Use the output of git diff --full-index --binary anaconda-22.20.13-1..anaconda-23.19.10-1 from anaconda's git repository and fix-up merge conflicts.
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# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
# Red Hat, Inc.
# Red Hat Author(s): Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com>
This module include functions and classes for dealing with multiple layouts in
Anaconda. It wraps the libxklavier functionality to protect Anaconda from
dealing with its "nice" API that looks like a Lisp-influenced "good old C" and
also systemd-localed functionality.
It provides a XklWrapper class with several methods that can be used for listing
and various modifications of keyboard layouts settings.
import gi
gi.require_version("GdkX11", "3.0")
gi.require_version("Xkl", "1.0")
from gi.repository import GdkX11, Xkl
import threading
import gettext
from collections import namedtuple
from pyanaconda import flags
from pyanaconda import iutil
from pyanaconda.constants import DEFAULT_KEYBOARD
from pyanaconda.keyboard import join_layout_variant, parse_layout_variant, KeyboardConfigError, InvalidLayoutVariantSpec
from pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils import gtk_action_wait
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
Xkb_ = lambda x: gettext.translation("xkeyboard-config", fallback=True).gettext(x)
iso_ = lambda x: gettext.translation("iso_639", fallback=True).gettext(x)
# namedtuple for information about a keyboard layout (its language and description)
LayoutInfo = namedtuple("LayoutInfo", ["lang", "desc"])
class XklWrapperError(KeyboardConfigError):
"""Exception class for reporting libxklavier-related problems"""
class XklWrapper(object):
Class wrapping the libxklavier functionality
Use this class as a singleton class because it provides read-only data
and initialization (that takes quite a lot of time) reads always the
same data. It doesn't have sense to make multiple instances
_instance = None
_instance_lock = threading.Lock()
def get_instance():
with XklWrapper._instance_lock:
if not XklWrapper._instance:
XklWrapper._instance = XklWrapper()
return XklWrapper._instance
def __init__(self):
#initialize Xkl-related stuff
display = GdkX11.x11_get_default_xdisplay()
self._engine = Xkl.Engine.get_instance(display)
self._rec = Xkl.ConfigRec()
if not self._rec.get_from_server(self._engine):
raise XklWrapperError("Failed to get configuration from server")
#X is probably initialized to the 'us' layout without any variant and
#since we want to add layouts with variants we need the layouts and
#variants lists to have the same length. Add "" padding to variants.
#See docstring of the add_layout method for details.
diff = len(self._rec.layouts) - len(self._rec.variants)
if diff > 0 and flags.can_touch_runtime_system("activate layouts"):
self._rec.set_variants(self._rec.variants + (diff * [""]))
if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
# failed to activate layouts given e.g. by a kickstart (may be
# invalid)
lay_var_str = ",".join(map(join_layout_variant,
log.error("Failed to activate layouts: '%s', "
"falling back to default %s", lay_var_str, DEFAULT_KEYBOARD)
if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
# failed to activate even the default layout, something is
# really wrong
raise XklWrapperError("Failed to initialize layouts")
#needed also for Gkbd.KeyboardDrawingDialog
self.configreg = Xkl.ConfigRegistry.get_instance(self._engine)
self._layout_infos = dict()
self._layout_infos_lock = threading.RLock()
self._switch_opt_infos = dict()
self._switch_opt_infos_lock = threading.RLock()
#this might take quite a long time
self.configreg.foreach_language(self._get_language_variants, None)
self.configreg.foreach_country(self._get_country_variants, None)
#'grp' means that we want layout (group) switching options
self.configreg.foreach_option('grp', self._get_switch_option, None)
def _get_lang_variant(self, c_reg, item, subitem, lang):
if subitem:
name = item.get_name() + " (" + subitem.get_name() + ")"
description = subitem.get_description()
name = item.get_name()
description = item.get_description()
#if this layout has already been added for some other language,
#do not add it again (would result in duplicates in our lists)
if name not in self._layout_infos:
with self._layout_infos_lock:
self._layout_infos[name] = LayoutInfo(lang, description)
def _get_country_variant(self, c_reg, item, subitem, country):
if subitem:
name = item.get_name() + " (" + subitem.get_name() + ")"
description = subitem.get_description()
name = item.get_name()
description = item.get_description()
# if the layout was not added with any language, add it with a country
if name not in self._layout_infos:
with self._layout_infos_lock:
self._layout_infos[name] = LayoutInfo(country, description)
def _get_language_variants(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None):
lang_name, lang_desc = item.get_name(), item.get_description()
c_reg.foreach_language_variant(lang_name, self._get_lang_variant, lang_desc)
def _get_country_variants(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None):
country_name, country_desc = item.get_name(), item.get_description()
c_reg.foreach_country_variant(country_name, self._get_country_variant,
def _get_switch_option(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None):
"""Helper function storing layout switching options in foreach cycle"""
desc = item.get_description()
name = item.get_name()
with self._switch_opt_infos_lock:
self._switch_opt_infos[name] = desc
def get_current_layout(self):
Get current activated X layout and variant
:return: current activated X layout and variant (e.g. "cz (qwerty)")
# ported from the widgets/src/LayoutIndicator.c code
state = self._engine.get_current_state()
cur_group = state.group
num_groups = self._engine.get_num_groups()
# BUG?: if the last layout in the list is activated and removed,
# state.group may be equal to n_groups
if cur_group >= num_groups:
cur_group = num_groups - 1
layout = self._rec.layouts[cur_group]
variant = self._rec.variants[cur_group]
except IndexError:
# X server may have forgotten to add the "" variant for its default layout
variant = ""
return join_layout_variant(layout, variant)
def get_available_layouts(self):
"""A list of layouts"""
with self._layout_infos_lock:
return list(self._layout_infos.keys())
def get_switching_options(self):
"""Method returning list of available layout switching options"""
with self._switch_opt_infos_lock:
return list(self._switch_opt_infos.keys())
def get_layout_variant_description(self, layout_variant, with_lang=True, xlated=True):
Get description of the given layout-variant.
