pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes package¶
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.advstorage package
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib package
- Submodules
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.accordion module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.cart module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.custom_storage_helpers module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.dasdfmt module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.detailederror module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.entropy_dialog module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.lang_locale_handler module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.passphrase module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.refresh module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.resize module
- pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.summary module
- Module contents
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.custom module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.custom.CustomPartitioningSpoke(data, storage, payload, instclass)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke, pyanaconda.ui.helpers.StorageChecker
- MIN_SIZE_ENTRY = Size('1 MiB')¶
- add_new_selector(device)¶
Add an entry for device to the new install Page.
- apply()¶
- bootLoaderDevices¶
- builderObjects = ['customStorageWindow', 'containerStore', 'deviceTypeStore', 'partitionStore', 'raidStoreFiltered', 'raidLevelStore', 'addImage', 'removeImage', 'settingsImage', 'mountPointCompletion', 'mountPointStore']¶
- category¶
alias of SystemCategory
- clear_errors()¶
- get_new_devices()¶
- helpFile = 'CustomSpoke.xml'¶
- indirect¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'customStorageWindow'¶
- on_add_clicked(button)¶
- on_back_clicked(button)¶
- on_configure_clicked(button)¶
- on_container_changed(combo)¶
- on_create_clicked(button, autopartTypeCombo)¶
- on_device_type_changed(combo)¶
- on_fs_type_changed(combo)¶
- on_info_bar_clicked(*args)¶
- on_key_pressed(widget, event, *args)¶
- on_modify_container_clicked(button)¶
- on_page_clicked(page, mountpointToShow=None)¶
- on_reformat_toggled(widget)¶
- on_refresh_clicked(*args)¶
- on_remove_clicked(button)¶
- on_reset_clicked(*args)¶
- on_selector_clicked(selector)¶
- on_summary_clicked(button)¶
- on_unlock_clicked = functools.partial(<pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils.timed_action.<locals>.TimedAction object at 0x7feaa56d6710>, None)¶
- on_update_settings_clicked = functools.partial(<pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils.timed_action.<locals>.TimedAction object at 0x7feaa19897f0>, None)¶
- on_value_changed(*args)¶
- refresh()¶
- run_container_editor(container=None, name=None)¶
Run container edit dialog and return True if changes were made.
- status¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
- unusedDevices¶
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.datetime_spoke module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.datetime_spoke.DatetimeSpoke(*args)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.common.FirstbootSpokeMixIn, pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke
- add_to_store(*args, **kwargs)¶
The new body for the decorated method.
- add_to_store_idx(*args, **kwargs)¶
The new body for the decorated method.
- add_to_store_xlated(*args, **kwargs)¶
The new body for the decorated method.
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['datetimeWindow', 'days', 'months', 'years', 'regions', 'cities', 'upImage', 'upImage1', 'upImage2', 'downImage', 'downImage1', 'downImage2', 'downImage3', 'configImage', 'citiesFilter', 'daysFilter', 'cityCompletion', 'regionCompletion']¶
- category¶
alias of LocalizationCategory
- city_in_region(model, itr, user_data=None)¶
- completed¶
- execute()¶
- existing_date(days_model, days_iter, user_data=None)¶
- helpFile = 'DateTimeSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'preferences-system-time-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'datetimeWindow'¶
- mandatory¶
- on_city_changed(combo, *args)¶
ComboBox emits ::changed signal not only when something is selected, but also when its entry’s text is changed. We need to distinguish between those two cases (‘London’ typed in the entry => no action until ENTER is hit etc.; ‘London’ chosen in the expanded combobox => update timezone map and do all necessary actions). Fortunately when entry is being edited, self._get_active_city returns None.
