#!/usr/bin/python # # anaconda: The Red Hat Linux Installation program # # Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 # Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Brent Fox # Mike Fulbright # Jakub Jelinek # Jeremy Katz # Chris Lumens # Paul Nasrat # Erik Troan # Matt Wilson # # This toplevel file is a little messy at the moment... import atexit, sys, os, re, time, subprocess from tempfile import mkstemp # keep up with process ID of the window manager if we start it wm_pid = None def exitHandler(rebootData, storage, exitCode=None): from pyanaconda import isys from pyanaconda.flags import flags if exitCode: anaconda.intf.shutdown() if "nokill" in flags.cmdline: iutil.vtActivate(1) print "anaconda halting due to nokill flag." print "The system will be rebooted when you press Ctrl-Alt-Delete." while True: time.sleep(10000) if image_count: anaconda.storage.umountFilesystems(ignoreErrors=True, swapoff=False) devicetree = anaconda.storage.devicetree devicetree.teardownAll() for name in devicetree.diskImages: device = devicetree.getDeviceByName(name) for loop in device.parents: loop.controllable = True device.deactivate(recursive=True) if not flags.imageInstall and not flags.livecdInstall: from pykickstart.constants import KS_SHUTDOWN, KS_WAIT, KS_REBOOT from pyanaconda.iutil import dracut_eject if rebootData.eject: for drive in storage.devicetree.devices: if drive.type != "cdrom": continue dracut_eject(drive.path) if rebootData.action == KS_SHUTDOWN: os.system("systemctl --no-wall poweroff") elif rebootData.action == KS_WAIT: os.system("systemctl --no-wall halt") else: # reboot action is KS_REBOOT or None os.system("systemctl --no-wall reboot") def startMetacityWM(): childpid = os.fork() if not childpid: # after this point the method should never return (or throw an exception # outside) try: args = ['--display', ':1', '--sm-disable'] iutil.execWithRedirect('metacity', args, stdout='/dev/null', stderr='/dev/null') except BaseException as e: # catch all possible exceptions log.error("Problems running the window manager: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) log.info("The window manager has terminated.") sys.exit(0) return childpid def startAuditDaemon(): childpid = os.fork() if not childpid: cmd = '/sbin/auditd' try: os.execl(cmd, cmd) except OSError as e: log.error("Error running the audit daemon: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(0) # auditd will turn into a daemon so catch the immediate child pid now: os.waitpid(childpid, 0) # function to handle X startup special issues for anaconda def doStartupX11Actions(): """Start window manager""" global wm_pid # pid of the anaconda fork where the window manager is running # now start up the window manager wm_pid = startMetacityWM() log.info("Starting window manager, pid %s." % (wm_pid,)) def set_x_resolution(runres): # cant do this if no window manager is running because otherwise when we # open and close an X connection in the xutils calls the X server will exit # since this is the first X connection (if no window manager is running) if runres and opts.display_mode == 'g' and not flags.usevnc and wm_pid : try: log.info("Setting the screen resolution to: %s.", runres) iutil.execWithRedirect("xrandr", ["-d", ":1", "-s", runres], stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5") except RuntimeError as e: log.error("The X resolution not set") iutil.execWithRedirect("xrandr", ["-d", ":1", "-q"], stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5") def setupPythonUpdates(): from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib # Temporary hack for F18 alpha to symlink updates and product directories # into tmpfs. To be removed after beta in order to directly use content # from /run/install/ -- JLK for dirname in ("updates", "product"): if os.path.exists("/run/install/%s" % dirname): if os.path.islink("/tmp/%s" % dirname): # Assume updates have already been setup return os.symlink("/run/install/%s" % dirname, "/tmp/%s" % dirname) if not os.path.exists("/tmp/updates"): return for pkg in os.listdir("/tmp/updates"): d = "/tmp/updates/%s" % pkg if not os.path.isdir(d): continue # See if the package exists in /usr/lib{64,}/python/?.?