:param layout_variant: layout-variant specification (e.g. 'cz (qwerty)')
:type layout_variant: str
:param with_lang: whether to include language of the layout-variant (if defined)
in the description or not
:type with_lang: bool
:param xlated: whethe to return translated or english version of the description
:type xlated: bool
:return: description of the layout-variant specification (e.g. 'Czech (qwerty)')
:rtype: str
layout_info = self._layout_infos[layout_variant]
# translate language and upcase its first letter, translate the
# layout-variant description
if xlated:
lang = iutil.upcase_first_letter(iso_(layout_info.lang))
description = Xkb_(layout_info.desc)
lang = iutil.upcase_first_letter(layout_info.lang)
description = layout_info.desc
if with_lang and lang and not description.startswith(lang):
return "%s (%s)" % (lang, description)
return description
def get_switch_opt_description(self, switch_opt):
Get description of the given layout switching option.
:param switch_opt: switching option name/ID (e.g. 'grp:alt_shift_toggle')
:type switch_opt: str
:return: description of the layout switching option (e.g. 'Alt + Shift')
:rtype: str
# translate the description of the switching option
return Xkb_(self._switch_opt_infos[switch_opt])
def activate_default_layout(self):
Activates default layout (the first one in the list of configured
def is_valid_layout(self, layout):
"""Return if given layout is valid layout or not"""
return layout in self._layout_infos
def add_layout(self, layout):
Method that tries to add a given layout to the current X configuration.
The X layouts configuration is handled by two lists. A list of layouts
and a list of variants. Index-matching items in these lists (as if they
were zipped) are used for the construction of real layouts (e.g.
'cz (qwerty)').
:param layout: either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
:raise XklWrapperError: if the given layout is invalid or cannot be added
#we can get 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
(layout, variant) = parse_layout_variant(layout)
except InvalidLayoutVariantSpec as ilverr:
raise XklWrapperError("Failed to add layout: %s" % ilverr)
#do not add the same layout-variant combinanion multiple times
if (layout, variant) in list(zip(self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants)):
self._rec.set_layouts(self._rec.layouts + [layout])
self._rec.set_variants(self._rec.variants + [variant])
if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
raise XklWrapperError("Failed to add layout '%s (%s)'" % (layout,
def remove_layout(self, layout):
Method that tries to remove a given layout from the current X
See also the documentation for the add_layout method.
:param layout: either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
:raise XklWrapperError: if the given layout cannot be removed
#we can get 'layout' or 'layout (variant)'
(layout, variant) = parse_layout_variant(layout)
layouts_variants = list(zip(self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants))
if not (layout, variant) in layouts_variants:
msg = "'%s (%s)' not in the list of added layouts" % (layout,
raise XklWrapperError(msg)
idx = layouts_variants.index((layout, variant))
new_layouts = self._rec.layouts[:idx] + self._rec.layouts[(idx + 1):]
new_variants = self._rec.variants[:idx] + self._rec.variants[(idx + 1):]
if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
raise XklWrapperError("Failed to remove layout '%s (%s)'" % (layout,
def replace_layouts(self, layouts_list):
Method that replaces the layouts defined in the current X configuration
with the new ones given.
:param layouts_list: list of layouts defined as either 'layout' or
'layout (variant)'
:raise XklWrapperError: if layouts cannot be replaced with the new ones
new_layouts = list()
new_variants = list()
for layout_variant in layouts_list:
(layout, variant) = parse_layout_variant(layout_variant)
if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
msg = "Failed to replace layouts with: %s" % ",".join(layouts_list)
raise XklWrapperError(msg)
def set_switching_options(self, options):
Method that sets options for layout switching. It replaces the old
options with the new ones.
:param options: layout switching options to be set
:type options: list or generator
:raise XklWrapperError: if the old options cannot be replaced with the
new ones
#preserve old "non-switching options"
new_options = [opt for opt in self._rec.options if "grp:" not in opt]
new_options += options
if not self._rec.activate(self._engine):
msg = "Failed to set switching options to: %s" % ",".join(options)
raise XklWrapperError(msg)