#version=DEVEL url --url="http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/$releasever/$basearch/os/" install network --bootproto=dhcp bootloader --timeout=1 clearpart --all --initlabel part raid.01 --size=500 --ondisk=sda --asprimary part raid.02 --size=500 --ondisk=sdb --asprimary part raid.11 --size=4000 --ondisk=sda part raid.12 --size=4000 --ondisk=sdb part raid.21 --size=1024 --ondisk=sda part raid.22 --size=1024 --ondisk=sdb # Yes, using 0,1,2 is wrong, but /proc/mounts uses /dev/mdX not /dev/md/X raid /boot --level=1 --device=0 --fstype=ext4 raid.01 raid.02 raid swap --level=1 --device=1 --fstype=swap raid.21 raid.22 raid / --level=1 --device=2 --fstype=ext4 --label=rootfs raid.11 raid.12 keyboard us lang en_US.UTF-8 timezone America/New_York --utc rootpw testcase shutdown %packages %end %post # Verify the / raid level root_raidlevel="$(grep ^md2.*active\\sraid1 /proc/mdstat)" if [ -z "$root_raidlevel" ]; then echo "*** mdraid 'root' is not a RAID1" >> /root/RESULT fi root_md="/dev/md2" root_uuid="UUID=$(blkid -o value -s UUID $root_md)" # verify root md is mounted at /mnt/sysimage root_mount="$(grep ^$root_md\\s/\\s /proc/mounts)" if [ -z "$root_mount" ]; then echo "*** mdraid 'root' is not mounted at /" >> /root/RESULT fi root_fstype="$(echo $root_mount | cut -d' ' -f3)" if [ $root_fstype != "ext4" ]; then echo "*** mdraid 'root' does not contain an ext4 fs" >> /root/RESULT fi # verify root entry in /etc/fstab is correct root_md_entry="$(grep ^$root_md\\s/\\s /etc/fstab)" root_uuid_entry="$(grep ^$root_uuid\\s/\\s /etc/fstab)" if [ -z "$root_md_entry" -a -z "$root_uuid_entry" ] ; then echo "*** root md is not the root entry in /etc/fstab" >> /root/RESULT fi # Verify the swap raid level swap_raidlevel="$(grep ^md1.*active\\sraid1 /proc/mdstat)" if [ -z "$swap_raidlevel" ]; then echo "*** mdraid 'swap' is not a RAID1" >> /root/RESULT fi # verify swap on md is active swap_md="/dev/md1" swap_uuid="UUID=$(blkid -o value -s UUID $swap_md)" if ! grep -q $swap_md /proc/swaps ; then echo "*** mdraid 'swap' is not active as swap space" >> /root/RESULT fi # verify swap entry in /etc/fstab is correct swap_md_entry="$(grep ^$swap_md\\sswap\\s /etc/fstab)" swap_uuid_entry="$(grep ^$swap_uuid\\sswap\\s /etc/fstab)" if [ -z "$swap_md_entry" -a -z "$swap_uuid_entry" ] ; then echo "*** swap md is not in /etc/fstab" >> /root/RESULT fi # Verify the boot raid level boot_raidlevel="$(grep ^md0.*active\\sraid1 /proc/mdstat)" if [ -z "$boot_raidlevel" ]; then echo "*** mdraid 'boot' is not a RAID1" >> /root/RESULT fi boot_md="/dev/md0" boot_uuid="UUID=$(blkid -o value -s UUID $boot_md)" # verify boot md is mounted at /mnt/sysimage/boot boot_mount="$(grep ^$boot_md\\s/boot\\s /proc/mounts)" if [ -z "$boot_mount" ]; then echo "*** mdraid 'boot' is not mounted at /boot" >> /root/RESULT fi boot_fstype="$(echo $boot_mount | cut -d' ' -f3)" if [ $boot_fstype != "ext4" ]; then echo "*** mdraid 'boot' does not contain an ext4 fs" >> /root/RESULT fi # verify boot entry in /etc/fstab is correct boot_md_entry="$(grep ^$boot_md\\s/boot\\s /etc/fstab)" boot_uuid_entry="$(grep ^$boot_uuid\\s/boot\\s /etc/fstab)" if [ -z "$boot_md_entry" -a -z "$boot_uuid_entry" ] ; then echo "*** boot md is not the root entry in /etc/fstab" >> /root/RESULT fi if [ ! -e /root/RESULT ]; then echo SUCCESS > /root/RESULT fi %end