2144 lines
85 KiB
2144 lines
85 KiB
# kickstart.py: kickstart install support
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
# Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from pyanaconda.errors import ScriptError, errorHandler
from blivet.deviceaction import ActionCreateFormat, ActionDestroyFormat, ActionResizeDevice, ActionResizeFormat
from blivet.devices import LUKSDevice
from blivet.devices.lvm import LVMVolumeGroupDevice
from blivet.devicelibs.lvm import LVM_PE_SIZE, KNOWN_THPOOL_PROFILES
from blivet.devicelibs.crypto import MIN_CREATE_ENTROPY
from blivet.formats import getFormat
from blivet.partitioning import doPartitioning
from blivet.partitioning import growLVM
from blivet.errors import PartitioningError, StorageError, BTRFSValueError
from blivet.size import Size, KiB
from blivet import udev
from blivet import autopart
from blivet.platform import platform
import blivet.iscsi
import blivet.fcoe
import blivet.zfcp
import blivet.arch
import glob
from pyanaconda import iutil
import os
import os.path
import tempfile
from pyanaconda.flags import flags, can_touch_runtime_system
from pyanaconda.constants import ADDON_PATHS, IPMI_ABORTED
import shlex
import sys
import urlgrabber
import pykickstart.commands as commands
from pyanaconda import keyboard
from pyanaconda import ntp
from pyanaconda import timezone
from pyanaconda.timezone import NTP_PACKAGE, NTP_SERVICE
from pyanaconda import localization
from pyanaconda import network
from pyanaconda import nm
from pyanaconda.simpleconfig import SimpleConfigFile
from pyanaconda.users import getPassAlgo
from pyanaconda.desktop import Desktop
from pyanaconda.i18n import _
from pyanaconda.ui.common import collect
from pyanaconda.addons import AddonSection, AddonData, AddonRegistry, collect_addon_paths
from pyanaconda.bootloader import GRUB2, get_bootloader
from pyanaconda.pwpolicy import F22_PwPolicy, F22_PwPolicyData
from pykickstart.base import BaseHandler
from pykickstart.errors import formatErrorMsg, KickstartError, KickstartValueError
from pykickstart.parser import KickstartParser
from pykickstart.parser import Script as KSScript
from pykickstart.sections import Section
from pykickstart.sections import NullSection, PackageSection, PostScriptSection, PreScriptSection, TracebackScriptSection
from pykickstart.version import returnClassForVersion
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
stderrLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stderr")
storage_log = logging.getLogger("blivet")
stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout")
from pyanaconda.anaconda_log import logger, logLevelMap, setHandlersLevel, DEFAULT_LEVEL
class AnacondaKSScript(KSScript):
""" Execute a kickstart script
This will write the script to a file named /tmp/ks-script- before
Output is logged by the program logger, the path specified by --log
or to /tmp/ks-script-*.log
def run(self, chroot):
""" Run the kickstart script
@param chroot directory path to chroot into before execution
if self.inChroot:
scriptRoot = chroot
scriptRoot = "/"
# Environment variables that cause problems for %post scripts
env_prune = ["LIBUSER_CONF"]
(fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp("", "ks-script-", scriptRoot + "/tmp")
iutil.eintr_retry_call(os.write, fd, self.script)
iutil.eintr_retry_call(os.close, fd)
iutil.eintr_retry_call(os.chmod, path, 0o700)
# Always log stdout/stderr from scripts. Using --log just lets you
# pick where it goes. The script will also be logged to program.log
# because of execWithRedirect.
if self.logfile:
if self.inChroot:
messages = "%s/%s" % (scriptRoot, self.logfile)
messages = self.logfile
d = os.path.dirname(messages)
if not os.path.exists(d):
# Always log outside the chroot, we copy those logs into the
# chroot later.
messages = "/tmp/%s.log" % os.path.basename(path)
with open(messages, "w") as fp:
rc = iutil.execWithRedirect(self.interp, ["/tmp/%s" % os.path.basename(path)],
root = scriptRoot,
env_prune = env_prune)
if rc != 0:
log.error("Error code %s running the kickstart script at line %s", rc, self.lineno)
if self.errorOnFail:
err = ""
with open(messages, "r") as fp:
err = "".join(fp.readlines())
errorHandler.cb(ScriptError(self.lineno, err))
class AnacondaInternalScript(AnacondaKSScript):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
AnacondaKSScript.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._hidden = True
def __str__(self):
# Scripts that implement portions of anaconda (copying screenshots and
# log files, setfilecons, etc.) should not be written to the output
# kickstart file.
return ""
def getEscrowCertificate(escrowCerts, url):
if not url:
return None
if url in escrowCerts:
return escrowCerts[url]
needs_net = not url.startswith("/") and not url.startswith("file:")
if needs_net and not nm.nm_is_connected():
msg = _("Escrow certificate %s requires the network.") % url
raise KickstartError(msg)
log.info("escrow: downloading %s", url)
f = urlgrabber.urlopen(url)
except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError as e:
msg = _("The following error was encountered while downloading the escrow certificate:\n\n%s") % e
raise KickstartError(msg)
escrowCerts[url] = f.read()
return escrowCerts[url]
def deviceMatches(spec, devicetree=None):
""" Return names of block devices matching the provided specification.
:param str spec: a device identifier (name, UUID=<uuid>, &c)
:keyword devicetree: device tree to look up devices in (optional)
:type devicetree: :class:`blivet.DeviceTree`
:returns: names of matching devices
:rtype: list of str
parse methods will not have access to a devicetree, while execute
methods will. The devicetree is superior in that it can resolve md
array names and in that it reflects scheduled device removals, but for
normal local disks udev.resolve_devspec should suffice.
full_spec = spec
if not full_spec.startswith("/dev/"):
full_spec = os.path.normpath("/dev/" + full_spec)
# the regular case
matches = udev.resolve_glob(full_spec)
# Use spec here instead of full_spec to preserve the spec and let the
# called code decide whether to treat the spec as a path instead of a name.
if devicetree is None:
dev = udev.resolve_devspec(spec)
dev = getattr(devicetree.resolveDevice(spec), "name", None)
# udev.resolve_devspec returns None if there's no match, but we don't
# want that ending up in the list.
if dev and dev not in matches:
return matches
def lookupAlias(devicetree, alias):
for dev in devicetree.devices:
if getattr(dev, "req_name", None) == alias:
return dev
return None
# Remove any existing formatting on a device, but do not remove the partition
# itself. This sets up an existing device to be used in a --onpart option.
def removeExistingFormat(device, storage):
deps = storage.deviceDeps(device)
while deps:
leaves = [d for d in deps if d.isleaf]
for leaf in leaves:
def getAvailableDiskSpace(storage):
Get overall disk space available on disks we may use.
:param storage: blivet.Blivet instance
:return: overall disk space available
:rtype: :class:`blivet.size.Size`
free_space = storage.freeSpaceSnapshot
return sum(disk_free for disk_free, fs_free in free_space.values())
def refreshAutoSwapSize(storage):
Refresh size of the auto partitioning request for swap device according to
the current state of the storage configuration.
