubs()
# First, grab a list of all the standalone spokes.
spokes = self._collectActionClasses(self.paths["spokes"], StandaloneSpoke)
actionClasses = self._orderActionClasses(spokes, _hubs)
for klass in actionClasses:
obj = klass(self._app, data, self.storage, self.payload, self.instclass)
# If we are doing a kickstart install, some standalone spokes
# could already be filled out. In taht case, we do not want
# to display them.
if self._is_standalone(obj) and obj.completed:
if hasattr(obj, "set_path"):
obj.set_path("spokes", self.paths["spokes"])
obj.set_path("categories", self.paths["categories"])
should_schedule = obj.setup(self.ENVIRONMENT)
if should_schedule:
def run(self):
"""Run the interface. This should do little more than just pass
through to something else's run method, but is provided here in
case more is needed. This method must be provided by all subclasses.
return self._app.run()
def _send_show_message(self, msg_fn, args, ret_queue):
Send message requesting to show some message dialog specified by the
message function.
:param msg_fn: message dialog function requested to be called
:type msg_fn: a function taking the same number of arguments as is the
length of the args param
:param args: arguments to be passed to the message dialog function
:type args: any
:param ret_queue: the queue which the return value of the message dialog
function should be put
:type ret_queue: a queue.Queue instance
[msg_fn, args, ret_queue]))
def _handle_show_message(self, event, data):
Handler for the HUB_CODE_SHOW_MESSAGE message in the hubQ.
:param event: event data
:type event: (event_type, message_data)
:param data: additional data
:type data: any
# event_type, message_data
msg_data = event[1]
msg_fn, args, ret_queue = msg_data
def _show_message_in_main_thread(self, msg_fn, args):
If running in the main thread, run the message dialog function and
return its return value. If running in a non-main thread, request the
message function to be called in the main thread.
:param msg_fn: message dialog function to be run
:type msg_fn: a function taking the same number of arguments as is the
length of the args param
:param args: arguments to be passed to the message dialog function
:type args: any
if threadMgr.in_main_thread():
# call the function directly
return msg_fn(*args)
# create a queue for the result returned by the function
ret_queue = queue.Queue()
# request the function to be called in the main thread
self._send_show_message(msg_fn, args, ret_queue)
# wait and return the result from the queue
return ret_queue.get()
def showError(self, message):
"""Display an error dialog with the given message. After this dialog
is displayed, anaconda will quit. There is no return value. This
method must be implemented by all UserInterface subclasses.
In the code, this method should be used sparingly and only for
critical errors that anaconda cannot figure out how to recover from.
return self._show_message_in_main_thread(self._showError, (message,))
def _showError(self, message):
"""Internal helper function that MUST BE CALLED FROM THE MAIN THREAD"""
if flags.automatedInstall and not flags.ksprompt:
# If we're in cmdline mode, just exit.
error_window = ErrorDialog(self._app, message)
def showDetailedError(self, message, details, buttons=None):
return self._show_message_in_main_thread(self._showDetailedError, (message, details))
def _showDetailedError(self, message, details):
"""Internal helper function that MUST BE CALLED FROM THE MAIN THREAD"""
return self.showError(message + "\n\n" + details)
def showYesNoQuestion(self, message):
"""Display a dialog with the given message that presents the user a yes
or no choice. This method returns True if the yes choice is selected,
and False if the no choice is selected. From here, anaconda can
figure out what to do next. This method must be implemented by all
UserInterface subclasses.
In the code, this method should be used sparingly and only for those
times where anaconda cannot make a reasonable decision. We don't
want to overwhelm the user with choices.
When cmdline mode is active, the default will be to answer no.
return self._show_message_in_main_thread(self._showYesNoQuestion, (message,))
def _showYesNoQuestion(self, message):
"""Internal helper function that MUST BE CALLED FROM THE MAIN THREAD"""
if flags.automatedInstall and not flags.ksprompt:
# If we're in cmdline mode, just say no.
return False
question_window = YesNoDialog(self._app, message)
return question_window.answer