Fedora 18 ========= - Add encryption option to text mode partitioning. - Add simple keyboard layout selection to welcome language screen. - Can the entry next to "Closest Mirror" be filled in with something to make it look less weird? - Fix redraw issues. - Make "Add custom repo..." dialog useful. - Media install selectors take up all horizontal space on source spoke. - Wall of anaconda needs to be taken into account. - Why does the first hub jump left a little bit the first time you use the keyboard to navigate? Software selection also does this. - In custom storage, it'd be nice to be able to say something like "Use this previous installation as the starting storage configuration for the system I'm installing now" - In custom storage, it'd be really nice to be able to drag entries from old roots into the "New Fedora" root as a way of saying "Use this device with the same mountpoint in the new system." - We're probably going to need to update the auto-generated names of container devices any time the user updates the hostname. Beyond ====== - "Choose Disks" dialog before hub #1. - Add device names to tooltips for DiskOverviews, etc.? - Code quality: - Docstrings and comments are lacking. - Split out especially large spokes (storage.py, custom.py) into logically separate files. - Device filtering. - "Hub" shouldn't be in the page title for any text mode hub. - Progress reporting for metadata downloading could be handy. - Spokes should have some way to tell if other spokes are ready (see _software_is_ready in storage.py). - Tracking and expressing dependencies on threads is tedious: - Create constants for thread names. - Add decorators to express the dependency and wait until it's met? - Write out in-progress install to kickstart file, detect it on restart