# # Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of # the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the # GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the # source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public # License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of # Red Hat, Inc. # # Red Hat Author(s): Vratislav Podzimek # """UI-independent storage utility functions""" import re import locale from contextlib import contextmanager from blivet import arch from blivet import util from blivet.size import Size from blivet.platform import platform as _platform from blivet.devicefactory import DEVICE_TYPE_LVM from blivet.devicefactory import DEVICE_TYPE_LVM_THINP from blivet.devicefactory import DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS from blivet.devicefactory import DEVICE_TYPE_MD from blivet.devicefactory import DEVICE_TYPE_PARTITION from blivet.devicefactory import DEVICE_TYPE_DISK from pyanaconda.i18n import _, N_ from pyanaconda import isys from pyanaconda.constants import productName from pykickstart.constants import AUTOPART_TYPE_PLAIN, AUTOPART_TYPE_BTRFS from pykickstart.constants import AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM, AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # TODO: all those constants and mappings should go to blivet DEVICE_TEXT_LVM = N_("LVM") DEVICE_TEXT_LVM_THINP = N_("LVM Thin Provisioning") DEVICE_TEXT_MD = N_("RAID") DEVICE_TEXT_PARTITION = N_("Standard Partition") DEVICE_TEXT_BTRFS = N_("Btrfs") DEVICE_TEXT_DISK = N_("Disk") DEVICE_TEXT_MAP = {DEVICE_TYPE_LVM: DEVICE_TEXT_LVM, DEVICE_TYPE_MD: DEVICE_TEXT_MD, DEVICE_TYPE_PARTITION: DEVICE_TEXT_PARTITION, DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS: DEVICE_TEXT_BTRFS, DEVICE_TYPE_LVM_THINP: DEVICE_TEXT_LVM_THINP, DEVICE_TYPE_DISK: DEVICE_TEXT_DISK} PARTITION_ONLY_FORMAT_TYPES = ("macefi", "prepboot", "biosboot", "appleboot") MOUNTPOINT_DESCRIPTIONS = {"Swap": N_("The 'swap' area on your computer is used by the operating\n" "system when running low on memory."), "Boot": N_("The 'boot' area on your computer is where files needed\n" "to start the operating system are stored."), "Root": N_("The 'root' area on your computer is where core system\n" "files and applications are stored."), "Home": N_("The 'home' area on your computer is where all your personal\n" "data is stored."), "BIOS Boot": N_("The BIOS boot partition is required to enable booting\n" "from GPT-partitioned disks on BIOS hardware."), "PReP Boot": N_("The PReP boot partition is required as part of the\n" "boot loader configuration on some PPC platforms.") } AUTOPART_CHOICES = ((N_("Standard Partition"), AUTOPART_TYPE_PLAIN), (N_("Btrfs"), AUTOPART_TYPE_BTRFS), (N_("LVM"), AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM), (N_("LVM Thin Provisioning"), AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP)) AUTOPART_DEVICE_TYPES = {AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM: DEVICE_TYPE_LVM, AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP: DEVICE_TYPE_LVM_THINP, AUTOPART_TYPE_PLAIN: DEVICE_TYPE_PARTITION, AUTOPART_TYPE_BTRFS: DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS} NAMED_DEVICE_TYPES = (DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS, DEVICE_TYPE_LVM, DEVICE_TYPE_MD, DEVICE_TYPE_LVM_THINP) CONTAINER_DEVICE_TYPES = (DEVICE_TYPE_LVM, DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS, DEVICE_TYPE_LVM_THINP) def size_from_input(input_str, units=None): """ Get a Size object from an input string. :param str input_str: a string forming some representation of a size :param units: use these units if none specified in input_str :type units: str or NoneType :returns: a Size object corresponding to input_str :rtype: :class:`blivet.size.Size` or NoneType Units default to bytes if no units in input_str or units. """ if not input_str: # Nothing to parse return None # A string ending with a digit contains no units information. if re.search(r'[\d.%s]$' % locale.nl_langinfo(locale.RADIXCHAR), input_str): input_str += units or "" try: size = Size(input_str) except ValueError: return None return size def device_type_from_autopart(autopart_type): """Get device type matching the given autopart type.""" return AUTOPART_DEVICE_TYPES.get(autopart_type, None) class UIStorageFilter(logging.Filter): """Logging filter for UI storage events""" def filter(self, record): record.name = "storage.ui" return True @contextmanager def ui_storage_logger(): """Context manager that applies the UIStorageFilter for its block""" storage_log = logging.getLogger("blivet") storage_filter = UIStorageFilter() storage_log.addFilter(storage_filter) yield storage_log.removeFilter(storage_filter) class SanityException(Exception): pass class SanityError(SanityException): pass class SanityWarning(SanityException): pass class