/* * mk-s390-cdboot -- creates one big image using a kernel, a ramdisk and * a parmfile * * 2003-07-24 Volker Sameske <sameske@de.ibm.com> * 2008-09-22 Updated by David Cantrell <dcantrell@redhat.com> * * compile with: * gcc -Wall -o mk-s390-cdboot mk-s390-cdboot.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <errno.h> #include <libgen.h> #define BUFFER_LEN 1024 #define INITRD_START 0x0000000000800000LL #define START_PSW_ADDRESS 0x80010000 static struct option getopt_long_options[]= { { "image", 1, 0, 'i'}, { "ramdisk", 1, 0, 'r'}, { "parmfile", 1, 0, 'p'}, { "outfile", 1, 0, 'o'}, { "help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; static void usage(char *cmd) { printf("%s [-h] [-v] -i <kernel> -r <ramdisk> -p <parmfile> -o <outfile>\n", cmd); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *cmd = basename(argv[0]); FILE *fd1 = NULL; FILE *fd2 = NULL; FILE *fd3 = NULL; FILE *fd4 = NULL; char buffer[BUFFER_LEN]; int wc, rc, oc, index; unsigned long long initrd_start = INITRD_START; unsigned long long initrd_size; char *image = NULL; char *ramdisk = NULL; char *parmfile = NULL; char *outfile = NULL; int image_specified = 0; int ramdisk_specified = 0; int parmfile_specified = 0; int outfile_specified = 0; int start_psw_address = START_PSW_ADDRESS; opterr = 0; while (1) { oc = getopt_long(argc, argv, "i:r:p:o:h?", getopt_long_options, &index); if (oc == -1) { break; } switch (oc) { case '?': case 'h': usage(cmd); exit(0); case 'i': image = strdup(optarg); image_specified = 1; break; case 'r': ramdisk = strdup(optarg); ramdisk_specified = 1; break; case 'p': parmfile = strdup(optarg); parmfile_specified = 1; break; case 'o': outfile = strdup(optarg); outfile_specified = 1; break; default: usage(cmd); exit(0); } } if (!image_specified || !ramdisk_specified || !parmfile_specified || !outfile_specified) { usage(cmd); exit(0); } printf("Creating bootable CD-ROM image...\n"); printf("kernel is : %s\n", image); printf("ramdisk is : %s\n", ramdisk); printf("parmfile is: %s\n", parmfile); printf("outfile is : %s\n", outfile); if ((fd1 = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if ((fd2 = fopen(image, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if ((fd3 = fopen(ramdisk, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if ((fd4 = fopen(parmfile, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } printf("writing kernel...\n"); while (1) { rc = fread(buffer, 1, 1, fd2); if (rc == 0) { break; } if (feof(fd2) || ferror(fd2)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } wc = fwrite(buffer, 1, 1, fd1); if (feof(fd1) || ferror(fd1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if (wc != rc) { fprintf(stderr, "could only write %i of %i bytes of kernel\n", wc, rc); } } printf("writing initrd...\n"); fseek(fd1, initrd_start, SEEK_SET); while (1) { rc = fread(buffer, 1, 1, fd3); if (rc == 0) { break; } if (feof(fd3) || ferror(fd3)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } wc = fwrite(buffer, 1, 1, fd1); if (feof(fd1) || ferror(fd1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if (wc != rc) { fprintf(stderr, "could only write %i of %i bytes of initrd\n", wc, rc); } } if (fseek(fd3, 0, SEEK_END) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if ((initrd_size = ftell(fd3)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } printf("changing start PSW address to 0x%08x...\n", start_psw_address); if (fseek(fd1, 0x4, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } wc = fwrite(&start_psw_address, 1, 4, fd1); if (feof(fd1) || ferror(fd1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if (wc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "could only write %i of %i bytes of PSW address\n", wc, 4); } printf("writing initrd address and size...\n"); printf("INITRD start: 0x%016llx\n", initrd_start); printf("INITRD size : 0x%016llx\n", initrd_size); if (fseek(fd1, 0x10408, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } wc = fwrite(&initrd_start, 1, 8, fd1); if (feof(fd1) || ferror(fd1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if (wc != 8) { fprintf(stderr, "could only write %i of %i bytes of INITRD start\n", wc, 8); } if (fseek(fd1, 0x10410, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } wc = fwrite(&initrd_size, 1, 8, fd1); if (feof(fd1) || ferror(fd1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if (wc != 8) { fprintf(stderr, "could only write %i of %i bytes of INITRD size\n", wc, 8); } printf("writing parmfile...\n"); if (fseek(fd1, 0x10480, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } while (1) { rc = fread(buffer, 1, 1, fd4); if (rc == 0) { break; } if (feof(fd4) || ferror(fd4)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } wc = fwrite(buffer, 1, 1, fd1); if (feof(fd1) || ferror(fd1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); abort(); } if (wc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "could only write %i of %i bytes of parmfile\n", wc, 1); } } if (fclose(fd1) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); } if (fclose(fd2) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); } if (fclose(fd3) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); } if (fclose(fd4) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }