# tmux.conf for the anaconda environment bind -n M-tab next bind -n F1 list-keys set-option -s exit-unattached off set-option -g base-index 1 set-option -g set-remain-on-exit on set-option -g history-limit 10000 new-session -s anaconda -n main "anaconda" set-option status-right '#[fg=blue]#(echo -n "Switch tab: Alt+Tab | Help: F1 ")' new-window -d -n shell "bash --login" new-window -d -n log "tail -F /tmp/anaconda.log" new-window -d -n storage-log "tail -F /tmp/storage.log" new-window -d -n program-log "tail -F /tmp/program.log" # The idea here is to detach the client started here via anaconda.service, and # then re-attach to it in the tmux service run on the console tty. However, # the detach-client directive is now giving us "no current client" for some # reason. # detach-client -s anaconda