/site-packages. # If it does, we can set it up as an update. If not, the pkg is # likely a completely new directory and should not be looked at. dest = "%s/%s" % (get_python_lib(), pkg) if not os.access(dest, os.R_OK): dest = "%s/%s" % (get_python_lib(1), pkg) if not os.access(dest, os.R_OK): continue # Symlink over everything that's in the python libdir but not in # the updates directory. symlink_updates(dest, d) import glob import shutil for rule in glob.glob("/tmp/updates/*.rules"): target = "/etc/udev/rules.d/" + rule.split('/')[-1] shutil.copyfile(rule, target) def symlink_updates(dest_dir, update_dir): contents = os.listdir(update_dir) for f in os.listdir(dest_dir): dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, f) update_path = os.path.join(update_dir, f) if f in contents: # recurse into directories, there might be files missing in updates if os.path.isdir(dest_path) and os.path.isdir(update_path): symlink_updates(dest_path, update_path) else: if f.endswith(".pyc") or f.endswith(".pyo"): continue os.symlink(dest_path, update_path) def getAnacondaVersion(): # Using _isys here so we don't drag in the logging stuff, which is always # complicated. from pyanaconda import _isys return _isys.getAnacondaVersion() def parseOptions(argv=None, cmdline=None): from pyanaconda.anaconda_optparse import AnacondaOptionParser # NOTE: for each long option (like '--repo'), AnacondaOptionParser # checks the boot arguments for bootarg_prefix+option ('inst.repo'). # If require_prefix is False, it also accepts the option without the # bootarg_prefix ('repo'). # See anaconda_optparse.py and BootArgs (in flags.py) for details. op = AnacondaOptionParser(version="%prog " + getAnacondaVersion(), bootarg_prefix="inst.", require_prefix=False) # NOTE: store_false options will *not* get negated when the user does # "option=0" on the boot commandline (store_true options do, though). # Basically, don't use store_false unless the option starts with "no". # Interface op.add_option("-C", "--cmdline", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="c", default="g") op.add_option("-G", "--graphical", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="g") op.add_option("-T", "--text", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="t") op.add_option("-S", "--script", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="s") # Network op.add_option("--noipv4", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--noipv6", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--proxy") # Method of operation op.add_option("--autostep", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--ks", dest="ksfile", action="store_const", const="/run/install/ks.cfg") op.add_option("--kickstart", dest="ksfile") op.add_option("--rescue", dest="rescue", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--targetarch", "rpmarch", dest="targetArch", type="string") op.add_option("--armplatform", dest="armPlatform", type="string") op.add_option("--multilib", dest="multiLib", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("-m", "--method", dest="method", default=None) op.add_option("--repo", dest="method", default=None) op.add_option("--stage2", dest="stage2", default=None) op.add_option("--noverifyssl", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--liveinst", action="store_true", default=False) # Display op.add_option("--headless", dest="isHeadless", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--nofb") op.add_option("--resolution", dest="runres", default=None) op.add_option("--serial", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--usefbx", dest="xdriver", action="store_const", const="fbdev") op.add_option("--virtpconsole") op.add_option("--vnc", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--vncconnect") op.add_option("--vncpassword", default="") op.add_option("--xdriver", dest="xdriver", action="store", type="string", default=None) # Language op.add_option("--keymap") op.add_option("--kbdtype") op.add_option("--lang") # Obvious op.add_option("--loglevel") op.add_option("--syslog") op.add_option("--noselinux", dest="selinux", action="store_false", default=True) op.add_option("--selinux", action="store_true") op.add_option("--nompath", dest="mpath", action="store_false", default=True) op.add_option("--mpath", action="store_true") op.add_option("--nodmraid", dest="dmraid", action="store_false", default=True) op.add_option("--dmraid", action="store_true") op.add_option("--noibft", dest="ibft", action="store_false", default=True) op.add_option("--ibft", action="store_true") op.add_option("--noiscsi", dest="iscsi", action="store_false", default=False) op.add_option("--iscsi", action="store_true") # Miscellaneous