# # anaconda_argparse.py: option parsing for anaconda (CLI and boot args) # # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . DESCRIPTION = "Anaconda is the installation program used by Fedora," \ "Red Hat Enterprise Linux and some other distributions." import itertools import os import sys import fcntl import termios import struct from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentError, HelpFormatter, Namespace, Action from pyanaconda.flags import BootArgs from pyanaconda.flags import flags as flags_instance import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # Help text formatting constants LEFT_PADDING = 8 # the help text will start after 8 spaces RIGHT_PADDING = 8 # there will be 8 spaces left on the right DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH = 80 def get_help_width(): """ Try to detect the terminal window width size and use it to compute optimal help text width. If it can't be detected a default values is returned. :returns: optimal help text width in number of characters :rtype: int """ # don't do terminal size detection on s390, it is not supported # by its arcane TTY system and only results in cryptic error messages # ending on the standard output # (we do the s390 detection here directly to avoid # the delay caused by importing the Blivet module # just for this single call) is_s390 = os.uname()[4].startswith('s390') if is_s390: return DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH try: data = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234') columns = int(struct.unpack('hh', data)[1]) except (IOError, ValueError) as e: log.info("Unable to determine terminal width: %s", e) print("terminal size detection failed, using default width") return DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH log.debug("detected window size of %s", columns) # apply the right padding columns = columns - RIGHT_PADDING if columns > 0: help_width = columns else: help_width = DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH return help_width class AnacondaArgumentParser(ArgumentParser): """ Subclass of ArgumentParser that also examines boot arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ If the "bootarg_prefix" keyword argument is set, it's assumed that all bootargs will start with that prefix. "require_prefix" is a bool: False: accept the argument with or without the prefix. True: ignore the argument without the prefix. (default) """ help_width = get_help_width() self._boot_arg = dict() self.deprecated_bootargs = [] self.bootarg_prefix = kwargs.pop("bootarg_prefix", "") self.require_prefix = kwargs.pop("require_prefix", True) ArgumentParser.__init__(self, description=DESCRIPTION, formatter_class=lambda prog: HelpFormatter( prog, max_help_position=LEFT_PADDING, width=help_width), *args, **kwargs) def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a new option - like ArgumentParser.add_argument. The long options will be added to the list of boot args, unless the keyword argument 'bootarg' is set to False. Positional arguments that don't start with '-' are considered extra boot args to look for. NOTE: conflict_handler is currently ignored for boot args - they will always raise ArgumentError if they conflict. """ # TODO: add kwargs to make an option commandline-only or boot-arg-only flags = [a for a in args if a.startswith('-')] bootargs = [a for a in args if not a.startswith('-')] do_bootarg = kwargs.pop("bootarg", True) option = super(AnacondaArgumentParser, self).add_argument(*flags, **kwargs) # make a generator that returns only the long opts without the -- prefix long_opts = (o[2:] for o in option.option_strings if o.startswith("--")) bootargs += (flag for flag in long_opts) if do_bootarg: for b in bootargs: if b in self._boot_arg: raise ArgumentError( "conflicting bootopt string: %s" % b, option) else: self._boot_arg[b] = option return option def _get_bootarg_option(self, arg): """ Find the correct Option for a given bootarg (if one exists) :param string arg: boot option :returns: argparse option object or None if no suitable option is found :rtype argparse option or None """ if self.bootarg_prefix and arg.startswith(self.bootarg_prefix): prefixed_option = True arg = arg[len(self.bootarg_prefix):] else: prefixed_option = False option = self._boot_arg.get(arg) if self.require_prefix and not prefixed_option: return None if option and self.bootarg_prefix and not prefixed_option: self.deprecated_bootargs.append(arg) return option def parse_boot_cmdline(self, boot_cmdline): """ Parse the boot cmdline and create an appropriate Namespace instance according to the option definitions set by add_argument. boot_cmdline can be given as a string (to be parsed by BootArgs), or a dict (or any object with .items()) of {bootarg:value} pairs. If boot_cmdline is None, the boot_cmdline data will be whatever BootArgs reads by default (/proc/cmdline, /run/initramfs/etc/cmdline, /etc/cmdline). If an option requires a value but the boot arg doesn't provide one, we'll quietly not set anything in the Namespace. We also skip any boot options that were not specified by add_argument as we don't care about them (there will usually be quite a lot of them (rd.