- on_city_region_key_released(entry, event, *args)¶
- on_city_region_text_entry_activated(entry)¶
- on_completion_match_selected(combo, model, itr)¶
- on_day_changed(*args)¶
- on_down_hours_clicked(*args)¶
- on_down_minutes_clicked(*args)¶
- on_entry_left(entry, *args)¶
- on_location_changed(tz_map, location)¶
- on_month_changed(*args)¶
- on_ntp_config_clicked(*args)¶
- on_ntp_switched(switch, *args)¶
- on_region_changed(combo, *args)¶
See: on_city_changed
- on_timeformat_changed(button24h, *args)¶
- on_up_hours_clicked(*args)¶
- on_up_minutes_clicked(*args)¶
- on_updown_ampm_clicked(*args)¶
- on_year_changed(*args)¶
- ready¶
- refresh()¶
- status¶
- title = '_TIME & DATE'¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.filter module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.filter.FilterSpoke(*args)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['diskStore', 'filterWindow', 'searchModel', 'multipathModel', 'otherModel', 'zModel']¶
- category¶
alias of SystemCategory
- helpFile = 'FilterSpoke.xml'¶
- indirect¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'filterWindow'¶
- on_add_dasd_clicked(widget, *args)¶
- on_add_fcoe_clicked(widget, *args)¶
- on_add_iscsi_clicked(widget, *args)¶
- on_add_zfcp_clicked(widget, *args)¶
- on_back_clicked(button)¶
- on_clear_icon_clicked(entry, icon_pos, event)¶
- on_filter_changed = functools.partial(<pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils.timed_action.<locals>.TimedAction object at 0x7feaa2920ba8>, None)¶
- on_multipath_type_changed(combo)¶
- on_other_type_combo_changed(combo)¶
- on_page_switched(notebook, newPage, newPageNum, *args)¶
- on_refresh_clicked = functools.partial(<pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils.timed_action.<locals>.TimedAction object at 0x7feaa2920ac8>, None)¶
- on_row_toggled(button, path)¶
- on_search_type_changed(combo)¶
- on_summary_clicked(button)¶
- on_z_type_combo_changed(combo)¶
- refresh()¶
- status¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.keyboard module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.keyboard.KeyboardSpoke(*args)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['addedLayoutStore', 'keyboardWindow', 'layoutTestBuffer']¶
- category¶
alias of LocalizationCategory
- completed¶
- helpFile = 'KeyboardSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'input-keyboard-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'keyboardWindow'¶
- on_add_clicked(button)¶
- on_down_clicked(button)¶
- on_options_clicked(*args)¶
- on_preview_clicked(button)¶
- on_remove_clicked(button)¶
- on_selection_changed(selection, *args)¶
- on_up_clicked(button)¶
- ready¶
- refresh()¶
- status¶
- title = '_KEYBOARD'¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.langsupport module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.langsupport.LangsupportSpoke(*args, **kwargs)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.lang_locale_handler.LangLocaleHandler, pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['languageStore', 'languageStoreFilter', 'localeStore', 'langsupportWindow']¶
- category¶
alias of LocalizationCategory
- completed¶
- focusWidgetName = 'languageEntry'¶
- helpFile = 'LangSupportSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'accessories-character-map-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'langsupportWindow'¶
- mandatory¶
- on_locale_toggled(renderer, path)¶
- refresh()¶
- showable¶
- status¶
- title = '_LANGUAGE SUPPORT'¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶ module¶
- class*args, **kwargs)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.common.FirstbootSpokeMixIn, pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['networkWindow', 'liststore_wireless_network', 'liststore_devices', 'add_device_dialog', 'liststore_add_device']¶
- category¶
alias of SystemCategory
- completed¶
- execute()¶
- helpFile = 'NetworkSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'network-transmit-receive-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'networkWindow'¶
- mandatory¶
- on_back_clicked(button)¶
- on_device_state_changed(source, device, new_state, *args)¶
- on_nm_state_changed(*args)¶
- refresh()¶
- status¶
A short string describing which devices are connected.