op.add_option("--module", action="append", default=[]) op.add_option("--nomount", dest="rescue_nomount", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--updates", dest="updateSrc", action="store", type="string") op.add_option("--dlabel", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--image", action="append", dest="images", default=[]) op.add_option("--memcheck", action="store_true", default=True) op.add_option("--nomemcheck", action="store_false", dest="memcheck") op.add_option("--leavebootorder", action="store_true", default=False) # some defaults change based on cmdline flags if cmdline is not None: if "console" in cmdline: op.set_defaults(display_mode="t") (opts, args) = op.parse_args(argv, cmdline=cmdline) return (opts, args, op.deprecated_bootargs) def setupPythonPath(): # First add our updates path sys.path.insert(0, '/tmp/updates/') sys.path.append('/usr/share/system-config-date') def setupEnvironment(): # Silly GNOME stuff if os.environ.has_key('HOME') and not os.environ.has_key("XAUTHORITY"): os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.Xauthority' os.environ['HOME'] = '/tmp' os.environ['LC_NUMERIC'] = 'C' os.environ["GCONF_GLOBAL_LOCKS"] = "1" # In theory, this gets rid of our LVM file descriptor warnings os.environ["LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS"] = "1" # make sure we have /sbin and /usr/sbin in our path os.environ["PATH"] += ":/sbin:/usr/sbin" # we can't let the LD_PRELOAD hang around because it will leak into # rpm %post and the like. ick :/ if os.environ.has_key("LD_PRELOAD"): del os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] os.environ["GLADEPATH"] = "/tmp/updates/:/tmp/updates/data/ui/:ui/:/usr/share/anaconda/ui/:/usr/share/python-meh/" os.environ["PIXMAPPATH"] = "/tmp/updates/pixmaps/:/tmp/updates/:/tmp/product/pixmaps/:/tmp/product/:pixmaps/:/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/:/usr/share/pixmaps/:/usr/share/anaconda/:/usr/share/python-meh/:/usr/share/icons/Fedora/48x48/apps/" def setupLoggingFromOpts(opts): if opts.loglevel and anaconda_log.logLevelMap.has_key(opts.loglevel): level = anaconda_log.logLevelMap[opts.loglevel] anaconda_log.logger.tty_loglevel = level anaconda_log.setHandlersLevel(log, level) storage_log = logging.getLogger("storage") anaconda_log.setHandlersLevel(storage_log, level) if opts.syslog: anaconda_log.logger.remote_syslog = opts.syslog def gtk_warning(title, reason): import gtk dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, message_format=reason) dialog.set_title(title) dialog.run() dialog.destroy() def check_memory(anaconda, opts, display_mode=None): reason_strict = _("%s requires %s MB of memory to install, but you only have " "%s MB on this machine.\n") reason_graphical = _("The %s graphical installer requires %s MB of memory, but " "you only have %s MB.") reboot_extra = _('\n' 'Press to reboot your system.\n') livecd_title = _("Not enough RAM") livecd_extra =_(" Try the text mode installer by running:\n\n" "'/usr/bin/liveinst -T'\n\n from a root " "terminal.") nolivecd_extra = _(" Starting text mode.") if not display_mode: display_mode = anaconda.displayMode reason = reason_strict total_ram = int(isys.total_memory() / 1024) needed_ram = int(isys.MIN_RAM / 1024) graphical_ram = needed_ram + int(isys.GUI_INSTALL_EXTRA_RAM / 1024) log.info("check_memory(): total:%s, needed:%s, graphical:%s" % \ (total_ram, needed_ram, graphical_ram)) if not opts.memcheck: log.warning("CHECK_MEMORY DISABLED") return if needed_ram > total_ram: from snack import SnackScreen, ButtonChoiceWindow if opts.liveinst: stdoutLog.warning(reason % (product.productName, needed_ram, total_ram)) gtk_warning(livecd_title, reason % (product.productName, needed_ram, total_ram)) else: reason += reboot_extra screen = SnackScreen() ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _('Fatal Error'), reason % (product.productName, needed_ram, total_ram), buttons = (_("OK"),)) screen.finish() sys.exit(1) # override display mode if machine cannot nicely run X if display_mode not in ('t', 'c', 's') and not flags.usevnc: needed_ram = graphical_ram