:param storage: blivet.Blivet instance
for request in storage.autoPartitionRequests:
if request.fstype == "swap":
disk_space = getAvailableDiskSpace(storage)
request.size = autopart.swapSuggestion(disk_space=disk_space)
class Authconfig(commands.authconfig.FC3_Authconfig):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
commands.authconfig.FC3_Authconfig.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.packages = []
def setup(self):
if self.seen:
self.packages = ["authconfig"]
def execute(self, *args):
cmd = "/usr/sbin/authconfig"
if not os.path.lexists(iutil.getSysroot()+cmd):
if flags.automatedInstall and self.seen:
msg = _("%s is missing. Cannot setup authentication.") % cmd
raise KickstartError(msg)
args = ["--update", "--nostart"] + shlex.split(self.authconfig)
if not flags.automatedInstall and \
(os.path.exists(iutil.getSysroot() + "/lib64/security/pam_fprintd.so") or \
os.path.exists(iutil.getSysroot() + "/lib/security/pam_fprintd.so")):
args += ["--enablefingerprint"]
iutil.execInSysroot(cmd, args)
except RuntimeError as msg:
log.error("Error running %s %s: %s", cmd, args, msg)
class AutoPart(commands.autopart.F21_AutoPart):
def __init__(self, writePriority=100, *args, **kwargs):
if 'encrypted' not in kwargs:
kwargs['encrypted'] = True
super(AutoPart, self).__init__(writePriority=writePriority, *args, **kwargs)
def parse(self, args):
retval = commands.autopart.F21_AutoPart.parse(self, args)
if self.fstype:
fmt = blivet.formats.getFormat(self.fstype)
if not fmt or fmt.type is None:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("autopart fstype of %s is invalid.") % self.fstype))
return retval
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
from blivet.autopart import doAutoPartition
from pyanaconda.storage_utils import sanity_check
if not self.autopart:
if self.fstype:
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Settings default fstype to %s failed.") % self.fstype))
# sets up default autopartitioning. use clearpart separately
# if you want it
storage.doAutoPart = True
if self.encrypted:
storage.encryptedAutoPart = True
storage.encryptionPassphrase = self.passphrase
storage.encryptionCipher = self.cipher
storage.autoPartEscrowCert = getEscrowCertificate(storage.escrowCertificates, self.escrowcert)
storage.autoPartAddBackupPassphrase = self.backuppassphrase
if self.type is not None:
storage.autoPartType = self.type
doAutoPartition(storage, ksdata, min_luks_entropy=MIN_CREATE_ENTROPY)
errors = sanity_check(storage)
if errors:
raise PartitioningError("autopart failed:\n" + "\n".join(error.message for error in errors))
class Bootloader(commands.bootloader.F21_Bootloader):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
commands.bootloader.F21_Bootloader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.location = "mbr"
def parse(self, args):
commands.bootloader.F21_Bootloader.parse(self, args)
if self.location == "partition" and isinstance(get_bootloader(), GRUB2):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("GRUB2 does not support installation to a partition.")))
if self.isCrypted and isinstance(get_bootloader(), GRUB2):
if not self.password.startswith("grub.pbkdf2."):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg="GRUB2 encrypted password must be in grub.pbkdf2 format."))
return self
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
if flags.imageInstall and blivet.arch.isS390():
self.location = "none"
if self.location == "none":
location = None
elif self.location == "partition":
location = "boot"
location = self.location
if not location:
storage.bootloader.skip_bootloader = True
if self.appendLine:
args = self.appendLine.split()
if self.password:
if self.isCrypted:
storage.bootloader.encrypted_password = self.password
storage.bootloader.password = self.password
if location:
if self.timeout is not None:
storage.bootloader.timeout = self.timeout
# Throw out drives specified that don't exist or cannot be used (iSCSI
# device on an s390 machine)
disk_names = [d.name for d in storage.disks
if not d.format.hidden and not d.protected and
(not blivet.arch.isS390() or not isinstance(d, blivet.devices.iScsiDiskDevice))]
diskSet = set(disk_names)
for drive in self.driveorder[:]:
matches = set(deviceMatches(drive, devicetree=storage.devicetree))
if matches.isdisjoint(diskSet):
log.warning("requested drive %s in boot drive order doesn't exist or cannot be used", drive)
storage.bootloader.disk_order = self.driveorder
if self.bootDrive:
matches = set(deviceMatches(self.bootDrive,
if len(matches) > 1:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("More than one match found for given boot drive \"%s\".") % self.bootDrive))
elif matches.isdisjoint(diskSet):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Requested boot drive \"%s\" doesn't exist or cannot be used.") % self.bootDrive))
self.bootDrive = disk_names[0]
drive = storage.devicetree.resolveDevice(self.bootDrive)
storage.bootloader.stage1_disk = drive
if self.leavebootorder:
flags.leavebootorder = True
if self.nombr:
flags.nombr = True
class BTRFS(commands.btrfs.F17_BTRFS):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
for b in self.btrfsList:
b.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
class BTRFSData(commands.btrfs.F17_BTRFSData):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
devicetree = storage.devicetree
storage.doAutoPart = False
members = []
# Get a list of all the devices that make up this volume.
for member in self.devices:
dev = devicetree.resolveDevice(member)
if not dev:
# if using --onpart, use original device
member_name = ksdata.onPart.get(member, member)
dev = devicetree.resolveDevice(member_name) or lookupAlias(devicetree, member)
if dev and dev.format.type == "luks":
dev = devicetree.getChildren(dev)[0]
except IndexError:
dev = None
if dev and dev.format.type != "btrfs":
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Btrfs partition \"%(device)s\" has a format of \"%(format)s\", but should have a format of \"btrfs\".") %
{"device": member, "format": dev.format.type}))
if not dev:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Tried to use undefined partition \"%s\" in Btrfs volume specification.") % member))
if self.subvol:
name = self.name
elif self.label:
name = self.label
name = None
if len(members) == 0 and not self.preexist:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Btrfs volume defined without any member devices. Either specify member devices or use --useexisting.")))
# allow creating btrfs vols/subvols without specifying mountpoint
if self.mountpoint in ("none", "None"):
self.mountpoint = ""
# Sanity check mountpoint
if self.mountpoint != "" and self.mountpoint[0] != '/':
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The mount point \"%s\" is not valid. It must start with a /.") % self.mountpoint))