- title = '_NETWORK & HOST NAME'¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
- class*args, **kwargs)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.StandaloneSpoke
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['networkStandaloneWindow', 'networkControlBox_vbox', 'liststore_wireless_network', 'liststore_devices', 'add_device_dialog', 'liststore_add_device']¶
- completed¶
- execute()¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'networkStandaloneWindow'¶
- on_nm_state_changed(*args)¶
- preForHub¶
alias of SummaryHub
- priority = 10¶
- refresh()¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.password module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.password.PasswordSpoke(*args)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.common.FirstbootSpokeMixIn, pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke, pyanaconda.ui.gui.helpers.GUISpokeInputCheckHandler
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['passwordWindow']¶
- category¶
alias of UserSettingsCategory
- completed¶
- focusWidgetName = 'pw'¶
- helpFile = 'PasswordSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'dialog-password-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'passwordWindow'¶
- mandatory¶
- on_back_clicked(button)¶
- on_password_changed(editable, data=None)¶
- refresh()¶
- sensitive¶
- status¶
- title = '_ROOT PASSWORD'¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶ module¶
- class*args, **kwargs)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['addonStore', 'environmentStore', 'softwareWindow']¶
- category¶
alias of SoftwareCategory
- changed¶
- checkSoftwareSelection()¶
- completed¶
- helpFile = 'SoftwareSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'package-x-generic-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'softwareWindow'¶
- mandatory¶
- on_addon_activated(listbox, row)¶
- on_checkbox_toggled(button, row)¶
- on_environment_activated(listbox, row)¶
- on_info_bar_clicked(*args)¶
- ready¶
- refresh()¶
- refreshAddons()¶
- showable¶
- status¶
- txid_valid¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.source module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.source.SourceSpoke(*args, **kwargs)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke, pyanaconda.ui.gui.helpers.GUISpokeInputCheckHandler
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['isoChooser', 'isoFilter', 'partitionStore', 'sourceWindow', 'dirImage', 'repoStore']¶
- category¶
alias of SoftwareCategory
- changed¶
- completed¶
WARNING: This can be called before _initialize is done, make sure that it doesn’t access things that are not setup (eg. payload.*) until it is ready
- helpFile = 'SourceSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'media-optical-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'sourceWindow'¶
- mandatory¶
- on_addRepo_clicked(button)¶
Add a new repository
- on_back_clicked(button)¶
If any input validation checks failed, keep the user on the screen. Otherwise, do the usual thing.
- on_chooser_clicked(button)¶
- on_noUpdatesCheckbox_toggled(*args)¶
Toggle the enable state of the updates repo
Before final release this will also toggle the updates-testing repo
- on_protocol_changed(combo)¶
- on_proxy_clicked(button)¶
- on_removeRepo_clicked(button)¶
Remove the selected repository
- on_repoEnable_toggled(renderer, path)¶
Called when the repo Enable checkbox is clicked
- on_repoMirrorlistCheckbox_toggled(*args)¶
mirror state changed
- on_repoNameEntry_changed(entry)¶
repo name changed
- on_repoProtocolComboBox_changed(combobox, user_data=None)¶
- on_repoProxy_changed(*args)¶
Update the selected repo’s proxy settings
- on_repoSelection_changed(*args)¶
Called when the selection changed.
Update the repo text boxes with the current information
- on_repoStore_row_changed(model, path, itr, user_data=None)¶
- on_repoStore_row_deleted(model, path, user_data=None)¶
- on_repoStore_row_inserted(model, path, itr, user_data=None)¶
- on_repoUrl_changed(editable, data=None)¶
proxy url or protocol changed
- on_resetRepos_clicked(button)¶
Revert to the default list of repositories
- on_source_toggled(button, relatedBox)¶
- on_urlEntry_changed(editable, data=None)¶
- on_verify_iso_clicked(button)¶
- on_verify_media_clicked(button)¶
- ready¶
- refresh()¶
- showable¶
- status¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶ module¶
add button within sw_needs text in options dialogs 2,3
- udev data gathering
- udev fwraid, mpath would sure be nice
- status/completed
- what are noteworthy status events?
- disks selected
- exclusiveDisks non-empty
sufficient space for software selection
autopart selected
- custom selected
- performing custom configuration
storage configuration complete
spacing and border width always 6
- class*args, **kwargs)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke, pyanaconda.ui.helpers.StorageChecker
- advancedOverviews¶
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['storageWindow', 'addSpecializedImage']¶
- category¶
alias of SystemCategory
- completed¶
- execute(*args, **kwargs)¶
The new body for the decorated method.