reason = reason_graphical if needed_ram > total_ram: if opts.liveinst: reason += livecd_extra stdoutLog.warning(reason % (product.productName, needed_ram, total_ram)) title = livecd_title gtk_warning(title, reason % (product.productName, needed_ram, total_ram)) sys.exit(1) else: reason += nolivecd_extra stdoutLog.warning(reason % (product.productName, needed_ram, total_ram)) anaconda.displayMode = 't' time.sleep(2) def startDebugger(signum, frame): import epdb epdb.serve(skip=1) def setupDisplay(anaconda, opts): from pyanaconda.ui.tui.simpleline import App from pyanaconda.ui.tui.spokes.askvnc import AskVNCSpoke from pykickstart.constants import DISPLAY_MODE_TEXT from pyanaconda import network graphical_failed = 0 vncS = vnc.VncServer() # The vnc Server object. vncS.anaconda = anaconda anaconda.displayMode = opts.display_mode anaconda.isHeadless = opts.isHeadless or iutil.isS390() if opts.vnc: flags.usevnc = 1 anaconda.displayMode = 'g' vncS.password = opts.vncpassword # Only consider vncconnect when vnc is a param if opts.vncconnect: cargs = string.split(opts.vncconnect, ":") vncS.vncconnecthost = cargs[0] if len(cargs) > 1 and len(cargs[1]) > 0: if len(cargs[1]) > 0: vncS.vncconnectport = cargs[1] if opts.serial: flags.serial = True if opts.virtpconsole: flags.virtpconsole = opts.virtpconsole if opts.xdriver: anaconda.xdriver = opts.xdriver anaconda.writeXdriver(root="/") if anaconda.rescue: return if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled: flags.usevnc = 1 anaconda.displayMode = 'g' if vncS.password == "": vncS.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password if vncS.vncconnecthost == "": vncS.vncconnecthost = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.host if vncS.vncconnectport == "": vncS.vncconnectport = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.port # disable VNC over text question when not enough memory is available if iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_GUI_RAM: flags.vncquestion = False # disable VNC question if text mode is requested and this is a ks install if anaconda.displayMode == 't' and flags.automatedInstall: flags.vncquestion = False # disable VNC question if we were explicitly asked for text in kickstart if anaconda.ksdata.displaymode.displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_TEXT: flags.vncquestion = False # disable VNC question if we don't have network if not network.hasActiveNetDev(): flags.vncquestion = False # disable VNC question if we don't have X if not os.access('/usr/bin/Xvnc', os.X_OK): flags.vncquestion = False if os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY'): flags.preexisting_x11 = True if anaconda.displayMode == 't' and flags.vncquestion: #we prefer vnc over text mode, so ask about that message = _("Text mode provides a limited set of installation " "options. It does not allow you to specify your " "own partitioning layout or package selections. " "Would you like to use VNC mode instead?") app = App("VNC Question") spoke = AskVNCSpoke(app, anaconda.ksdata, message=message) app.schedule_screen(spoke) app.run() if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled: anaconda.displayMode = 'g' flags.usevnc = 1 vncS.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password log.info("Display mode = %s" % anaconda.displayMode) check_memory(anaconda, opts) # Should we try to start Xorg? want_x = anaconda.displayMode == 'g' and \ not (flags.preexisting_x11 or flags.usevnc) # X on a headless (e.g. s390) system? Nonsense! if want_x and anaconda.isHeadless: stdoutLog.warning(_("DISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode.")) anaconda.displayMode = 't' graphical_failed = 1 time.sleep(2) want_x = False # Is Xorg is actually available? if want_x and not os.access("/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK): stdoutLog.warning(_("Graphical installation is not available. " "Starting text mode.")) time.sleep(2) anaconda.displayMode = 't' want_x = False if want_x: # The following code depends on no SIGCHLD being delivered, # possibly only except the one from a failing X.org. Thus # make sure before entering this section that all the other # children of anaconda have terminated or were forked into # an orphan (which won't deliver a SIGCHLD to mess up the # fragile signaling below). start X with its USR1 handler # set to ignore. this will make it send us SIGUSR1 if it # succeeds. if it fails, catch SIGCHLD and bomb out. def sigchld_handler(num, frame): raise OSError(0, "SIGCHLD caught when trying to start the X server.") def sigusr1_handler(num, frame): log.debug("X server has signalled a successful start.") def preexec_fn(): signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIG_IGN) old_sigusr1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler) old_sigchld = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler) xout = open("/dev/tty5", "w") try: proc = subprocess.Popen(["Xorg", "-br", "-logfile", "/tmp/X.log", ":1", "vt7", "-s", "1440", "-ac", "-nolisten", "tcp", "-dpi", "96", "-noreset"], close_fds=True, stdout=xout, stderr=xout, preexec_fn=preexec_fn) signal.pause() os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":1" doStartupX11Actions() except (OSError, RuntimeError): stdoutLog.warning("X startup failed, falling back to text mode") anaconda.displayMode = 't' graphical_failed = 1 time.sleep(2) finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, old_sigusr1) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, old_sigchld) set_x_resolution(opts.runres) if anaconda.displayMode == 't' and graphical_failed and \ flags.vncquestion and not anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled: app = App("VNC Question") spoke = AskVNCSpoke(app, anaconda.ksdata) app.schedule_screen(spoke) app.run() if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled: anaconda.displayMode = 'g' flags.usevnc = 1 vncS.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password # if they want us to use VNC do that now if anaconda.displayMode == 'g' and flags.usevnc: vncS.startServer() doStartupX11Actions() # with X running we can initialize the UI interface anaconda.initInterface() anaconda.instClass.configure(anaconda) def prompt_for_ssh(): # Do some work here to get the ip addr / hostname to pass # to the user. from pyanaconda import network from pyanaconda import isys import socket import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) ip = network.getFirstRealIP() if not ip: stdoutLog.error("No IP addresses found, cannot continue installation.") sys.exit(1) ipstr = ip try: hinfo = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipstr) except Exception as e: stdoutLog.debug("Exception caught trying to get host name of %s: %s" % (ipstr, e)) name = network.getDefaultHostname(None) else: if len(hinfo) == 3: name = hinfo[0] if ip.find(':') != -1: ipstr = "[%s]" % (ip,) if (name is not None) and (not name.startswith('localhost')) and (ipstr is not None): connxinfo = "%s (%s)" % (socket.getfqdn(name=name), ipstr,) elif ipstr is not None: connxinfo = "%s" % (ipstr,) else: connxinfo = None if connxinfo: stdoutLog.info(_("Please ssh install@%s to begin the install.") % connxinfo) else: stdoutLog.info(_("Please ssh install@ to continue installation.")) if __name__ == "__main__": print "Starting installer, one moment..." # Allow a file to be loaded as early as possible try: import updates_disk_hook except ImportError: pass # this handles setting up updates for pypackages to minimize the set needed setupPythonUpdates() setupPythonPath() # do this early so we can set flags before initializing logging from pyanaconda.flags import flags (opts, args, depr) = parseOptions(cmdline=flags.cmdline) if opts.images: flags.imageInstall = True # Set up logging as early as possible. import logging from pyanaconda import anaconda_log anaconda_log.init() anaconda_log.logger.setupVirtio() log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout") if os.geteuid() != 0: stdoutLog.error("anaconda must be run as root.") sys.exit(0) # see if we're on s390x and if we've got an ssh connection uname = os.uname() if uname[4] == 's390x': if 'TMUX' not in os.environ and "RUNKS" not in flags.cmdline: prompt_for_ssh() sys.exit(0) # If we get RUNKS, we default to cmdline display mode, because nothing # else will work. Kickstart options can still override. if "RUNKS" in flags.cmdline: opts.display_mode = 'c' log.info("%s %s" % (sys.argv[0], getAnacondaVersion())) # TODO: uncomment this when we're sure that we're doing the right thing # with flags.cmdline *everywhere* it appears... #for arg in depr: # stdoutLog.warn("Boot argument '%s' is deprecated. " # "In the future, use 'inst.