LUKSDeviceWithoutKeyError(SanityError): pass def sanity_check(storage, min_ram=isys.MIN_RAM): """ Run a series of tests to verify the storage configuration. This function is called at the end of partitioning so that we can make sure you don't have anything silly (like no /, a really small /, etc). :param storage: an instance of the :class:`blivet.Blivet` class to check :param min_ram: minimum RAM (in MiB) needed for the installation with swap space available :rtype: a list of SanityExceptions :return: a list of accumulated errors and warnings """ exns = [] checkSizes = [('/usr', Size("250 MiB")), ('/tmp', Size("50 MiB")), ('/var', Size("384 MiB")), ('/home', Size("100 MiB")), ('/boot', Size("200 MiB"))] mustbeonlinuxfs = ['/', '/var', '/tmp', '/usr', '/home', '/usr/share', '/usr/lib'] mustbeonroot = ['/bin', '/dev', '/sbin', '/etc', '/lib', '/root', '/mnt', 'lost+found', '/proc'] filesystems = storage.mountpoints root = storage.fsset.rootDevice swaps = storage.fsset.swapDevices if root: if root.size < Size("250 MiB"): exns.append( SanityWarning(_("Your root partition is less than 250 " "megabytes which is usually too small to " "install %s.") % (productName,))) else: exns.append( SanityError(_("You have not defined a root partition (/), " "which is required for installation of %s " "to continue.") % (productName,))) # Prevent users from installing on s390x with (a) no /boot volume, (b) the # root volume on LVM, and (c) the root volume not restricted to a single # PV # NOTE: There is not really a way for users to create a / volume # restricted to a single PV. The backend support is there, but there are # no UI hook-ups to drive that functionality, but I do not personally # care. --dcantrell if arch.isS390() and '/boot' not in storage.mountpoints and root: if root.type == 'lvmlv' and not root.singlePV: exns.append( SanityError(_("This platform requires /boot on a dedicated " "partition or logical volume. If you do not " "want a /boot volume, you must place / on a " "dedicated non-LVM partition."))) # FIXME: put a check here for enough space on the filesystems. maybe? for (mount, size) in checkSizes: if mount in filesystems and filesystems[mount].size < size: exns.append( SanityWarning(_("Your %(mount)s partition is less than " "%(size)s which is lower than recommended " "for a normal %(productName)s install.") % {'mount': mount, 'size': size, 'productName': productName})) # storage.mountpoints is a property that returns a new dict each time, so # iterating over it is thread-safe. for (mount, device) in filesystems.items(): problem = filesystems[mount].checkSize() if problem < 0: exns.append( SanityError(_("Your %(mount)s partition is too small for %(format)s formatting " "(allowable size is %(minSize)s to %(maxSize)s)") % {"mount": mount, "format": device.format.name, "minSize": device.minSize, "maxSize": device.maxSize})) elif problem > 0: exns.append( SanityError(_("Your %(mount)s partition is too large for %(format)s formatting " "(allowable size is %(minSize)s to %(maxSize)s)") % {"mount":mount, "format": device.format.name, "minSize": device.minSize, "maxSize": device.maxSize})) if storage.bootloader and not storage.bootloader.skip_bootloader: stage1 = storage.bootloader.stage1_device if not stage1: exns.append( SanityError(_("No valid boot loader target device found. " "See below for details."))) pe = _platform.stage1MissingError if pe: exns.append(SanityError(_(pe))) else: storage.bootloader.is_valid_stage1_device(stage1) exns.extend(SanityError(msg) for msg in storage.bootloader.errors) exns.extend(SanityWarning(msg) for msg in storage.bootloader.warnings) stage2 = storage.bootloader.stage2_device if stage1 and not stage2: exns.append(SanityError(_("You have not created a bootable partition."))) else: storage.bootloader.is_valid_stage2_device(stage2) exns.extend(SanityError(msg) for msg in storage.bootloader.errors) exns.extend(SanityWarning(msg) for msg in storage.bootloader.warnings) if not storage.bootloader.check(): exns.extend(SanityError(msg) for msg in storage.bootloader.errors) # # check that GPT boot disk on BIOS system has a BIOS boot partition # if _platform.weight(fstype="biosboot") and \ stage1 and stage1.isDisk and \ getattr(stage1.format, "labelType", None) == "gpt": missing = True for part in [p for p in storage.partitions if p.disk == stage1]: if part.format.type == "biosboot": missing = False break if missing: exns.append( SanityError(_("Your BIOS-based system needs a special " "partition to boot from a GPT disk label. " "To continue, please create a 1MiB " "'biosboot' type partition."))) if not swaps: installed = util.total_memory() required = Size("%s MiB" % (min_ram + isys.NO_SWAP_EXTRA_RAM)) if installed < required: exns.append( SanityError(_("You have not specified a swap partition. " "%(requiredMem)s of memory is required to continue installation " "without a swap