# FCoE configuration dialog # # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of # the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the # GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the # source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public # License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of # Red Hat, Inc. # # Red Hat Author(s): Chris Lumens <clumens@redhat.com> # from pyanaconda import constants from pyanaconda.threads import threadMgr, AnacondaThread from pyanaconda.ui.gui import GUIObject from pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils import gtk_action_wait from pyanaconda import nm __all__ = ["FCoEDialog"] class FCoEDialog(GUIObject): builderObjects = ["fcoeDialog"] mainWidgetName = "fcoeDialog" uiFile = "spokes/advstorage/fcoe.glade" def __init__(self, data, storage): GUIObject.__init__(self, data) self._addError = None self.storage = storage self.fcoe = self.storage.fcoe() self._addButton = self.builder.get_object("addButton") self._cancelButton = self.builder.get_object("cancelButton") self._addSpinner = self.builder.get_object("addSpinner") self._errorBox = self.builder.get_object("errorBox") self._nicCombo = self.builder.get_object("nicCombo") self._dcbCheckbox = self.builder.get_object("dcbCheckbox") self._autoCheckbox = self.builder.get_object("autoCheckbox") def refresh(self): self._nicCombo.remove_all() for devname in nm.nm_devices(): if nm.nm_device_type_is_ethernet(devname): self._nicCombo.append_text("%s - %s" % (devname, nm.nm_device_hwaddress(devname))) self._nicCombo.set_active(0) def run(self): rc = self.window.run() self.window.destroy() return rc @property def nic(self): text = self._nicCombo.get_active_text() return text.split()[0] @property def use_dcb(self): return self._dcbCheckbox.get_active() @property def use_auto_vlan(self): return self._autoCheckbox.get_active() def _add(self): try: self.fcoe.addSan(self.nic, self.use_dcb, self.use_auto_vlan) except (IOError, OSError) as e: self._addError = str(e) self._after_add() @gtk_action_wait def _after_add(self): # When fcoe discovery is done, update the UI. We don't need to worry # about the user escaping from the dialog because all the buttons are # marked insensitive. self._addSpinner.stop() self._addSpinner.hide() for widget in [self._addButton, self._cancelButton, self._nicCombo, self._dcbCheckbox, self._autoCheckbox]: widget.set_sensitive(True) if self._addError: # Failure. Display some error message and leave the user on the # dialog to try again. self.builder.get_object("errorLabel").set_text(self._addError) self._errorBox.set_visible(True) self._errorBox.set_no_show_all(False) self._errorBox.show() self._addError = None self._addButton.set_sensitive(True) self._cancelButton.set_sensitive(True) else: # Success. There's nothing else the user can do on this dialog. self.window.response(1) def on_add_clicked(self, *args): # Set some widgets to visible/not while we work. self._errorBox.hide() self._addSpinner.set_visible(True) self._addSpinner.show() for widget in [self._addButton, self._cancelButton, self._nicCombo, self._dcbCheckbox, self._autoCheckbox]: widget.set_sensitive(False) self._addSpinner.start() threadMgr.add(AnacondaThread(name=constants.THREAD_FCOE, target=self._add))