%s'.", arg, arg) # pull this in to get product name and versioning from pyanaconda import product from pyanaconda.constants import ROOT_PATH, DEFAULT_LANG from pyanaconda import isys isys.initLog() import signal, string, time from pyanaconda import iutil from pyanaconda import vnc from pyanaconda import kickstart from pyanaconda import ntp from pyanaconda import keyboard verdesc = "%s for %s %s" % (getAnacondaVersion(), product.productName, product.productVersion) if product.isFinal: print "anaconda %s started." % verdesc else: print "anaconda %s (pre-release) started." % verdesc import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) from pyanaconda import Anaconda anaconda = Anaconda() iutil.setup_translations(gettext) # reset python's default SIGINT handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGSEGV, isys.handleSegv) setupEnvironment() # make sure we have /var/log soon, some programs fail to start without it iutil.mkdirChain("/var/log") pidfile = open("/var/run/anaconda.pid", "w") pidfile.write("%s\n" % (os.getpid(),)) del pidfile # add our own additional signal handlers signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, startDebugger) anaconda.opts = opts # check memory, just the text mode for now: check_memory(anaconda, opts, 't') # Now that we've got arguments, do some extra processing. setupLoggingFromOpts(opts) # Default is to prompt to mount the installed system. anaconda.rescue_mount = not opts.rescue_nomount if opts.dlabel: #autodetected driverdisc in use flags.dlabel = True if opts.noipv4: flags.useIPv4 = False if opts.noipv6: flags.useIPv6 = False if opts.proxy: anaconda.proxy = opts.proxy if opts.updateSrc: anaconda.updateSrc = opts.updateSrc if opts.method: anaconda.methodstr = opts.method if opts.stage2: anaconda.stage2 = opts.stage2 if opts.noverifyssl: flags.noverifyssl = True if opts.liveinst: flags.livecdInstall = True if opts.module: for mod in opts.module: (path, name) = string.split(mod, ":") anaconda.extraModules.append((path, name)) if opts.ibft: flags.ibft = 1 if opts.iscsi: flags.iscsi = 1 if opts.targetArch: flags.targetarch = opts.targetArch if opts.armPlatform: flags.armPlatform = opts.armPlatform # set flags flags.dmraid = opts.dmraid flags.mpath = opts.mpath flags.selinux = opts.selinux if not flags.livecdInstall and not flags.imageInstall: startAuditDaemon() # setup links required for all install types for i in ( "services", "protocols", "nsswitch.conf", "joe", "selinux", "mke2fs.conf" ): try: if os.path.exists("/mnt/runtime/etc/" + i): os.symlink ("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i) except: pass if opts.debug: flags.debug = True if opts.rescue: anaconda.rescue = True log.info("anaconda called with cmdline = %s" %(sys.argv,)) log.info("Default encoding = %s " % sys.getdefaultencoding()) os.system("udevadm control --env=ANACONDA=1") # If we were given a kickstart file on the command line, parse (but do not # execute) that now. Otherwise, load in defaults from kickstart files # shipped with the installation media. ksdata = None if opts.ksfile: flags.automatedInstall = True files = [opts.ksfile] else: files = ["/tmp/updates/interactive-defaults.ks", "/usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks"] for f in files: if not os.path.exists(f): continue kickstart.preScriptPass(f) ksdata = kickstart.parseKickstart(f) # Only load the first defaults file we find. break if not ksdata: ksdata = kickstart.AnacondaKSHandler() if ksdata.rescue.rescue: anaconda.rescue = True # Some kickstart commands must be executed immediately, as they affect # how anaconda operates. ksdata.logging.execute() anaconda.ksdata = ksdata # setup keyboard layout from the command line option and let # it override from kickstart if/when X is initialized if opts.keymap: if not ksdata.keyboard.keyboard: ksdata.keyboard.keyboard = opts.keymap if ksdata.keyboard.keyboard: keyboard.activate_keyboard(ksdata.keyboard) # Some post-install parts of anaconda are implemented as kickstart # scripts. Add those to the ksdata now. kickstart.appendPostScripts(ksdata) # cmdline flags override kickstart settings ksdata.method.proxy = anaconda.proxy ksdata.method.noverifyssl = flags.noverifyssl # set ksdata.method based on anaconda.method if it isn't already set if anaconda.methodstr and not ksdata.method.method: if