url --url=http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/$releasever/$basearch/os/ install network --bootproto=dhcp bootloader --timeout=1 zerombr clearpart --all autopart keyboard us lang en timezone America/New_York rootpw qweqwe shutdown # Just install @core %packages %end # Run the proxy %include proxy-common.ks %post --nochroot # Look for the following as evidence that a proxy was used: # a .treeinfo request # primary.xml from the repodata # a package. Let's say kernel, there should definitely have been a kernel if ! grep -q '\.treeinfo$' /tmp/proxy.log; then result='.treeinfo request was not proxied' elif ! grep -q 'repodata/.*primary.xml' /tmp/proxy.log; then result='repodata requests were not proxied' elif ! grep -q 'kernel-.*\.rpm' /tmp/proxy.log; then result='package requests were not proxied' else result='SUCCESS' fi # Write the result to the installed /root echo "$result" > $ANA_INSTALL_PATH/root/RESULT %end