*, etc.). :param boot_cmdline: the Anaconda boot command line arguments :type boot_cmdline: string, dict or None :returns: an argparse Namespace instance :rtype: Namespace """ namespace = Namespace() if boot_cmdline is None or isinstance(boot_cmdline, str): bootargs = BootArgs(boot_cmdline) else: bootargs = boot_cmdline self.deprecated_bootargs = [] # go over all options corresponding to current boot cmdline # and do any modifications necessary # NOTE: program cmdline overrides boot cmdline for arg, val in bootargs.items(): option = self._get_bootarg_option(arg) if option is None: # this boot option is unknown to Anaconda, skip it continue if option.nargs != 0 and val is None: # nargs == 0 -> the option expects one or more arguments but the # boot option was not given any, so we skip it log.warning("boot option specified without expected number of " "arguments and will be ignored: %s", arg) continue if option.nargs == 0 and option.const is not None: # nargs == 0 & constr == True -> store_true # (we could also check the class, but it begins with an # underscore, so it would be ugly) # special case: "mpath=0" would otherwise set mpath to True if option.const is True and val in ("0", "no", "off"): setattr(namespace, option.dest, False) # Set all other set_const cases to the const specified else: setattr(namespace, option.dest, option.const) # anaconda considers cases such as noselinux=off to be a negative # concord, which is to say that selinux will be set to False and # we hate you. continue option(self, namespace, val) return namespace # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def parse_args(self, args=None, boot_cmdline=None): """ Like ArgumentParser.parse_args(), but also parses the boot cmdline. (see parse_boot_cmdline for details on that process.) Program cmdline arguments will override boot cmdline arguments. :param args: program command line arguments :type args: string or None :param boot_cmdline: the Anaconda boot command line arguments :type boot_cmdline: string, dict or None :returns: an argparse Namespace instance :rtype: Namespace """ # parse boot options first namespace = self.parse_boot_cmdline(boot_cmdline) # parse CLI arguments (if any) and add them to the namespace # created from parsing boot options, overriding any options # with the same destination already present in the namespace # NOTE: this means that CLI options override boot options namespace = ArgumentParser.parse_args(self, args, namespace) return namespace def name_path_pairs(image_specs): """Processes and verifies image file specifications. Generates pairs of names and paths. :param image_specs: a list of image specifications :type image_specs: list of str Each image spec in image_specs has format [:] where is the path to a local file and is an optional name used to identify the disk in UI. may not contain colons or slashes. If no name given in specification, synthesizes name from basename of path. Since two distinct paths may have the same basename, handles name collisions by synthesizing a different name for the colliding name. Raises an exception if: * A path is empty * A path specifies a non-existant file * A path specifies a directory * Duplicate paths are specified * A name contains a "/" """ image_specs = (spec.rsplit(":", 1) for spec in image_specs) path_name_pairs = ((image_spec[0], image_spec[1].strip() if len(image_spec) == 2 else None) for image_spec in image_specs) paths_seen = [] names_seen = [] for (path, name) in path_name_pairs: if path == "": raise ValueError("empty path specified for image file") path = os.path.abspath(path) if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("non-existant path %s specified for image file" % path) if os.path.isdir(path): raise ValueError("directory path %s specified for image file" % path) if path in paths_seen: raise ValueError("path %s specified twice for image file" % path) paths_seen.append(path) if name and "/" in name: raise ValueError("improperly formatted image file name %s, includes slashes" % name) if not name: name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] if name in names_seen: names = ("%s_%d" % (name, n) for n in itertools.count()) name = next(itertools.dropwhile(lambda n: n in names_seen, names)) names_seen.append(name) yield name, path class HelpTextParser(object): """Class to