anaconda.methodstr.startswith("cdrom"): ksdata.method.method = "cdrom" elif anaconda.methodstr.startswith("nfs"): ksdata.method.method = "nfs" (options, server, path) = iutil.parseNfsUrl(anaconda.methodstr) ksdata.method.server = server ksdata.method.dir = path ksdata.method.opts = options elif anaconda.methodstr.startswith("hd:"): ksdata.method.method = "harddrive" url = anaconda.methodstr.split(":", 1)[1] url_parts = url.split(":") device = url_parts[0] path = "" if len(url_parts) == 2: path = url_parts[1] elif len(url_parts) == 3: fstype = url_parts[1] # XXX not used path = url_parts[2] ksdata.method.partition = device ksdata.method.dir = path elif anaconda.methodstr.startswith("http") or \ anaconda.methodstr.startswith("ftp"): ksdata.method.method = "url" ksdata.method.url = anaconda.methodstr elif anaconda.methodstr.startswith("livecd"): ksdata.method.method = "livecd" device = anaconda.methodstr.split(":", 1)[1] ksdata.method.partition = os.path.normpath(device) else: log.error("Unknown method: %s", (anaconda.methodstr,)) # Set the language before loading an interface, when it may be too late. if opts.lang: from pyanaconda.localization import Language, LOCALE_PREFERENCES, expand_langs langObj = Language(LOCALE_PREFERENCES, territory=None) # Given something other than the long format we prefer? We need to # dig through supported translations to figure out what the user # meant. if not opts.lang in langObj.translations: foundLang = False for trans in langObj.translations.keys(): if opts.lang in expand_langs(trans): opts.lang = trans foundLang = True break if not foundLang: opts.lang = "en_US.UTF-8" langObj.set_install_lang(opts.lang) ksdata.lang.lang = opts.lang # init threading before Gtk can do anything from pyanaconda.threads import initThreading, threadMgr, AnacondaThread initThreading() # now start the interface setupDisplay(anaconda, opts) # Set flag to prompt for missing ks data if anaconda.displayMode == 'c': flags.ksprompt = False image_count = 0 for image in opts.images: image_spec = image.rsplit(":", 1) path = image_spec[0] if len(image_spec) == 2 and image_spec[1].strip(): name = image_spec[1].strip() else: name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] if "/" in name or name in anaconda.storage.config.diskImages.keys(): name = "diskimg%d" % image_count log.info("naming disk image '%s' '%s'" % (path, name)) anaconda.storage.config.diskImages[name] = path image_count += 1 flags.imageInstall = True if image_count: anaconda.storage.setupDiskImages() anaconda.simpleFilter = True # sets yum's multilib_policy to "all" (as opposed to "best") ksdata.packages.multiLib = opts.multiLib from pyanaconda import exception if anaconda.displayMode == 'g': # comment out the next line to make exceptions non-fatal anaconda.mehConfig = exception.initExceptionHandling(anaconda) # add our own additional signal handlers signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda signum, frame: exception.test_exception_handling()) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, lambda signum, frame: anaconda.dumpState()) if opts.lang: # this is lame, but make things match what we expect (#443408) opts.lang = opts.lang.replace(".utf8", ".UTF-8") from pyanaconda.storage import storageInitialize from pyanaconda.packaging import payloadInitialize from pyanaconda.network import networkInitialize if anaconda.rescue: from pyanaconda.rescue import doRescue doRescue(anaconda.rescue_mount, ksdata, anaconda.platform) threadMgr.add(AnacondaThread(name="AnaStorageThread", target=storageInitialize, args=(anaconda.storage, ksdata, anaconda.protected))) threadMgr.add(AnacondaThread(name="AnaNetworkThread", target=networkInitialize, args=(ksdata,))) threadMgr.add(AnacondaThread(name="AnaPayloadThread", target=payloadInitialize, args=(anaconda.storage, ksdata, anaconda.payload))) atexit.register(exitHandler, ksdata.reboot, anaconda.storage) # setup ntp servers and start NTP daemon if not requested otherwise if (not flags.imageInstall) and anaconda.ksdata.timezone.ntpservers: ntp.save_servers_to_config(anaconda.ksdata.timezone.ntpservers) if not anaconda.ksdata.timezone.nontp: iutil.start_service("chronyd") # FIXME: This will need to be made cleaner once this file starts to take # shape with the new UI code. anaconda._intf.setup(ksdata) anaconda._intf.run() # vim:tw=78:ts=4:et:sw=4