# If a previous device has claimed this mount point, delete the
# old one.
if self.mountpoint:
device = storage.mountpoints[self.mountpoint]
except KeyError:
if self.preexist:
device = devicetree.resolveDevice(self.name)
if not device:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Btrfs volume \"%s\" specified with --useexisting does not exist.") % self.name))
device.format.mountpoint = self.mountpoint
request = storage.newBTRFS(name=name,
except BTRFSValueError as e:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=e.message))
class Realm(commands.realm.F19_Realm):
def __init__(self, *args):
commands.realm.F19_Realm.__init__(self, *args)
self.packages = []
self.discovered = ""
def setup(self):
if not self.join_realm:
argv = ["discover", "--verbose"] + \
self.discover_options + [self.join_realm]
output = iutil.execWithCapture("realm", argv, filter_stderr=True)
except OSError:
# TODO: A lousy way of propagating what will usually be
# 'no such realm'
# The error message is logged by iutil
# Now parse the output for the required software. First line is the
# realm name, and following lines are information as "name: value"
self.packages = ["realmd"]
self.discovered = ""
lines = output.split("\n")
if not lines:
self.discovered = lines.pop(0).strip()
log.info("Realm discovered: %s", self.discovered)
for line in lines:
parts = line.split(":", 1)
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0].strip() == "required-package":
log.info("Realm %s needs packages %s",
self.discovered, ", ".join(self.packages))
def execute(self, *args):
if not self.discovered:
for arg in self.join_args:
if arg.startswith("--no-password") or arg.startswith("--one-time-password"):
pw_args = []
# no explicit password arg using implicit --no-password
pw_args = ["--no-password"]
argv = ["join", "--install", iutil.getSysroot(), "--verbose"] + \
pw_args + self.join_args
rc = -1
rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("realm", argv)
except OSError:
if rc == 0:
log.info("Joined realm %s", self.join_realm)
class ClearPart(commands.clearpart.F21_ClearPart):
def parse(self, args):
retval = commands.clearpart.F21_ClearPart.parse(self, args)
if self.type is None:
if self.disklabel and self.disklabel not in platform.diskLabelTypes:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Disklabel \"%s\" given in clearpart command is not "
"supported on this platform.") % self.disklabel))
# Do any glob expansion now, since we need to have the real list of
# disks available before the execute methods run.
drives = []
for spec in self.drives:
matched = deviceMatches(spec)
if matched:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Disk \"%s\" given in clearpart command does not exist.") % spec))
self.drives = drives
# Do any glob expansion now, since we need to have the real list of
# devices available before the execute methods run.
devices = []
for spec in self.devices:
matched = deviceMatches(spec)
if matched:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Device \"%s\" given in clearpart device list does not exist.") % spec))
self.devices = devices
return retval
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
storage.config.clearPartType = self.type
storage.config.clearPartDisks = self.drives
storage.config.clearPartDevices = self.devices
if self.initAll:
storage.config.initializeDisks = self.initAll
if self.disklabel:
if not platform.setDefaultDiskLabelType(self.disklabel):
log.warn("%s is not a supported disklabel type on this platform. "
"Using default disklabel %s instead.", self.disklabel, platform.defaultDiskLabelType)
class Fcoe(commands.fcoe.F13_Fcoe):
def parse(self, args):
fc = commands.fcoe.F13_Fcoe.parse(self, args)
if fc.nic not in nm.nm_devices():
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("NIC \"%s\" given in fcoe command does not exist.") % fc.nic))
if fc.nic in (info[0] for info in blivet.fcoe.fcoe().nics):
log.info("Kickstart fcoe device %s already added from EDD, ignoring", fc.nic)
msg = blivet.fcoe.fcoe().addSan(nic=fc.nic, dcb=fc.dcb, auto_vlan=True)
if not msg:
msg = "Succeeded."
log.info("adding FCoE SAN on %s: %s", fc.nic, msg)
return fc
class Firewall(commands.firewall.F20_Firewall):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
commands.firewall.F20_Firewall.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.packages = []
def setup(self):
if self.seen:
self.packages = ["firewalld"]
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
args = []
# enabled is None if neither --enable or --disable is passed
# default to enabled if nothing has been set.
if self.enabled == False:
args += ["--disabled"]
args += ["--enabled"]
if "ssh" not in self.services and "ssh" not in self.remove_services \
and "22:tcp" not in self.ports:
args += ["--service=ssh"]
for dev in self.trusts:
args += [ "--trust=%s" % (dev,) ]
for port in self.ports:
args += [ "--port=%s" % (port,) ]
for remove_service in self.remove_services:
args += [ "--remove-service=%s" % (remove_service,) ]
for service in self.services:
args += [ "--service=%s" % (service,) ]
cmd = "/usr/bin/firewall-offline-cmd"
if not os.path.exists(iutil.getSysroot()+cmd):
if self.enabled:
msg = _("%s is missing. Cannot setup firewall.") % (cmd,)
raise KickstartError(msg)
iutil.execInSysroot(cmd, args)
class Firstboot(commands.firstboot.FC3_Firstboot):
def setup(self, *args):
# firstboot should be disabled by default after kickstart installations
if flags.automatedInstall and not self.seen:
self.firstboot = FIRSTBOOT_SKIP
def execute(self, *args):
action = "enable"
services = ["initial-setup-graphical.service",
if not any(os.path.exists(iutil.getSysroot() + "/lib/systemd/system/" + path)
for path in services):
# none of the first boot utilities installed, nothing to do here
if self.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_SKIP:
action = "disable"
elif self.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_RECONFIG:
f = open(iutil.getSysroot() + "/etc/reconfigSys", "w+")
for unit in [
iutil.execInSysroot("systemctl", [action, unit])
class Group(commands.group.F12_Group):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass, users):
for grp in self.groupList:
kwargs = grp.__dict__
kwargs.update({"root": iutil.getSysroot()})
users.createGroup(grp.name, **kwargs)
class IgnoreDisk(commands.ignoredisk.RHEL6_IgnoreDisk):
def parse(self, args):
retval = commands.ignoredisk.RHEL6_IgnoreDisk.parse(self, args)
# See comment in ClearPart.parse
drives = []
for spec in self.ignoredisk:
matched = deviceMatches(spec)
if matched:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Disk \"%s\" given in ignoredisk command does not exist.") % spec))
self.ignoredisk = drives
drives = []
for spec in self.onlyuse:
matched = deviceMatches(spec)
if matched:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Disk \"%s\" given in ignoredisk command does not exist.") % spec))
self.onlyuse = drives
return retval
class Iscsi(commands.iscsi.F17_Iscsi):
def parse(self, args):
tg = commands.iscsi.F17_Iscsi.parse(self, args)
if tg.iface:
if not network.wait_for_network_devices([tg.iface]):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Network interface \"%(nic)s\" required by iSCSI \"%(iscsiTarget)s\" target is not up.") %
{"nic": tg.iface, "iscsiTarget": tg.target}))
mode = blivet.iscsi.iscsi().mode
if mode == "none":
if tg.iface:
elif ((mode == "bind" and not tg.iface)
or (mode == "default" and tg.iface)):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("iscsi --iface must be specified (binding used) either for all targets or for none")))
blivet.iscsi.iscsi().addTarget(tg.ipaddr, tg.port, tg.user,
tg.password, tg.user_in,
log.info("added iscsi target %s at %s via %s", tg.target,
except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=str(e)))
return tg
class IscsiName(commands.iscsiname.FC6_IscsiName):
def parse(self, args):
retval = commands.iscsiname.FC6_IscsiName.parse(self, args)
blivet.iscsi.iscsi().initiator = self.iscsiname
return retval
class Lang(commands.lang.F19_Lang):
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
localization.write_language_configuration(self, iutil.getSysroot())
# no overrides needed here
Eula = commands.eula.F20_Eula
class LogVol(commands.logvol.F21_LogVol):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
for l in self.lvList:
l.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
if self.lvList:
class LogVolData(commands.logvol.F21_LogVolData):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
devicetree = storage.devicetree
storage.doAutoPart = False
# FIXME: we should be running sanityCheck on partitioning that is not ks
# autopart, but that's likely too invasive for #873135 at this moment
if self.mountpoint == "/boot" and blivet.arch.isS390():
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg="/boot can not be of type 'lvmlv' on s390x"))
# we might have truncated or otherwise changed the specified vg name
vgname = ksdata.onPart.get(self.vgname, self.vgname)
size = None
if self.percent:
size = Size(0)
if self.mountpoint == "swap":
ty = "swap"
self.mountpoint = ""
if self.recommended or self.hibernation:
disk_space = getAvailableDiskSpace(storage)
size = autopart.swapSuggestion(hibernation=self.hibernation, disk_space=disk_space)
self.grow = False
if self.fstype != "":
ty = self.fstype
ty = storage.defaultFSType
if size is None and not self.preexist:
if not self.size:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg="Size can not be decided on from kickstart nor obtained from device."))
