Since lorax is running as a separate process, it no longer use
repositories objects setup by pykickstart (which is already patched to
support gpgkey). This means we need somehow pass that info, otherwise
packages will not be verified.
This reverts commit 416e3eb0c5.
This shouldn't be needed, when lorax will be called as a separate
process, not imported into pungi as a module (where python version
dracut dies with a usage message here if the version is passed after the
image name.
This is probably not needed as it turns out but I can't test that without a
full clean build which I don't have time for right now.
Fedora 23 forces every app that can be run under python 3 to be installed
as a python 3 app. This means lorax is installed as python 3 while pungi
remains 2.7. As soon as pungi is updated to python 3 (or the Fedora team
come to their senses) this package can be deleted.