parse help text from file and make it available to option parser. """ def __init__(self, path): """ Initializer :param path: The absolute path to the help text file """ self._path = path self._help_text = None def read(self, lines): """Reads option, help text pairs from a text file. Each pair is separated from the next by an empty line. The option comes first, followed by any number of lines of help text. :param lines: a sequence of lines of text """ if not lines: return expect_option = True option = None text = [] for line in (line.strip() for line in lines): if line == "": expect_option = True elif expect_option: if option: yield option, " ".join(text) option = line text = [] expect_option = False else: text.append(line) yield option, " ".join(text) def help_text(self, option): """ Returns the help text corresponding to the given command-line option. If no help text is available, returns the empty string. :param str option: The name of the option :rtype: str """ if self._help_text is None: self._help_text = {} try: with open(self._path) as lines: for parsed_option, parsed_text in self.read(lines): self._help_text[parsed_option] = parsed_text except IOError as e: log.error("error reading help text file %s: %s", self._path, e) return self._help_text.get(option, "") def getArgumentParser(version_string, boot_cmdline=None): """Return the anaconda argument parser. :param str version_string: The version string, e.g. 23.19.5. :param pyanaconda.flags.BootArgs: The boot command line options :rtype: AnacondaArgumentParser """ datadir = os.environ.get("ANACONDA_DATADIR", "/usr/share/anaconda") # NOTE: for each long option (like '--repo'), AnacondaOptionParser # checks the boot arguments for bootarg_prefix+option ('inst.repo'). # If require_prefix is False, it also accepts the option without the # bootarg_prefix ('repo'). # See anaconda_optparse.py and BootArgs (in flags.py) for details. ap = AnacondaArgumentParser(bootarg_prefix="inst.", require_prefix=False) help_parser = HelpTextParser(os.path.join(datadir, "anaconda_options.txt")) # NOTE: store_false options will *not* get negated when the user does # "option=0" on the boot commandline (store_true options do, though). # Basically, don't use store_false unless the option starts with "no". # YET ANOTHER NOTE: If you change anything here: # a) document its usage in docs/boot-options.txt # b) be prepared to maintain it for a very long time # If this seems like too much trouble, *don't add a new option*! # Version ap.add_argument('--version', action='version', version="%(prog)s " + version_string) # Interface ap.add_argument("-C", "--cmdline", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="c", default="g", help=help_parser.help_text("cmdline")) ap.add_argument("-G", "--graphical", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="g", help=help_parser.help_text("graphical")) ap.add_argument("-T", "--text", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="t", help=help_parser.help_text("text")) # Network ap.add_argument("--proxy", metavar='PROXY_URL', help=help_parser.help_text("proxy")) # Method of operation ap.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("debug")) ap.add_argument("--ks", dest="ksfile", action="store_const", metavar="KICKSTART_URL", const="/run/install/ks.cfg", help=help_parser.help_text("ks")) ap.add_argument("--kickstart", dest="ksfile", metavar="KICKSTART_PATH", help=help_parser.help_text("kickstart")) ap.add_argument("--rescue", dest="rescue", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("rescue")) ap.add_argument("--armplatform", dest="armPlatform", type=str, metavar="PLATFORM_ID", help=help_parser.help_text("armplatform")) ap.add_argument("--multilib", dest="multiLib", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("multilib")) ap.add_argument("-m", "--method", dest="method", default=None, metavar="METHOD", help=help_parser.help_text("method")) ap.add_argument("--askmethod", dest="askmethod", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("askmethod")) ap.add_argument("--repo", dest="method", default=None, metavar="REPO_URL", help=help_parser.help_text("repo")) ap.add_argument("--stage2", dest="stage2", default=None, metavar="STAGE2_URL", help=help_parser.help_text("stage2")) ap.add_argument("--noverifyssl", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("noverifyssl")) ap.add_argument("--liveinst", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("liveinst")) # Display