# # flags.py: global anaconda flags # # Copyright (C) 2001 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import selinux import shlex import glob from pyanaconda.constants import SELINUX_DEFAULT from collections import OrderedDict import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # A lot of effort, but it only allows a limited set of flags to be referenced class Flags(object): def __setattr__(self, attr, val): # pylint: disable-msg=E1101 if attr not in self.__dict__ and not self._in_init: raise AttributeError(attr) else: self.__dict__[attr] = val def get(self, attr, val=None): return getattr(self, attr, val) def set_cmdline_bool(self, flag): if flag in self.cmdline: setattr(self, flag, self.cmdline.getbool(flag)) def __init__(self, read_cmdline=True): self.__dict__['_in_init'] = True self.livecdInstall = 0 self.dlabel = 0 self.ibft = 1 self.iscsi = 0 self.usevnc = 0 self.vncquestion = True self.mpath = 1 self.dmraid = 1 self.selinux = SELINUX_DEFAULT self.debug = 0 self.targetarch = None self.useIPv4 = True self.useIPv6 = True self.armPlatform = None self.preexisting_x11 = False self.noverifyssl = False self.imageInstall = False self.automatedInstall = False self.dirInstall = False self.askmethod = False self.eject = True self.extlinux = False self.gpt = False self.leavebootorder = False self.testing = False self.dnf = False # ksprompt is whether or not to prompt for missing ksdata self.ksprompt = True # parse the boot commandline self.cmdline = BootArgs() # Lock it down: no more creating new flags! self.__dict__['_in_init'] = False if read_cmdline: self.read_cmdline() def read_cmdline(self): for f in ("selinux", "debug", "leavebootorder", "testing"): self.set_cmdline_bool(f) if "rpmarch" in self.cmdline: self.targetarch = self.cmdline.get("rpmarch") if not selinux.is_selinux_enabled(): self.selinux = 0 if "extlinux" in self.cmdline: self.extlinux = True if "gpt" in self.cmdline: self.gpt = True if "dnf" in self.cmdline: self.dnf = True cmdline_files = ['/proc/cmdline', '/run/install/cmdline', '/run/install/cmdline.d/*.conf', '/etc/cmdline'] class BootArgs(OrderedDict): """ Hold boot arguments as an OrderedDict. """ def __init__(self, cmdline=None, files=None): """ Create a BootArgs object. Reads each of the "files", then parses "cmdline" if it was provided. """ OrderedDict.__init__(self) if files is None: self.read(cmdline_files) elif files: self.read(files) if cmdline: self.readstr(cmdline) def read(self, filenames): """ Read and parse a filename (or a list of filenames). Files that can't be read are silently ignored. Returns a list of successfully read files. filenames can contain *, ?, and character ranges expressed with [] """ readfiles = [] if type(filenames) == str: filenames = [filenames] # Expand any filename globs filenames = [f for g in filenames for f in glob.glob(g)] for f in filenames: try: self.readstr(open(f).read()) readfiles.append(f) except IOError: continue return readfiles def readstr(self, cmdline): cmdline = cmdline.strip() # if the BOOT_IMAGE contains a space, pxelinux will strip one of the # quotes leaving one at the end that shlex doesn't know what to do # with (left, middle, right) = cmdline.rpartition("BOOT_IMAGE=") if right.count('"') % 2: cmdline = left + middle + '"' + right # shlex doesn't properly handle \\ (it removes them) # which scrambles the spaces used in labels so use underscores cmdline = cmdline.replace("\\x20", "_") lst = shlex.split(cmdline) for i in lst: if "=" in i: (key, val) = i.split("=", 1) else: key = i val = None self[key] = val def getbool(self, arg, default=False): """ Return the value of the given arg, as a boolean. The rules are: - "arg", "arg=val": True - "noarg", "noarg=val", "arg=[0|off|no]": False """ result = default for a in self: if a == arg: if self[arg] in ("0", "off", "no"): result = False else: result = True elif a == 'no'+arg: result = False # XXX: should noarg=off -> True? return result def can_touch_runtime_system(msg, touch_live=False): """ Guard that should be used before doing actions that modify runtime system. :param msg: message to be logged in case that runtime system cannot be touched :type msg: str :param touch_live: whether to allow touching liveCD installation system :type touch_live: bool :rtype: bool """ if flags.livecdInstall and not touch_live: log.info("Not doing '%s' in live installation", msg) return False if flags.imageInstall: log.info("Not doing '%s' in image installation", msg) return False if flags.dirInstall: log.info("Not doing '%s' in directory installation", msg) return False if flags.testing: log.info("Not doing '%s', because we are just testing", msg) return False return True global flags flags = Flags()