size = Size("%d MiB" % self.size)
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg="The size \"%s\" is invalid." % self.size))
if self.thin_pool:
self.mountpoint = ""
ty = None
# Sanity check mountpoint
if self.mountpoint != "" and self.mountpoint[0] != '/':
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The mount point \"%s\" is not valid. It must start with a /.") % self.mountpoint))
# Check that the VG this LV is a member of has already been specified.
vg = devicetree.getDeviceByName(vgname)
if not vg:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("No volume group exists with the name \"%s\". Specify volume groups before logical volumes.") % self.vgname))
pool = None
if self.thin_volume:
pool = devicetree.getDeviceByName("%s-%s" % (vg.name, self.pool_name))
if not pool:
err = formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("No thin pool exists with the name \"%s\". Specify thin pools before thin volumes.") % self.pool_name)
raise KickstartValueError(err)
# If this specifies an existing request that we should not format,
# quit here after setting up enough information to mount it later.
if not self.format:
if not self.name:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("logvol --noformat must also use the --name= option.")))
dev = devicetree.getDeviceByName("%s-%s" % (vg.name, self.name))
if not dev:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Logical volume \"%s\" given in logvol command does not exist.") % self.name))
if self.resize:
size = dev.raw_device.alignTargetSize(size)
if size < dev.currentSize:
# shrink
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeFormat(dev, size))
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeDevice(dev, size))
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Target size \"%(size)s\" for device \"%(device)s\" is invalid.") %
{"size": self.size, "device": dev.name}))
# grow
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeDevice(dev, size))
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeFormat(dev, size))
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Target size \"%(size)s\" for device \"%(device)s\" is invalid.") %
{"size": self.size, "device": dev.name}))
dev.format.mountpoint = self.mountpoint
dev.format.mountopts = self.fsopts
if ty == "swap":
# Make sure this LV name is not already used in the requested VG.
if not self.preexist:
tmp = devicetree.getDeviceByName("%s-%s" % (vg.name, self.name))
if tmp:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Logical volume name \"%(logvol)s\" is already in use in volume group \"%(volgroup)s\".") %
{"logvol": self.name, "volgroup": vg.name}))
if not self.percent and size and not self.grow and size < vg.peSize:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Logical volume size \"%(logvolSize)s\" must be larger than the volume group extent size of \"%(extentSize)s\".") %
{"logvolSize": size, "extentSize": vg.peSize}))
# Now get a format to hold a lot of these extra values.
fmt = getFormat(ty,
if not fmt.type and not self.thin_pool:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The \"%s\" file system type is not supported.") % ty))
add_fstab_swap = None
# If we were given a pre-existing LV to create a filesystem on, we need
# to verify it and its VG exists and then schedule a new format action
# to take place there. Also, we only support a subset of all the
# options on pre-existing LVs.
if self.preexist:
device = devicetree.getDeviceByName("%s-%s" % (vg.name, self.name))
if not device:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Logical volume \"%s\" given in logvol command does not exist.") % self.name))
removeExistingFormat(device, storage)
if self.resize:
size = device.raw_device.alignTargetSize(size)
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeDevice(device, size))
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Target size \"%(size)s\" for device \"%(device)s\" is invalid.") %
{"size": self.size, "device": device.name}))
devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateFormat(device, fmt))
if ty == "swap":
add_fstab_swap = device
# If a previous device has claimed this mount point, delete the
# old one.
if self.mountpoint:
device = storage.mountpoints[self.mountpoint]
except KeyError:
if self.thin_volume:
parents = [pool]
parents = [vg]
pool_args = {}
if self.thin_pool:
if self.profile:
matching = (p for p in KNOWN_THPOOL_PROFILES if p.name == self.profile)
profile = next(matching, None)
if profile:
pool_args["profile"] = profile
log.warning("No matching profile for %s found in LVM configuration", self.profile)
if self.metadata_size:
pool_args["metadatasize"] = Size("%d MiB" % self.metadata_size)
if self.chunk_size:
pool_args["chunksize"] = Size("%d KiB" % self.chunk_size)
if self.maxSizeMB:
maxsize = Size("%d MiB" % self.maxSizeMB)
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg="The maximum size \"%s\" is invalid." % self.maxSizeMB))
maxsize = None
request = storage.newLV(fmt=fmt,
except (StorageError, ValueError) as e:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=e.message))
if ty == "swap":
add_fstab_swap = request
if self.encrypted:
if self.passphrase and not storage.encryptionPassphrase:
storage.encryptionPassphrase = self.passphrase
# try to use the global passphrase if available
# XXX: we require the LV/part with --passphrase to be processed
# before this one to setup the storage.encryptionPassphrase
self.passphrase = self.passphrase or storage.encryptionPassphrase
if not self.passphrase:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("No passphrase given for encrypted LV")))
cert = getEscrowCertificate(storage.escrowCertificates, self.escrowcert)
if self.preexist:
luksformat = fmt
device.format = getFormat("luks", passphrase=self.passphrase, device=device.path,
luksdev = LUKSDevice("luks%d" % storage.nextID,
luksformat = request.format
request.format = getFormat("luks", passphrase=self.passphrase,
luksdev = LUKSDevice("luks%d" % storage.nextID,
if ty == "swap":
# swap is on the LUKS device not on the LUKS' parent device,
# override the info here
add_fstab_swap = luksdev
if add_fstab_swap:
class Logging(commands.logging.FC6_Logging):
def execute(self, *args):
if logger.loglevel == DEFAULT_LEVEL:
# not set from the command line
level = logLevelMap[self.level]
logger.loglevel = level
setHandlersLevel(log, level)
setHandlersLevel(storage_log, level)
if logger.remote_syslog == None and len(self.host) > 0:
# not set from the command line, ok to use kickstart
remote_server = self.host
if self.port:
remote_server = "%s:%s" %(self.host, self.port)
class Network(commands.network.F22_Network):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
network.write_network_config(storage, ksdata, instClass, iutil.getSysroot())
class MultiPath(commands.multipath.FC6_MultiPath):
def parse(self, args):
raise NotImplementedError(_("The %s kickstart command is not currently supported.") % "multipath")
class DmRaid(commands.dmraid.FC6_DmRaid):
def parse(self, args):
raise NotImplementedError(_("The %s kickstart command is not currently supported.") % "dmraid")
