We're not planning to support any other langs than en in Dom0 anytime soon,
so those packages are essentially useless. Users are not supposed to use
any apps in Dom0 (except for the Window Manager).
1) Use /tmp/qubes-installer-workdir instead of the ugly /Devel/Qubes
2) Use local fedora repo instead of the remote one
3) Still keep the remote fedora repo for extra packages (with higher cost though)
4) Use local repo keys!!!
5) Use nice update_repo.sh script
All in all now use 5 repos during installation:
* build/yum/installer (installer-related rpms)
* build/yum/qubes-dom0 (all the Qubes stuff)
* build/yum/dom0-updates (for select 3rd party packages, e.g. Xorg)
* build/fedora13-repo (local fedora 13 repo, copy from DVD, we don't
keep it uder build/yum, because we don't want our update script
to process it every time)
* remote fedora repo for extra packages (usually deps for qubes-dom0)
* revisor/master:
Local repository has the lowest cost - overrides other repos
Moved Revisor configs to subdirectory
Moved Revisor package to subdirectory
Imported Qubes Revisor package source
Change file paths to be a bit more generic
Removed unneded packages
Add knetworkmanager needed for dom0 networking
Removed unneded packages
Use comps on CD
Put template on CD
Cleanup by /usr/share/revisor/comps-cleanup.xsl
Initial import of configuration files
* firstboot/master:
Moved Firstboot source to subdirectory
Add user to qubes group
Qubes rebranding
Disabled Network login option
Imported firstboot-1.110 source
* anaconda/master:
Moved Anaconda source to subdirectory
Revert "Put ATA and DRI modules to CD initrd" #92
Blacklist aesni-intel module in kernel commandline. #102
Add max_loop=255 parameter to kernel commandline. #101
Created Qubes installclass
Use defaultBootFSType for /boot partition
Skip software packages selection screen
Use disk encryption by default
Use 512MB for /boot partition and rest for / partition
Put ATA and DRI modules to CD initrd
Generate grub.conf properly for Qubes kernel
Added XEN support to mk-images.x86. Removed PXE support.
Fixed mk-images.efi typo
Initial import of anaconda-13.42 source
* branding/master:
Disable fedora repo by default. #93
Renamed qubes-r1-dom0.repo file for YUM
Created placeholder Qubes branding images.
Use R1 as the codename
Initial import of qubes-logos package.
Initial import of qubes-release package.