# # The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org # # Copyright (C) 2011 Tomasz Sterna # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # import grp import os import re import string import subprocess import sys import threading import time import gtk import libuser from firstboot.config import * from firstboot.constants import * from firstboot.functions import * from firstboot.module import * import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("firstboot", x) N_ = lambda x: x def is_package_installed(pkgname): return not subprocess.call(['rpm', '-q', pkgname], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'), stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) class QubesChoice(object): instances = [] def __init__(self, label, states, depend=None, extra_check=None): self.widget = gtk.CheckButton(label) self.states = states self.depend = depend self.extra_check = extra_check self.selected = None if self.depend is not None: self.depend.widget.connect('toggled', self.friend_on_toggled) self.instances.append(self) def friend_on_toggled(self, other_widget): self.set_sensitive(other_widget.get_active()) def get_selected(self): return self.selected if self.selected is not None \ else self.widget.get_sensitive() and self.widget.get_active() def store_selected(self): self.selected = self.get_selected() def set_sensitive(self, sensitive): self.widget.set_sensitive(sensitive and (self.extra_check is None or self.extra_check())) @classmethod def on_check_advanced_toggled(cls, widget): selected = widget.get_active() # this works, because you cannot instantiate the choices in wrong order # (cls.instances is a list and have deterministic ordering) for choice in cls.instances: choice.set_sensitive(not selected and (choice.depend is None or choice.depend.get_selected())) @classmethod def get_states(cls): for choice in cls.instances: if choice.get_selected(): for state in choice.states: yield state class moduleClass(Module): def __init__(self): Module.__init__(self) self.priority = 10000 self.sidebarTitle = N_("Create VMs") self.title = N_("Create VMs") self.icon = "qubes.png" self.admin = libuser.admin() self.default_template = 'fedora-23' self.choices = [] def _showErrorMessage(self, text): dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(None, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, text) dlg.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) dlg.set_modal(True) rc = dlg.run() dlg.destroy() return None def apply(self, interface, testing=False): try: qubes_users = self.admin.enumerateUsersByGroup('qubes') if len(qubes_users) < 1: self._showErrorMessage(_("You must create a user account to create default VMs.")) return RESULT_FAILURE else: self.qubes_user = qubes_users[0] for choice in QubesChoice.instances: choice.store_selected() choice.widget.set_sensitive(False) self.check_advanced.set_sensitive(False) interface.nextButton.set_sensitive(False) if self.progress is None: self.progress = gtk.ProgressBar() self.progress.set_pulse_step(0.06) self.vbox.pack_start(self.progress, True, False) self.progress.show() if testing: return RESULT_SUCCESS if self.check_advanced.get_active(): return RESULT_SUCCESS errors = [] # Finish template(s) installation, because it wasn't fully possible # from anaconda (it isn't possible to start a VM there). # This is specific to firstboot, not general configuration. for template in os.listdir('/var/lib/qubes/vm-templates'): try: self.configure_template(template) except Exception as e: errors.append((self.stage, str(e))) self.configure_default_template() self.configure_qubes() self.configure_network() if self.choice_usb.get_selected(): # Workaround for #1464 (so qvm.start from salt can't be used) self.run_command_in_thread(['systemctl', 'start', 'qubes-vm@sys-usb.service']) try: self.configure_default_dvm() except Exception as e: errors.append((self.stage, str(e))) if errors: msg = "" for (stage, error) in errors: msg += "{} failed:\n{}\n\n".format(stage, error) self.stage = "firstboot" raise Exception(msg) interface.nextButton.set_sensitive(True) return RESULT_SUCCESS except Exception as e: md = gtk.MessageDialog(interface.win, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, self.stage + " failure!\n\n" + str(e)) md.run() md.destroy() self.show_stage("Failure...") self.progress.hide() self.check_advanced.set_active(True) interface.nextButton.set_sensitive(True) return RESULT_FAILURE def show_stage(self, stage): self.stage = stage self.progress.set_text(stage) def run_command(self, command, stdin=None): try: os.setgid(self.qubes_gid) os.umask(0007) cmd = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=stdin) out = cmd.communicate()[0] if cmd.returncode == 0: self.process_error = None else: self.process_error = "{} failed:\n{}".format(command, out) except Exception as e: self.process_error = str(e) if self.process_error: # not only inform main thread, but also interrupt task thread raise Exception(self.process_error) def run_in_thread(self, method, args = None): thread = threading.Thread(target=method, args = (args if args else ())) thread.start() while thread.is_alive(): self.progress.pulse() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration(False) time.sleep(0.1) if self.process_error is not None: raise Exception(self.process_error) def run_command_in_thread(self, *args): self.run_in_thread(self.run_command, args) def configure_template(self, name): self.show_stage(_("Configuring TemplateVM {}".format(name))) self.run_in_thread(self.do_configure_template, args=(name,)) def configure_qubes(self): self.show_stage('Executing qubes configuration') try: # get rid of initial entries (from package installation time) os.rename('/var/log/salt/minion', '/var/log/salt/minion.install') except OSError: pass # Refresh minion configuration to make sure all installed formulas are included self.run_command_in_thread(['qubesctl', 'state.sls', 'config', '-l', 'quiet', '--out', 'quiet']) for state in QubesChoice.get_states(): self.run_command_in_thread(['qubesctl', 'top.enable', state, 'saltenv=dom0', '-l', 'quiet', '--out', 'quiet']) try: self.run_command_in_thread(['qubesctl', 'state.highstate']) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Qubes initial configuration failed. Login to the system and " "check /var/log/salt/minion for details. " "You can retry configuration by calling " "'sudo qubesctl state.highstate' in dom0 (you will get " "detailed state there).") def configure_default_template(self): self.show_stage('Setting default template') self.run_command_in_thread(['/usr/bin/qubes-prefs', '--set', 'default-template', self.default_template]) def configure_network(self): self.show_stage('Setting up networking') self.run_in_thread( self.do_configure_network, args=('sys-whonix' if self.choice_whonix_default.get_selected() else 'sys-firewall',)) def configure_default_dvm(self): self.show_stage(_("Creating default DisposableVM")) self.run_in_thread(self.do_configure_default_dvm) def do_configure_default_dvm(self): try: self.run_command(['su', '-c', '/usr/bin/qvm-create-default-dvm --default-template --default-script', self.qubes_user]) except: # Kill DispVM template if still running # Do not use self.run_command to not clobber process output subprocess.call(['qvm-kill', '{}-dvm'.format(self.default_template)]) raise def do_configure_network(self, default_netvm): self.run_command(['/usr/bin/qvm-prefs', '--force-root', '--set', 'sys-firewall', 'netvm', 'sys-net']) self.run_command(['/usr/bin/qubes-prefs', '--set', 'default-netvm', default_netvm]) self.run_command(['/usr/bin/qubes-prefs', '--set', 'updatevm', default_netvm]) self.run_command(['/usr/sbin/service', 'qubes-netvm', 'start']) def do_configure_template(self, template): self.run_command(['qvm-start', '--no-guid', template]) self.run_command(['su', '-c', 'qvm-sync-appmenus {}'.format(template), '-', self.qubes_user]) self.run_command(['qvm-shutdown', '--wait', template]) def createScreen(self): self.vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=5) label = gtk.Label(_("Almost there! We just need to create a few system service VM.\n\n" "We can also create a few AppVMs that might be useful for most users, " "or you might prefer to do it yourself later.\n\n" "Choose an option below and click 'Finish'...")) label.set_line_wrap(True) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) label.set_size_request(500, -1) self.vbox.pack_start(label, False, True, padding=20) self.choice_network = QubesChoice( _('Create default system qubes (sys-net, sys-firewall)'), ('qvm.sys-net', 'qvm.sys-firewall')) self.choice_default = QubesChoice( _('Create default application qubes ' '(personal, work, untrusted, vault)'), ('qvm.personal', 'qvm.work', 'qvm.untrusted', 'qvm.vault'), depend=self.choice_network) self.choice_whonix = QubesChoice( _('Create Whonix Gateway and Workstation qubes ' '(sys-whonix, anon-whonix)'), ('qvm.sys-whonix', 'qvm.anon-whonix'), depend=self.choice_network, extra_check=lambda: is_package_installed('qubes-template-whonix-gw') and is_package_installed('qubes-template-whonix-ws')) self.choice_whonix_default = QubesChoice( _('Route applications traffic and updates through Tor anonymity ' 'network [experimental]'), (), depend=self.choice_whonix) self.choice_usb = QubesChoice( _('Create USB qube holding all USB controllers (sys-usb) ' '[experimental]'), ('qvm.sys-usb',)) self.check_advanced = gtk.CheckButton( _('Do not configure anything (for advanced users)')) self.check_advanced.connect('toggled', QubesChoice.on_check_advanced_toggled) for choice in QubesChoice.instances: self.vbox.pack_start(choice.widget, False, True) #self.vbox.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator()) self.vbox.pack_end(self.check_advanced, False, True) self.progress = None def initializeUI(self): self.check_advanced.set_active(False) self.choice_network.widget.set_active(True) self.choice_default.widget.set_active(True) if self.choice_whonix.widget.get_sensitive(): self.choice_whonix.widget.set_active(True) self.qubes_gid = grp.getgrnam('qubes').gr_gid self.stage = "Initialization" self.process_error = None