class Partition(commands.partition.F20_Partition):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
for p in self.partitions:
p.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
if self.partitions:
class PartitionData(commands.partition.F18_PartData):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
devicetree = storage.devicetree
kwargs = {}
storage.doAutoPart = False
if self.onbiosdisk != "":
for (disk, biosdisk) in storage.eddDict.items():
if "%x" % biosdisk == self.onbiosdisk:
self.disk = disk
if not self.disk:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("No disk found for specified BIOS disk \"%s\".") % self.onbiosdisk))
size = None
if self.mountpoint == "swap":
ty = "swap"
self.mountpoint = ""
if self.recommended or self.hibernation:
disk_space = getAvailableDiskSpace(storage)
size = autopart.swapSuggestion(hibernation=self.hibernation, disk_space=disk_space)
self.grow = False
# if people want to specify no mountpoint for some reason, let them
# this is really needed for pSeries boot partitions :(
elif self.mountpoint == "None":
self.mountpoint = ""
if self.fstype:
ty = self.fstype
ty = storage.defaultFSType
elif self.mountpoint == 'appleboot':
ty = "appleboot"
self.mountpoint = ""
elif self.mountpoint == 'prepboot':
ty = "prepboot"
self.mountpoint = ""
elif self.mountpoint == 'biosboot':
ty = "biosboot"
self.mountpoint = ""
elif self.mountpoint.startswith("raid."):
ty = "mdmember"
kwargs["name"] = self.mountpoint
self.mountpoint = ""
if devicetree.getDeviceByName(kwargs["name"]):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("RAID partition \"%s\" is defined multiple times.") % kwargs["name"]))
if self.onPart:
ksdata.onPart[kwargs["name"]] = self.onPart
elif self.mountpoint.startswith("pv."):
ty = "lvmpv"
kwargs["name"] = self.mountpoint
self.mountpoint = ""
if devicetree.getDeviceByName(kwargs["name"]):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("PV partition \"%s\" is defined multiple times.") % kwargs["name"]))
if self.onPart:
ksdata.onPart[kwargs["name"]] = self.onPart
elif self.mountpoint.startswith("btrfs."):
ty = "btrfs"
kwargs["name"] = self.mountpoint
self.mountpoint = ""
if devicetree.getDeviceByName(kwargs["name"]):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Btrfs partition \"%s\" is defined multiple times.") % kwargs["name"]))
if self.onPart:
ksdata.onPart[kwargs["name"]] = self.onPart
elif self.mountpoint == "/boot/efi":
if blivet.arch.isMactel():
ty = "macefi"
ty = "EFI System Partition"
self.fsopts = "defaults,uid=0,gid=0,umask=077,shortname=winnt"
if self.fstype != "":
ty = self.fstype
elif self.mountpoint == "/boot":
ty = storage.defaultBootFSType
ty = storage.defaultFSType
if not size and self.size:
size = Size("%d MiB" % self.size)
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The size \"%s\" is invalid.") % self.size))
# If this specified an existing request that we should not format,
# quit here after setting up enough information to mount it later.
if not self.format:
if not self.onPart:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("part --noformat must also use the --onpart option.")))
dev = devicetree.resolveDevice(self.onPart)
if not dev:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Partition \"%s\" given in part command does not exist.") % self.onPart))
if self.resize:
size = dev.raw_device.alignTargetSize(size)
if size < dev.currentSize:
# shrink
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeFormat(dev, size))
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeDevice(dev, size))
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Target size \"%(size)s\" for device \"%(device)s\" is invalid.") %
{"size": self.size, "device": dev.name}))
# grow
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeDevice(dev, size))
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeFormat(dev, size))
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Target size \"%(size)s\" for device \"%(device)s\" is invalid.") %
{"size": self.size, "device": dev.name}))
dev.format.mountpoint = self.mountpoint
dev.format.mountopts = self.fsopts
if ty == "swap":
# Now get a format to hold a lot of these extra values.
kwargs["fmt"] = getFormat(ty,
if not kwargs["fmt"].type:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The \"%s\" file system type is not supported.") % ty))
# If we were given a specific disk to create the partition on, verify
# that it exists first. If it doesn't exist, see if it exists with
# mapper/ on the front. If that doesn't exist either, it's an error.
if self.disk:
disk = devicetree.resolveDevice(self.disk)
# if this is a multipath member promote it to the real mpath
if disk and disk.format.type == "multipath_member":
mpath_device = storage.devicetree.getChildren(disk)[0]
storage_log.info("kickstart: part: promoting %s to %s",
disk.name, mpath_device.name)
disk = mpath_device
if not disk:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Disk \"%s\" given in part command does not exist.") % self.disk))
if not disk.partitionable:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Cannot install to unpartitionable device \"%s\".") % self.disk))
should_clear = storage.shouldClear(disk)
if disk and (disk.partitioned or should_clear):
kwargs["parents"] = [disk]
elif disk:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Disk \"%s\" in part command is not partitioned.") % self.disk))
if not kwargs["parents"]:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Disk \"%s\" given in part command does not exist.") % self.disk))
kwargs["grow"] = self.grow
kwargs["size"] = size
if self.maxSizeMB:
maxsize = Size("%d MiB" % self.maxSizeMB)
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The maximum size \"%s\" is invalid.") % self.maxSizeMB))
maxsize = None
kwargs["maxsize"] = maxsize
kwargs["primary"] = self.primOnly
add_fstab_swap = None
# If we were given a pre-existing partition to create a filesystem on,
# we need to verify it exists and then schedule a new format action to
# take place there. Also, we only support a subset of all the options
# on pre-existing partitions.
if self.onPart:
device = devicetree.resolveDevice(self.onPart)
if not device:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Partition \"%s\" given in part command does not exist.") % self.onPart))
removeExistingFormat(device, storage)
if self.resize:
size = device.raw_device.alignTargetSize(size)
devicetree.registerAction(ActionResizeDevice(device, size))
except ValueError:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Target size \"%(size)s\" for device \"%(device)s\" is invalid.") %
{"size": self.size, "device": device.name}))
devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateFormat(device, kwargs["fmt"]))
if ty == "swap":
add_fstab_swap = device
# tmpfs mounts are not disks and don't occupy a disk partition,
# so handle them here
elif self.fstype == "tmpfs":
request = storage.newTmpFS(**kwargs)
except (StorageError, ValueError) as e:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=e.message))
