# # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of # the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the # GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the # source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public # License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of # Red Hat, Inc. # # Red Hat Author(s): Vratislav Podzimek # """ Module providing functions for getting the list of timezones, writing timezone configuration, valid timezones recognition etc. """ import os import pytz import langtable from collections import OrderedDict from pyanaconda import iutil from pyanaconda.constants import THREAD_STORAGE from pyanaconda.flags import flags from pyanaconda.threads import threadMgr from blivet import arch import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # The following zones are not in pytz.common_timezones and # Etc category in pytz.all_timezones includes some more, # however confusing ones (like UCT, GMT+0, GMT-0,...) ETC_ZONES = ['GMT+1', 'GMT+2', 'GMT+3', 'GMT+4', 'GMT+5', 'GMT+6', 'GMT+7', 'GMT+8', 'GMT+9', 'GMT+10', 'GMT+11', 'GMT+12', 'GMT-1', 'GMT-2', 'GMT-3', 'GMT-4', 'GMT-5', 'GMT-6', 'GMT-7', 'GMT-8', 'GMT-9', 'GMT-10', 'GMT-11', 'GMT-12', 'GMT-13', 'GMT-14', 'UTC', 'GMT'] NTP_PACKAGE = "chrony" NTP_SERVICE = "chronyd" class TimezoneConfigError(Exception): """Exception class for timezone configuration related problems""" pass def time_initialize(timezone, storage, bootloader): """ Try to guess if RTC uses UTC time or not, set timezone.isUtc properly and set system time from RTC using the UTC guess. Guess is done by searching for bootable ntfs devices. :param timezone: ksdata.timezone object :param storage: blivet.Blivet instance :param bootloader: bootloader.Bootloader instance """ if arch.isS390(): # nothing to do on s390(x) were hwclock doesn't exist return if not timezone.isUtc and not flags.automatedInstall: # if set in the kickstart, no magic needed here threadMgr.wait(THREAD_STORAGE) ntfs_devs = filter(lambda dev: dev.format.name == "ntfs", storage.devices) timezone.isUtc = not bootloader.has_windows(ntfs_devs) cmd = "hwclock" args = ["--hctosys"] if timezone.isUtc: args.append("--utc") else: args.append("--localtime") iutil.execWithRedirect(cmd, args) def write_timezone_config(timezone, root): """ Write timezone configuration for the system specified by root. :param timezone: ksdata.timezone object :param root: path to the root :raise: TimezoneConfigError """ # we want to create a relative symlink tz_file = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" + timezone.timezone rooted_tz_file = os.path.normpath(root + tz_file) relative_path = os.path.normpath("../" + tz_file) link_path = os.path.normpath(root + "/etc/localtime") if not os.access(rooted_tz_file, os.R_OK): log.error("Timezone to be linked (%s) doesn't exist", rooted_tz_file) else: try: # os.symlink fails if link_path exists, so try to remove it first os.remove(link_path) except OSError: pass try: os.symlink(relative_path, link_path) except OSError as oserr: log.error("Error when symlinking timezone (from %s): %s", rooted_tz_file, oserr.strerror) if arch.isS390(): # there is no HW clock on s390(x) return try: fobj = open(os.path.normpath(root + "/etc/adjtime"), "r") lines = fobj.readlines() fobj.close() except IOError: lines = [ "0.0 0 0.0\n", "0\n" ] try: with open(os.path.normpath(root + "/etc/adjtime"), "w") as fobj: fobj.write(lines[0]) fobj.write(lines[1]) if timezone.isUtc: fobj.write("UTC\n") else: fobj.write("LOCAL\n") except IOError as ioerr: msg = "Error while writing /etc/adjtime file: %s" % ioerr.strerror raise TimezoneConfigError(msg) def save_hw_clock(timezone): """ Save system time to HW clock. :param timezone: ksdata.timezone object """ if arch.isS390(): return cmd = "hwclock" args = ["--systohc"] if timezone.isUtc: args.append("--utc") else: args.append("--local") iutil.execWithRedirect(cmd, args) def get_preferred_timezone(territory): """ Get the preferred timezone for a given territory. Note that this function simply returns the first timezone in the list of timezones for a given territory. :param territory: territory to get preferred timezone for :type territory: str :return: preferred timezone for the given territory or None if no found :rtype: str or None """ timezones = langtable.list_timezones(territoryId=territory) if not timezones: return None return timezones[0] def get_all_regions_and_timezones(): """ Get a dictionary mapping the regions to the list of their timezones. :rtype: dict """ result = OrderedDict() for tz in pytz.common_timezones: parts = tz.split("/", 1) if len(parts) > 1: if parts[0] not in result: result[parts[0]] = set() result[parts[0]].add(parts[1]) result["Etc"] = set(ETC_ZONES) return result def is_valid_timezone(timezone): """ Check if a given string is an existing timezone. :type timezone: str :rtype: bool """ etc_zones = ["Etc/" + zone for zone in ETC_ZONES] return timezone in pytz.common_timezones + etc_zones def get_timezone(timezone): """ Return a tzinfo object for a given timezone name. :param str timezone: the timezone name :rtype: datetime.tzinfo """ return pytz.timezone(timezone)