Use the output of git diff --full-index --binary anaconda-22.20.13-1..anaconda-23.19.10-1 from anaconda's git repository and fix-up merge conflicts.
106 lines
4.4 KiB
106 lines
4.4 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author: David Shea <dshea@redhat.com>
import os, re, sys
# {'bad re': 'suggestion'}
# (?i) makes the re case-insensitive
bad_strings = {'(?i)bootloader': 'boot loader',
'(?i)filesystem': 'file system',
'(?i)username': 'user name',
'[Vv]lan': 'VLAN',
'(?i)hostname': 'hostname',
'ZFCP': 'zFCP',
'zfcp': 'zFCP',
'BTRFS': 'Btrfs',
'btrfs': 'Btrfs',
'[Cc]an not': 'cannot',
'(?i)mountpoint': 'mount point',
'Ok': 'OK'}
# Sometimes we need to use a bad string, or it's just too much of a pain to
# write a more specific regex. List occurrences here.
# {'filename': {'matched string', occurrences}}
expected_badness = {'pyanaconda/bootloader.py': {'mountpoint': 1}, # format string specifier
'pyanaconda/kickstart.py': {'btrfs': 1}, # quoted filesystem type
'pyanaconda/network.py': {'vlan': 1}, # format string specifier
'pyanaconda/rescue.py': {'mountpoint': 1}} # format string specifier
# Use polib to parse anaconda.pot
import polib
except ImportError:
print("You need to install the python-polib package to read anaconda.pot")
# This return code tells the automake test driver that the test setup failed
if "top_srcdir" not in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write("$top_srcdir must be defined in the test environment\n")
if "top_builddir" not in os.environ:
sys.stderr.write("$top_srcdir must be defined in the test environment\n")
# Update the .pot file with the latest strings
if os.system('make -C %s anaconda.pot-update' % (os.environ['top_builddir'] + "/po")) != 0:
sys.stderr.write("Unable to update anaconda.pot")
# Parse anaconda.pot and rearrange the POFile object into a dict of {msgid: POEntry}
pofile = polib.pofile(os.environ['top_srcdir'] + "/po/anaconda.pot")
msgs = {e.msgid: e for e in pofile}
# Look for each of the bad regexes
success = True
for badre in bad_strings.keys():
regex = re.compile(badre)
for msg in msgs.keys():
# Remove underscores to avoid trouble with underline-based accelerators
match = re.search(regex, msg.replace('_', ''))
if match:
# If this is something expected, decrement the occurrence count in expected_badness
badstr = match.group(0)
remainder = []
for occur in msgs[msg].occurrences:
if occur[0] in expected_badness and badstr in expected_badness[occur[0]]:
expected_badness[occur[0]][badstr] -= 1
if expected_badness[occur[0]][badstr] == 0:
del expected_badness[occur[0]][badstr]
if not expected_badness[occur[0]]:
del expected_badness[occur[0]]
if remainder:
print("Bad string %(bad)s found at %(occurrences)s. Try %(suggestion)s instead." %
{"bad": badstr,
"occurrences": " ".join(("%s:%s" % (o[0], o[1]) for o in remainder)),
"suggestion": bad_strings[badre]})
success = False
if expected_badness:
for filename in expected_badness.keys():
for badstr in expected_badness[filename].keys():
print("Did not find %d occurrences of %s in %s" %
(expected_badness[filename][badstr], badstr, filename))
success = False
sys.exit(0 if success else 1)