# If a previous device has claimed this mount point, delete the
# old one.
if self.mountpoint:
device = storage.mountpoints[self.mountpoint]
except KeyError:
request = storage.newPartition(**kwargs)
except (StorageError, ValueError) as e:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=e.message))
if ty == "swap":
add_fstab_swap = request
if self.encrypted:
if self.passphrase and not storage.encryptionPassphrase:
storage.encryptionPassphrase = self.passphrase
# try to use the global passphrase if available
# XXX: we require the LV/part with --passphrase to be processed
# before this one to setup the storage.encryptionPassphrase
self.passphrase = self.passphrase or storage.encryptionPassphrase
if not self.passphrase:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("No passphrase given for encrypted part")))
cert = getEscrowCertificate(storage.escrowCertificates, self.escrowcert)
if self.onPart:
luksformat = kwargs["fmt"]
device.format = getFormat("luks", passphrase=self.passphrase, device=device.path,
luksdev = LUKSDevice("luks%d" % storage.nextID,
luksformat = request.format
request.format = getFormat("luks", passphrase=self.passphrase,
luksdev = LUKSDevice("luks%d" % storage.nextID,
if ty == "swap":
# swap is on the LUKS device not on the LUKS' parent device,
# override the info here
add_fstab_swap = luksdev
if add_fstab_swap:
class Raid(commands.raid.F20_Raid):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
for r in self.raidList:
r.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
class RaidData(commands.raid.F18_RaidData):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
raidmems = []
devicetree = storage.devicetree
devicename = self.device
if self.preexist:
device = devicetree.resolveDevice(devicename)
if device:
devicename = device.name
kwargs = {}
storage.doAutoPart = False
if self.mountpoint == "swap":
ty = "swap"
self.mountpoint = ""
elif self.mountpoint.startswith("pv."):
ty = "lvmpv"
kwargs["name"] = self.mountpoint
ksdata.onPart[kwargs["name"]] = devicename
if devicetree.getDeviceByName(kwargs["name"]):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("PV partition \"%s\" is defined multiple times.") % kwargs["name"]))
self.mountpoint = ""
elif self.mountpoint.startswith("btrfs."):
ty = "btrfs"
kwargs["name"] = self.mountpoint
ksdata.onPart[kwargs["name"]] = devicename
if devicetree.getDeviceByName(kwargs["name"]):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Btrfs partition \"%s\" is defined multiple times.") % kwargs["name"]))
self.mountpoint = ""
if self.fstype != "":
ty = self.fstype
elif self.mountpoint == "/boot" and \
"mdarray" in storage.bootloader.stage2_device_types:
ty = storage.defaultBootFSType
ty = storage.defaultFSType
# Sanity check mountpoint
if self.mountpoint != "" and self.mountpoint[0] != '/':
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The mount point \"%s\" is not valid. It must start with a /.") % self.mountpoint))
# If this specifies an existing request that we should not format,
# quit here after setting up enough information to mount it later.
if not self.format:
if not devicename:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("raid --noformat must also use the --device option.")))
dev = devicetree.getDeviceByName(devicename)
if not dev:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("RAID device \"%s\" given in raid command does not exist.") % devicename))
dev.format.mountpoint = self.mountpoint
dev.format.mountopts = self.fsopts
# Get a list of all the RAID members.
for member in self.members:
dev = devicetree.resolveDevice(member)
if not dev:
# if member is using --onpart, use original device
mem = ksdata.onPart.get(member, member)
dev = devicetree.resolveDevice(mem) or lookupAlias(devicetree, member)
if dev and dev.format.type == "luks":
dev = devicetree.getChildren(dev)[0]
except IndexError:
dev = None
if dev and dev.format.type != "mdmember":
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("RAID device \"%(device)s\" has a format of \"%(format)s\", but should have a format of \"mdmember\".") %
{"device": member, "format": dev.format.type}))
if not dev:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Tried to use undefined partition \"%s\" in RAID specification.") % member))
# Now get a format to hold a lot of these extra values.
kwargs["fmt"] = getFormat(ty,
if not kwargs["fmt"].type:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The \"%s\" file system type is not supported.") % ty))
kwargs["name"] = devicename
kwargs["level"] = self.level
kwargs["parents"] = raidmems
kwargs["memberDevices"] = len(raidmems) - self.spares
kwargs["totalDevices"] = len(raidmems)
# If we were given a pre-existing RAID to create a filesystem on,
# we need to verify it exists and then schedule a new format action
# to take place there. Also, we only support a subset of all the
# options on pre-existing RAIDs.
if self.preexist:
device = devicetree.getDeviceByName(devicename)
if not device:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("RAID volume \"%s\" specified with --useexisting does not exist.") % devicename))
removeExistingFormat(device, storage)
devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateFormat(device, kwargs["fmt"]))
if devicename and devicename in (a.name for a in storage.mdarrays):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The RAID volume name \"%s\" is already in use.") % devicename))
# If a previous device has claimed this mount point, delete the
# old one.
if self.mountpoint:
device = storage.mountpoints[self.mountpoint]
except KeyError:
request = storage.newMDArray(**kwargs)
except (StorageError, ValueError) as e:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=e.message))
if self.encrypted:
if self.passphrase and not storage.encryptionPassphrase:
storage.encryptionPassphrase = self.passphrase
cert = getEscrowCertificate(storage.escrowCertificates, self.escrowcert)
if self.preexist:
luksformat = kwargs["fmt"]
device.format = getFormat("luks", passphrase=self.passphrase, device=device.path,
luksdev = LUKSDevice("luks%d" % storage.nextID,
luksformat = request.format
request.format = getFormat("luks", passphrase=self.passphrase,
luksdev = LUKSDevice("luks%d" % storage.nextID,
class RepoData(commands.repo.F21_RepoData):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Add enabled kwarg
:param enabled: The repo has been enabled
:type enabled: bool
self.enabled = kwargs.pop("enabled", True)
commands.repo.F21_RepoData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class RootPw(commands.rootpw.F18_RootPw):
def __init__(self, writePriority=100, *args, **kwargs):
if 'lock' not in kwargs:
kwargs['lock'] = True
super(RootPw, self).__init__(writePriority=writePriority, *args, **kwargs)
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass, users):
if not self.password and not flags.automatedInstall:
self.lock = True
algo = getPassAlgo(ksdata.authconfig.authconfig)
users.setRootPassword(self.password, self.isCrypted, self.lock, algo)
class SELinux(commands.selinux.FC3_SELinux):
def execute(self, *args):
selinux_states = { SELINUX_DISABLED: "disabled",
SELINUX_PERMISSIVE: "permissive" }
if self.selinux is None:
# Use the defaults set by the installed (or not) selinux package
elif self.selinux not in selinux_states:
log.error("unknown selinux state: %s", self.selinux)
selinux_cfg = SimpleConfigFile(iutil.getSysroot()+"/etc/selinux/config")
selinux_cfg.set(("SELINUX", selinux_states[self.selinux]))
except IOError as msg:
log.error ("Error setting selinux mode: %s", msg)
class Services(commands.services.FC6_Services):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
for svc in self.disabled:
if not svc.endswith(".service"):
svc += ".service"
iutil.execInSysroot("systemctl", ["disable", svc])
for svc in self.enabled:
if not svc.endswith(".service"):
svc += ".service"
iutil.execInSysroot("systemctl", ["enable", svc])
class SshKey(commands.sshkey.F22_SshKey):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass, users):
for usr in self.sshUserList:
users.setUserSshKey(usr.username, usr.key)
class Timezone(commands.timezone.F18_Timezone):
def __init__(self, *args):
commands.timezone.F18_Timezone.__init__(self, *args)
self._added_chrony = False
self._enabled_chrony = False
self._disabled_chrony = False
def setup(self, ksdata):
if self.nontp:
if iutil.service_running(NTP_SERVICE) and \
can_touch_runtime_system("stop NTP service"):
ret = iutil.stop_service(NTP_SERVICE)
if ret != 0:
log.error("Failed to stop NTP service")
if self._added_chrony and NTP_PACKAGE in ksdata.packages.packageList:
