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# mock.py
# Test tools for mocking and patching.
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Michael Foord
# E-mail: fuzzyman AT voidspace DOT org DOT uk
# mock 0.6.0
# http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/
# Released subject to the BSD License
# Please see http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/license.shtml
# Scripts maintained at http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/index.shtml
# Comments, suggestions and bug reports welcome.
__all__ = (
__version__ = '0.6.0'
class SentinelObject(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return '<SentinelObject "%s">' % self.name
class Sentinel(object):
def __init__(self):
self._sentinels = {}
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._sentinels.setdefault(name, SentinelObject(name))
sentinel = Sentinel()
class OldStyleClass:
ClassType = type(OldStyleClass)
def _is_magic(name):
return '__%s__' % name[2:-2] == name
def _copy(value):
if type(value) in (dict, list, tuple, set):
return type(value)(value)
return value
class Mock(object):
def __init__(self, spec=None, side_effect=None, return_value=DEFAULT,
name=None, parent=None, wraps=None):
self._parent = parent
self._name = name
if spec is not None and not isinstance(spec, list):
spec = [member for member in dir(spec) if not _is_magic(member)]
self._methods = spec
self._children = {}
self._return_value = return_value
self.side_effect = side_effect
self._wraps = wraps
def reset_mock(self):
self.called = False
self.call_args = None
self.call_count = 0
self.call_args_list = []
self.method_calls = []
for child in self._children.itervalues():
if isinstance(self._return_value, Mock):
def __get_return_value(self):
if self._return_value is DEFAULT:
self._return_value = Mock()
return self._return_value
def __set_return_value(self, value):
self._return_value = value
return_value = property(__get_return_value, __set_return_value)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.called = True
self.call_count += 1
self.call_args = (args, kwargs)
self.call_args_list.append((args, kwargs))
parent = self._parent
name = self._name
while parent is not None:
parent.method_calls.append((name, args, kwargs))
if parent._parent is None:
name = parent._name + '.' + name
parent = parent._parent
ret_val = DEFAULT
if self.side_effect is not None:
if (isinstance(self.side_effect, Exception) or
isinstance(self.side_effect, (type, ClassType)) and
issubclass(self.side_effect, Exception)):
raise self.side_effect
ret_val = self.side_effect(*args, **kwargs)
if ret_val is DEFAULT:
ret_val = self.return_value
if self._wraps is not None and self._return_value is DEFAULT:
return self._wraps(*args, **kwargs)
if ret_val is DEFAULT:
ret_val = self.return_value
return ret_val
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self._methods is not None:
if name not in self._methods:
raise AttributeError("Mock object has no attribute '%s'" % name)
elif _is_magic(name):
raise AttributeError(name)
if name not in self._children:
wraps = None
if self._wraps is not None:
wraps = getattr(self._wraps, name)
self._children[name] = Mock(parent=self, name=name, wraps=wraps)
return self._children[name]
def assert_called_with(self, *args, **kwargs):
assert self.call_args == (args, kwargs), 'Expected: %s\nCalled with: %s' % ((args, kwargs), self.call_args)
def _dot_lookup(thing, comp, import_path):
return getattr(thing, comp)
except AttributeError:
return getattr(thing, comp)
def _importer(target):
components = target.split('.')
import_path = components.pop(0)
thing = __import__(import_path)
for comp in components:
import_path += ".%s" % comp
thing = _dot_lookup(thing, comp, import_path)
return thing
class _patch(object):
def __init__(self, target, attribute, new, spec, create):
self.target = target
self.attribute = attribute
self.new = new
self.spec = spec
self.create = create
self.has_local = False
def __call__(self, func):
if hasattr(func, 'patchings'):
return func
def patched(*args, **keywargs):
# don't use a with here (backwards compatability with 2.5)
extra_args = []
for patching in patched.patchings:
arg = patching.__enter__()
if patching.new is DEFAULT:
args += tuple(extra_args)
return func(*args, **keywargs)
for patching in getattr(patched, 'patchings', []):
patched.patchings = [self]
patched.__name__ = func.__name__
patched.compat_co_firstlineno = getattr(func, "compat_co_firstlineno",
return patched
def get_original(self):
target = self.target
name = self.attribute
create = self.create
original = DEFAULT
if _has_local_attr(target, name):
original = target.__dict__[name]
except AttributeError:
# for instances of classes with slots, they have no __dict__
original = getattr(target, name)
elif not create and not hasattr(target, name):
raise AttributeError("%s does not have the attribute %r" % (target, name))
return original
def __enter__(self):
new, spec, = self.new, self.spec
original = self.get_original()
if new is DEFAULT:
# XXXX what if original is DEFAULT - shouldn't use it as a spec
inherit = False
if spec == True:
# set spec to the object we are replacing
spec = original
if isinstance(spec, (type, ClassType)):
inherit = True
new = Mock(spec=spec)
if inherit:
new.return_value = Mock(spec=spec)
self.temp_original = original
setattr(self.target, self.attribute, new)
return new
def __exit__(self, *_):
if self.temp_original is not DEFAULT:
setattr(self.target, self.attribute, self.temp_original)
delattr(self.target, self.attribute)
del self.temp_original
def patch_object(target, attribute, new=DEFAULT, spec=None, create=False):
return _patch(target, attribute, new, spec, create)
def patch(target, new=DEFAULT, spec=None, create=False):
target, attribute = target.rsplit('.', 1)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError("Need a valid target to patch. You supplied: %r" % (target,))
target = _importer(target)
return _patch(target, attribute, new, spec, create)
def _has_local_attr(obj, name):
return name in vars(obj)
except TypeError:
# objects without a __dict__
return hasattr(obj, name)