Qubes R3.0 release notes ======================== This Qubes OS release is dedicated to the memory of Caspar Bowden. Major new features since 2.0 ---------------------- * Xen 4.4 * Qrexec 3 * Debian templates * Whonix templates * Build system improvements For other features take a look at [completed tickets](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues?q=is%3Aclosed+is%3A:issue+milestone%3A%22Release+3.0%22+label%3Aenhancement) Known issues ------------ * For known issues take a look at [our tickets](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Release+3.0%22+label%3Abug) It is advised to install updates just after system installation to apply bug fixes for (some of) the above problems. Downloads --------- See [Qubes Downloads](https://qubes-os.org/doc/QubesDownloads/). Installation instructions ------------------------- See [Installation Guide](https://qubes-os.org/doc/InstallationGuide/). Upgrading --------- ### From from R3.0rc1 If you are using Qubes R3.0rc1, just install system updates, there is no special steps required. ### From R2.0 or earlier The easiest and safest way to upgrade to Qubes R3.0 is to install it from scratch and use [qubes backup and restore tools](/doc/BackupRestore/) for migrating of all of the user VMs. Users of Qubes R2 can upgrade using [experimental procedure](/doc/UpgradeToR3.0/).