self._added_chrony = False
# Both un-enable and disable chrony, because sometimes it's installed
# off by default (packages) and sometimes not (liveimg).
if self._enabled_chrony and NTP_SERVICE in ksdata.services.enabled:
self._enabled_chrony = False
if NTP_SERVICE not in ksdata.services.disabled:
self._disabled_chrony = True
if not iutil.service_running(NTP_SERVICE) and \
can_touch_runtime_system("start NTP service"):
ret = iutil.start_service(NTP_SERVICE)
if ret != 0:
log.error("Failed to start NTP service")
if not NTP_PACKAGE in ksdata.packages.packageList:
self._added_chrony = True
if self._disabled_chrony and NTP_SERVICE in ksdata.services.disabled:
self._disabled_chrony = False
if not NTP_SERVICE in ksdata.services.enabled and \
not NTP_SERVICE in ksdata.services.disabled:
self._enabled_chrony = True
def execute(self, *args):
# write out timezone configuration
if not timezone.is_valid_timezone(self.timezone):
# this should never happen, but for pity's sake
log.warning("Timezone %s set in kickstart is not valid, falling "\
"back to default (America/New_York).", self.timezone)
self.timezone = "America/New_York"
timezone.write_timezone_config(self, iutil.getSysroot())
# write out NTP configuration (if set)
if not self.nontp and self.ntpservers:
chronyd_conf_path = os.path.normpath(iutil.getSysroot() + ntp.NTP_CONFIG_FILE)
pools, servers = ntp.internal_to_pools_and_servers(self.ntpservers)
ntp.save_servers_to_config(pools, servers, conf_file_path=chronyd_conf_path)
except ntp.NTPconfigError as ntperr:
log.warning("Failed to save NTP configuration: %s", ntperr)
class User(commands.user.F19_User):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass, users):
algo = getPassAlgo(ksdata.authconfig.authconfig)
for usr in self.userList:
kwargs = usr.__dict__
kwargs.update({"algo": algo, "root": iutil.getSysroot()})
# If the user password came from a kickstart and it is blank we
# need to make sure the account is locked, not created with an
# empty password.
if ksdata.user.seen and kwargs.get("password", "") == "":
kwargs["password"] = None
if not users.createUser(usr.name, **kwargs):
log.error("User %s already exists, not creating.", usr.name)
class VolGroup(commands.volgroup.F21_VolGroup):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
for v in self.vgList:
v.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
class VolGroupData(commands.volgroup.F21_VolGroupData):
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
pvs = []
devicetree = storage.devicetree
storage.doAutoPart = False
# Get a list of all the physical volume devices that make up this VG.
for pv in self.physvols:
dev = devicetree.resolveDevice(pv)
if not dev:
# if pv is using --onpart, use original device
pv_name = ksdata.onPart.get(pv, pv)
dev = devicetree.resolveDevice(pv_name) or lookupAlias(devicetree, pv)
if dev and dev.format.type == "luks":
dev = devicetree.getChildren(dev)[0]
except IndexError:
dev = None
if dev and dev.format.type != "lvmpv":
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Physical volume \"%(device)s\" has a format of \"%(format)s\", but should have a format of \"lvmpv\".") %
{"device": pv, "format": dev.format.type}))
if not dev:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Tried to use undefined partition \"%s\" in Volume Group specification") % pv))
if len(pvs) == 0 and not self.preexist:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Volume group \"%s\" defined without any physical volumes. Either specify physical volumes or use --useexisting.") % self.vgname))
if self.pesize == 0:
# default PE size requested -- we use blivet's default in KiB
self.pesize = LVM_PE_SIZE.convertTo(KiB)
pesize = Size("%d KiB" % self.pesize)
possible_extents = LVMVolumeGroupDevice.get_supported_pe_sizes()
if pesize not in possible_extents:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Volume group given physical extent size of \"%(extentSize)s\", but must be one of:\n%(validExtentSizes)s.") %
{"extentSize": pesize, "validExtentSizes": ", ".join(str(e) for e in possible_extents)}))
# If --noformat or --useexisting was given, there's really nothing to do.
if not self.format or self.preexist:
if not self.vgname:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("volgroup --noformat and volgroup --useexisting must also use the --name= option.")))
dev = devicetree.getDeviceByName(self.vgname)
if not dev:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("Volume group \"%s\" given in volgroup command does not exist.") % self.vgname))
elif self.vgname in (vg.name for vg in storage.vgs):
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno,
msg=_("The volume group name \"%s\" is already in use.") % self.vgname))
request = storage.newVG(parents=pvs,
except (StorageError, ValueError) as e:
raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=e.message))
if self.reserved_space:
request.reserved_space = self.reserved_space
elif self.reserved_percent:
request.reserved_percent = self.reserved_percent
# in case we had to truncate or otherwise adjust the specified name
ksdata.onPart[self.vgname] = request.name
class XConfig(commands.xconfig.F14_XConfig):
def execute(self, *args):
desktop = Desktop()
if self.startX:
desktop.runlevel = 5
if self.defaultdesktop:
desktop.desktop = self.defaultdesktop
# now write it out
class SkipX(commands.skipx.FC3_SkipX):
def execute(self, *args):
if self.skipx:
desktop = Desktop()
desktop.runlevel = 3
class ZFCP(commands.zfcp.F14_ZFCP):
def parse(self, args):
fcp = commands.zfcp.F14_ZFCP.parse(self, args)
blivet.zfcp.ZFCP().addFCP(fcp.devnum, fcp.wwpn, fcp.fcplun)
except ValueError as e:
return fcp
class Keyboard(commands.keyboard.F18_Keyboard):
def execute(self, *args):
keyboard.write_keyboard_config(self, iutil.getSysroot())
class Upgrade(commands.upgrade.F20_Upgrade):
# Upgrade is no longer supported. If an upgrade command was included in
# a kickstart, warn the user and exit.
def parse(self, *args):
log.error("The upgrade kickstart command is no longer supported. Upgrade functionality is provided through fedup.")
sys.stderr.write(_("The upgrade kickstart command is no longer supported. Upgrade functionality is provided through fedup."))
### %anaconda Section
class AnacondaSectionHandler(BaseHandler):
"""A handler for only the anaconda ection's commands."""
commandMap = {
"pwpolicy": F22_PwPolicy
dataMap = {
"PwPolicyData": F22_PwPolicyData
def __init__(self):
BaseHandler.__init__(self, mapping=self.commandMap, dataMapping=self.dataMap)
def __str__(self):
"""Return the %anaconda section"""
retval = ""
lst = sorted(self._writeOrder.keys())
for prio in lst:
for obj in self._writeOrder[prio]:
retval += str(obj)
if retval:
retval = "\n%anaconda\n" + retval + "%end\n"
return retval
class AnacondaSection(Section):
"""A section for anaconda specific commands."""
sectionOpen = "%anaconda"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Section.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.cmdno = 0
def handleLine(self, line):
if not self.handler:
self.cmdno += 1
args = shlex.split(line, comments=True)
self.handler.currentCmd = args[0]
self.handler.currentLine = self.cmdno
return self.handler.dispatcher(args, self.cmdno)
def handleHeader(self, lineno, args):
"""Process the arguments to the %anaconda header."""
Section.handleHeader(self, lineno, args)
def finalize(self):
"""Let %anaconda know no additional data will come."""
