This directory contains some tools that are helpful in developing the anaconda UI. They assume that you have an anaconda git tree checked out (which you should if you're reading this), that you've run make in that tree, and that you have the anaconda-widgets and anaconda-widgets-devel packages installed. Here's what you've got to work with: ------------ This program allows you to run a single GUI spoke on an installed system without having to start up anaconda. You do not have to be root to do this and if you come across a situation where that ends up being a lie, it's a bug in anaconda. Please fix it. This lets you very quickly make tweaks to your glade file and test it out to see what things look like when some data is added, or check how buttons and dialogs behave. Often, there can be UI layout differences between how things look in glade and how they look in reality. To run, first modify the following lines: #from import SoftwareSelectionSpoke #spokeClass = SoftwareSelectionSpoke spokeClass = None Uncomment the first two, changing "software" and "SoftwareSelectionSpoke" to the names of the things you're testing, and then remove the third line. Then, you run it like so (assuming you're in your home directory): $ PYTHONPATH=src/anaconda:src/anaconda/pyanaconda/isys/.libs \ UIPATH=src/anaconda/pyanaconda/ui/gui/ \ src/anaconda/pyanaconda/ui/gui/tools/ The $UIPATH environment variable ensures that you do not need to be anywhere special when you run the program. anaconda will be able to find your glade file based on that. ---------- This is the same as, except it deals with hubs instead of spokes. Because it deals with hubs, it also provides you with the ability to dive down into individual spokes. This is useful for making sure that the status, apply, and setup methods of spokes work correctly. Pressing the quit and continue buttons will immediately quit the program. Direct any questions to