partition, but you only have %(installedMem)s.") % {"requiredMem": required, "installedMem": installed})) else: exns.append( SanityWarning(_("You have not specified a swap partition. " "Although not strictly required in all cases, " "it will significantly improve performance " "for most installations."))) no_uuid = [s for s in swaps if s.format.exists and not s.format.uuid] if no_uuid: exns.append( SanityWarning(_("At least one of your swap devices does not have " "a UUID, which is common in swap space created " "using older versions of mkswap. These devices " "will be referred to by device path in " "/etc/fstab, which is not ideal since device " "paths can change under a variety of " "circumstances. "))) for (mountpoint, dev) in filesystems.items(): if mountpoint in mustbeonroot: exns.append( SanityError(_("This mount point is invalid. The %s directory must " "be on the / file system.") % mountpoint)) if mountpoint in mustbeonlinuxfs and (not dev.format.mountable or not dev.format.linuxNative): exns.append( SanityError(_("The mount point %s must be on a linux file system.") % mountpoint)) if storage.rootDevice and storage.rootDevice.format.exists: e = storage.mustFormat(storage.rootDevice) if e: exns.append(SanityError(e)) exns += verify_LUKS_devices_have_key(storage) return exns def verify_LUKS_devices_have_key(storage): """ Verify that all non-existant LUKS devices have some way of obtaining a key. Note: LUKS device creation will fail without a key. :rtype: generator of str :returns: a generator of error messages, may yield no error messages """ for dev in (d for d in storage.devices if \ d.format.type == "luks" and \ not d.format.exists and \ not d.format.hasKey): yield LUKSDeviceWithoutKeyError(_("Encryption requested for LUKS device %s but no encryption key specified for this device.") % (dev.name,)) def bound_size(size, device, old_size): """ Returns a size bounded by the maximum and minimum size for the device. :param size: the candidate size :type size: :class:`blivet.size.Size` :param device: the device being displayed :type device: :class:`blivet.devices.StorageDevice` :param old_size: the fallback size :type old_size: :class:`blivet.size.Size` :returns: a size to which to set the device :rtype: :class:`blivet.size.Size` If size is 0, interpreted as set size to maximum possible. If no maximum size is available, reset size to old_size, but log a warning. """ max_size = device.maxSize min_size = device.minSize if not size: if max_size: log.info("No size specified, using maximum size for this device (%d).", max_size) size = max_size else: log.warning("No size specified and no maximum size available, setting size back to original size (%d).", old_size) size = old_size else: if max_size: if size > max_size: log.warning("Size specified (%d) is greater than the maximum size for this device (%d), using maximum size.", size, max_size) size = max_size else: log.warning("Unknown upper bound on size. Using requested size (%d).", size) if size < min_size: log.warning("Size specified (%d) is less than the minimum size for this device (%d), using minimum size.", size, min_size) size = min_size return size class StorageSnapshot(object): """R/W snapshot of storage (i.e. a :class:`blivet.Blivet` instance)""" def __init__(self, storage=None): """ Create new instance of the class :param storage: if given, its snapshot is created :type storage: :class:`blivet.Blivet` """ if storage: self._storage_snap = storage.copy() else: self._storage_snap = None @property def storage(self): return self._storage_snap @property def created(self): return bool(self._storage_snap) def create_snapshot(self, storage): """Create (and save) snapshot of storage""" self._storage_snap = storage.copy() def dispose_snapshot(self): """ Dispose (unref) the snapshot .. note:: In order to free the memory taken by the snapshot, all references returned by :property:`self.storage` have to be unrefed too. """ self._storage_snap = None def reset_to_snapshot(self, storage, dispose=False): """ Reset storage to snapshot (**modifies :param:`storage` in place**) :param storage: :class:`blivet.Blivet` instance to reset to the created snapshot :param bool dispose: whether to dispose the snapshot after reset or not :raises ValueError: if no snapshot is available (was not created before) """ if not self.created: raise ValueError("No snapshot created, cannot reset") # we need to create a new copy from the snapshot first -- simple # assignment from the snapshot would result in snapshot being modified # by further changes of 'storage' new_copy = self._storage_snap.copy() storage.devicetree = new_copy.devicetree storage.roots = new_copy.roots storage.fsset = new_copy.fsset if dispose: self.dispose_snapshot() # a snapshot of early storage as we got it from scanning disks without doing any # changes on_disk_storage = StorageSnapshot()