# This is just the latest entry from pykickstart.handlers.control with all the
# classes we're overriding in place of the defaults.
commandMap = {
"auth": Authconfig,
"authconfig": Authconfig,
"autopart": AutoPart,
"btrfs": BTRFS,
"bootloader": Bootloader,
"clearpart": ClearPart,
"dmraid": DmRaid,
"eula": Eula,
"fcoe": Fcoe,
"firewall": Firewall,
"firstboot": Firstboot,
"group": Group,
"ignoredisk": IgnoreDisk,
"iscsi": Iscsi,
"iscsiname": IscsiName,
"keyboard": Keyboard,
"lang": Lang,
"logging": Logging,
"logvol": LogVol,
"multipath": MultiPath,
"network": Network,
"part": Partition,
"partition": Partition,
"raid": Raid,
"realm": Realm,
"rootpw": RootPw,
"selinux": SELinux,
"services": Services,
"sshkey": SshKey,
"skipx": SkipX,
"timezone": Timezone,
"upgrade": Upgrade,
"user": User,
"volgroup": VolGroup,
"xconfig": XConfig,
"zfcp": ZFCP,
dataMap = {
"LogVolData": LogVolData,
"PartData": PartitionData,
"RaidData": RaidData,
"RepoData": RepoData,
"VolGroupData": VolGroupData,
superclass = returnClassForVersion()
class AnacondaKSHandler(superclass):
AddonClassType = AddonData
def __init__ (self, addon_paths=None, commandUpdates=None, dataUpdates=None):
if addon_paths is None:
addon_paths = []
if commandUpdates is None:
commandUpdates = commandMap
if dataUpdates is None:
dataUpdates = dataMap
superclass.__init__(self, commandUpdates=commandUpdates, dataUpdates=dataUpdates)
self.onPart = {}
# collect all kickstart addons for anaconda to addons dictionary
# which maps addon_id to it's own data structure based on BaseData
# with execute method
addons = {}
# collect all AddonData subclasses from
# for p in addon_paths: <p>/<plugin id>/ks/*.(py|so)
# and register them under <plugin id> name
for module_name, path in addon_paths:
addon_id = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)))
if not os.path.isdir(path):
classes = collect(module_name, path, lambda cls: issubclass(cls, self.AddonClassType))
if classes:
addons[addon_id] = classes[0](name = addon_id)
# Prepare the final structures for 3rd party addons
self.addons = AddonRegistry(addons)
# The %anaconda section uses its own handler for a limited set of commands
self.anaconda = AnacondaSectionHandler()
def __str__(self):
return superclass.__str__(self) + "\n" + str(self.addons) + str(self.anaconda)
class AnacondaPreParser(KickstartParser):
# A subclass of KickstartParser that only looks for %pre scripts and
# sets them up to be run. All other scripts and commands are ignored.
def __init__ (self, handler, followIncludes=True, errorsAreFatal=True,
KickstartParser.__init__(self, handler, missingIncludeIsFatal=False)
def handleCommand (self, lineno, args):
def setupSections(self):
self.registerSection(PreScriptSection(self.handler, dataObj=AnacondaKSScript))
self.registerSection(NullSection(self.handler, sectionOpen="%post"))
self.registerSection(NullSection(self.handler, sectionOpen="%traceback"))
self.registerSection(NullSection(self.handler, sectionOpen="%packages"))
self.registerSection(NullSection(self.handler, sectionOpen="%addon"))
self.registerSection(NullSection(self.handler.anaconda, sectionOpen="%anaconda"))
class AnacondaKSParser(KickstartParser):
def __init__ (self, handler, followIncludes=True, errorsAreFatal=True,
missingIncludeIsFatal=True, scriptClass=AnacondaKSScript):
self.scriptClass = scriptClass
KickstartParser.__init__(self, handler)
def handleCommand (self, lineno, args):
if not self.handler:
return KickstartParser.handleCommand(self, lineno, args)
def setupSections(self):
self.registerSection(PreScriptSection(self.handler, dataObj=self.scriptClass))
self.registerSection(PostScriptSection(self.handler, dataObj=self.scriptClass))
self.registerSection(TracebackScriptSection(self.handler, dataObj=self.scriptClass))
def preScriptPass(f):
# The first pass through kickstart file processing - look for %pre scripts
# and run them. This must come in a separate pass in case a script
# generates an included file that has commands for later.
ksparser = AnacondaPreParser(AnacondaKSHandler())
except KickstartError as e:
# We do not have an interface here yet, so we cannot use our error
# handling callback.
# run %pre scripts
def parseKickstart(f):
# preprocessing the kickstart file has already been handled in initramfs.
addon_paths = collect_addon_paths(ADDON_PATHS)
handler = AnacondaKSHandler(addon_paths["ks"])
ksparser = AnacondaKSParser(handler)
# We need this so all the /dev/disk/* stuff is set up before parsing.
udev.trigger(subsystem="block", action="change")
# So that drives onlined by these can be used in the ks file
# Note we do NOT call dasd.startup() here, that does not online drives, but
# only checks if they need formatting, which requires zerombr to be known
except KickstartError as e:
# We do not have an interface here yet, so we cannot use our error
# handling callback.
return handler
def appendPostScripts(ksdata):
scripts = ""
# Read in all the post script snippets to a single big string.
for fn in glob.glob("/usr/share/anaconda/post-scripts/*ks"):
f = open(fn, "r")
scripts += f.read()
# Then parse the snippets against the existing ksdata. We can do this
# because pykickstart allows multiple parses to save their data into a
# single data object. Errors parsing the scripts are a bug in anaconda,
# so just raise an exception.
ksparser = AnacondaKSParser(ksdata, scriptClass=AnacondaInternalScript)
ksparser.readKickstartFromString(scripts, reset=False)
def runPostScripts(scripts):
postScripts = [s for s in scripts if s.type == KS_SCRIPT_POST]
if len(postScripts) == 0:
log.info("Running kickstart %%post script(s)")
map (lambda s: s.run(iutil.getSysroot()), postScripts)
log.info("All kickstart %%post script(s) have been run")
def runPreScripts(scripts):
preScripts = [s for s in scripts if s.type == KS_SCRIPT_PRE]
if len(preScripts) == 0:
log.info("Running kickstart %%pre script(s)")
stdoutLog.info(_("Running pre-installation scripts"))
map (lambda s: s.run("/"), preScripts)
log.info("All kickstart %%pre script(s) have been run")
def runTracebackScripts(scripts):
log.info("Running kickstart %%traceback script(s)")
for script in filter (lambda s: s.type == KS_SCRIPT_TRACEBACK, scripts):
log.info("All kickstart %%traceback script(s) have been run")
def resetCustomStorageData(ksdata):
cmds = ["partition", "raid", "volgroup", "logvol", "btrfs"]
map(ksdata.resetCommand, cmds)
ksdata.clearpart.type = CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE
def doKickstartStorage(storage, ksdata, instClass):
""" Setup storage state from the kickstart data """
ksdata.clearpart.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
if not any(d for d in storage.disks
if not d.format.hidden and not d.protected):
# snapshot free space now so that we know how much we had available
ksdata.bootloader.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
ksdata.autopart.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
ksdata.partition.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
ksdata.raid.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
ksdata.volgroup.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
ksdata.logvol.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
ksdata.btrfs.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
# also calls ksdata.bootloader.execute