Apply result of "git diff anaconda-18.37.11-1..anaconda-20.25.16-1" and resolve conflicts.
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360 lines
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# livepayload.py
# Live media software payload management.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
# Red Hat, Inc.
# Red Hat Author(s): David Lehman <dlehman@redhat.com>
- error handling!!!
- document all methods
- LiveImagePayload
- register the live image, either via self.data.method or in setup
using storage
import os
import stat
from time import sleep
from threading import Lock
from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabber
from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError
from pyanaconda.iutil import ProxyString, ProxyStringError, lowerASCII
import urllib
import hashlib
import glob
from pyanaconda.packaging import ImagePayload, PayloadSetupError, PayloadInstallError
from pyanaconda.constants import INSTALL_TREE, ROOT_PATH, THREAD_LIVE_PROGRESS
from pyanaconda.constants import IMAGE_DIR
from pyanaconda import iutil
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("packaging")
from pyanaconda.errors import errorHandler, ERROR_RAISE
from pyanaconda.progress import progressQ
from blivet.size import Size
import blivet.util
from pyanaconda.threads import threadMgr, AnacondaThread
from pyanaconda.i18n import _
class LiveImagePayload(ImagePayload):
""" A LivePayload copies the source image onto the target system. """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(LiveImagePayload, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Used to adjust size of ROOT_PATH when files are already present
self._adj_size = 0
self.pct = 0
self.pct_lock = None
def setup(self, storage):
super(LiveImagePayload, self).setup(storage)
# Mount the live device and copy from it instead of the overlay at /
osimg = storage.devicetree.getDeviceByPath(self.data.method.partition)
if not stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(osimg.path)[stat.ST_MODE]):
exn = PayloadSetupError("%s is not a valid block device" % (self.data.method.partition,))
if errorHandler.cb(exn) == ERROR_RAISE:
raise exn
blivet.util.mount(osimg.path, INSTALL_TREE, fstype="auto", options="ro")
def preInstall(self, packages=None, groups=None):
""" Perform pre-installation tasks. """
super(LiveImagePayload, self).preInstall(packages=packages, groups=groups)
progressQ.send_message(_("Installing software") + (" %d%%") % (0,))
def progress(self):
"""Monitor the amount of disk space used on the target and source and
update the hub's progress bar.
source = os.statvfs(INSTALL_TREE)
source_size = source.f_frsize * (source.f_blocks - source.f_bfree)
mountpoints = self.storage.mountpoints.copy()
last_pct = -1
while self.pct < 100:
dest_size = 0
for mnt in mountpoints:
mnt_stat = os.statvfs(ROOT_PATH+mnt)
dest_size += mnt_stat.f_frsize * (mnt_stat.f_blocks - mnt_stat.f_bfree)
if dest_size >= self._adj_size:
dest_size -= self._adj_size
pct = int(100 * dest_size / source_size)
if pct != last_pct:
with self.pct_lock:
self.pct = pct
last_pct = pct
progressQ.send_message(_("Installing software") + (" %d%%") % (min(100, self.pct),))
def install(self):
""" Install the payload. """
self.pct_lock = Lock()
self.pct = 0
cmd = "rsync"
# preserve: permissions, owners, groups, ACL's, xattrs, times,
# symlinks, hardlinks
# go recursively, include devices and special files, don't cross
# file system boundaries
args = ["-pogAXtlHrDx", "--exclude", "/dev/", "--exclude", "/proc/",
"--exclude", "/sys/", "--exclude", "/run/", "--exclude", "/boot/*rescue*",
"--exclude", "/etc/machine-id", INSTALL_TREE+"/", ROOT_PATH]
rc = iutil.execWithRedirect(cmd, args)
except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e:
msg = None
err = str(e)
err = None
msg = "%s exited with code %d" % (cmd, rc)
if err or rc == 12:
exn = PayloadInstallError(err or msg)
if errorHandler.cb(exn) == ERROR_RAISE:
raise exn
# Wait for progress thread to finish
with self.pct_lock:
self.pct = 100
def postInstall(self):
""" Perform post-installation tasks. """
progressQ.send_message(_("Performing post-installation setup tasks"))
super(LiveImagePayload, self).postInstall()
# Live needs to create the rescue image before bootloader is written
for kernel in self.kernelVersionList:
log.info("Generating rescue image for %s", kernel)
["--rpmposttrans", kernel],
# Make sure the new system has a machine-id, it won't boot without it
if not os.path.exists(ROOT_PATH+"/etc/machine-id"):
iutil.execWithRedirect("systemd-machine-id-setup", [], root=ROOT_PATH)
def spaceRequired(self):
return Size(bytes=iutil.getDirSize("/")*1024)
class URLGrabberProgress(object):
""" Provide methods for urlgrabber progress."""
