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# anaconda: The Red Hat Linux Installation program
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
# Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Author(s): Brent Fox <>
# Mike Fulbright <>
# Jakub Jelinek <>
# Jeremy Katz <>
# Chris Lumens <>
# Paul Nasrat <>
# Erik Troan <>
# Matt Wilson <>
import os, time, string
import sys
import iutil
import isys
from constants import ROOT_PATH
from tempfile import mkstemp
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout")
import gettext
_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
class Anaconda(object):
def __init__(self):
import desktop
from flags import flags
self._backend = None
self._bootloader = None
self.canReIPL = False
self.desktop = desktop.Desktop()
self.dir = None
self.displayMode = None
self.extraModules = [] = None
self._instClass = None
self._intf = None
self.isHeadless = False
self.ksdata = None
self.mediaDevice = None
self.methodstr = None
self._network = None
self.opts = None
self._payload = None
self._platform = None
self.proxy = None
self.proxyUsername = None
self.proxyPassword = None
self.reIPLMessage = None
self.rescue = False
self.rescue_mount = True
self.rootParts = None
self.simpleFilter = not iutil.isS390()
self.stage2 = None
self._storage = None
self.updateSrc = None
self.upgrade = flags.cmdline.has_key("preupgrade")
self.upgradeRoot = None
self.mehConfig = None
# *sigh* we still need to be able to write this out
self.xdriver = None
def backend(self):
if not self._backend:
b = self.instClass.getBackend()
self._backend = apply(b, (self, ))
return self._backend
def bootloader(self):
if not self._bootloader:
self._bootloader = self.platform.bootloaderClass(self.platform)
return self._bootloader
def instClass(self):
if not self._instClass:
from installclass import DefaultInstall
self._instClass = DefaultInstall()
return self._instClass
def _getInterface(self):
return self._intf
def _setInterface(self, v):
# "lambda cannot contain assignment"
self._intf = v
def _delInterface(self):
del self._intf
intf = property(_getInterface, _setInterface, _delInterface)
def network(self):
if not self._network:
import network
self._network = network.Network()
return self._network
def payload(self):
# Try to find the packaging payload class. First try the install
# class. If it doesn't give us one, fall back to the default.
if not self._payload:
klass = self.instClass.getBackend()
if not klass:
from flags import flags
if flags.livecdInstall:
from pyanaconda.packaging.livepayload import LiveImagePayload
klass = LiveImagePayload
from pyanaconda.packaging.yumpayload import YumPayload
klass = YumPayload
self._payload = klass(self.ksdata)
return self._payload
def platform(self):
if not self._platform:
from pyanaconda import platform
self._platform = platform.getPlatform()
return self._platform
def protected(self):
import stat
if os.path.exists("/run/initramfs/livedev") and \
return [os.readlink("/run/initramfs/livedev")]
elif self.methodstr and self.methodstr.startswith("hd:"):
method = self.methodstr[3:]
return [method.split(":", 3)[0]]
return []
def storage(self):
if not self._storage:
import storage
self._storage = storage.Storage(data=self.ksdata, platform=self.platform)
return self._storage
def dumpState(self):
from meh.dump import ReverseExceptionDump
from inspect import stack as _stack
from traceback import format_stack
# Skip the frames for dumpState and the signal handler.
stack = _stack()[2:]
exn = ReverseExceptionDump((None, None, stack), self.mehConfig)
# gather up info on the running threads
threads = "\nThreads\n-------\n"
for thread_id, frame in sys._current_frames().iteritems():
threads += "\nThread %s\n" % (thread_id,)
threads += "".join(format_stack(frame))
# dump to a unique file
(fd, filename) = mkstemp(prefix="anaconda-tb-", dir="/tmp")
dump_text = exn.traceback_and_object_dump(self)
dump_text += threads
dump_text = dump_text.encode("utf-8")
os.write(fd, dump_text)
# append to a given file
with open("/tmp/anaconda-tb-all.log", "a+") as f:
f.write("--- traceback: %s ---\n" % filename)
f.write(dump_text + "\n")
def initInterface(self):
if self._intf:
raise RuntimeError, "Second attempt to initialize the InstallInterface"
if self.displayMode == 'g':
from pyanaconda.ui.gui import GraphicalUserInterface
self._intf = GraphicalUserInterface(, self.payload,
elif self.displayMode in ['t', 'c']: # text and command line are the same
from import TextUserInterface
self._intf = TextUserInterface(, self.payload,
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported displayMode: %s" % self.displayMode)
def writeXdriver(self, root = None):
# this should go away at some point, but until it does, we
# need to keep it around.
if self.xdriver is None:
if root is None:
root = ROOT_PATH
if not os.path.isdir("%s/etc/X11" %(root,)):
os.makedirs("%s/etc/X11" %(root,), mode=0755)
f = open("%s/etc/X11/xorg.conf" %(root,), 'w')
f.write('Section "Device"\n\tIdentifier "Videocard0"\n\tDriver "%s"\nEndSection\n' % self.xdriver)
def write(self):
import network
if not self.ksdata: