# install.py
# Do the hard work of performing an installation.
# Copyright (C) 2012  Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
# Red Hat, Inc.
# Red Hat Author(s): Chris Lumens <clumens@redhat.com>

from pyanaconda.constants import ROOT_PATH
from pyanaconda.storage import turnOnFilesystems
from pyanaconda.bootloader import writeBootLoader
from pyanaconda.progress import progress_report
from pyanaconda.users import createLuserConf, getPassAlgo, Users
from pyanaconda import flags
from pyanaconda import timezone

import gettext
_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)

def _writeKS(ksdata):
    import os

    path = ROOT_PATH + "/root/anaconda-ks.cfg"

    # Clear out certain sensitive information that kickstart doesn't have a
    # way of representing encrypted.
    for obj in [ksdata.autopart] + ksdata.logvol.dataList() + \
               ksdata.partition.dataList() + ksdata.raid.dataList():
        obj.passphrase = ""

    with open(path, "w") as f:

    # Make it so only root can read - could have passwords
    os.chmod(path, 0600)

def doConfiguration(storage, payload, ksdata, instClass):
    from pyanaconda import progress
    from pyanaconda.kickstart import runPostScripts


    # Now run the execute methods of ksdata that require an installed system
    # to be present first.
    with progress_report(_("Configuring installed system")):
        ksdata.authconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.selinux.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firstboot.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.services.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.keyboard.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.timezone.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.lang.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firewall.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.xconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    #if not flags.flags.imageInstall:
    #    with progress_report(_("Writing network configuration")):
    #        ksdata.network.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    # Creating users and groups requires some pre-configuration.
    with progress_report(_("Creating users")):
        createLuserConf(ROOT_PATH, algoname=getPassAlgo(ksdata.authconfig.authconfig))
        u = Users()
        ksdata.rootpw.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.group.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.user.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)

    with progress_report(_("Running post install scripts")):

    # Write the kickstart file to the installed system (or, copy the input
    # kickstart file over if one exists).


def doInstall(storage, payload, ksdata, instClass):
    """Perform an installation.  This method takes the ksdata as prepared by
       the UI (the first hub, in graphical mode) and applies it to the disk.
       The two main tasks for this are putting filesystems onto disks and
       installing packages onto those filesystems.
    from pyanaconda import progress
    from pyanaconda.kickstart import runPostScripts

    # First save system time to HW clock.
    if flags.can_touch_runtime_system("save system time to HW clock"):

    # We really only care about actions that affect filesystems, since
    # those are the ones that take the most time.
    steps = len(storage.devicetree.findActions(type="create", object="format")) + \
            len(storage.devicetree.findActions(type="resize", object="format")) + \
            len(storage.devicetree.findActions(type="migrate", object="format"))
    steps += 4  # packages setup, packages, bootloader, post install

    # Do partitioning.
    if not flags.flags.livecdInstall:

    # Do packaging.

    # anaconda requires storage packages in order to make sure the target
    # system is bootable and configurable, and some other packages in order
    # to finish setting up the system.
    packages = storage.packages + ["authconfig", "firewalld"]
    payload.preInstall(packages=packages, groups=payload.languageGroups(ksdata.lang.lang))

    if flags.flags.livecdInstall:

    with progress_report(_("Performing post-install setup tasks")):

    # Do bootloader.
    with progress_report(_("Installing bootloader")):
        writeBootLoader(storage, payload, instClass, ksdata)