def start(self, filename, url, basename, size, text):
""" Start of urlgrabber download
:param filename: path and file that download will be saved to
:type filename: string
:param url: url to download from
:type url: string
:param basename: file that it will be saved to
:type basename: string
:param size: length of the file
:type size: int
:param text: unknown
:type text: unknown
self.filename = filename
self.url = url
self.basename = basename
self.size = size
self.text = text
self._pct = -1
def update(self, bytes_read):
""" Download update
:param bytes_read: Bytes read so far
:type bytes_read: int
if not bytes_read:
pct = min(100, int(100 * bytes_read / self.size))
if pct == self._pct:
self._pct = pct
progressQ.send_message(_("Downloading %(url)s (%(pct)d%%)") % \
{"url" : self.url, "pct" : pct})
def end(self, bytes_read):
""" Download complete
:param bytes_read: Bytes read so far
:type bytes_read: int
progressQ.send_message(_("Downloading %(url)s (%(pct)d%%)") % \
{"url" : self.url, "pct" : 100})
class LiveImageKSPayload(LiveImagePayload):
""" Install using a live filesystem image from the network """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(LiveImageKSPayload, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._min_size = 0
self._proxies = {}
self.image_path = ROOT_PATH+"/disk.img"
def setup(self, storage):
""" Check the availability and size of the image.
# This is on purpose, we don't want to call LiveImagePayload's setup method.
ImagePayload.setup(self, storage)
self._proxies = {}
if self.data.method.proxy:
proxy = ProxyString(self.data.method.proxy)
self._proxies = {"http": proxy.url,
"https": proxy.url}
except ProxyStringError as e:
log.info("Failed to parse proxy for liveimg --proxy=\"%s\": %s",
self.data.method.proxy, e)
error = None
req = urllib.urlopen(self.data.method.url, proxies=self._proxies)
except IOError as e:
log.error("Error opening liveimg: %s", e)
error = e
# If it is a http request we need to check the code
method = self.data.method.url.split(":", 1)[0]
if method.startswith("http") and req.getcode() != 200:
error = "http request returned %s" % req.getcode()
if error:
exn = PayloadInstallError(str(error))
if errorHandler.cb(exn) == ERROR_RAISE:
raise exn
# At this point we know we can get the image and what its size is
# Make a guess as to minimum size needed:
# Enough space for image and image * 3
if req.info().get("content-length"):
self._min_size = int(req.info().get("content-length")) * 4
log.debug("liveimg size is %s", self._min_size)
def preInstall(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Download image and loopback mount it.
This is called after partitioning is setup, we now have space
to grab the image. Download it to ROOT_PATH and provide feedback
during the download (using urlgrabber callback).
# Setup urlgrabber and call back to download image to ROOT_PATH
progress = URLGrabberProgress()
ugopts = {"ssl_verify_peer": not self.data.method.noverifyssl,
"ssl_verify_host": not self.data.method.noverifyssl,
"proxies" : self._proxies,
"progress_obj" : progress,
"copy_local" : True}
error = None
ug = URLGrabber()
ug.urlgrab(self.data.method.url, self.image_path, **ugopts)
except URLGrabError as e:
log.error("Error downloading liveimg: %s", e)
error = e
if not os.path.exists(self.image_path):
error = "Failed to download %s, file doesn't exist" % self.data.method.url
if error:
exn = PayloadInstallError(str(error))
if errorHandler.cb(exn) == ERROR_RAISE:
raise exn
# Used to make install progress % look correct
self._adj_size = os.stat(self.image_path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
if self.data.method.checksum:
progressQ.send_message(_("Checking image checksum"))
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
with open(self.image_path, "rb") as f:
while True:
data = f.read(1024*1024)
if not data:
filesum = sha256.hexdigest()
log.debug("sha256 of %s is %s", self.data.method.url, filesum)
if lowerASCII(self.data.method.checksum) != filesum:
log.error("%s does not match checksum.", self.data.method.checksum)
exn = PayloadInstallError("Checksum of image does not match")
if errorHandler.cb(exn) == ERROR_RAISE:
raise exn
# Mount the image and check to see if it is a LiveOS/*.img
# style squashfs image. If so, move it to IMAGE_DIR and mount the real
# root image on INSTALL_TREE
blivet.util.mount(self.image_path, INSTALL_TREE, fstype="auto", options="ro")
if os.path.exists(INSTALL_TREE+"/LiveOS"):
# Find the first .img in the directory and mount that on INSTALL_TREE
img_files = glob.glob(INSTALL_TREE+"/LiveOS/*.img")
if img_files:
img_file = os.path.basename(sorted(img_files)[0])
# move the mount to IMAGE_DIR
os.makedirs(IMAGE_DIR, 0755)
# work around inability to move shared filesystems
["--make-rprivate", "/"])
blivet.util.mount(IMAGE_DIR+"/LiveOS/"+img_file, INSTALL_TREE,
fstype="auto", options="ro")
def postInstall(self):
""" Unmount image, remove image file from target
super(LiveImageKSPayload, self).postInstall()
if os.path.exists(IMAGE_DIR+"/LiveOS"):
if os.path.exists(self.image_path):
def spaceRequired(self):
""" We don't know the filesystem size until it is downloaded.
Default to 1G which should be enough for a minimal image download
and install.
if self._min_size:
return Size(bytes=self._min_size)
return Size(bytes=1024*1024*1024)