- helpFile = 'StorageSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'drive-harddisk-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- localOverviews¶
- mainWidgetName = 'storageWindow'¶
- on_back_clicked(button)¶
- on_custom_toggled(button)¶
- on_disks_key_released(box, event)¶
- on_info_bar_clicked(*args)¶
- on_specialized_clicked(button)¶
- on_summary_clicked(button)¶
- ready¶
- refresh()¶
- run_dasdfmt()¶
Though the same function exists in pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.dasdfmt, this instance doesn’t include any of the UI pieces and should only really be getting called on ks installations with “zerombr”.
- run_lightbox_dialog(dialog)¶
- showable¶
- status¶
A short string describing the current status of storage setup.
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.user module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.user.UserSpoke(*args)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.common.FirstbootSpokeMixIn, pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke, pyanaconda.ui.gui.helpers.GUISpokeInputCheckHandler
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['userCreationWindow']¶
- category¶
alias of UserSettingsCategory
- completed¶
- focusWidgetName = 't_fullname'¶
- full_name_changed(editable=None, data=None)¶
Called by Gtk callback when the full name field changes. It guesses the username and hostname, strips diacritics and make those lowercase.
- helpFile = 'UserSpoke.xml'¶
- icon = 'avatar-default-symbolic'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'userCreationWindow'¶
- mandatory¶
Only mandatory if the root pw hasn’t been set in the UI eg. not mandatory if the root account was locked in a kickstart
- on_advanced_clicked(_button, data=None)¶
Handler for the Advanced.. button. It starts the Advanced dialog for setting homedit, uid, gid and groups.
- on_back_clicked(button)¶
- password_changed(editable=None, data=None)¶
Update the password strength level bar
- refresh()¶
- sensitive¶
- classmethod should_run(environment, data)¶
- status¶
- title = '_USER CREATION'¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
- usepassword_toggled(togglebutton=None, data=None)¶
Called by Gtk callback when the “Use password” check button is toggled. It will make password entries in/sensitive.
- username_changed(editable=None, data=None)¶
Called by Gtk callback when the username or hostname entry changes. It disables the guess algorithm if the user added his own text there and reenable it when the user deletes the whole text.
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.user.AdvancedUserDialog(user, groupDict, data)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.GUIObject, pyanaconda.ui.gui.helpers.GUIDialogInputCheckHandler
- builderObjects = ['advancedUserDialog', 'uid', 'gid']¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'advancedUserDialog'¶
- on_gid_mnemonic_activate(widget, group_cycling, user_data=None)¶
- on_uid_mnemonic_activate(widget, group_cycling, user_data=None)¶
- refresh()¶
- run()¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.welcome module¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.welcome.WelcomeLanguageSpoke(*args, **kwargs)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.lib.lang_locale_handler.LangLocaleHandler, pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.StandaloneSpoke
- apply()¶
- builderObjects = ['languageStore', 'languageStoreFilter', 'localeStore', 'welcomeWindow', 'betaWarnDialog', 'unsupportedHardwareDialog']¶
- completed¶
- focusWidgetName = 'languageEntry'¶
- helpFile = 'WelcomeSpoke.xml'¶
- initialize()¶
- mainWidgetName = 'welcomeWindow'¶
- on_lang_selection_changed(selection)¶
- on_locale_selection_changed(selection)¶
- preForHub¶
alias of SummaryHub
- priority = 0¶
- refresh()¶
- retranslate()¶
- uiFile = 'spokes/'¶
Module contents¶
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.StandaloneSpoke(data, storage, payload, instclass)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.GUIObject, pyanaconda.ui.common.StandaloneSpoke
- class pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.NormalSpoke(data, storage, payload, instclass)¶
Bases: pyanaconda.ui.gui.GUIObject, pyanaconda.ui.common.NormalSpoke
- on_back_clicked(window)¶