pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs package


pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs.progress module

class pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs.progress.ProgressHub(data, storage, payload, instclass)

Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs.Hub

Inheritance diagram of ProgressHub

builderObjects = ['progressWindow']
helpFile = 'ProgressHub.xml'
mainWidgetName = 'progressWindow'
uiFile = 'hubs/'

pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs.summary module

class pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs.summary.SummaryHub(data, storage, payload, instclass)

Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs.Hub

Inheritance diagram of SummaryHub

Create a new Hub instance.

The arguments this base class accepts defines the API that Hubs have to work with. A Hub does not get free reign over everything in the anaconda class, as that would be a big mess. Instead, a Hub may count on the following:

ksdata – An instance of a pykickstart Handler object. The
Hub uses this to populate its UI with defaults and to pass results back after it has run.
storage – An instance of storage.Storage. This is useful for
determining what storage devices are present and how they are configured.
payload – An instance of a packaging.Payload subclass. This
is useful for displaying and selecting packages to install, and in carrying out the actual installation.
instclass – An instance of a BaseInstallClass subclass. This
is useful for determining distribution-specific installation information like default package selections and default partitioning.
builderObjects = ['summaryWindow']
helpFile = 'SummaryHub.xml'
mainWidgetName = 'summaryWindow'
uiFile = 'hubs/'

Module contents

class pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs.Hub(data, storage, payload, instclass)

Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.GUIObject, pyanaconda.ui.common.Hub

A Hub is an overview UI screen. A Hub consists of one or more grids of configuration options that the user may choose from. Each grid is provided by a SpokeCategory, and each option is provided by a Spoke. When the user dives down into a Spoke and is finished interacting with it, they are returned to the Hub.

Some Spokes are required. The user must interact with all required Spokes before they are allowed to proceed to the next stage of installation.

From a layout perspective, a Hub is the entirety of the screen, though the screen itself can be roughly divided into thirds. The top third is some basic navigation information (where you are, what you’re installing). The middle third is the grid of Spokes. The bottom third is an action area providing additional buttons (quit, continue) or progress information (during package installation).

Installation may consist of multiple chained Hubs, or Hubs with additional standalone screens either before or after them.

Inheritance diagram of Hub

Create a new Hub instance.

The arguments this base class accepts defines the API that Hubs have to work with. A Hub does not get free reign over everything in the anaconda class, as that would be a big mess. Instead, a Hub may count on the following:

ksdata – An instance of a pykickstart Handler object. The
Hub uses this to populate its UI with defaults and to pass results back after it has run.
storage – An instance of storage.Storage. This is useful for
determining what storage devices are present and how they are configured.
payload – An instance of a packaging.Payload subclass. This
is useful for displaying and selecting packages to install, and in carrying out the actual installation.
instclass – An instance of a BaseInstallClass subclass. This
is useful for determining distribution-specific installation information like default package selections and default partitioning.
handles_autostep = True