ap.add_argument("--resolution", dest="runres", default=None, metavar="WIDTHxHEIGHT", help=help_parser.help_text("resolution")) ap.add_argument("--usefbx", dest="xdriver", action="store_const", const="fbdev", help=help_parser.help_text("usefbx")) ap.add_argument("--vnc", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("vnc")) ap.add_argument("--vncconnect", metavar="HOST:PORT", help=help_parser.help_text("vncconnect")) ap.add_argument("--vncpassword", default="", metavar="PASSWORD", help=help_parser.help_text("vncpassword")) ap.add_argument("--xdriver", dest="xdriver", action="store", type=str, default=None, metavar="DRIVER", help=help_parser.help_text("xdriver")) # Language ap.add_argument("--keymap", metavar="KEYMAP", help=help_parser.help_text("keymap")) ap.add_argument("--lang", metavar="LANG", help=help_parser.help_text("lang")) ap.add_argument("--singlelang", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("singlelang")) # Obvious ap.add_argument("--loglevel", metavar="LEVEL", help=help_parser.help_text("loglevel")) ap.add_argument("--syslog", metavar="HOST[:PORT]", help=help_parser.help_text("syslog")) ap.add_argument("--remotelog", metavar="HOST:PORT", help=help_parser.help_text("remotelog")) from pykickstart.constants import SELINUX_DISABLED, SELINUX_ENFORCING from pyanaconda.constants import SELINUX_DEFAULT ap.add_argument("--noselinux", dest="selinux", action="store_const", const=SELINUX_DISABLED, default=SELINUX_DEFAULT, help=help_parser.help_text("noselinux")) # Use a custom action to convert --selinux=0 and --selinux=1 into the # appropriate constants class ParseSelinux(Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if values == "0": setattr(namespace, self.dest, SELINUX_DISABLED) else: setattr(namespace, self.dest, SELINUX_ENFORCING) ap.add_argument("--selinux", action=ParseSelinux, nargs="?", help=help_parser.help_text("selinux")) ap.add_argument("--nompath", dest="mpath", action="store_false", default=True, help=help_parser.help_text("nompath")) ap.add_argument("--mpath", action="store_true", help=help_parser.help_text("mpath")) ap.add_argument("--nodmraid", dest="dmraid", action="store_false", default=True, help=help_parser.help_text("nodmraid")) ap.add_argument("--dmraid", action="store_true", help=help_parser.help_text("dmraid")) ap.add_argument("--noibft", dest="ibft", action="store_false", default=True, help=help_parser.help_text("noibft")) ap.add_argument("--ibft", action="store_true", help=help_parser.help_text("ibft")) # Geolocation ap.add_argument("--geoloc", metavar="PROVIDER_ID", help=help_parser.help_text("geoloc")) # legacy stuff ap.add_argument("--legacygrub", dest="legacygrub", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("legacygrub")) # Kickstart and log saving # - use a custom action to convert the values of the nosave option into appropriate flags class ParseNosave(Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): options = [] if values: options = values.split(",") if "all" in options: flags_instance.nosave_input_ks = True flags_instance.nosave_output_ks = True flags_instance.nosave_logs = True else: if "all_ks" in options: flags_instance.nosave_input_ks = True flags_instance.nosave_output_ks = True else: if "input_ks" in options: flags_instance.nosave_input_ks = True if "output_ks" in options: flags_instance.nosave_output_ks = True if "logs" in options: flags_instance.nosave_logs = True ap.add_argument("--nosave", action=ParseNosave, nargs="?", help=help_parser.help_text("nosave")) # Miscellaneous ap.add_argument("--nomount", dest="rescue_nomount", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("nomount")) ap.add_argument("--updates", dest="updateSrc", action="store", type=str, metavar="UPDATES_URL", help=help_parser.help_text("updates")) ap.add_argument("--image", action="append", dest="images", default=[], metavar="IMAGE_SPEC", help=help_parser.help_text("image")) ap.add_argument("--dirinstall", nargs="?", const=os.environ.get("ANACONDA_ROOT_PATH", "/mnt/sysimage"), help=help_parser.help_text("dirinstall")) ap.add_argument("--memcheck", action="store_true", default=True, help=help_parser.help_text("memcheck")) ap.add_argument("--nomemcheck", action="store_false", dest="memcheck", help=help_parser.help_text("nomemcheck")) ap.add_argument("--leavebootorder", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("leavebootorder")) ap.add_argument("--noeject", action="store_false", dest="eject", default=True, help=help_parser.help_text("noeject")) ap.add_argument("--extlinux", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("extlinux")) ap.add_argument("--nombr", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("nombr")) ap.add_argument("--mpathfriendlynames", action="store_true", default=True, help=help_parser.help_text("mpathfriendlynames")) ap.add_argument("--kexec", action="store_true", default=False, help=help_parser.help_text("kexec")) # some defaults change based on cmdline flags if boot_cmdline is not None: if "console" in boot_cmdline: ap.set_defaults(display_mode="t") return ap